
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning ladies,
    I have to drop one of the boys at the groomers in a little bit, and today I will be running around like a chicken with my head cut off, i know not a good visual:laugh:
    we leave very early saterday morning and we both work tomorrow so most everything has to be done today..having my lemon water and icing my heel and then off I go, garbage to the dump, homer to the vet,finish packing the car,and somewhere in there get to the gym
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cindy :smile: They say more rain is on the way for Saturday:sad: , I would love to have a beautiful sunny weekend! Sounds like you had a good time with the girls!

    Gail :smile: Sending prayers for your choir director! So was your day wild or wonderfully quiet:huh: ?

    Juanita :smile: I so love seeing that Christmas cactus, and reading your posts!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Glad your daughters’ car is all repaired now! I did have to laugh at her taking the car keys with her:laugh: ! Good luck with the extra chore of planning the Christmas lunch:grumble: !

    Margaret :smile: Good for you taking care of you, I had that wonderful advice from a wonderful woman just the other day:flowerforyou: ! Good for you taking your own advice!

    Anamika :smile: Glad you had a wonderful time! Look at all those NSV`s…a wonderful accomplishment:bigsmile: ! Good luck with the race on Sunday!

    Vicki :smile: Congrats on getting rid of .2 this week!!! I hope you get things with the insurance co. worked out soon! I know that has to be so annoying!

    Jane Martin :smile: More snow…brrrr. Stay warm!

    Rita :smile: So glad you didn`t fall! Hope you`re not too sore today! Sounds like you`re really enjoying Curves!

    Heather :smile: Feels good to get things done; I finally got my cards mailed on Tuesday. Most of the cards I send are to people I talk to and see all year though, no updates needed for them! Christmas cake sounds a lot like the fruit cake my mom used to make:love: , except it wasn`t iced. YUM!!! I`ve never had Plum Pudding, sounds good though!

    Sylvia :smile: LOL at the rumor and it being you…I love it:laugh: ! One year at Christmas as a gag gift my hubby bought me this long curly red wig, I put it on and wore it to our neighbors house for drinks Boxing night, Phyllis my neighbor had no clue it was me, when she finally figured it out, she told me she was about to throw my hubby out for bringing another woman to her house:laugh: . Oh such fun we used to have:heart: !

    Joyce :smile: Congrats on the .6 gone! Any loss no matter how small is fabulous:flowerforyou: ! Hope you`re feeling better! Congrats on the refund in the exact amount you need!

    Grandmallie :smile: I`m glad you found out what set DH off, he still should not be taking it out on you:noway: :angry: ! Sounds like you`re having a busy day today!

    Sandy :smile: Happy one year anniversary:flowerforyou: ! 77 pounds in a year is fantastic! You should be very proud of yourself!

    Barbie :smile: Glad you`re feeling better every day! You are a smart lady and you`ll know when it`s time to pick up the weights again! Oh poor Bernie:cry: , he has a smart mom who will help him get he extra weight off! Great portion control at the open house!

    Sue in TX :smile: Peanut brittle, I haven`t had that in so long…yummy! Hope DH is feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Michele :smile: Lemon poppy seed muffins sound good, I love lemon curd:love: , I could eat it just plain!

    Susan :smile: Thank goodness your dad has you to watch out for him:flowerforyou: !!! Before electricity….brrrr….I guess it`s what you adapt to, I just can`t imagine though:noway: !

    Pat C :smile: Our Christmas dinner used to be grilled burgers and chips, we were all tired of the turkey and ham and side dishes by that time! You can freeze candy, at least candy bars, I have a few Snickers in the freezer right now, when I cleaned it out, I did save those:blushing: !

    It`s that time again…time to get the behind up and moving! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny chilly NC:glasses:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    Help the plank for over 1 minute this morning. Thought I'd try again and just couldn't another. Maybe a little later (or not).

    Didn't have a great day yesterday food wise. But I did exercise. Then I took a nap! I guess having the girls over was more stressful than I thought. But I enjoyed it and am ready to do it again!

    I'm going to meet my daughter this afternoon and then we are going over to my sister's in W-S. We are going to go see the new Judy Dench movie "Philomena" It's about finding the son that was taken away for adoption. I hope we enjoy it. Then we are going out to dinner.

    Had another NSV yesterday. My good friend made an awesome chocolate pie and left some here. I started eating a piece and the only way I knew to deal with that was to put it upside down in the trash. That was hard because I really really wanted that PIE! I just have to stay away from the sugar because if I start then it is on. I did have a couple of other things after that so my goal today is just to stay away or limit it one little thing in the evening. Probably should be not at all today since I've had sweets a couple days in a row now.

