5'4 girls, what's your goal weight?



  • Ocarina_Of_Time
    Ocarina_Of_Time Posts: 12 Member
    I think happiness with your body does not come when you reach a weight... That is just my opinion based on what I've observed about myself and other people. *Shrug*. However, I do think a person can have an idea of what they are most physically comfortable with (I wish I could give a better explanation, but as in "feeling" the weight, how clothing fits and looks, etc. ) ... I remember being pretty comfortable around 115 - 100 . Please do not think of going below 100 I have been there you might not even be able to exercise below that at 5'4" you be too weak. Just saying this because I know a lot of 5'4 chicks on the net want to be like 80 pounds.
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal weight is 130 lbs.
  • likehemingway
    likehemingway Posts: 37 Member
    128, 125 ideally. Currently at 134.4. So close!
  • NatsLady
    NatsLady Posts: 17 Member
    I'm almost 5'4 and I never weighed above 120 until I hit menopause. Then my weight shot up and I was at 185 when I started this program. I still have my old clothes, so my goal is not to give them to charity. :smile:
  • 125 to 130 for me please. It's a long time since I was there and need to lose about 10/15 pounds. It's hard to lose small amounts as the calorie allowance is sooooo weeny. I can't exercise anymore very effectively due to hypermobility syndrome causing excessive pain, so it has to be down to calorie counting. Slowly but surely is my new motto! Day one was today and I failed the calorie target but I did eat less than I normally would so that's a start :)
  • hiroselee
    hiroselee Posts: 5 Member
    this really depends on your own body type. I'm about 5'2 or 5'3 and I'm right now around 118-119. But my goal is to lose at least 5 more pounds. i still have excess fat that I could afford to lose even though I weigh less than 120. So it really depends on your own body, your muscle composition, etc. Also depends on your own fitness goals too, I guess! Good luck!
  • I've set my goal for 135. I'm 5'4" andI weighed under 105 pounds until I was in my late 20s. I gained 25 pounds into my 30s and felt so much healthier. (I was always catching colds and random illnesses prior to gaining a little weight.) I gained a whole bunch of weight in my 40s and don't feel healthy anymore. Anything between 135-150 would be fine with me. In my earlier years, 130-135 was definitely when I felt the healthiest.
  • karenb4729
    karenb4729 Posts: 13 Member
    When I started my goal was 140. I got there but continued losing until I got down to 109 which was too low. I'm trying to pick up some weight and am at 118 now with mostly muscle gain. My ultimate goal is 130 but I agree with others, it shouldn't be about the number on a scale but what you feel is a good BF% for you.
  • My goal has always been 154lb, but looking into BMI charts etc, It still put me in the "overweight" section, so I decided my ultimate goal would be about 140lb, I think anything below this would make me look like a lollypop, but.. I shall just have to wait and see when I get there.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Hmmmm...... Hard for me to say. I`ve been 120 (too thin), 140 (awesome), 160 (Ok), 180 (too big), 200 and up to 232! When was I feeling better about my body? At 140. But back then I was exercing like crazy, 2-3 hours a day, everyday! Not sane (for me). Not going back to that way of life! Then I was160, not feeling FAT anymore, but still curvy. 150 was pretty good, but I was 3 months pregnant so I don`t really know how it looks on me.
    I want to get to a point where I don`t feel fat anymore and can maintain with a good amount of food (I'd say at least 1800 cal per day at maintenance) and resonnable exercice for me (about 3-4 hours/week). So where will this bring me? Will see.
    I am setting a first goal at 150 and will see from there, but if I could get to any weight right now, just by magic, ``the`` number would be 132 (100 pounds loss).
  • Awesome! I love to see that we all pretty much have similar goals! Don't give up, ladies!
  • I think you're doing very well! Building muscle is my problem! Haha it's so hard for me
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a little under 5'5" and my GW is 116. My current weight is right around 121. I did get down to 119 and realized that I could afford to lose a few more. Keep in mind I have a VERY small body frame so even at 130 I look big.
  • dgraboski
    dgraboski Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal weight is 140. I was at 150 6 months ago and was pretty happy with it with the exception of my stomach. I guess I will see how I feel when I reach that 140.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I'm 5'4", currently around 135 (starting weight was around 150-155). I know the number itself shouldn't really matter, but I'd like to be 120. More or less I'd like to drop a few inches off of my waist to around 24-25.
  • golgoroo
    golgoroo Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'4" (if I stand up really straight)! I started at 251, am currently at 233. I'm aiming for 155-160, then I'll reassess. I remember getting to 137 my senior year in HS, but that was nearly 30 years ago. I couldn't stay at that weight then & don't expect I could now that I'm in peri-menopause. To be honest, my primary goal right now is getting to shop for "regular" sizes. Hoping that happens once I break 200...
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    My original goal weight was 125 but I didn't feel like that was enough so I decided to shoot for 117. I think that was a good weight for me but I still wasn't happy with my body so I kept slimming. Now I weight 108 and I think that is definitely too low. Once Christmas hols are done I plan to get back to trying to bulk up to around 120 in the hope that'll I'll eventually manage to lower my bf further and recomp for a shape I'll be happier with.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    125. I'm medium frame and have an athletic build. 125 puts me at about 18-15% body fat. Im pretty happy there. just trying to stay there has been a challenge lol. But i will this new year for sure!!
  • Noamsh
    Noamsh Posts: 79 Member
    My goal used to be 138. And then it was 130. Now that I'm at 130, it's 120 and who knows what will hapen once I get there. It all depends on how you feel.
  • My goal weight is 140, because 140 will take me into the normal BMI range. If I'm not happy with the results at that point, I might try to lose more. It's not so much the number that concerns me as much as it is my fitness level and health.
  • I'm 5'3" I like to stay around 125. 122-127 is my best weight. If I go too low, my face looks older...any higher and my hips and stomach start to bulge.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    In a perfect world, I'd get back to my old happy weight of 125, but I don't know if that's possible at this point. I was dancing 20 hours a week when I was that small and now I have a more sedentary job. I want to at least get below 140 and see what that looks like.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Mine is about 135-140. The lightest was 125, but I don't know if thats sustainable for me.
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    I am 5'4" now, my goal weight according to online calculations should be around 136. But I'll be happy to be around 140-145. Age has lot to do with it too. Young ones looks great when they are "skinny" but us older folks start looking gaunter, but then that's my opinion!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    If you keep losing and are not happy, do two things: get your body fat tested and work on that instead of pounds and start lifting NOW. You're just going to keep losing muscle mass as you drop. You may find you don't need to lose any more at all but rather just do some body recompositioning. I have lost 3 pants sizes with virtually no weight loss.
  • I feel like I have an eating disorder after comparing my new goal with the responses on here

