Achieved Goal, feeling dissappointed



  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member

    I guess it's more about learning not to compare myself to other thinner people and learning to be happy with who I am...but is that settling? Should I always push myself? I agree, maybe I need to stop looking at the number now, I'll redo my measurements and I'll work at strengthening my core, and strengthening my mind.

    One of the greatest things I have ever heard is comparison is the thief of true.

    ^ deserves to be quoted!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    I guess it's more about learning not to compare myself to other thinner people and learning to be happy with who I am...but is that settling? Should I always push myself? I agree, maybe I need to stop looking at the number now, I'll redo my measurements and I'll work at strengthening my core, and strengthening my mind.

    One of the greatest things I have ever heard is comparison is the thief of true.

    ^ deserves to be quoted!

    Especially when the person you're comparing yourself to is much younger than you or is PAID to look fantastic full time. And has a makeup artist. And a photoshop artist.

    Look at where you came from. And do focus on fitness.
  • j3bean
    j3bean Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support.

    *sigh* weight training. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.

    1. I can't afford a gym membership right now.
    2. tiny little house, so no place to put a home gym
    3. the above two are my favorite excuses to use to deflect the fact that I don't like the idea of weight training! :wink:

    I have 2lbs and 5lbs weights at home that I use irregularity...yes I know that won't cut it. I was thinking about Pilates or yoga in the new year.

    I guess it's more about learning not to compare myself to other thinner people and learning to be happy with who I am...but is that settling? Should I always push myself? I agree, maybe I need to stop looking at the number now, I'll redo my measurements and I'll work at strengthening my core, and strengthening my mind.

    From your description we are in similar situations... I am making the transition into maintenance, I have a tiny house - although I can afford it, I hate going to the gym (except that I make a concession and swim twice a week- but never step foot in the weight room) and yes I have found myself more critical of my body than when I was fat ... mrrrr.

    However, I think you have the right idea of not comparing yourself to others and I think its also important to keep a clear picture in your head of what you have achieved- keep a before and after picture somewhere that you will see it with regularity - I keep one on my desktop. Also find a body part that you think has been completely transformed to what you like and focus on that. For me that has been seeing a definition line in my legs and arms that I haven't seen in 20 years, and I make it a rule that under no circumstances am I to dwell on looking at my behind in the mirror...

    Exercise need not be expensive or require a gym membership or a lot of space. Walking is my go to sport- if you have a good pair of shoes that need not be expensive, then you have an instant gym in your neighborhood extra bonus if you have some hills. 2 and 4 pound weights are all that I have to achieve my "muscle definition" thanks to Jillian Michaels and 30 day shred (DVD less than 5 dollars) that requires a mat or a good rug and some hand weights. I use 2 lbs and find it enough of a challenge. And I do Pilates once a week- which can be expensive, but I think is well worth it.

    Hope that helps- Good luck!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Definitely you can do yoga and pilates at home to help with resistance training - both will increase your core strength enabling you to do more vigorous and difficult things - pushups for women are difficult but not impossible after you build upper body strength. Getting started can be as simple as going to your public library and getting books and/or videos.
  • ballpal
    ballpal Posts: 7 Member
    Wow more than 40 pounds you should be proud. If you still not satisfied you might need to do more strength training. Congrats!
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I felt the same way until I was at the gym today sitting on the AB X machine. I was watching a guy use a jump rope and from the corner of my eye it looked like someone was staring at me. To myself I said "what's that skinny b*tch staring at?" It was the wall mirror! I was looking at myself from another angle lol!

    OMG that's hilarious!!
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Yeah, that skin under the chin is a bummer, isn't it?

    Good news! Your body keeps changing in maintenance. My weight doesn't change any more, but I'm getting more muscle and the fat must be disappearing because I'm getting bonier and bonier. All the lose skin is disappearing. And moisturizer is your friend.

    Work on fitness. The inches and the lose skin will go. The healthier body will stay.

    Yeah, I've been doing face and neck exercises to try and firm up the area around my chin, I don't know if it will work, but it can't hurt to try. I wonder what the motorists around me think when they see me making weird faces while I drive! :-)
  • daniflems
    daniflems Posts: 69 Member
    Can I suggest Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred? It's a DVD that really helped tone my body and I was able to do in my living room after pushing the coffee table out of the way!! It is an intense workout packed into a short amount of time. It will help tone your body and make you more lean. It starts out "easy" (i use the term loosely) and has 3 different levels so you can keep challenging yourself! It gets a little repetitive and you feel really sore the first few days but once your body starts to adjust you will start to see the results in a relatively short time (if you keep at it and push yourself of course). I highly recommend it
  • baristagirl7
    baristagirl7 Posts: 69 Member
    Good Job reaching your goal. Sadly, We are always going to be critical of how we look and feel. I think to actually reach a point when you are feeling 100% satisfied is when you do some major soul searching. Read books on positive thinking and retrain your brain to Love the way you look instead of be so negative.
    I to have reached my goal and have stayed there. But my next "goal" is to train harder and eat healthier to get that flat stomach and toned body I dream of getting.
    Remember Weight is only a number. But the way you want to appear with the 6 pack and solid arms, legs and stomach perky boobs is something you have to push yourself extra hard to reach!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support.

    *sigh* weight training. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.