    So my day looks like, laundry, exercise, and then errands on my way to DD's. (And maybe clean out the foyer closet)

    I've been watching Christmas movies on my Kindle and usually while I am exercising so I'm getting a 2fer one.

    I hope everyone has a good day and stays on track!

    Dee: My husband informed me of the rainy weekend ahead. Not looking forward to that.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Good morning,all! Sunny and cold in the mid-Atlantic; our high is only going to be 37 which is really low for us, but I realize that sounds pretty good to some of you!

    On speaking of the "good old days"; as I mentioned before, my parents didn't heat the upstairs (coal heat) and I often had ice formed on the inside of the bedroom windows..........and no animals for warmth either. Allowing the door to the upstairs open was a major crime, as it "wasted heat". My mom remembered getting electricity put in, thanks to my aunts DH who worked for PP&L in the 30's. A t.v. arrived when I was about 10 or 12. Phone when I was 15...........also an indoor bathroom; until then it was a trip to the outhouse; in the winter a very cold trip; but at least we had a "two-seater"! Every time I clean a bathroom, I remember these trips and am thankful.

    My Intentional Act of Kindness yesterday was to respond to a call from a down the block neighbor to go down there and feed, water, and exercise her big hairy dog and cat. when she was delayed.

    Anamika...........What a collection of NSVs........super!!! I'll be cheering for you mentally on Sunday.

    Dee Dee.......Vicki........Heather.......and anyone I missed......congrats on getting your cards out; I'm lagging, as usual.

    Sylvia..........WTG starting tongues wagging with your new svelte shape!!

    Sandy............Happy anniversary!! Your dedication is paying off.

    Michele.............Lemon poppyseed is one of my fav. flavors. Interesting idea to send cards in Jan!!

    Dee Dee..........I just love all your little happy faces in your posts; always such an upper, makes me smile, thanks!

    Cindy.........."Philomenia" is on my list to see.

    Off to get breakfast,
  • bump
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    well i didnt get to the gym~sitting having a cup of hot chocolate and then on with it, ran over to the town across the river to pick up dog coats, then will get the garbage to the dump and then pack the car
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannnie: I’ve been eating the Clementines, too. I love them. I wouldn’t prefer cake, though. I’d prefer potato chips and clam dip. We have an old family recipe that I’ve modified to eliminate added salt. The ingredients are salty enough. Yum! I have eliminated potato chips from my life, but clam dip is also yummy when eaten on celery sticks, carrots, or bell peppers. I love your recollections of the “old days.”

    Heather: I’m interested in your DH’s novels. Are they slice of life, military, romance? Would I like them or maybe DH? He’s into kindle books these days. How would I find them? DeeDee’s post made me realize I have another question. Plum pudding is something I’ve heard about for years. I think I’ll try to find a recipe.

    Grandmallie: Good luck with your travel preparations and road trip.

    Mamacindy: Congratulations on your plank. I tried yesterday and wound up doing three 30 second planks instead of one 90 second plank. I’m using the theory that I’ll be able to string them together after my wrist heals.

    One of our 50+ friends, Janie, asked about some Christmas songs we wrote new lyrics for last year. I decided to look for them and to my surprise, ALL of our posts from December 2012 are still in the MFP database and relatively easy to find. These guys must have seriously huge memory capacity built into the system. I had a memory hiccup in my own computer and didn’t save appropriately, but I’ll go back and hunt them up again if anyone wants to see. I might just do it anyway.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy almost-holidays! Thanks for digging up last year's songs, Katla, they're sure funny!

    Janie and I are having a go at it again this year, here's one I wrote the other day, sung to the tune of "Let it Snow!"

    ♫ All the goodies on the table are frightful, I dare you take a bite-full,
    And since on your hips they'll show, Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go!

    ♫ It's just the beginning of feasting, the sweets and treats are creeping,
    The calories grow and grow, Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go!

    ♫ When we finally add it up, the numbers show nothing but doom,
    If you want to be thin and trim, I suggest you stay out of the room! :laugh:

    ♫ Oh the cookies and pies are waiting, there's much anticipating,
    If we'd only just say no! Let it Go! Let it Go! Let it Go!

    Wishing you all a great day!
    :smile: jb in frozen Portland
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:
    Finally got back into the groove :happy:

    Once I begun logging again I see where all the calories and sodium are adding up :sad:

    all good.I got this.:wink:

    I wish to extend again a HUGE thank you for all the well wishes and sympathy and understanding everyone shown me for my beloved Fur baby Shadow.Please take a moment and give all of them extra hugs and cuddles from me.Wizzy Wig I believe my baby and yours Tara are playing together :wink:

    Heather in the UK .The names of your DH books please?

