40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I have not been counting calories for a couple of weeks now due to one thing and another (mild illness. very sick dog and more) but it does not seem to be affecting my weight at the moment. no doubt it will catch up at some point though.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Was totally MIA yesterday. Busy workday and then a late curling game last night. We lost. :ohwell:

    Beeps - love that necklace! I l love your shoulders more!!!

    Princess - wonderful picture of you and your grandmother! 94 years young...look at her!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Curling looks like so much fun, sdereski....but, I've tried it and it is H-A-R-D! I guess I must remain a (happy) spectator!

    Got some good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's last night. Today, at lunch, I lift! photos/measurements are soooooo close that I really have to manage my calories to the NTH degree!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    hey everyone!

    princess - beautiful pic... wow, your Grandma look fantastic!!

    Got in a great morning hill walk while the sidewalks are bare, little icy in spots but at least the slush is gone. My dogs were happy with me; I have been on my treadmill while waiting for the weather to decide what it was going to do so haven't had them on a walk for a few days. It's sexy shoulder day after work... I am channeling Beeps for this one! =)

    enjoy your day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Shoulders really ARE the best!

    Got my lifting in-and-done.

    Am feeling fine.

  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Posted this on my profile but wanted to share here too!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends! I will catch up with you by the weekend! I appreciate each and every one of you! Friends, family and the life I have. I am blessed in so many ways! Take care and enjoy the Holiday's. What would you do today if you knew you were not going to be here tomorrow? Love better? Laugh louder, be kinder, forgive someone or just lay there and wait for the end to come? Life is for living not waiting for the end to come! So lets live it to best of our abilities each and every day! Make each day count! xoxo
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Awesome day so far. I am feeling so much better today. Did some elliptical and uphill walking this morning in preparation for eating turkey later today. Thanks for all the well wishes from our Canadian friends!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Off to lift at lunch!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    WOW! It was a quiet weekend around here! Lots of business around my neck of the woods as well. My grandson came and stayed over night on Friday and left mid afternoon on Saturday. Yesterday was more Thanksgiving type feasting- We get together with my brother-in-law and family to do the traditional leftover turkey sandwiches which are always way more that one should eat, but it is a good time.

    As much as I did not want to come back to work today, I have been looking forward to getting back in to my regular routine. I made it to the gym this morning for some lifting and cardio- both were much needed after the weekend! Hoping my week continues to be as productive as this morning has been so far.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids,

    Hope all my American friends enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend.

    We got lots of snow here on Saturday. I was watching my granddaughter and had our morning planned, which included a walk uptown and then to the local food drive for our food bank. Well, the snow made that walk a workout!! I worked up a major sweat pushing the 40lb toddler on unplowed streets and sidewalks! It was such a nice day though, it felt good to be outside.
    My day with my granddaughter was so much fun, but exhausting. I needed a nap afterward. lol.
    Was a little worried about the shovelling I would have to do when I got home, as it continued to snow heavily the entire morning. Thankfully, some good samaratin ploughed my driveway while I was out. :bigsmile:
    I have NO idea who did it, but I thanked the Good Lord for sending someone my way. I have a HUGE driveway and really need to learn to use the snowblower. I can shovel, but that would be an all afternoon job for sure.

    Went for a run yesterday - roads were now cleared of the snow, so it made running a little easier. Some messy spots, but not too bad. It's always better to run outside than on the dreadmill.

    Think I'm going to give Zumba a try tonight. There are limited classes this month, but am going to try and take advantage of a few.

    Have a great day all,
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Terrible weather system moving through, today. I won't even CHANCE the roads at lunch to get to the gym. So, I brought my gear into the office and will turn out my lights and do an office work-out with my ugifit weight-ball. Should be good enough, recognizing it isn't "heavy-lifting", but it is SOME lifting and SOME cardio.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hi all. Checking in. Sorry to break to you all that the weather is very mild (tho very overcast) here in Northern Alabama. keep chugging along.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I could say something snarky like, "yep, weather might be mild, but then you actually have to LIVE there!"

