
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I had to cave in and stay home from the Y today, my knee told me so...:laugh: I did get the grocery shopping done & bathed a cat. Yup I have to bath a cat every so often as she is old and overweight and can't clean herself very well. She gets smelly & dirty. I have the 2 cats, 1 I have to bath and the other that vomits daily. They are 15 year old sisters. I'm just grateful that the bathing isn't too bad, she handles it well.

    My November goals:

    Burn 3,500 calories every week - Yes, I was successful
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water - weekdays were great, weekends were a bit more of a challenge but most were good.
    Not go over 2,500 mg of sodium each day (this will be the hard one) - All days but 1

    My December goals:

    Drink 8 glasses of water even on weekends
    Increase cardio to 60 min 3 times a week as soon as my knee permits

    I would like to lose 7 lbs by Jan 1 but I'm not going to put it down as a goal, more of a "hope"

    Welcome to all the new women, please come back often and tell us about yourselves. I look forward to getting to know you.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Whew! I got the alleyway cleaned up and then trimmed up 4 shrubs in one of the front yard gardens. There are more to do, but that was enough with the hand trimmers. DH will get to share in distributing the river slicks on another day. As I was finishing up the trimming my walking-pal neighbor came over and asked if I'd like to take a walk, so we'll go out about 4p. We usually walk 3-3.5 miles which means I'll have gotten my exercise in for the day.

    Still have a final load of laundry to do, plus setting up the bill pay online, for the evening.

    BUMP - is an abbreviation for 'bring up my post'. Basically it is a bookmark to go back to.

    Katla, I've never named a tree, but DH names his cars. One of my grandmothers was named Albaretta. As a child I thought it both pretty and weird. Certainly uncommon!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • kemarryat
    kemarryat Posts: 14 Member
    Hello- I'm 51 and lost 29 pounds last year - 23 after I joined MFP, and 6 before that. Unfortunately, I gained back 8 pounds in the last four months or so - I had thyroid surgery, and haven't been able to excercise as much as I'd like due to a disk problem.....so now it's back to MFP - I know this works. My goals for December are:

    a. Use the elliptical 4 x a week for 45 minutes while my back recovers
    b. Log my food every day so I know I'm staying within my calories

    I'm hoping to lose 5 pounds by 1/1/14 - I need to get refocused on my health.

    I'm thrilled there is a group for women over 50 on MFP!
    Karen from MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    well I am sitting in my room with the dogs, the DH is having a moment shall we say.. our big tv went to tv heaven and so now we went and bought another one.. you know all those wires that are attached to everything under the sun, well lets just say its not going well.
    I am just staying out of throwing distance:wink:
    i did stress eat before we left to get the tv, he is being ornery today, but will log it.. didn't do formal exercise but will at least try and get the 10,000 steps
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    just bumping to find this tread later. As some of you know my DD is going to need some surgery. I'll be very focused on getting that arranged, helping with her recovery and hopefully getting her back to school before the semester ends (although doubtful). I'll try to check in when I can but I think its going to be a bit busy for awhile.

    My goal for this month is to maintain - and not let the stress affect my eating habits.

    Have a great Sunday everyone

    Jodios in sunny N. Il

    I'll keep your daughter in my prayers. Check in when you can.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, I tried on the size 18 jeans. I could either breathe or sit down, but not both, so I didn't buy them. Maybe after five more pounds. I had a moment of weakness at the cash register, they had M&M Chocolate bars and I had never seen those before, so I bought one. After one bite I decided I didn't like it, so hubby gets the rest. Poor hubby has to clean up after me.

    Now I'm surfing for some new recipe to make for dinner. Hmmm.

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy December, my Friends! It's snowing here in Mn,and I am freezing! I remember why I moved to Az! I am having a great time seeing lots of friends, but I am being sorely tempted by way too much food. I am struggling with trying to stay away from the gluten-filled treats and fried foods. I know you are all behind me, so that does help.

    I will try to check back in later, take care and be well!

