Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Had a couple cookies today, but my workout more than made up for it. Hoping to get rid of the rest of the cookies tomorrow! They're going to work and NOT coming home!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    KarenLeona - hope your heart problem is not too severe you can't work out somewhat reasonably. Sounds like biking is allowed - good.

    nope, no biking. Anything that requires blood to circulate faster is out. It can't fit through the skinny valve fast enough so i get very short of breath and dizzy. :grumble: Today i was walking about 100 yards from an underground parking into a store and forgot i have to walk slow. I ended up having to stop and lean against a cement post till i got my breath back. Totally frustrating. Hope you are feeling better these days. You have had a tough go of things lately. Glad to hear you had one night of good sleep!

    On a positive note...i have finished my christmas shopping!! But still going to one more craft fair with my daughter tomorrow just to get out of the house!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I didn't get on here yesterday it was a really busy day for me decorating. I made it through Thanksgiving with the MIL. She wasn't too bad until the very end when her crazy started to come out. She started talking about random "crazy" things and had no evidence to back anything up. (Government testing on humans and aliens, robots taking over the world, aliens coming to earth and helping the Egyptians build the pyramids for their own personal gain, insisting people are coming into her house and stealing ONLY her Christmas cds...) I had to call her out on two of her "stories". One conversation she kept emphasizing that it was a Catholic cemetery and that she had to be buried there. A few conversations later she started bashing the Catholic church, Catholicism and all Catholics. I nicely questioned "If you have such dislike for Catholics then why are you insisting on being buried in a Catholic cemetary? I am just curious what your reasoning is." Then she said we can cremate her and spread her ashes in my backyard. :huh: My other favorite was when she was telling us about a time when she was driving and the UFO came straight towards her car then flew off. All she saw was a flash of light. I questioned probing for specific details - Was it at night or day? Where was she driving to/from? What road was she on? Her response was "I don't know.", "I don't remember." Come on, if that was a true story wouldn't you remember details like that? :huh: It really irks me when people make up stories just to be the center of attention. :noway: Thankfully we left shortly after the crazy came out.

    Yesterday I woke up and worked out at 7:30 am before the decorating began. I wore my fitbit all day. I didn't stop until 6:30 last night when we sat down for dinner. Dinner was my downfall. I sat and realized how tired my feet and body was. I decided after dinner to call it a day and watch a movie with Brian. Sadly I passed out around 9:30 and never saw the ending of the movie. :yawn: I synced my fitbit and discovered I burned 249 during chest & arms, then 479 decorating.

    Saturday Success:
    ~Yesterday I did chest and back. During the push-up portion I was determined to do one. I tried and was able to do 2 modified on knees push-ups!
    ~I was touching myself yesterday (get your minds out of the gutter) and discovered I can feel the muscles in the back of my arms! I said to Brian "Too bad they are hidden under a layer of fat or you would be able to see them too!" :laugh:
    ~During my ab workout yesterday I was able to do one exercise from start to finish without a rest that I typically have difficulty with! I don't know what the exercise is called but I will describe it. You sit balanced on your tush, your legs at a 90 degree angle, your hands are slightly behind you supporting you as you lean back. Then you have to lift your legs up to work the lower abs.
    ~During my ab workout I noticed my shoulders are coming up further and further off of the ground while doing the exercises. YIPPIE for my core getting stronger! :happy:

    Skinnyjeanz - I was so excited that I didn't have to modify the pushups on the wall. I am going to keep at it. My goal next week is to do 4. I couldn't wait to share my news with you! Sorry you didn't make it to your 5k but proud of you for running when you got home!

    Laurie - Congrats on the good time on your 5k! Also, that is great that your dad was able to spend Thanksgiving with you.

    Welcome - Katznk and rnmortell. Just jump right in and join us!

    Kaye - That was such a nice compliment she made to you. Did you guys scare off your foster grandson yet? LOL

    kah - Sounds like you had a great time with your nephews!

    Susan - Peppermint sugar cookies?!!! Those sound delicious. I love peppermint flavored stuff.

    mnwalking - Sorry to hear your mom isn't the best cook. My mom isn't either. Thankfully I inherited my cooking ability from my dad. :wink: The food wasn't so good at my husband's grandmother's either. The corn was over salted, green beans were over cooked, and the sweet potatoes were not seasoned properly. I was very thankful for my dish that I brought.

    Karen - So sorry to hear that you had trouble walking. That sounds really frustrating. Congrats on finishing your Christmas shopping! I only bought a few things so far. I still have a lot more to do.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just a quick flyby to say hello - busy day and impromptu lunch plans.

    @Nettie~Awesome NSV this week!!!