    Instead, I'll accept I chose a cold-weather-climate and just work-out indoors, lol.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    LOL Beeps. hey, I grew up in NJ and just moved from there like 2 and a half years ago. lol I also went to school in Indiana. Always got those Chicago/Great lakes cold winds coming down. Neh! I will take this nice warm winter. LOL I just have to deal with the hot and humid summer. lol I will be in NJ for Christmas tho.
  • jmclean67
    jmclean67 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey gang! I am liking this thread! I am 46 years old, BMI is way too high and a little frightening at 35+!!!! I am 5'9" tall and have always been able to use my height to hide my weight. Well unfortunately that time has come to an end. I'm the heaviest I have ever been and having a real tough time getting motivated. I am motivated for a while then get frustrated because I do not see the progress on the scales. I have purchased a TRX, purchased a treadmill for home (which my husband uses faithfully), I have a gym membership and still seem to have a billion excuses of why I can't get to the gym or workout. When I was in my 20's I joined weight watchers, lost 25lbs and kept it off until about 8 years ago. I blame it on age and pre menopause but I see lots of women my age in great shape. Help!!!! Some advice and a kick in the a*& would be helpful. My goal is to lose 30lbs......something as simple as stopping into the gym on my way home seems like a mountain to climb.......
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey Kids!!

    Hope all that celebrated Thanksgiving had an awesome one!

    We've had pretty temperate weather thus far but the forecast are calling for some cooler days ahead of us. Today, is -10 but the windchill made it feel like -25!! ugh. I suppose we are due for winter, double ughh.

    WTG Beeps for getting it done!

    jmclean - you are the only one that can kick your *kitten* so you better get some flexibility work in too! lol. You have to be stronger than yor excuses and you have to want it bad enough, that's it. Also, ignore the scale... make this about getting healthy and then you won't put so much pressure on yourself. =)

    December goals - continue with carb cycling and then in January eat at MFP macros and compare stats. This 5/2 cycle is pretty easy to adhere to because I get a high carb intake every couple days but I just don't know if there is any real benefit to it for me at this stage. Been doing IF for a while now but with my focus shifting from cardio/endurance to heavy/hypertrophy, I'm finding that I am just way too hungry some morning so I am going to eat when I am hungry. I am also going to make sure I am still running for a minimum 4 days/wk; an incline interval, a speed interval and 2 easy pace 3mile minimum. And lastly, I am going to start weighing myself semi monthly; first day of period when water retention is over and then again mid cycle. It's not about weight for me anymore. =)

    I thoroughly enjoyed my rest day yesterday; I didn't even get out of my PJs all day!! I puttered around the house, wrapped Christmas presents and did a little baking after my week food prep. It was great.
    I was up this morning and got my upper body workout in and jump rope intervals to finish it off. After work run planned as well.

    Enjoy your Monday folks!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Enjoyed the time off, but now it's back to work! :grumble:

    Thanks for all the Thanksgiving wishes from the Canadian friends!

    jmclean - Welcome! You're in good hands in this thread! Lots of great information and motivation!

    WhatABroad - Thanks for the info on the carb cycling. I have friends that swear by it, but I'm not sure what to think either.

    We're expecting a major storm tonight as well. We had close to 60F today. I took my bike out for a spin only to find the tire flat. Got a run in instead, so that made up for it. It may be a long time before I can ride outside again with winter days ahead.

    Have a great start to the week everyone and those in cold weather climates stay warm!
  • jmclean67
    jmclean67 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks WhatABroad So true!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I'll be late at the office tonight, too....so, I brought my gym gear thinking maybe at the 5:00 hour I'll throw it on and do another ugifit.com work-out! I wonder if I could keep up this extra bit of cardio, as much as possible, through the winter months??

    I don't want it to interfere with my weight-lifting times - but that's within my control. So, as long as it isn't increasing my hunger (and therefore my calorie intake), this might be a good way of keeping my stress down, and making sure I'm falling into bed ASLEEP!

    I think if I read more about how to "formally" carb-cycle, that might be something I could try (in 2014)....for now, I'm just low-carbing it for as many days in a row as I can, and then when that "carb-binge" is on the horizon, I throw in 1 or 2 "higher carb" days and try to return to low-carb as quickly as I can.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hi all. Checking in. Beeps and Whatabroad, can you fill me in on the purpose of this carb cycle?

    Currently I am cutting back on many carb calories. I will eat my Cheerios or oatmeal in the morning, but then i will rely on fruits and vegatables after that. I basically cut out breads and pastas for now until I reach my goal weight. When I go into my bulk phase, I will add some of those deleted carbs back in.

    I run pretty much every morning except Sunday and do weights 4x a week (2x upper body, 2x lower body/abs). That is my routine for my fat cutting phase. Also hope to do my first 5K or 10K this spring.