November Walking Challenge

Well, I didn't see anyone continue this challenge from the one we did in October, so I started a new thread for it. lol

Old thread:

Basically, you make your own goal, and try to get there by the end of November. I wasn't even walking AT ALL in October, and doing this last month really helped me get out and start exercising.

My personal goal is going to be 65 miles by the end of November. You can even make a ticker and put it in your signature if you want at Under exercise Tickers...when your all done copy the [url ] code into your signature.

Hope to see some new faces, and some people from last months challenge on here. :)[/url]


  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I'll go! I will be a little more conservative though. My goal will be 50 miles by the end of Nov. I did 1.5 yesterday.

  • cindyss
    cindyss Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in for the challenge, I'm going BIG.......100miles is my goal, started on halloween, so I have an extra day:
  • sdb903
    sdb903 Posts: 85
    I'm in for the challenge, My goal will be 40 miles.
  • yummymammy
    yummymammy Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on for it. I'll go for 50 miles (hopefully jog 35 of them as I jog / walk).

    Great challenge!
  • emmaj35
    I am well up for this as well and I am going for 100 as well hoorah
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I'm in. I've got a week off of training in November after the 10K and I will miss a long run on the Sunday before thanksgiving. I'm going to give myself 45 miles which seems like pushing it with all the events this month. Who knows, maybe I'll get a full head of steam and grab 50 again. :)
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm in for 62 miles (100 km) walk/run. My overall target is higher, but I leave biking out of this challenge.
  • katjack3
    Good idea to have a walking challenge in November!
  • bjralls
    I'm in!
  • bethsherbahn
    Hello there i will do this my goal will be 75 miles!!! here we go!!!
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. I'm setting my goal for 50 miles for the month of November. It seems like a good number to start running/walking again since I haven't in a long time.
  • kswitz2010
    I'm in too!! My goal will be 50 miles as well.
  • Luckie712
    I'm in. I'll go for 100. :bigsmile:
  • nickiejohnson
    Thanks for your help!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks for making the new thread! I will be challenging myself to 35 miles this month.

    I will re-do my ticker tonight at home.

    (My stupid spreadsheet died on me and I can't finish updating from last month... and I totally forgot to e-mail it to myself to do at work today DOH!. I guess I will be using the Works spreadsheet instead of Excel this month)
  • minni2906
    I'm in. I'm new to this, so I'm trying to learn to balance my time... I'll start out small with 30 miles as my goal for the month.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    hey virgo, thanks for starting the new thread. I walked 2.31 miles today on inclines. Felt great! I've already updated my ticker for November.
  • kara_leigh
    I'm new here and I have never walked for exercise or weight loss before. I'd like to participate in the challenge, but I have NO clue what to set my goal as. A friend and I will be walking together 3 days a week at our local mall, for a total of an hour each day. I may jump in and do a day or two by myself on top of that. I don't walk TOO fast, but I hope to keep a moderate pace. I want to start out with a goal that is on the lower side so I don't get discouraged if I don't achieve it. KWIM? Can anyone give me any suggestions? Thanks!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, here we go again:happy: , I have decided to stick with 100 miles for November even though I did manage over 150 in October.......... with the weather changing I think that might be wishful thinking lol. I have done 4 miles on Monday and 3 miles today, good luck and happy walking !!!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I'm a little late, but I'd like to join. I'm going to start with 40miles.