Diet - But I don't eat Salad or any vegetables.



  • Arbeidslyst
    So I am going to start insanity when I can afford it.
    Or I may just try a free workout program.
    Anyway, I would also like to eat a bit healthier at the same time... Only problem is I can't eat salad as I vomit whenever I eat it... Same with vegetables.

    I mainly eat meat, mash, chips and fish fingers etc.

    I've recently been told by the doctor that I am slightly overweight for my height and age and I have a high blood pressure...
    I'm 6 ft 5 and weight 18 stone and I am also 18 years old.

    For blood pressure maybe try cutting down on the salt. Have you tried hiding your veggies in your mash?

    Did you have blood work done? If not, ask for it next time to see if you should start taking some vitamins.
  • Arbeidslyst
    I forgot to mention I do like carrots but not a whole lot...
    And so mash is alright then?

    And All we ever have in the house is pre prepared food really...

    Mash is fine, but...and this is a big but: It depends on how it is made, it can be healthy and it can be calorie dense.
  • Arbeidslyst
    in our house all there ever is is pre prepared food such as fish fingers...
    The healthiest thing I probably eat is tuna sandwiches.I also love boneless chicken, Lamb, Beef etc

    Not to be rude, but it sounds like your family as a whole could need a new diet. If you want to be more healthy then be active. Offer to help cook, or shop make the food you eat more healthy. There are great tips here on how to eat healthy on a smaller budget, if your family isn't willing to change with you.
  • Joksie
    Joksie Posts: 3 Member
    Here's something! It takes someone 10 to 15 times of trying a particular food to like it. Keep trying to change that palette! You will have a lot more to worry about than just your weight if you don't. Besides, going out to dins with a picky eater is a drag!! think of your dating life!

    Good Luck,

  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    What about fruits? You can get fresh when they're in season and frozen or canned when they aren't in most places. My daughter hardly eats any vegetables at all but she loves her fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, citrus fruits, plums, pears, many choices and she loves almost all of them. I don't know if you can get it there (we live in Canada) but there are several juice companies that make a fruit/vegetable juice mix that my children love (V-8, SunRype and Oasis are the brand names here.)

    You mentioned you can eat some of the milder tasting vegetables, like carrots and peppers, so what about celery, cherry tomatoes, broccoli (lightly steamed or raw) or onions(full of Vitamin C). Cauliflower can also be cooked until soft and mashed in with potatoes and you can't taste it. Zucchini bread is good. I'd often throw a jar or two of baby food--pureed squash, carrots or sweet potatoes, especially into my baked goods like muffins and cakes, even if I was using a mix (you just reduce a bit of the other liquid ingredients.)

    I understand all about allergies, as one of my children is intolerant to eggs, dairy, wheat, nuts, soy, rice, peas, fish, and more, so no, you can't just "force yourself" to eat these things. He'd throw up for literally hours at a time, and dry heave when there was nothing left. (20+ times a day was not uncommon!) So I totally get that. You may as well experiment a bit and see what your local markets have.

    Oh, and even in a flat, you can grow a few veggies in a window box or plant pots inside when it's too cold out, if you have a good big window with some sun exposure. You might like to experiment with herbs and use them for flavoring in your cooking ventures.

    Hope this is helpful!

    *edited for spelling
  • LogicalReflex
    in our house all there ever is is pre prepared food such as fish fingers...
    The healthiest thing I probably eat is tuna sandwiches.I also love boneless chicken, Lamb, Beef etc

    Not to be rude, but it sounds like your family as a whole could need a new diet. If you want to be more healthy then be active. Offer to help cook, or shop make the food you eat more healthy. There are great tips here on how to eat healthy on a smaller budget, if your family isn't willing to change with you.

    My family including my mom are a lot more healthy/skinnier than me lol
    I used to be really really skin to the point where you could see the bones in my face but I just started eating take out etc

    When I was really skinny I was eating processed food etc and still didnt eat veg :P
    I eat more veg now than I did back then.
  • LogicalReflex
    What about fruits? You can get fresh when they're in season and frozen or canned when they aren't in most places. My daughter hardly eats any vegetables at all but she loves her fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, citrus fruits, plums, pears, many choices and she loves almost all of them. I don't know if you can get it there (we live in Canada) but there are several juice companies that make a fruit/vegetable juice mix that my children love (V-8, SunRype and Oasis are the brand names here.)

    You mentioned you can eat some of the milder tasting vegetables, like carrots and peppers, so what about celery, cherry tomatoes, broccoli (lightly steamed or raw) or onions(full of Vitamin C). Cauliflower can also be cooked until soft and mashed in with potatoes and you can't taste it. Zucchini bread is good. I'd often throw a jar or two of baby food--pureed squash, carrots or sweet potatoes, especially into my baked goods like muffins and cakes, even if I was using a mix (you just reduce a bit of the other liquid ingredients.)