    Gosh I have so much catching up to do.
    Thanks Barbie for all you do.

    BE back later to chat.
    Molly in chilly still WV
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just read the "Let it Go" song. Hilarious! I'm going to forward that to all my girlfriends!

    I saw this on our local station this week: Granny Loves to Hunt. I hope I'm in that good of shape when I'm 98


    I took a good long walk out in our sunny but chilly neighborhood. Then came home and filled our kindling box. Still lots to do before I meet my DD this afternoon.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    JB,that was a riot!!!! those will keep me laughing through the holidays,
    i cut up some apples that were going bad and took them down to the donkeys sheep and goats at the farm....they went bonkers:bigsmile:
    took the stuff to the dump, and got the car mostly packed, going to drop key off to my brother, then take Homer to the vet for the shot, and then pick up chester at the groomers and then come home and get dinner together
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Katla and Molly and anyone else who is interested -

    JOHN WARD - "The Glint of Silver" and "The Wide Embrace" . Both on Kindle and paperback.

    They are detective novels set in the Anglo Saxon era in England. The heroine is a feisty young woman called Winfreth who is always poking her nose in where she is not wanted. VERY reasonably priced!

    Katla - look up Christmas Pudding by somebody reliable, like Delia Smith. This year we used a recipe from John's aged aunt, which must be quite old, but we had one she'd made last year and it was delicious so we asked for the recipe. You should make it now for it to mature. On the day, after it has steamed again for two hours we turn it on to a dish and pour burning warmed brandy over it. Especially good if you turn down the lights! This year I have bought indoor whooshing sparklers to put in it for DGS to admire. Longing to see his face!
    DH has just cleaned out the fridge so it is all shiny inside now.:love: My job is to do the ovens.:frown:
    Emailed off a list of books to my sons for them to give me for Christmas. One year I sent the same list to them both so got the same ones!! ! ! !:noway: :embarassed: Now I make sure I tick them off my list as I go. :bigsmile:

    I checked out my maintenance calories todsy on a different website and found I had been eating very close to maintenance. No wonder I wasn't losing any weight!:embarassed: :ohwell: So now I'm definitely on 1450 until that 0.5 lb goes!:laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello to all: Whoo-hoo! It is supposed to get up to 27F today. I got my truck back, it is running again but today I must go put gas and fuel conditioner in it so hopefully it will not gel again. If temps get in the below zero range again I will just have my DH take me to work and not take the truck.

    Buying lots of gift cards this year as we are traveling for Christmas. Got a bunch of those bought and mailed today. More Christmas cards to send out though. I can hardly believe we leave next Wednesday. I am anxious about getting from Sioux Falls to Minneapolis and then getting out of Minneapolis but once we are out of there I will be able to relax. Looking forward to spending time with family and especially DGD.

    Heather - The books sound interesting. Will have to put them on my list to read.

    Margaret - I take magnesium that was prescribed by a doctor years ago for muscle cramps. I have tried cutting it down a few times but then get cramps again so I continue to take it.

    Grandmallie - Hang in there and have a wonderful and safe trip to Florida.

    Fun to read about everyone's preparations for the holidays.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cindy, your story reminded me of The Biggest Loser this week. One team was given a temptation of bakery items. One of the contestants was going to eat and his team mates threw them in the trash can. They knew that he would just get them out so they poured dish washing soap on top of them.

    Started my antibiotic yesterday afternoon and I already feel better. I have a different kind of sinus infection than most and years ago my eye, nears and throat doctor discovered it. But in the mean time my genes passed the same kind of infection to both my daughters. They love me for it:laugh:

    My youngest daughter will come over and help up put up our tree. I'm getting kind of bored with my old ornaments. They hold no sentimental value to me so I may go out and get me some more. I have some that were my Mom's when she was a little girl. One of my ornaments is an egg my brother made years ago when he lived away and unable to come home. I think they lived out in Washington state at the time. That's where his sub was based. Anyway, he took eggs, blew the yolk out and made ornaments. My Mom's had a nativity scene inside. When my daughter was married her husband was ADD and treated anything with no respect at all. I never let him touch that egg.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Good Morning. It is to be up to 39 today. I am off today and been to the chiropractor this morning. I have not had good food days the last couple days. Yesterday was really bad. So today I am deep breathing and taking it slow. I have acouple gifts to get yet and just not in the mood so will waite till next week. This afternoon two of the DGDs have their school concerts they go to the same school, one is kindergraden and the other first. I do enjoy watching the kids. DH is hoping to get off it time to go.

    Sandy-- Happy 1st Birthday and congrates on the weight loss. You are doing great and getting to the Y, I admire that. Hope your headache is gone soon.