    For Dec: stay on track w/ calorie count
    stay gluten free
    keep logging in

    For today: stay warm and enjoy my 3rd "Thanksgiving" dinner! (This one is going to be good MN fish!)

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello to all and welcome newbies: My November goals were to record 5,000 steps per day on the Fitbit. I had less than that for four days but more than 10,000 on eight days so I will call that good. I made all of my PT appointments and am now done with that. I am still struggling with the protein. 80 grams per day just seems hard. Did not write in my journal as planned.

    So on to December: I am going to leave my goal for the Fitbit the same at 5000 or more steps per day. I am still going to work on that 80 grams of protein per day. Continue to do home exercises for shoulder as prescribed by PT. I think I will leave them at that as we will be traveling for Christmas and that always seems to upset things. I would just like to maintain my weight through the holidays.

    Sue in SD
  • jstmee
    jstmee Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this board. At work we have what's called "hold it for the holiday's", we weigh in at the beginning and then at the end. The nutritionist told me about this site. This isn't my first go around, I'm good for a few weeks, then off. I am going to post daily, food, exercise, journal. My start was Thanksgiving day -- prepped for Colonoscopy that I had the following day. I got motivated because that is definitely a "clean" start. I exercised today and yesterday, on treadmill for 30 min. each. I need to start slow because I'm an all or nothing kind of gal. I'm drinking my water and logging every morsel that I eat. I'm glad to be here!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, good for you for stopping when you found out that you didn't like that candy. I would have bought those jeans. Due to broken closet doors, my closet is open and I like to hang something in the closet sideways so that when I wake up I see that item of inspiration and it keeps me going. Right now I am very comfortable in my 16 boot cut jeans. I used to have to put them on, bend and sit several times before they were good. Now I put them on and they are good. So it's time to buy a new inspiration pair. I still have all my regular cut size 16s, they are loose but very comfortable. I really need to give them tot he clothing bank but then my jeans area would look pathetically empty, just 3 pairs left. When I have my sis all my 2X sweatshirts I kept some back just because of the memories. Besides, sweatshirts fit big so why not. So yesterday I wore one of those. It's my Grand Canyon sweatshirt. I bought it when my daughter now age 38 worked there for a summer between her sophomore and junior years in college. We went there to visit her for a week. Employees got a 50% discount so she got the lodge for us. It was one of my most favorite of all family vacations. She worked there as part of the Christian ministry in National parks program. The park gives her a job and pays for her and they provide christian ministry in the park. Her and her fiance did the preaching and music at the south rim of the Canyon 3 times a week. It was right on the rim. Their job was in The Hopi House a gift shop right on the rim. We would go pick them up at night after their shift was over and sit in the dark watching all the natural wildlife of the canyon come out. The stars, oh the stars. You don't know how bright a star lit sky can be until you get away from the city lights. And what a back drop. As I said, a family favorite. We would love to go back and take the whole family so that the grand kids cans see where Mom and Dad worked and see the canyon but it's just to long of a trip for me and all of the family together. I learned that this week at Thanksgiving. All 7 of us in the car for two days would not work. We need short trips.

    Well, had my water bottle and phone ready to go to the Y when my bowels decided to come to life. I am going to have to take away all my bowel medicine except for my fiber tablets and slowly add the stool softener until I get to what is a good match for me. Or maybe add another fiber tablet instead of the stool softener. But this will now happen daily again now that my I am back to taking all of my medicine again. Forgot for two days...oops.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    I will pretend that tomorrow starts Dec. Today is being erased completely as far as eating goes.

