Anyone else have "goal clothes"?



  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    My wedding dress...which was actually TOO BIG for me last year (last time I tried it on)...and that's on my 9 year anniversary (and 2 kids later).
  • Not a exactly a goal "clothes" but a goal "sneakers". I really like to add a wedge sneakers in my wardrobe, so luckily I was able to score a nice wedge sneaker before Thanksgiving. And it's coming in the mail today, my goal is to fit and look good on those sneakers by spring/summer! :)
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I have a goal-coat -- my mother's old air force jacket, which has my maiden name on it. I can zip it up now, but it's not a comfortable fit. That's still better than last time I wore it, when I couldn't even get it to pretend to zip.

    I also tend to buy at least one pair of pants in a smaller size when I get new ones; I try them on constantly until they fit, lol.
  • I have this dress i bought it was under $5 and its awesome I believe its a size 14...I need to fit in it! However I plan on being way smaller but that is one goal.
  • i have not bought any yet but im going this weekend.I dont have a specific size but i will buy 1 size to small. then oncei can get into that size i will buy the next size down.
  • I have a pair of jeans that I bought a year and a half ago that used to fit much better. Right now, they fit well around my butt and thighs, but WHOA muffin top. They are a two or three sizes bigger than what I want to eventually be at, but it's a start. They are already fitting better than they did a few weeks ago. Then, I couldn't even button them but I can now.

    However, like I saw another poster say in another thread, feeling and seeing my current clothes become baggy is a much bigger motivator than having too small clothes that I try on or look at all the time. That actually discourages me when I do that. I plan to go shopping for some new, cute underwear and outfits when I reach my mini goal.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Designer denim. I have one pair of Paige denim that fits somewhat decently.
    Retro looking one piece bathing suit.
    Nice retro looking clothes
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    I bought a fitted hoodie without trying it on a few weeks before I decided to lose weight. I loved the colour and pattern but it was extremely snug and not really wearable when I actually tried it on. Instead of returning it I kept it as inspiration for my weightloss. Every week I try it on again after my weigh-in and it's extremely satisfying to see it getting looser and fitting better as I lose more weight. It still doesn't fit perfectly but it's a good indicator of the fact my body is changing shape, even if it's taking me a while to see it.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Prom is April. I want to fit into an awesome dress. Last prom was what got me to realize that I needed a change. Down 24 pounds, and 20 to go... Ugh... Slowing down though.. Hard to keep motivation sometimes... But, I try to remember what I'm doing this for. Myself, and awesome clothes. I have a good sense of style, but I dress horribly because I hate showing my body; so uncomfortable. Also, when I graduate, I would love to have a cute graduation dress. ♥ I know I can do this... I better be able to..
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I have a couple of "goal clothes" items but mine came from Goodwill. :-P I, too, have waited too long to wear something that I thought was waaaaaaayyyyyyy too small. Now I try on things every couple of weeks. Like another poster said, I'm not sure how small I want be because of age and the accompanying loss of skin elasticity so I get things a size or two smaller than where I am. I am now shopping in the misses section!
  • JacqueJo
    JacqueJo Posts: 33 Member
    I have a whole BOX of pants patiently waiting for me to lose weight. That is my first goal...moving from a size 14 to 12. Need all the motivation and accountability I can get!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I don't actually own any, but I'd like to be a size 4 pants size. Size 6 dress (my current size) is probably the smallest I can go due to the size of my ribcage, but my hips are small, so I think a 4 is possible in jeans.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Also I'd like to be able to pull off that baggy sweater thing that's so popular without just looking fat. :)
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    Prom is April. I want to fit into an awesome dress. Last prom was what got me to realize that I needed a change. Down 24 pounds, and 20 to go... Ugh... Slowing down though.. Hard to keep motivation sometimes... But, I try to remember what I'm doing this for. Myself, and awesome clothes. I have a good sense of style, but I dress horribly because I hate showing my body; so uncomfortable. Also, when I graduate, I would love to have a cute graduation dress. ♥ I know I can do this... I better be able to..

    AND you WILL be able to, good luck!

    I am going wedding dress shopping in March, and I want to rock every dress option like I own the place :-P
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    A whole closet full. A smokin' HOT collection of lingerie, cocktail dresses and evening gowns...all VINTAGE! Can't wait to wear them again!
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I have a closet full of my pre fat days in all sizes … all the way down to a 6 !! I love going in there and trying on some of the tighter ones and get motivated to make them comfortable enough to fit comfy. Its like shopping in my own personal store because everything thats in there I just loved and could not part from them.

    I have dropped from a size 24 to a 16 and have not had to buy any new clothes yet :) Now I clean out the larger sizes as I get out of them . I don`t ever want to go there again! and this will make more room to start buying new items.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    When I was 19-20 years old I won a bikini contest. I still have that bikini (twenty years later) and I want to rock it again. :blushing:
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Prom is April. I want to fit into an awesome dress. Last prom was what got me to realize that I needed a change. Down 24 pounds, and 20 to go... Ugh... Slowing down though.. Hard to keep motivation sometimes... But, I try to remember what I'm doing this for. Myself, and awesome clothes. I have a good sense of style, but I dress horribly because I hate showing my body; so uncomfortable. Also, when I graduate, I would love to have a cute graduation dress. ♥ I know I can do this... I better be able to..

    AND you WILL be able to, good luck!

    I am going wedding dress shopping in March, and I want to rock every dress option like I own the place :-P

    Thanks. :D
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I just bought a bunch of size small clothes on Black Friday. They fit, so my goal is to make sure it stays that way! (I never bought any goal clothes in advance, but I have enjoyed fitting into smaller and smaller things already in my closet from thinner days as I've progressed.)
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member
    I Just Bought A Size 10 Gorgeous Dress For 75% Off On Cyber Monday. I'm A Couple Of Sizes Away, But So Excited For The Day I Get There!!!! :)