    either I'm in the wrong height category (163 cm?) or something is not right with my body fat calculations (using Matt Fitzgerald's Racing Weight thing)

  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 126 lbs. My original goal was 125 lbs but I'm going down to 120 lbs slowly with a strength training routine along the way to try and help reduce body fat, as that is my ultimate goal. I'd love to build back up to 125-130 lbs over years of bulk/cutting but right now I'm still around 25% BF.
  • sruvane
    sruvane Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'4" and shrinking - oh, the joy of being 58! Six years ago I weighed 138 and was a size 4/6. I don't look so great any smaller, even though I thought charts I read were telling me to weigh about 125. I'm at 200 now, wanting to get below 150. Even at 160, I remember feeling good about how I looked and what I could wear. Hope that helps some one. All your posts have helped me : )) Thank you. Need weight loss friends if you are looking for support, friend me.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I feel like I have an eating disorder after comparing my new goal with the responses on here

    either I'm in the wrong height category (163 cm?) or something is not right with my body fat calculations (using Matt Fitzgerald's Racing Weight thing)


    You're trying to get to an endurance runner or triathlete range and you are comparing it to a person trying to get into a healthy or normal bmi/body fat range. Apples and oranges. I would have to lose LEAN MASS to get below 125 because I do power lifting. I can't compare myself to these folks but for the opposite reason. Actually I would be dead because my LBM is 125.
  • 130 or 125
    My dream weight :)