Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • FiftyandFabulous
    FiftyandFabulous Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in. What do I need to do?
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm backkk! Just weighed in this morning and here are my official stats :smile:

    July - 159
    August - 153 [-6]
    September - 149 [-4]
    October - 145 [-4]
    November - 138.5 [-6.5]

    I lost 6.5lbs last month wooo! that's my highest ever..and my average is now 5.1lbs per months :laugh:

    Soooo, for November...
    SW - 138.5
    GW - 133.5

    GOOD LUCK! :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello and welcome to everyone. For anyone who has not done this challenge before we are pretty informal. Post your starting weight and then keep us posted on your progress. We are here to support each other so if you are struggling let us know. We are also cheerleaders for success. If you have some great tips or recipes we would love to hear it.

    I know I posted this last month but I think it gives you and idea on what you need to do to lose 5 pounds this month.

    1 pound = 3500 calories! 5 pounds =17,500

    To lose 5 pounds you need to create a calorie deficit through diet and exercise that equals 17,500 calories.

    That sounds like an awful lot but lets break it down to a daily basis. There are 31 days in October so divide that out and you need a deficit of 564.5 calories per day. How do you do that?

    If you are just starting out try not to make drastic changes you cannot live with.

    I read somewhere to start by eliminating 100 calories from every meal. Its easy if you eat bread at every meal. Most breads (except diet ones) run around 100 calories per slice. If you eliminate 1 slice of bread from each meal you have already eaten 300 calories less than normal.

    Now go for a 2 mile walk. Time does not matter as much as distance. If you speed up to walking a mile in 13 minutes or less, you will be burning more calories per mile. But for most beginning walkers, it is best to increase the distance before working on speed. A simple rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile for a 180 pound person.

    Now you are at 500 less calories....that would be a pound for 7 days of doing this. And you now you are almost there.

    Skip cream in your coffee...don't drink that soda or eat that treat and you are losing enough to lose 5 pounds per month.

    HOW ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE THE 5 POUNDS? It helps to have a plan to achieve your goal!

    Have a healthy day!

  • I'm at 215 and my goal is 210 by Thanksgiving, so I think it's very doable for me if I stick with my current program/plan. Today it's raining so it's already screwed up my exercise routine. I had surgery in September and my doctor still says no exercise routine, but walking is okay. I have been walking part of the way into work and again back home, and taking walk at lunch. Now my morning walk got nixed due to weather..I can still walk indoors at lunch, and I hope the rain has cleared out by the time I get off like it's supposed to, so I won't feel like I've missed out so much on the little exercise I can do. :(

    I have been eating MUCH more healthy the past several months. Not focusing as much before now on weight loss as on just cutting out breads and dairy which a friend mentioned learning she has food sensitivities too. Based on what she told me I got a copy of Prevention's book The Hormone Diet, or something like that for the name. It's somewhat complicated so I don't intend to use it as a diet per se once I've completed the initial 15 days, but am using the first part of it to determine if I too have any food sensitivities. I've finished week one, so this Friday my meal plans start incorporating potential 'sensitive' foods so I can determine, which, if any, I should limit or cut out of my diet.

    Right now my main concern is just sticking with entering all my diary stuff on here every day..it's so easy for me to fall out of the habit of that! Ugh! LOL Sometimes it's hard too as I'm using recipes from the hormone diet book and it's easier just to enter the calorie number than add a new food. Some of these recipes are VERY GOOD, so I have to admit I will be using them again, so it's worth the book just for that at this point, even if it turns out I don't have food sensitivity issues, although I believe I likely do as I've certainly had a lot less seasonal allergy issues this fall (usually my worst time) since trying to stay away from breads and cow milk..

  • MrsTLP
    MrsTLP Posts: 15
    Count me in on this challenge! I need to lose 16 pounds to reach my desired weight. I hope to lose 10 of it by Christmas.

    My starting weight is 141 - Nov. 2nd.

    Thanks for the challenge. I love having the support of this site!!!

  • Speaking of candy...
    I had so much fun with Halloween! But what do I do with all the extra candy? I don't want to bring it to work because I will have to walk by it all day, don't want to toss it out because the kids will be so sad. What do you all do with the candy after Halloween?