    1. I can't afford a gym membership right now.
    2. tiny little house, so no place to put a home gym
    3. the above two are my favorite excuses to use to deflect the fact that I don't like the idea of weight training! :wink:

    I have 2lbs and 5lbs weights at home that I use irregularity...yes I know that won't cut it. I was thinking about Pilates or yoga in the new year.

    I guess it's more about learning not to compare myself to other thinner people and learning to be happy with who I am...but is that settling? Should I always push myself? I agree, maybe I need to stop looking at the number now, I'll redo my measurements and I'll work at strengthening my core, and strengthening my mind.

    I personally am not a fan of yoga, but I know my mom was really able to kick her fitness into high gear when she started doing yoga regularly. You may experience similar results, so I think this is a good idea and worth a shot.
  • tkhuong
    I had the same let down after reaching my weight loss goal. Eventually, I set new goals for myself. The trick is having a good way to quantify the results. I'm working on running times over certain distances, swimming speed, body comp, etc. The rest is mindset. It's easier to say than to do but I make a conscious effort to think positive and put reminders around that help me keep on track.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I wish I could be as enthusiastic about exercising as all of you are!! I'm starting to think I'm just inherently lazy, but you are all giving me great ideas so thank you. I especially love the at home suggestions. Now it's time take that same determination I had to lose weight and turn it towards being fit. I like the idea of setting some achievable goals so I will start with that. I think rather than just trying to lose areas of bulge I'll instead try to overcome some areas I'm really weak at, like push ups etc.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I'm inherently lazy too, and I really have to push myself to work out.
    However, I have learned that fitness goals are truly more rewarding than weight loss goals.
  • francacosta750
    francacosta750 Posts: 4 Member
    maybe now you just need to exercise. do neck stretches and put some neck cream on. lucky you to have attained your goal and more
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    You do not need a home gym or a gym membership.

    Sorry if this has been suggested (I didn't read through 4 pages of posts) but check out this site - and search on "Beginner Kettlebell Workout"

    All you need are a few kettlebells that you can buy at Academy and a small amount of carpeted floor space. Do the routine through about 2 or 3 times a week while watching the video. Then make a list of the exercises with # of reps and other info so you don't need the video anymore. Then do the routine while watching your favorite TV program.

    This routine has dramatically changed my body in a very short amount of time.

    Hope this helps!
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    oh, the floppy chin/neck, I hear you! (although I sure don't see it in your profile pic!)

    I just want to post a couple of links that I find super-inspiring in terms of weight-training and HIIT (high-intensity interval training).

    The first one in particular is great for helping to reshape goals from appearance/weight loose to performance goals, and also has a good section on you-are-your-own-gym type bodyweight training. I too have no space/money for home stuff or gym, but bodyweight stuff is super-challenging. The day I can do 10 REAL pushups will be a proud one for me... or a real chin up! Just one! :)

    HIIT (see the section on using stuff you have at home or cheaply making gear/weights too!)
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss--it's a terrific accomplishment to be able to stick to something and succeed at it!

    I tend to agree that you may actually find even more satisfaction from other fitness goals. It may not be strength training--it might be completing something like a DVD program or running a race, etc. There are so many different forms of exercise--you'll find something you enjoy!
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member

    i saw one of this guys here who achieve his goal weight but he's not happy as someone would expect, he mention that he achieve his goal but he's not exactly in shape. maybe he mean something by that
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    You do not need a home gym or a gym membership.

    Sorry if this has been suggested (I didn't read through 4 pages of posts) but check out this site - and search on "Beginner Kettlebell Workout"

    All you need are a few kettlebells that you can buy at Academy and a small amount of carpeted floor space. Do the routine through about 2 or 3 times a week while watching the video. Then make a list of the exercises with # of reps and other info so you don't need the video anymore. Then do the routine while watching your favorite TV program.

    This routine has dramatically changed my body in a very short amount of time.

    Hope this helps!

    +1 for kettlebells!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support.

    *sigh* weight training. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.

    1. I can't afford a gym membership right now.
    2. tiny little house, so no place to put a home gym
    3. the above two are my favorite excuses to use to deflect the fact that I don't like the idea of weight training! :wink:

    I have 2lbs and 5lbs weights at home that I use irregularity...yes I know that won't cut it. I was thinking about Pilates or yoga in the new year.

    I guess it's more about learning not to compare myself to other thinner people and learning to be happy with who I am...but is that settling? Should I always push myself? I agree, maybe I need to stop looking at the number now, I'll redo my measurements and I'll work at strengthening my core, and strengthening my mind.

    No, it's really not about comparing. It really is about strength training. When people see people they want to look like (unless they like waif-types), the "tone" you see is due to body composition and weight training. You can't tone period, but I think you know what I mean by that "toned" look and that is only achievable by some type of strength training. You can get lots more definition with body weight stuff: pushups, squats, lunges, all sorts of core work, hiking, calf raises, blah blah blah. For heaven's sake, start with a set of 5 and 10 pound weights and do 30 Day Shred. You don't have to start with weights, but once you start seeing results, you will start looking at how you can make $40 bucks more per month to use weights or what you can cut out of your budget to make it happen. You will not regret it. Your body will amaze you. Or try something like Chalean Extreme.

    Eventually you will want to lift heavier because you will like the results.