    I understand all about allergies, as one of my children is intolerant to eggs, dairy, wheat, nuts, soy, rice, peas, fish, and more, so no, you can't just "force yourself" to eat these things. He'd throw up for literally hours at a time, and dry heave when there was nothing left. (20+ times a day was not uncommon!) So I totally get that. You may as well experiment a bit and see what your local markets have.

    Oh, and even in a flat, you can grow a few veggies in a window box or plant pots inside when it's too cold out, if you have a good big window with some sun exposure. You might like to experiment with herbs and use them for flavoring in your cooking ventures.

    Hope this is helpful!

    *edited for spelling

    Hey Thanks for all the suggestions.

    Around my area unfortunately I cant put anything out by the windows as around the area I live in it would get stolen.
    We even had some locals try to steal the lead off the roof.
    And about 5 months ago my house got broken into on my 18th birthday.

    As for the milder tasting vegetables section...
    I can eat Onions, Peppers, Carrots and Chillis. (Not actually sure whether or not a chilli is a vegetable)
    But I cant stand the taste of brocolli I've tried it several different ways.

    Never tried cherry tomatoes though so I may try them :)

    I've never tried regular tomatoes either...
    Well tell a lie I did once but that was back when I was little.

    Will try them too.

    I can eat grapes but for some reason I can't actually swallow them and I have to spit them out after I've chewed on one for a while. Same with oranges.

    Hate apples.

    Never tried raspberries or strawberries.

    Can't eat pears or plums.

    Haven't tried the rest of whats on that list either so will try them soon :)

    Thanks again for the suggestions
  • LogicalReflex
    Here's something! It takes someone 10 to 15 times of trying a particular food to like it. Keep trying to change that palette! You will have a lot more to worry about than just your weight if you don't. Besides, going out to dins with a picky eater is a drag!! think of your dating life!

    Good Luck,


    My dating life is amazing to be honest as I have a girlfriend of 2 and a half years that has been with me throughout a lot.
    She can eat anything at all pretty much. Only thing she dislikes is tuna. And she still doesn't mind about me being fussy :P

    But yeah I've found that whenever something is in a curry I can seem to eat it whereas I wouldn't if it was on its own.
    I still can not stand mushrooms though
  • LogicalReflex
    Just finished insanity day 2 also.
    I still had 10 minutes of the workout left but I could not physically push anymore.
    Managed to complete 40 minutes though which Im proud of.

    Can't wait for day 3!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Doesn't really matter what you eat, as long as you're in a calorie deficit, whether it be vegetables or McDonalds.

    Also, Insanity, from what I have been told, is more of a muscle building regime, as opposed to strict weight loss. Plus, I don't get how you expect to substitute food (vegetables and salads) for exercise. You need food to fuel the exercise...
  • LogicalReflex
    Insanity Asylum is the one for building muscles.
    Insanity will burn off your fat and tone your body up but not to the point where you are bulking out with biceps etc

    I personally just want to become lean but not too skinny as being 6 ft 5 I'd look lanky and out of place.

    And what do you mean substitute vegetables and salad?

    I'm still eating just not as much.

    To give you a scale of how much I've changed already.


    I would probably eat two chicken burgers meals and another single burger all from the takeaway etc

    And probably have something in the morning too.


    I have been eating weetabix in the morning with no sugar

    A tuna sandwich or a meatball sub from subway in the afternoon for lunch

    On the night I will mostly either have mash and chicken drummers or potato wedges/waffles with chicken or fish

    Tonight though I did cheat a little and had a pack of crisps and the leftover tuna from the sandwich I was making for tomorrow.


    I will be eating weetabix in the morning

    Tuna sandwich/chicken sandwich in the afternoon with a pack of crisps or not...

    And on the night will most likely be mash and carrots or another vegetable with peas and fish/chicken (Fresh)
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    I am not trying to be rude or anything, but I do feel like this is above and beyond just being picky. Have you spoken with your doctor about your physical aversion/reaction to certain foods? I wonder if there is something a little more underlying going on. Or maybe it's just because I only really dislike one certain vegetable (baby corn), so I can't imagine disliking/not giving so many yummy foods a chance!
  • LogicalReflex
    I am not trying to be rude or anything, but I do feel like this is above and beyond just being picky. Have you spoken with your doctor about your physical aversion/reaction to certain foods? I wonder if there is something a little more underlying going on. Or maybe it's just because I only really dislike one certain vegetable (baby corn), so I can't imagine disliking/not giving so many yummy foods a chance!

    Yes he said that I'm allergic to most stuff as I told him how I come out in rashes when eating certain bits.
    I have actually tried a lot but cant seem to keep it down etc

    some things though like carrots I love

    I'm trying a lot more now though as theres a few things I havent tried as of yet.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Insanity Asylum is the one for building muscles.
    Insanity will burn off your fat and tone your body up but not to the point where you are bulking out with biceps etc

    I personally just want to become lean but not too skinny as being 6 ft 5 I'd look lanky and out of place.