    Donate it to local food bank or homeless shelter. There are some groups that take donated Halloween candy and send it to the troops in care packages. Google it for your area.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am going to shoot for 5 pounds down this month. I gained 4 pounds last month. I started the month off good every month and then in the last 10 days to 2 weeks I gain all the weight back and this is 1st month I gained pounds over my start weight for the month.

    I can't say it is the exercise because I am very active despite my limitations. I am going to really try to get my eating in control. At my size 5 pounds a month and some should be a breeze but I am struggling. So I am going to shoot for 5 pounds again this month. I am going to update my MFP ticker but I am not going to update my other ticker because I am going to get back to 355 by end of this year. Hopefully way before then. I am making some strides on the binge eating and grazing but it is a slow process and I am tired of yo-yoing.

    SW 367
    GW 362

    Thanks in advance for support! :flowerforyou:
  • count me in; heres my stats and this is only my 1st goal

    pre preg weight :140

    day of birth weight: 184

    today's weight: 155

    goal weight: 145

    lost weight: 29
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning everyone. They have decided on a date for Grandmas' services (this weekend) however, I have no update on Grandpa yet. I'm not sure if he will make the funeral or not. I'll be glad when this week is over and everyone can start picking up the pieces and try and move on.

    I decided to start my own personal challenge by doing 14 days straight of the 30 day shred. Started yesterday, and just finished todays...I ache!! I know it's *mostly* a good ache, but still! I woke up and my butt muscles were killing me, lol! I'm still sick-ish. My sore throat is long gone, but I still have a horrible cough and running and stuffy nose, which is driving me crazy!

    I made my first ever 'seafood' dish last night, Super Scampi from Rachael Ray. I did everything (but the anchovies, I just COULDN'T add those!) and it turned out great!! My picky hubby who doesn't like to try new dishes LOVED it! It was my first time trying shrimp, I didn't like that part of it, but the pasta and flavors itself was fabulous. I recommend it to anyone, it's got a great flavor.

    On that note, it's time for me to cook up my lunch, Whole Wheat Chicken Helper (honey mustard---YUM!) and some carrots and maybe a banana or apple, not sure yet. Have a good day all!!

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I took the kids to the Dental office last night, I looked online and found a program that sends the Halloween candy to Iraq. We had 15 lbs, yep that's right 15 lbs of candy! I let the kids get 5 candies each to take home with them and we left the rest with the Dental office for the solders! I felt really great about that and so did the kids.

    Sorry to hear about your Grandma, sad news.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    okay i'm in this is my first challenge and i'm determined to check in to FP everyday not just wing it by memory for the week..ughh i've been so bad
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    183.8 lbs on 11/02/10 :drinker:

    I was 179 in the spring... I had a FABULOUS summer but now it is time to get back on track. I think this challenge is what I need - THANKS! :flowerforyou:

    Off to yoga... which I haven't done since the spring :blushing:
  • Count me in, too! I started back on Nov 1, so the timing is great!
  • Im in :3 i need to get rid of some of my luggage before christmas.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello everyone! Did I miss the post where it said this group was moving? Took me forever to find it. October wasn't great for me but I am in it again for November. Only lost 3 lbs. in October. I am coming off of 6 weeks of no weight loss so hopefully I can keep the numbers moving down. Good luck to everyone this month!
    Nov. 1: 144
    Nov 5:
    Nov. 19:
    Nov. 26
  • cindybone
    cindybone Posts: 12 Member
    I like this need this want to get in the 240's this month. Count me in need to go back with more exercise this month. Thank you Mollie for this challenge
  • mtheilen
    mtheilen Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too and am also a newbie to joining a challenge! Hoping this is the motivation I need for losing the last of the baby weight. Good luck everyone. I use MFP on my ipod and will have to log in more often here to see the posts. SW = 147.5
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Im IN!!! : ) to the end

    I started this month at 164 .. a one pound loss for last month not so good but it was a really busy time.
    things are calming down now and Im ready to start this month five pounds here i come : )

    I would really really really like to be down and out of the 160's and into the 150's by the end of the month!
  • Good morning everyone.

    November is not off to a good start. Halloween candy started me into a 3 day sugar frenzy but that is over begining today. Hope Halloween isn't an indication of what Thanksgiving will be like. I really thought I had more willpower than that. Oh well, it's a new day so I'm back on track.

    Good luck to all of you. :flowerforyou:
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