Ladies: What makes the perfect boyfriend?



  • airbearlover
    airbearlover Posts: 240 Member
    I would say there is no perfect bfs/husbands. That is too universal of a term; perfect.
    How about the traits a guy has to have to be 100% my angel sent gift? Lol
    He has to be outgoing at times.
    A goofball that makes me smile as much as I can him
    A great hugger
    Not give sloppy kisses
    Be spontaneous but knowing of my boundaries to those things. I can let him know them.
    Flexible. Maybe I hate golf. But if he loves it I would watch ot just to be with him and have a good time while at it. He needs to be able to give the same back.
    He has to want kids. At least 2.
    He needs to be supporting. I will support back. :)
    Needs to love and have good ties with his family. Preferably.
    Shows he loves me regularly; through touch, words the like.
    Has to know I don't like gifts often. If e loves me and treats me right he would be the greatest gift ever. How could I ever want more?
    Talks to me freely. If we have problems they almost always need addressing before they evolve into crushing boulders. I would always be ready to help us work them out.

    That is the perfect guy. =p
  • Simonino
    Simonino Posts: 75 Member
    How to win her love:
    1. Hold doors
    2. Tell her she's beautiful
    3. Make her laugh
    4. Be confident
    5.Pull her hair and smack her *kitten*

  • DeonnPaul
    DeonnPaul Posts: 50 Member
    He would make me a s'mores poptart the morning after our first encounter, so that I'd have something to eat during my walk of shame.

    A perfect man agrees to watch Project Runway with me, and if he knows what's good for him, he will agree with me when I say that Tim Gunn is like a kind, gentle, wise, and all-knowing god.

    This man must have joy for life, like Buddy the Elf, but also not be dumb enough to put used chewing gum in his mouth, like Buddy the Elf.

    If I dropped my ice cream cone, not only would the perfect man hand me his before sprinting off to purchase me a brand new one, but he'd also get me some french fries and maybe a cheese burger too just to help me get through the trauma of dropping my ice cream cone.

    The perfect man takes my dog outside so that she can take a sh#t when it is ten below, so that I can curl up under a blanket with a nice cup of cocoa and watch American Horror Story. Upon his return, he quickly (and without prompting) refills my cocoa and adds additional marshmallows.

    When he opens the glove box of my car, and a bra and deodorant fall out instead of gloves, he will never ever question me.

    And finally, my perfect man would bail me out of jail no matter what time of the day or night it was, and even in inclement weather.
  • dylan_a_fit
    dylan_a_fit Posts: 488 Member
    I am the answer to every woman in this thread...

    Jokes.. :(
  • iTrenHard
    How to win her love:
    1. Hold doors
    2. Tell her she's beautiful
    3. Make her laugh
    4. Be confident
    5.Pull her hair and smack her *kitten*


    These are the reactions to the following.

    1. Im capable of holding the door open for myself!
    2. No im ugly but thanks anyways
    3. Friend-zoned
    4. This guys cocky
    5. rape!!!
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    How to win her love:
    1. Hold doors
    2. Tell her she's beautiful
    3. Make her laugh
    4. Be confident
    5.Pull her hair and smack her *kitten*


    These are the reactions to the following.

    1. Im capable of holding the door open for myself!
    2. No im ugly but thanks anyways
    3. Friend-zoned
    4. This guys cocky
    5. rape!!!

    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
  • iTrenHard
    How to win her love:
    1. Hold doors
    2. Tell her she's beautiful
    3. Make her laugh
    4. Be confident
    5.Pull her hair and smack her *kitten*


    These are the reactions to the following.

    1. Im capable of holding the door open for myself!
    2. No im ugly but thanks anyways
    3. Friend-zoned
    4. This guys cocky
    5. rape!!!

    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.
    1. rape jokes still not funny.

    Lol WK til death I see huh grandpa
  • BaconWagon
    BaconWagon Posts: 138 Member
    I am the answer to every woman in this thread...

    Jokes.. :(

  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member

    Lol WK til death I see huh grandpa

    Whatsat son? I can't hear you, come a little closer...
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    In to watch...
  • hunterjumper642
    hunterjumper642 Posts: 115 Member
    funny, independent, successful, and treats you like a priority.