40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    helpers - congrats on the weight loss!! Just goes to show that "weigh loss is NOT linear" - so hang in there, always, when mini-plateaus strike. Sorry to read about you/your family's loss. Tragic.

    I lifted today....actually, I KILLED IT, TODAY!

    On purpose.

    Last work-out prior to my Vegas weekend, so wanted to make sure I'd feel it for a few days, lol.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey pals,

    helpers - So sorry to hear of your family's tragic loss. Also want to congratulate you on your AWESOME loss! That is fantastic!

    Ran hills yesterday and am starting to feel the glutes tonight. Was planning an 8m run tonight, but I was struggling, so walked / ran 7m. That's it until Sunday now. Probably going to go for a walk tomorrow night and then I am traveling after that.

    Beeps - good job on your workout today! You made it count!
    Vegas?? Have a blast!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, here it goes. I am hoping these pictures show up. This is my progress since July 1st, 2012. The first pic I was around 270lbs. The other two were taken two days ago at work and I am down to 218lbs. I still have a long way to go, but it's nice to actually see progress.




    Have a good day all!
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    Oh, KellySue - that's GREAT! you've done a phenomenal job!!!!!

    Beeps: Vegas ? Woot-Woot!

    I did fit a hike in with my sister while I was up north over the weekend - how fun to actually work out OUTSIDE! I can't bear to do it here in Florida - too much flat land, and too hot. Heading to the Smoky Mountains in a couple weeks for motorcycle riding - can't wait to do some morning/evening hikes while there -
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    WOW!! Love the progress pics Kelly Sue!! What an amazing job!

    Hi all! New to this group (my name is Kelly also). I'm a 43yo working mom (14 yo DS and 20 yo DD). I've come over to MFP from WW, of which I was quite successful before some stressful situations. Need to figure out how to handle those situations with drinking and eating one of these day.

    Loving the warmer weather, have walked EVERY DAY this week and for the past 2 days jumped up at 5AM to get er done before work. Thinking about trying to get back into C25K.

    Have been within calories since Sunday and drink at least 8 bottles of water a day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    KELLY SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg - your weight loss is PHENOMENAL!! Great job!! I hope you post this on "success stories" thread, too....you are looking AWESOME and I'm sure your weight loss journey will continue with GREAT SUCCESS!!

    helpers - ummmmm, those of us in NORTHERN climates cannot UNDERSTAND complaints about "too hot", lol.

    welcome, gabbylab!

    I'm at the office, but will leave around 2:30 for the airport...am all packed up for Vegas (packed ultra-light, actually!!) and am excited to hook up with my gf's there!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Kelly Sue - FANTASTIC progess! You are doing amazing! Congratulations. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome gabbylab (Kelly) Great job on that water intake. That is where I really struggle. Please feel free to come and post / update us anytime. :happy:

    helpers - Come on up here for "cooler" weather. It has been "cool" here, even for us at this time of year. Wouldn't mind a bit of that heat you are talking about.

    Beeps - is this a girls weekend? Oh my, that does sound like a great time! :drinker:
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    Excellent! I am 46 and I'm about half way to my goal weight. I'm a school teacher and things are about to get real up in here... this summer I'm going to work out like a fiend. I'm training for the Portland Half Marathon in October. :)
  • cmb67
    cmb67 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found this board and would love to be a part of it. I am 45, and the Mom of 1. I have lost 15 pounds towards my goal. I have a ways to go, but I continue to turn to MFP for support and encouragement, and the inspirational stories. My hope is to start exercising ... I could really up my energy and weight loss. I used to enjoy it, and I need to find that again.
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi to all the cool kids in the 40+ club. 46 y/o, dad of 2. Lost 60 pounds since joining - 75 at my peak - 70 was my stretch goal. Got a couple of 10k's coming up this summer so it is time to take off that 10lb bounce when I upped my calories.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    sdereski - yes, this is a "girl-s-only" weekend. Well, more like 3 nights (I don't even land until 8:30 tonight!) and 2 days (because I leave at 9 am Sunday morning).

    Anyway, should be fun, although 1 of us is pregnant (she's usually the BIGGEST party-gal, so that's not happening), 1 of us is recovering from major surgery (surprise full hysterectomy in April!) and 1 of us I haven't met, before!

    Still, just being "away" will feel GOOD. We are going to see the new Cirque de Soleil show, too!
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    So, today is just a pain. I want chocolate. I want to be home instead of at work.

    I think I need a vacation. Sad thing is, I just took a week off last month. Maybe the coming weekend will help ...
  • cmb67
    cmb67 Posts: 46 Member
    So, today is just a pain. I want chocolate. I want to be home instead of at work.

    I think I need a vacation. Sad thing is, I just took a week off last month. Maybe the coming weekend will help ...

    I know that feeling! Chew some gum? Walk around the office or outside? A big glass of water helps me sometimes. Or, if all else fails, I find one of those mini chocolates and savor it. Good luck!
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Beeps - Enjoy Vegas this weekend....don't use up all of the fun while you're there....I arrive on Sunday afternoon!

    After about a week or two of not moving the needle, despite hitting my calorie goals and exercise goals, the needle has started moving left again! Dropped a couple pounds the past few days. 6 since joining MFP and 12 since I started my little improvement program 5 weeks ago. Can't wait to pass the 180 barrier...hopefully sometime over the next 2 weeks. Unfortunately, my work trip to Vegas and then to our HQ in Silicon Valley will put my willpower to the test. In the past, this is where I've failed...but the past is the past. NOT THIS TIME!
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    oh skratchie - i KNOW!!!! aren't short weeks just a pain? hang tough!!!

    jlapount - this time is NOT like last time! I had a situation a few weeks back where I was heavily tempted. I told myself "I just don't eat this stuff anymore. I'm better than this now". Keep your goals in the front of your mind - You can do it!!!
  • marquise800
    marquise800 Posts: 2 Member
    New to MPF and 40+ , can I be part of the Cool Kids club?:blushing:
    A few words about me: 42 yrs, a wonderful husband,2 kids, an oh-so-stressing full-time-office job and plenty of weight to lose!
    I love fitness and I workout mean but all those great muscles are covered by a nice big padding of fat:wink:
    And yeah, it DOES get harder to lose weight after 40!!

    I read the posts and really saw myself in some of them; especially the one about today being a pain LOL.

    Great to see you supporting each other; I hope I can help too!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow...I'm in my 40's now??? How can that be??? I think I'm 18, I act 25, people tell me I look 32 but yes I"m 44. I've had the most fun in my 40's I know that and I've lost and gained weight in the last 4 years but now on my way down for the LAST time I swear! I'm doing it this year (well last year I started and I"m half way through my journey). Nice to meet y'all!!!

    This is me, too. Although I just turned 46 about a week and a half ago. It is hard to believe that I am this old. But, you know you're old when you get excited that your husband's AARP card has finally arrived in the mail :bigsmile:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday All! I got that walk in this morning as it is going to be a hot, sticky day here later (they say in the 90s). Hoping to get up early and get to the gym tomorrow as I think the hubby and I are going to Alex Bay for a boat ride a bit later in the morning. Should be fun.

    Have a great day!
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    Am I allowed here if I am 18 in my head?