Feeling really let down

So it's been a week since I started MFP. I've exercised so much and stayed within my calories. 3 days ago I found out I'd gained a pound, I had gotten to 159, then I was at 160. Today for my first official weigh in I did not think I'd lose, but I was hoping I would, but I didn't. I feel like giving up, feel really disappointed and like this will never work for me. :( I bet everyone else has lost in their first week.


  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    So it's been a week.

    Are you measuring as well as weighing?

    If you're not then you should.

    Progress will fluctuate.

    Stick with it and good luck.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    ^ What the person above me has said. I found measuring to be a better way for me to monitor my progress throughout the journey :happy: Don't feel too discouraged - we are here for you! This is normal!
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    There have been weeks where I have been really good and gained/maintained, and weeks where I have been a bit naughty and maintained or lost - keep at it, it takes longer than a week. :-)
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    I didn't lose the first week, and find that my body shape alters without weight loss quite often - get a pair of jeans or a skirt which is snug, and keep trying them on, you will soon feel the difference if you keep at it x

    chin up and keep going x
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I know its hard when you dont see results when you have been so good, but give it more time. When I do anything new, I tend to give it 4 weeks and if I dont notice improvements, then I change it.
  • Hang in there and don't give up. I have only lost 1lb in like 2weeks. But I continue to check in everyday. It will get better.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day

    stick with it, took me 3 weeks of deficit and cycling 15 miles per day to start getting things moving

    patience :) and go easy on yourself, you spent a long time putting it on....it won't vanish over night
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    One week and you want to give up?

    Do you really want this or do you just feel guilty about being overweight?

    Either way, weightloss isn't linear and one week is nothing like enough to gauge your results. Give it at least 6 weeks until you worry about losing or not losing.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    In all honesty, if you're willing to give up after a week, then you're not ready for this yet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    did you put all the weight on in a week?
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    Cut out most of the junk (I looked at your food diary) and weigh your food (don't eye ball and be honest in your diary). Try using a heart rate monitor when you exercise (mfp is just an estimate of cals burnt). Drink 2 litres of water a day. Come back in two weeks and report your progress.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    One week and you want to give up?

    Do you really want this or do you just feel guilty about being overweight?

    Either way, weightloss isn't linear and one week is nothing like enough to gauge your results. Give it at least 6 weeks until you worry about losing or not losing.
    did you put all the weight on in a week?


    oh and honey, water weight + a turd can way more than 2lb's.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    You didn't gain all your excess weight in a week, and nor will you lose it...
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    One week and you want to give up?

    Do you really want this or do you just feel guilty about being overweight?

    Either way, weightloss isn't linear and one week is nothing like enough to gauge your results. Give it at least 6 weeks until you worry about losing or not losing.
    did you put all the weight on in a week?


    oh and honey, water weight + a turd can way more than 2lb's.

    ^^^ this. I was a quart short on my water yesterday, and this morning I had "gained" 0.4lbs.

    I have 45lbs left to lose. I have been on this journey for almost 2 YEARS now. I can go literally MONTHS without a loss on the scale, despite the fact that i am in the gym 8-10 hours a week.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    In all honesty, if you're willing to give up after a week, then you're not ready for this yet.

  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    In all honesty, if you're willing to give up after a week, then you're not ready for this yet.

    Seriously agree with this. It's been one week, stop whining and keep moving forward.
  • IsaacHudson
    IsaacHudson Posts: 33 Member
    Stick with it you can do it!

    Remember the MFP goals are just a guide - we are all individuals and it can't compensate for that. You will probably have to experiment with the actual calorie goal MFP gives you to find out exactly what calorie goal you need to hit. For example, I maintain or put on weight if I hit my 'lose weight' calories. So I aim for about 100 under and that works for me.

    if you maintain a genuine calorie defecit for a week, you will lose weight.
  • Nathanmmx
    Nathanmmx Posts: 43 Member
    Rather then consider it a wasted week consider it one week closer towards the person you want to be :smile:
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    OK, I am going to give some tough love here. I am a PT and vacuuming and dawdling around doesn't count as exercise so don't put it down. I went to your food and exercise diaries. It appears you are a grazer. Lots of snacks, McD, pizza, chips, etc. You are eating most, if not all your exercise calories back. When you set up your caloric intake, MFP takes into account your age, weight, and lifestyle. So don't eat your calories back, but if you do, try to stay within no more that 100 calories over.

    The advice I took myself and gave to my clients with success:

    Heart rate monitor: the data base is what OTHER people entered for their exercise. You may burn less that what is in the data base, so if you eat the calories back, you are sabotaging yourself. If you can't get a monitor than do NOT log your exercise that way you will NOT eat the calories back.

    Water: Drink it. Your diaries are showing that you are not drinking it. If you are, track it.

    Food: Eat Breakfast. My other SIMPLE advice: IF YOU CAN PICK IT OR KILL IT, EAT IT IN IT'S MOST NATURAL STATE. IF YOU HAVE TO UNWRAP IT, DON'T EAT IT OR EAT IT SPARINGLY. Eat your chicken, but grill it or bake it, eat your fries, but make sweet potato fries in the oven, etc.

    Exercise: Take your "dawdling" around and turn it into a HIIT (high intensit interval training) session. You can get an amazing workout in 20 minutes. Pick four exercises: example.... Jumping Jacks, Squats, Pushups, Speed Skaters. Do Jacks for 30 sec, rest 30, squats 30, rest 30, you get the drift. do that 5 times and you have worked your whole body.

    Best of Luck.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    In all honesty, if you're willing to give up after a week, then you're not ready for this yet.

    Seriously agree with this. It's been one week, stop whining and keep moving forward.