    And what do you mean substitute vegetables and salad?

    I'm still eating just not as much.

    To give you a scale of how much I've changed already.


    I would probably eat two chicken burgers meals and another single burger all from the takeaway etc

    And probably have something in the morning too.


    I have been eating weetabix in the morning with no sugar

    A tuna sandwich or a meatball sub from subway in the afternoon for lunch

    On the night I will mostly either have mash and chicken drummers or potato wedges/waffles with chicken or fish

    Tonight though I did cheat a little and had a pack of crisps and the leftover tuna from the sandwich I was making for tomorrow.


    I will be eating weetabix in the morning

    Tuna sandwich/chicken sandwich in the afternoon with a pack of crisps or not...

    And on the night will most likely be mash and carrots or another vegetable with peas and fish/chicken (Fresh)

    To build muscle, you need to eat a surplus of calories. Whilst weight training and eating a deficit in calories, you're going to hold onto already existing lean muscle, whilst just shedding fat. Which will result in a slower weight loss, but a more defined figure.

    If your goal was to just lose weight, you could probably find something better than Insanity to help you.

    Also, you said you can't afford it. If you go to PirateBay or some other torrents sites, you can get it for free.
  • DannehBoyy
    DannehBoyy Posts: 546 Member
    Another thing you could try mate, is naked smoothies. They are really nice to drink and they have all sorts of fruit and vegetables in them. The Green Machine one is the best looks disgusting but trust me...they are really good! Just an idea being as you don't like many veg. With these can't even taste that they've got vegetables in them. :)
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    I am not trying to be rude or anything, but I do feel like this is above and beyond just being picky. Have you spoken with your doctor about your physical aversion/reaction to certain foods? I wonder if there is something a little more underlying going on. Or maybe it's just because I only really dislike one certain vegetable (baby corn), so I can't imagine disliking/not giving so many yummy foods a chance!

    Yes he said that I'm allergic to most stuff as I told him how I come out in rashes when eating certain bits.
    I have actually tried a lot but cant seem to keep it down etc

    some things though like carrots I love

    I'm trying a lot more now though as theres a few things I havent tried as of yet.

    Ah yes, I did see that you have allergies, too. Sorry! I actually went through the whole thread and just skipped over the less informational posts. LOL. Either way, I do hope you're able to expand your food horizons!!
  • foodiscomplicated
    foodiscomplicated Posts: 85 Member
    It is when you vomit whenever you eat something you don't like.
    Like ive stated several times before I am trying to change.
    So saying fix it is kinda pointless as I've already started making better choices.

    And I don't know about you but around where we live to buy packaged food its like £1.
    To buy fresh food its at a minimum £6.
    Saying "fix it" is not pointless. It's another choice you have to make. If you are an adult, you have choices to make. Try something new. Try it again. Try it prepared a different way. But stop asking for advice and then telling people that you can't do it because you're fussy. Realize that you choose not to do it because you're fussy.
    You're telling us that, at 18 years old, you already have medical issues stemming from a poor diet. You can fix them or make excuses due to your self-imposed limitations. It's your choice.

    Jeez, thank you.
  • dconnolly818
    dconnolly818 Posts: 43 Member
    Time to grow up and eat your vegetables. They are a necessary part of a healthy diet. There are hundreds of vegetables to choose from. They will not all make you vomit.

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    have you ever tried to juice? I wasn't sure I would like it but it was good when I tried it. I put in some kale, spinach, apples, carrots, and a packet of sweet n low and some ice. I liked it. Didn't even taste like vegies. You just need to basicly take a multivitamin and eat the recommended calories while exercising. You can still lose weight without eating vegies but maybe you could try sneaking them in here and there. Humans are omnivores.. we need both so we can get a rounded supply of vitamins and minerals.
  • LogicalReflex
    It is when you vomit whenever you eat something you don't like.
    Like ive stated several times before I am trying to change.
    So saying fix it is kinda pointless as I've already started making better choices.

    And I don't know about you but around where we live to buy packaged food its like £1.
    To buy fresh food its at a minimum £6.
    Saying "fix it" is not pointless. It's another choice you have to make. If you are an adult, you have choices to make. Try something new. Try it again. Try it prepared a different way. But stop asking for advice and then telling people that you can't do it because you're fussy. Realize that you choose not to do it because you're fussy.
    You're telling us that, at 18 years old, you already have medical issues stemming from a poor diet. You can fix them or make excuses due to your self-imposed limitations. It's your choice.

    Jeez, thank you.

    If all you are going to do is quote other peoples posts and then complain... leave.

    Read that whole conversation. I already counteracted every argument she made.