
  • spellingmama
    spellingmama Posts: 17 Member
    Yes! I'm in! Don't know how much I'll lose but I am aiming for 125 miles on the bike for the month + 2 days of strength per week. Maybe going for 5 pounds is okay. Game on!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Phew, first week of T25 Focus is done and I can't believe how out of shape I am. Took my "before" picture, ugh, that was a rude awakening. However, it's keeping me motivated for sure. Are we weighing in on a certain day? I typically weigh in on Sunday.
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    Phew, first week of T25 Focus is done and I can't believe how out of shape I am. Took my "before" picture, ugh, that was a rude awakening. However, it's keeping me motivated for sure. Are we weighing in on a certain day? I typically weigh in on Sunday.

    what is T25Focus
  • dianeb613
    dianeb613 Posts: 121 Member
    My goal is NOT to GAIN over the holidays. I am hoping to just maintain....so count me in. If I lose, even better.
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    My goal is NOT to GAIN over the holidays. I am hoping to just maintain....so count me in. If I lose, even better.

    u r in the right place...join the club!
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    I AM IN :D
  • I am in! i definitely would l0ve to lose a few lbs before the new year!
  • I am in!!! I have a dinner coming up at the melting pot, a steak dinner, cookie exchanges, my birthday, Christmas Eve and Day, etc.. I could definitely use all the support I can get. I just had a baby 15 weeks ago and I am ready!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Phew, first week of T25 Focus is done and I can't believe how out of shape I am. Took my "before" picture, ugh, that was a rude awakening. However, it's keeping me motivated for sure. Are we weighing in on a certain day? I typically weigh in on Sunday.

    what is T25Focus

    It's a fairly new exercise DVD program by the same guy who did Insanity.

    Ryanmommy, congratulations on your new baby!
  • tyedyechick0930
    tyedyechick0930 Posts: 232 Member
    Still going strong. I didn't get up early enough to get a workout video in before work, but I'm planning to walk on my lunch break and I'm going to the gym after work this evening. I've already logged all my foods. So, I should be good to go for today! :drinker:

    Oh and an update on Thanksgiving...just have to say that I did a lot better than holidays past. And, I'm proud to say that I got a group of family members together and we walked after we ate lunch. I knew if I wanted a slice of mammaw's pecan pie, I'd need to burn some calories so we walked the loop with hills..the equivalent of 6 flights of stairs according to my fitbit. :bigsmile:

    How was everyone else's Thanksgiving? Hope everyone is staying strong! ~Charity
  • Im in!
  • I have already challenged myself to lose 10 to 14 pounds by December 14th, having began last month. joining a group in another challenge can't hurt. I'm with you all. :wink:
  • Count me in! I need something for motivation for the next few weeks!
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    I am not sure if anyone is interested but I found a sweet December challenge that I am adding into my workout this month.


    I definitely had my butt kicked with the abs. I know where I need to focus this month!!
  • I'm in! Need to read about other's struggles and how they cope with this time of year too!
  • I'm in :)
  • Momma_of3
    Momma_of3 Posts: 20 Member
    I am ready to join a challenge. I sure could use the motivation to get moving. I have slipped up this year gaining weight since I quit smoking. I'm needing to get a healthy grasp to the new year!
  • I'm in! I need a little accountability during the holidays :)
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    Count me in too! Struggling since last week but got in some riding this morning and getting back to weights this week! Stay strong!
  • Count me in also!!