    Susan-- Sometimes I wish I lived 100 years ago when things were so much simpler.(not sure that is a word) but then I know I would not do well with plumping, heat and AC. We have it so easy.

    Gail--Prayers for your friend from church.

    Meg--HUGS:sad: Hope you feel better soon. I think time is going by so fast and it is easy to get down. I have been having down feelings the last couple days and when I try and think about why as I have so much to be Thankful for. I love Christmas and try and share with the DGC things that have to do with the reason we have Christmas. I have several speical memories of when I was growing up, but when my son was growing up things were not easy and I find myself feeling bad for not making speical memories for him. But I am trying better with the grandchildren. Maybe I am more laid back, but gulit gets to me sometimes.

    Margaret-- Good for you playing Santa for your sister. I also lost my sister 8 years ago. She had three children and at the time she passes one grandson. Since then 4 more. So I send them Christmas and Birthdays so they know this side of the family loves them and remembers thier mom.

    Heather-- Glad your brother and you have been able to arrange a lunch date. I agree about just getting a signed card. I make out a Christmas letter and try and add something personal.

    Mamma--Hugs:flowerforyou: It is not easy dealing with parents as they age. I agree having the doctor check out your mom and talk to her is a good idea. Has she always acted this way or is this something that has just started happening.

    yanniejannie--Glad to hear DD's car is fixed. I don't care how old our children are we still worry about them and want to make things good for them.

    Sylvia--I thought the light falling snow we got last Saturday was so pretty. I think it is cute they thought your DH had a thinner girlfriend. People sometimes are so quick to judge, but I know several people have told me they did not realize it was me since I have lost the weight.

    Michele--You getting cramps and your period concerns me. Be sure and just check with the doctor. It could be nothing or something they can take care of easy. I know if I got mine again I would be at the doctor the next day. And just before mine stopped I was having so much trouble that I had to carry acouple changes of clothes with me whenever I left the house. Acouple years ago we got a Christmas card and letter in Janurary. It just seemed werid. I am learning the older I get the more I don't like change.

    Katla--Congrates on the good news about your hand. I had a hairline FX of my thumb from the car accident last month.They had me wear a brace for acouple weeks.

    Joyce--sounds like you were to have that bike. Refund just at the right time. God's Blessings at work/

    Grandmallie--wrapping in hugs. Remember you are a good person. Glad you found out what is going on with DH. I pray that your trip is relaxing.

    Well really need to get something done and be ready to go the school . Have a good day and stay warm and take care of yourselves. We each need to remember we are good people and worth the effort.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just a quick pop on...........couldn't resist. On Good Morning America this am they had a tape of a Canadian boy from a Montreal radio station, age 16, doing Elvis' Blue Christmas...........had to share it; you won't believe this; he's even better (if such a thing is possible!!)


    It's from Dec. 11 and the singer's name is David Thibault (or Thibeault, found it both ways); the radio djs are speaking in French but the song is in English.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Don't know where my day went! No time to visit here, just wanted to say hi to everyone.

    I have really got to get going on my wrapping and decorating! So late this year! I am beginning to feel like the Grinch! :bigsmile:

    Rita from freezing CT!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    I agree and have been thinking about you Michele. Take care.


    Michele--You getting cramps and your period concerns me. Be sure and just check with the doctor. It could be nothing or something they can take care of easy. I know if I got mine again I would be at the doctor the next day. And just before mine stopped I was having so much trouble that I had to carry acouple changes of clothes with me whenever I left the house. Acouple years ago we got a Christmas card and letter in Janurary. It just seemed werid. I am learning the older I get the more I don't like change.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    I had a great group of students today while subbing. The most challenging one had a great day!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I wasn't going to post but got on another site and posted the following then though I should post it here since I spend most of my free time here.

    I was wondering if there are any others here with no support at home. I am married to an Italian who loves to cook and was a chef once. He refuses to cook anything from my plan and encourages me to eat junk food, drink alcohol, and eat 'fat food'. He actually gets mad if I do not. Last night he intimidated me into having a piece of pie. Well, I have an addiction to sweets and even though the pie was sugar free (he bought it for me), it was still sweet and I ended up eating half of it! Just writing this gives me the urge to finish the pie tonight when I get home from work! He makes me feel guilty if I don't eat what he wants me to eat. I am trying portion control which works for everything but sweets for me. They are my trigger food and I must avoid them if I want to lose. He even is going so far as to try to get me to stop going to Curves! I love going there, it is on my way to work, and my time to go there works for me so I will not stop!

    Anyone else out there with this type of problem! I really don't want to feel alone in this. Maybe we can encourage each other?

    Rita from CT