Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    DOWN 1.4 lbs this week! Not much, but still a loss!

    It looks like it's been tough a week for many of us! After only 3 weigh ins a lot people seem to start giving up at this point, but come on ladies, lets see this through to the end! We can do it! Imagine all the wonderful comliments we're going to get a Christmas! Imagine how amazing we are going to feel!
    Maybe this week we can think of a goal to work towards this week push ourselves a wee bit more!
    My goal will be to not only walk on my lunch break but also find time to do at least one of form of cardio this week. What's your personal challenge going to be?
  • Down 2 lbs this week that's a total of 6.
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    DOWN 1.4 lbs this week! Not much, but still a loss!

    It looks like it's been tough a week for many of us! After only 3 weigh ins a lot people seem to start giving up at this point, but come on ladies, lets see this through to the end! We can do it! Imagine all the wonderful comliments we're going to get a Christmas! Imagine how amazing we are going to feel!
    Maybe this week we can think of a goal to work towards this week push ourselves a wee bit more!
    My goal will be to not only walk on my lunch break but also find time to do at least one of form of cardio this week. What's your personal challenge going to be?

    my challenge this week is no treats at all until my wi on friday, if i do well then i'm gonna allow myself a bar of galaxy! also to go out for a road run twice this week
  • Am I too late to join in? I have a total of 25lbs I want to lose overall for if I can do 20 by Xmas I'll be thrilled! I just got on here a couple of days ago. Tracking my food is hard but I'm putting it all in there even if I've gone over :)
  • monica2383
    monica2383 Posts: 15 Member
    My weekly weigh-in.... 262... not a very easy week but at least there is a loss!!
  • freightdiva
    freightdiva Posts: 55 Member
    OMG! up 1 lbs???
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    My weekly weigh-in.... 262... not a very easy week but at least there is a loss!!

    can you put just your loss in lbs please?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Down 2 lbs!
  • I'm down 2.5# this week.
    Down 4.5# from start of challenge
    Down 12.5# from SW
  • I'm in too.!!!
  • jippygirl
    jippygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Down 1.4 pounds this week. Down 4 pounds since the challenge began! Slowly but surely, my fellow travelers.
    I will add weights to my workout this week.
  • gabngavsmom
    gabngavsmom Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join this challenge. I am currently 212. I would like to be in ONEderland by Christmas this will be the first time in 2 years.
  • I would like to say welcome to the thread to all of the recent XMAS challenge starters! I cant beleive we currently have over 130 people who are following! That is fab! When I started this challenge, I really was only expecting a handful of people to join me, but people just keep on coming! The level of support and motivation from everyone is great!

    The list of success is starting to look very positive, and thanks everyone who was really swift in messaging me/posting to the board!

    I hope everyone is getting on ok? I had a rather indulgent weekend and now, for my sins, lady trouble is making me feel rather barrell like. I dont like to step on the scales as I know normally gain around this time of the month. I have changed my weigh in to sundays, but, im not feeling positive! Just maintaining would be great! :)

    I am going to see the Sound of Music tonight (on stage!) so I expect I will be wanting to run around recreating hill scenes over the weekend (maybe that will help shed a few Lbs? lol)

    Keep those losses coming! ;)......... "The Hillllls are allliiiiiveeee with the sound of muuuuusssiiiiiicccc.....!"
  • I'm down 1.5 lbs this week. Hubby just got back from deployment on tuesday and I haven't had much of a chance to work out this week as I was preparing for his homecoming. So glad he's home though! I will be back on track next week. Keep up the good work everyone. :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    OMG! up 1 lbs???

    I totally feel your pain this week!
  • Count me in!
  • Down 1.2 this week, what a struggle, total since start of challenge 3.2!!!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Down 1 lb :)
  • down 2.8! Hurray - more than I had hoped for :wink:
  • I have lost a total of 7lbs since starting the christmas challenge!! Yay me
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