    @Robin~I haven't received any lab results yet, need to call doc on Monday and see what the holdup is. How are you feeling these days - have you received results from endoscopy or CT yet? I'm glad you're sleeping better.

    AFM~I'm back from the gym, awesome calorie burn on arc trainer. Now off to meet friends for lunch and maybe a movie afterwards, then grocery store.

    Have a great afternoon!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am in the same boat as you, Kah - I need to call Monday for results. I also see my rheumatologist on Monday for a long-awaited appointment. He controls my pain meds - no other doctor will prescribe any - that's the law, and he's only been giving me 2 per day - that was OK until I got sick with the mouth problems, now its been dicey. I have run out and his resident refused to refill them - the big poop. I think its time I was allowed 3 per day now so we need to have a discussion about it. :cry:

    On another quite interesting side note - a long time ago I wrote a short story about a man I occasionally went out for a glass of wine back in 2008 and now I find he passed away last weekend. I would like to send the story on to one of his children. Its quite an affectionate celebration of a day in his life - would that be appropriate?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Wow, I didn't get on the thread all day today and just caught up with posts. Sounds like most are having a good holiday weekend. :flowerforyou:

    I had fun with my HS friends last night. Spent the night at my parents' and then met another HS friend for breakfast before heading home. The weather was pretty nice, so I decided to attend the IL state finals for football. Our Lake Zurich Bears played in the 7A finals, but lost to a powerhouse Catholic HS team. :cry: I'm glad I went but it meant sacrificing a day of grading as it was almost 9pm when I got home.

    Thankful for my husband who doesn't complain when I spontaneously decide to go spend the day at a football game with friends.

    Tomorrow will be a day dedicated to grading and working out. I'm going to try to get up early enough to do another "split" schedule where I grade for a couple of hours in the morning, go to the gym and workout while watching the Bears game, and then back out for more grading after the game.

    Sorry no personals tonight, but I'm completely exhausted! :yawn:

    Grading goals:
    1. 65/73 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--5k Turkey Trot DONE (sort of)
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 75
    Dead lift = 80
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 50

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a good day. We had our "holiday" dinner and gift exchange as our daughter from Vancouver won't be back for Christmas. There were 29 of us. All of my grandkids were there, but it is so hard to get all of them to settle down for a picture! My kids and my father gave me a Windows Surface. I am very excited about it, but I'm going to have to be patient with myself while I learn to use the touch screen. It does have a keyboard.
    Today I am thankful for my 4 beautiful daughters and the wonderful women that they have become. They each have their own special talents and are loving and giving, great moms and thoughtful of their parents, too.
    Several of you have asked how old my profile picture was so I had DD take a new one this evening. I can see quite a difference, but I sure wish that I could afford to have plastic surgery on my neck!
    Have a great weekend. Onward and Downward. Kaye
  • :smile: Wishing well to all!!
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and need some type of motivation to get me back on track. I was doing so well up until I had my weight loss surgery. Now I have no motivation to get back to the gym. I also started a new job, so my schedule has changed. I'm hoping reading your posts & seeing your success will get me going again :)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Sunday Share: Nothing exciting to report this morning. I woke up at 5 am this morning. I am getting in my cup of coffee before I work out and finish with the village.

    Robin - Sorry for the passing of your friend. I think it would be nice if you send the family the story.
  • Hi everyone!
    I've just started working night shift again (I'm a nurse) and while I'm keeping up with doing at least a little exercise (20-30 min) on my workdays and heavier workouts on my days off I'm having trouble with my eating. I'm struggling to eat enough on the days I work. I get breaks at work but not a real "sit-down-with-a-fork-to-eat" lunch break. I've been trying to come up with healthy portable snacks (carrot & celery sticks, grapes, cucmber slices, trail mix) that I can eat 'on the run'.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Really enjoy lurking and reading the back posts. Everyone is so encouraging :)

    @Robin - you asked about sending your short story to your friend's family. When each of my parents passed away I loved hearing from people about how they knew my mom/dad, stories of things that had happened, how their life had been touched. I think your friend's family would enjoy reading your story if you feel comfortable sharing it.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I am back. I promised myself that I was going to do measurements and updated photos the 1st of every month. I just did my measurements and I am quite pleased with my results! :happy:
    I just wanted to share.

