
  • carissa100
    carissa100 Posts: 22 Member
    Super. Thanks for all the responses. Looking forward to doing this with all of you :)

  • Count me in too!!
  • lefreitag
    lefreitag Posts: 6 Member
    I am in!!
  • :) count me in i am ready to go for the challenge .
  • Here in the Southern Hemisphere Christmas is when we have our beach holidays. So I am joining you! I need people to keep me focused and honest with myself so all buddies are welcome!
  • hannahbayls
    hannahbayls Posts: 53 Member
    Count me in :-)
  • ali71shoe
    ali71shoe Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds perfect as I was planning to start something like this today anyway! Was doing great for a couple months and then took a wrong turn somewhere! Need to get refocused!
  • rileyfanof24
    rileyfanof24 Posts: 40 Member
    I am in, I did so good for well over a year and have fallen off the wagon BIG TIME!!! I am back on and need the same motivation to get back on track. Thanksgiving will be hard but I am determined to loose at least 5 lbs by christmas and hope for the 10 I gained back to be gone by New years :0)

    *** Best of luck to all!
  • emmgetsfit
    emmgetsfit Posts: 203 Member
    In it to win it! 11.25 - SW = 193.0
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    I'm for sure in. I need Need NEED support with all these Christmas treats going around and I want to lose 4 lbs in December. Started the 30 day shred today as well :) anyone feel free to add me, although I do talk a lot of jibberish at times
  • Sounds like a great challenge!!! Its my birthday in 3 weeks and 5 days so have 2 goals!!! Been struggling to exercise since damaging by cocyix 4 weeks ago so swimming is my new found exercise of choice so will try and go 3 times a week and my main challenge is not binge eating at work when I am bored.
  • I am in! Hoping to lose another 5 pounds by the end of the year.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I'm IN!!!
  • desgmz
    desgmz Posts: 19 Member
    I am in!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
  • love this, i'm in.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Me Too!!!!
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    I'd like to join as well. I've decided that I didn't want to wait until the new year like typical. If I'm going to lose weight I'm eventually going to have to deal with healthier habits around the holidays anyway. :huh: So, why wait. I'm up for the challenge see how much I can lose by Christmas. :drinker: Here's to day 1! Great idea. Thanks for starting this. I'm always needing support and accountablility.
    I'm starting to get frustrated because I keep gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds...so hopefully this will get me on track. I also have a fit bit. My goal has been 10,000 steps but I guess I need to knock it up a notch. :bigsmile: Thanks, Charity
    GW for this challenge-269!!!!
  • ejudd13
    ejudd13 Posts: 4 Member
    It is funny that I saw this, because my daughter and I have made a similar pact. So I think this will help me even more. They say the average person gains between Thanksgiving and New Years. I am going to try and stick to my calories allotment but kick up the exercise if I choose to eat extra. It can be done without feeling like you are being deprived.

    Anyways, I am in. and 5 lbs. sounds like a good goal. But my main goal is to keep track of the food and exercise no matter what.

    Thanks guys for all the support and encouragement as well. Emily
  • POTELoewee
    POTELoewee Posts: 32 Member
    I am so in!!! I have lost 65 lbs so far and have about another 30 lbs to go and it is just not coming off! I have been at this same weight for the past few months. I am getting very frustrated and fearful that the darn holidays are going to make it worse. I need all the motivation and encouragement I can get to get my butt moving and losing again.