Are you planning on logging food on Thanksgiving?



  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    As hard as it is for me not to - no. However, I am going to watch my portions and try not to overeat.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Yep, I sure will be logging calories, just like any other day.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Holidays, parties, and buffets I use the same method - take pictures of my plate and log it later. Not the most accurate method, but it helps me to remember everything. And now because of Instagram, etc people don't think it's totally crazy if I take a picture of my food.

    ETA- I don't go overboard, I still try to stay in my calories, but that doesn't always work since I don't log it til later.

    That's a good idea. I would do this, but my family would look at me crazy, so I just eat some when I get there and then take the leftovers home where I can log and fit it into my daily calories.
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    I'll log my food, but I don't think I'm going to worry about hitting my goals. Last year, I ended up in the ER on Thanksgiving with a gall bladder…thing. I didn't digest a single bite that day & had surgery the next day, so this year, I'm planning on enjoying my meal! And considering that I don't gorge myself when I eat anymore, I think things will be fine.
  • veggiemary
    veggiemary Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, I'll probably log to the best of my ability. I'm a vegetarian, so no meat, gravy, or stuffing for me. I'll eat a lot of veggies and salads. I'm not too worried. Also, I HATE pumpkin pie. :-)
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I am not sure whether I should even bother or not because 1) I don't want to detract from family time by spending time looking up stuff and recording on MFP, and 2) I think if I start recording and realize I've gone over my calorie goal that I'll get discouraged and use having blown it already as an excuse to go even more overboard.

    So maybe take the day off and just go by my hunger/satiety cues?

    What are you all planning on doing?

    I give myself 400 extra calories on that day and log like normal.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Nope .. Canadian here eh. I didn't log .. and just gained 3 lbs on Canadian Thanksgiving. And that was eating sensibly. Imagine if I really did eat like I could have.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Logging, just as I had last year.
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    I will log about 4,000 down. But plan to do my normal 4 to 5 mile morning walk and a mile afterwards. This is because we are going to the casino to dine. I will also try to do a mile coming back home.
    But like so many others stated, I stick to my daily goals very well. But I know a few times a year, I will enjoy. But I found out the last cheat day I had, I couldn't eat as much like I thought I would! We went to Longhorn for my grandmother's 92nd birthday. I didn't eat no bread, no appetizers, unsweet tea, steam veggies and did enjoy a ribeye. I'm founding out that food is not as important as it use to be
  • huntndox
    huntndox Posts: 33 Member
    I will log, with the knowledge that I know I will be going over on my calories but I'm going to try to be as careful as I can. I'm going to try to control the size of some of my portions and see if I can't make it a little better by doing that. But I know as a holiday it will be over my normal eating amounts and kinds of food.
  • I'm going to log and estimate as much as I can. I plan on eating everything I want but just smaller portions. I don't miss the "stuffed" feeling and I think it's important for me to realize that this change I'm making is a lifestyle change so a smaller portion will not really be a big deal.
  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    No logging for me.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    There are friends here holding me accountable for my logging, so yes, I will log. It may be late, but I will log...everything.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm going to eat everything in sight and log nothing.
  • shawn1112
    shawn1112 Posts: 94 Member
    Sat is my cheat day normally, so I have decided I will use Turkey Day as my cheat day that week and will treat my normal cheat day as a regular day.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I am going to log the best I can. I may have to eyeball portions, and my pumpkin pie might differ slightly in calories from the one I find on MFP... but I'll get as close as I possibly can. That way, even if I am over by 1000 calories, I know how much "damage" has been done and can take some measures to undo it. Mainly though, I plan to log because when I do, I don't go as crazy and tend to eat a little less than I otherwise would, even though I give myself permission to go over.
  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    Yes. It's just going to be my parents and maybe my sister and her boyfriend this year for Thanksgiving. I don't plan to eat a lot to begin with and I will probably weigh the turkey meat and other foods to know how many calories I'm getting (just like any other day). I will also help with preparing and cooking the meal, so this will allow me to keep better caloric track with what is going into my diary on T-Day. No binging on stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies, and ice cream for me.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    No, I'm running a 5K that morning and after that all bets are off ... I'll probably be to wined to do anything technology oriented anyway ... Total Lushy-Lush-Pants on holidays ... I take full advantage of my not being able to drive due to a visual impairment, I figure, God gave it to me so I could always be the life of the party ... My goal is 2 bottles of wine ...
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    If you have a problem with Binge eating (which I struggled with at one point) I would DEF keep an eye on it!!! BE mindful..This is a day about being thankful, not stuffing our mouths with food we will have to burn off!!! ENJOY your friends/family and the blessings you have been given. PRIMARY FOOD (our relationships and feeling we have for ourselves) if FIRST ….Food is for nourishment…Have a little something yummy! TRUST your body!!!! BE good to it.
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member