    Starting: Current:
    Neck: 16.3 15.5 - This one surprised me!
    Left arm: 17 16.5
    Right arm: 16.5 16
    Bust :51 51 - NO CHANGE. :grumble: I was hoping for a decrease.
    Waist: 50 49.5
    Hips: 54.5 53 - This is the only one I can actually see when I look in a mirror. I look flatter/less lumpy!
    Right thigh: 32 31
    Left thigh: 31 30
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    boohiss on the cookies. Sunday share: I'm very discouraged and disappointed. The scale didn't move this week (I actually think it went up a pound.) I'll take measurements later today, so hopefully inches were lost so it's not a complete bust. After 13 weeks of consistent loss, I finally hit that wall of a week. :( How do you get over that hump?
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving and subsequent weekend so far. I ate what I wanted for a couple of days, but as of yesterday I have reeled it back in and come back to reality ;) My NSV this week would be that since I've lost some weight, when I over-do it, I can really tell in the way my pants fit. Yesterday was down right uncomfortable, so yes, definitely time to get a grip on it! Kinda of an oxymoron to say that tight pants are an NSV. lol

    Lots of Zumba in my schedule now (4 x week) and really going to try to stay on track with my eating until Christmas. Only one Christmas dinner prior to the actual day and it won't be too hard. As for my weight loss, when I see a new low, I usually bounce around 5 pounds heavier for several weeks before I have another whoosh and a new low. My goal is any new low number by Christmas, or at least close to my current low. This 5-8 pounds up doesn't feel so good, but I know it's my norm, and I accept it.

    Congrats to all of you that had losses over the holidays, and those who ran 5Ks too. So proud of each and every one of you who have made the decision to stay on track through this time of year. Welcome to all the new folks, you've landed in a good place :)

    Sunday Share: I'm Carla, from SW Missouri. I'm 44, married with 2 teens and a pommie. December 27, 2013 will mark my two year anniversary "on plan". I'm not a clean eater, but I'm an honest eater. I log everything and keep on trucking. I'm proof that perfection is not necessary to accomplish your goals. For me, I believe that patience is the number one priority in weight loss, it took me many attempts to learn this and now that I have, it's been a much more pleasant ride.

    Have a great day everyone...I've got a 2 hour Zumba class tonight (and did 1.75 hrs yesterday) knees are probably not going to like me very much but I gotta get my groove on :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GrandmaKaye - Wow - I LOVE your new picture - you look beautiful ! Nope I can't see extra chins, just a lovely lady - glad you posted it! How exciting to get a Windows Surface, they look pretty cool. I'd like to hear more about it as you learn to use it.

    Teshia - welcome to you -hope you join us!

    DrSchizo - welcome to you as well - writing to this thread daily is a great way to find your motivation - a lot of us get ours that way.State what you want to get done and it sort of holds you accountable to the group of friends you make here. I always suggest a person starts by logging and trying to do that 100% accurately and then add a step. Don't feel bad about your weight loss surgery - we've had people on here before who've had surgery. Its just a method like any other method.

    cynforgiven - what a busy job you must have if you can't even keep up with your food on your work days! I would suggest that you not worry about it too much and just try to get in a high protein calorie shake when you get home from work or add in the calories on your days off. Thanks for the feedback on sending the story about my friend on to his family.

    JNettie - WOW - what a great NSV! :flowerforyou: Amazing measurement drop! Arene't you glad you took beginning measurements! That is such an improvement! Good for you! THanks for the feedback too.

    Alumpinsk - I think with 12 steady weeks of weight loss this one week of gain is not really hitting the wall - You had cookies and that backfired on you. Don't despair - its Thanksgiving week! Find something to be grateful for!

    Pie/Sky - what a joyful post - glad you're not too sad your pants are a little tight and are going to hit the problem hard with 2 hours of Zumba! Thats the attitude! I liked how you put it, your not a "clean eater but your an honest eater you log everything" - well said!

    AFM - SUNDAY SHARE - Hi - I'm Robin I started this thread the day I started MFP and I'm 62 years old. I am the second oldest person here I do believe. I am divorced, no kids, no parents, 4 siblings, and that's about it for family. I spent Thanksgiving alone as I have been very sick - but enough about that. Read backwards if you want to know more. But being without family has always made me want to reach out to people and so I have enjoyed meeting all of the wonderful people on this thread and making so many friends this way.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great holiday. Mine was nice with my mom and I co-hosting dinner. We had it at her house since hers is much bigger but I was over there first thing in the morning helping with the cooking and getting everyhting ready. We were missing some people to make it perfect but we at least got to talk to them and tell them they were loved and missed.Overall it was a very hectic week which is why I have just been lurking instead of posting. Things should settle down for a couple weeks before the final Christmas push. My daughter and I put up the tree last night. It is so pretty. I dont think anything is quite as pretty and soothing as a quiet dark house full of twinkling lights. We had already done most of the rest of the house decorating so all thats left is the yard. Usually we wait for hubby to be home for that but they got some extra fish quota so he wont be home now til mid December. We just keep reminding ourselves it has been a somewhat lean year and the money will come in handy for Christmas but I sure do miss him. I love the idea of commenting on what we are grateful for everyday.
    I think todays grateful is going to be simple and silly. I am grateful that so far the three month old puppy doesnt seem to interested in the Christmas tree. I know it probably wont last but I am going to be grateful for every day that it does.:laugh:
    As always I am so proud of everything you all are accomplishing. Keep up the great work and for those of you sick or in pain I hope you find releif soon. Have a great day everyone. Time to walk the dogs before the big rain gets here.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kaye- I love your new picture.