    My DD departed to drive back to college this am, always unnerving ..........first, she got stuck in a huge backup due to an overturned truck, then called again when she was about 45min. from the college----had a blowout on the rt. back tire, managed to get the car safely stopped. Now, these tires are almost new; I was planning on them taking her all the way through grad school; in 40+ yrs. of driving I've never had a tire problem. So she's stuck on rt.29 mid-afternoon calling AAA for the second time in a month (last time she locked the keys inside) and I'm glad she's safe but at the same time worried to death as more than one young woman has been missing from that area. I also got on the phone for the AAA in that area to see when they would come,....aware of the incidents, they got there in record time (thank you AAA!!!!). Kept her on speaker phone all the rest of the way in to the college when they were done as she was driving on the 13 yr. old spare---car is an 03. Don't need ANY more days like this; I think I will drive her back after Christmas and bring the car home. Everybody in our lives argued with me in favor of her taking the car for her senior year but this is just not worth the worry. I knew this was not a good idea.

    Have scanned most posts. Heading for vit. V, a cup of tea, and bed.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: jb - I liked the way you painted a picture for us with respect to you as a piece of art. I quite identify with you. Exactly 1 year ago today I weighed 186 lbs. Today I weigh 162. That is not a huge change, and it took a couple of restarts, but it does mean I am almost half way to my goal of 135. In this 12 month period I started walking and participated in a 5k, a 10k, and an 8k. In addition, about 6 weeks ago I started back with Jazzercise, and have recently added yoga. It seemed an odd time to start this time of year, but it has been better than gaining over the holidays. That is why I am excited about this December too.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - I have put th "Thin for Life" book on hold at the library. You have mentioned it on a number of occasions and it is time for me to dig into it. Happy Hannukkah to you!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy - how you describe your sister-cats. Priceless.

    :flowerforyou: Karen - welcome. I was just diagnosed with arthritis in my spine. I can also identify with thyroid problems. Good to set goals in spite of health issues. There are some amazing women in this group who are dealing with quite a few health problems. I find it good to hear how they cope.

    :flowerforyou: Jodio - tough times for you and DD. I am sending best wishes your way.

    Today I noticed that my pants are fitting a little less snug; in fact, they fit a tad loose. That is good news.

    DH put up lights outside, and we are now working on the inside tree. I actually don't like trimming the tree, so may just leave it totally up to him, and I will find an excuse of having to do something else. :bigsmile: :tongue: Since we wanted the tree in the window, we had to rearrange the furniture. Now that is kinda fun to do. I like a bit of change so now and then and that is one thing I do enjoy - moving furniture around. I was telling my (90 yr old) mom this morning that we had done that and I know I get it from her.

    The prediction is for a bit of snow tomorrow. That will make getting to work interesting tomorrow morning. Victorians are not used to snow :ohwell:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am on the recumbent bike right now! I have read all of the posts!
    Can't respond as I would need a pen a paper to do this.
    I started MFP the end of June 2012 and lost 54 lbs up until Jan 2013.
    I then hit a plateau and in May was dxed with bilateral carpal tunnel
    Had surgery on both hands may/July. Now, I have what we call in the medical
    Field " nurse curse!" Both of my thumbs are contracted up, they don't
    Lie. Flat. I am still waiting for work compensation to approve the
    auth to go see a hand surgeon. It's only been 2 months that I have
    been waiting. Not working is very frustrating, as I had just had a refresher
    class last year. I will be thankful for this time with my daughters.
    My goal for dec
    Exercise 4-5x/ week
    Lose weight
    Count and log every calorie that I consume.
    Live each day with happiness and in the moment.
    Act the way I want to feel! Grateful to Barbie for helping with the
    positive mantras.
    Here's to a healthy, self caring December ! ????
    Blessings- LindaS from Sunny San Diego!:drinker:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    oh wow! so many beautiful women each with their own stories and it's just the first day of December; what an awesome thread. As for me I know from my own experience last year December is a challenging month. I came through Thanksgiving in pretty good shape. I am working seasonal with Target so I hope to keep moving and not eating. I already posted my goals on page 1 of December which they are really just keep active! I should try to post more often on this thread but it's a busy month and I don't like to say I will do something I am not sure I can follow through. Here's a quote from Norman Vincent Peale I read earlier that I like about being active.