    I accomplished quite bit this weekend and even managed to get some decorating done inside and outside. Mom and I went shopping, the came home and decorated the front of the house, put in storm window and went to visit my dad. No formal exercise today but I kept very busy. Now, I just need to fix the timer on the outside lights so they turn on when they are suppose to.

    I am thankful for all my friends both near and far (that includes all of you) who are there to provide support, listen etc.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I actually get to sit and relax tonight after a very active week off. I wish I had one more day to recover but it is back to work tomorrow. I had a great time at the party I went to last night, it was nice to catch up with people and feel like I was missed at the other events. I did buy a new pair of running shoes so I am excited to try them out tomorrow night with my trainer. This time I am trying Brooks shoes.

    Exercise plans
    Sunday- Gym- bike and walk DONE
    Monday-Rest Conferences at work DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer DONE
    Wednesday- Gym DONE
    Thursday- Turkey trot DONE
    Friday-climbing DONE
    Saturday- Swim/ aerobics DONE

    Exercise plans for next week 12/1 to 12/6
    Sunday- Rest ( shopping and decorating day)
    Monday- Trainer Workout
    Tuesday- Gym- Cardio
    Wednesday-Gym -Weight
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday Climbing
    Saturday- Rest (Jingle Bell Hayrides- will be outside all morning lots of walking around)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I love pieinthesky's comment about not being a clean eater, but an honest eater. I think that is what I am, and I hope it yields the same results for me that has for her! The last 3 days I haven't even been an honest eater. I haven't logged anything. It just all got too overwhelming, but I am back at it tomorrow. The scales are up 5# and I can see it all in my swollen legs and feet. I need to sit down often throughout the day with my feet elevated and that hasn't happened for a week. Tomorrow is a new day. Back to logging and elevating my feet.
    Today I am thankful that everyone has gone home. I love them dearly and wouldn't trade the last few days for anything, but I am exhausted and anxious to get back to my normal routine.
    Love you all! Keep hanging on. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--love the new picture! It sounds like some rest with those feet up is well-deserved!

    @laurie--glad you got so much done on your to-do list. I wish I could say the same for myself, but I was less productive than I had hoped to be over the past 5 days. I've never tried Brooks, but I know a lot of runners who swear by them.

    @tammy--that's great that the puppy isn't interested in the tree yet. When I was a kid we taught our dog to open his presents on his first birthday. Well, when christmas rolled around later that year, my mom wrapped some gifts ahead of the holiday and placed them under the tree. Of course you've probably already guessed that the dog thought they were for him and tore them all open. Mom couldn't even yell at him since he was just doing what we'd trained him to do. :laugh:

    @robin--It makes me so sad that you are still sick--I hope those test results tomorrow yield some info that will help get you on the mend. I agree with whomever else said it would be a nice gesture to send that story to your friend's children.

    @carla--I had the same experience with my jeans being a bit snug this week. Thanks for putting it into perspective and turning it into an NSV for me. :wink: I'm also not a "clean" eater. I try to eat health-ish most of the time, and I log whatever goes into my mouth, be it good or bad. :smile:

    @alupinsk--just keep going!! You're bound to have a week here or there when the scale doesn't cooperate, but that's just reality. I know that back when I was still losing consistently, if I had a week with no loss, I would often have a bigger drop the following week, so stick with it and maybe you will see the same result. Even if you don't, it's not the end of the world. :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--awesome loss of inches!! :drinker:

    @cyn--do you like hummus? It's pretty healthy and somewhat portable. It could help add some protein and calories if you use it as a dip for those veggies. Also, what about hard boiled eggs?

    Welcome to the other newlings! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I wasn't nearly productive enough with the grading over this holiday break. :grumble: That means I will have to be really good throughout this week b/c I need those essays done by next Monday. I did make it to the gym today and did a full session of lifting, but I skipped the HIIT b/c I wasn't feeling it and I was running short on time. If I had done the HIIT I wouldn't have had time to do ANY grading.

    My plan is to grade more Mon & Wed and go to the gym Tues & Thurs. I'm also back to teaching full-time as my student teacher is on his last week, so he will just be observing other teachers. How many days until winter break? :tongue:

    Grading goals:
    1. 60/73 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--5k Turkey Trot DONE (sort of)
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift) DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 80
    Dead lift = 85
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 50

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90