    “Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.”

    here's to a great December!
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Bumping in! Was out of town for Thanksgiving and am now back!!

    November goals:

    Work out an additional time each week
    Increase time on elliptical by 20% :noway:
    Break this plateau :explode:
    Drink LOTS of water :drinker:
  • Lesa2014
    Lesa2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I wish to join this thread. I just got onto MFP (again) and became "friends" with Vicki57 because I was searching for 50+ women in central Nebraska. She told me about this group. I am 54, need to lose 20 pounds. I am a wife, mother to two sons and their wives, and grandma to one. I would like food intake accountability and encouragement and look forward to sharing my food choices and ideas with others.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy December 1st! :flowerforyou:

    Didn't do well with goals for November, so I am going to keep it simple for this month!
    Drink 64 oz. of water daily-really slacked off on water intake
    Focus on the positive things/people in my life-went through a rough patch with negativity last month
    Cut out the junk food-been too complacent and the pounds are creeping back on!

    School is going well, only 3 more weeks then break. Start a job at the school tomorrow, just 10 hrs. a week but will be doing reception again at H & R Block starting next month so between both jobs and two courses next quarter will be plenty busy.

    Sorry I've been posting so sporadically, I've been going through a rough patch in my personal life lately but I'm going to get more involved with all you wonderful women here again!

    Kathy in IL:drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    javajudi - welcome. I like your goals, something but not a whole lot. It's really difficult to start things this season, we have so much to do. You've set good goals, not a whole lot but something specific. Stop in regularly.

    christschild - you are so giving, what a blessing you are. I really can't set goals. It frustrates me when I don't meet them and I know that I shouldn't get frustrated by one day or mishap. So I don't set monthly goals, it just hasn't worked for me before.

    Michelle from UK - welcome. How did you tear that tendon? What did it feel like? Lately (and I really don't know how to describe it) the upper part of my bicep seems to be hurting. Not an incapacitating hurt, but I can feel it. Don't know if it's a torn tendon or not. Don't worry I'm certainly not into sports -- that is except to see those guys in their tight pants running around the football field. Don't ask me what an offense or a defense are, I have no clue at all. But watching those guys running around to me is the name of the sport....lol I'll go to the gym, but I have found that I'm going less and less and doing more and more at home. However, I still need a little "boost" (being with people). Also, even tho we have a pool, it doesn't go down to 10' so I take a deep water class. I see you're a vegetarian. Can a vegetarian have jello?

    jean from decatur - welcome. Same to everyone else who is new

    I think I should make my Dec. goal to be to write out the cards. Wonder why I procreastinate so much on them?

    tazgirl - so sorry for your loss

    DebA in CNY - remember when there was the Y2K "scare". Well, Vince was working at the time and they had this countdown clock. So after nothing happened on Jan 1 2000 he used that clock to count down the days/hours/minutes until his retirement....lol

    jb - happy anniversary. It's so great to read how far you've come

    sylvia - woohoo on the too big clothes. Makes one feel great, huh?

    jstmee - lol "clean" start. We're so glad to have ya

    joyce - get rid of those jeans and buy youself new ones! Then you won't have to worry about your jean area being bare.

    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. Then went to WalMart since Vince needed milk and I got a few other things. Came home and helped him with more of the Chirstmas decorations.

    Tomorrow is some yoga, holding my plank and then the extremepump class. Its supposed to be fairly decent weather so we're hoping to do some more work outside.

    Oh, Thanksgiving I had this cramp in my stomach. Guess what I got today? I'm 58 years old, for goodness sake! This always seems to happen in December. The only positive is that with the cramping, I don't want to eat.

    Michele in NC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    bump for later

    Eileen near warm and sunny San Diego
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Thanksgiving was very nice and managed not to gain any weight but today wasn't as good as it should have been. Didn't feel like cooking so stopped and grabbed a sub on the way home from church. Went over just a little but will be back on track tomorrow.

    Need to get ready for work tomorrow so will keep this short.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies.

    Tina from MD