

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Just a quick check in to say hello while baby is sleeping and DGS is playing football with DH (inside the house).
    Raining outside, but I think it will dry up for our return journey. Scotland has had bad storms.

    Sorry to hear so many sad stories. Yannie jannie you need something happy to happen for a change.:flowerforyou:
    Pat phoo - I don't like cold these days. My thermostat has turned off since I lost weight. :laugh: But it's good you are seeing friends at last.
    Vicki- good going on the weight loss. We've all got some grey hairs!:bigsmile:

    Great to see the weight losses from the photo posters. When I get to 4 stone lost I will figure out how to do it! I love to see your photos. What transformations! Any more?
    Meg - I would love to see your Thanksgiving picture on your profile, if like me you can't post it. :flowerforyou:

    Ooops, baby awake!
    Heather in North London UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: Mom always told me that trouble comes in bunches. You’ve been close to a number of people with trouble lately and have been the guardian angel to your friend, Gwen. Take a moment for yourself, too. You seem to need to recharge your energies. God Bless.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo temporarily from MN): My cousin and his wife bought a place in a retirement community and are now wintering in AZ. I think they’re near Mesa. They seem to like the lifestyle and do a lot of socializing. His wife has MS like my husband, and she craves sunshine. Bright, sunny weather seems to help DH, so I can understand why she wants to be in AZ this time of year. Our days get really short in December. I’m sure MN days are even shorter than ours, and much COLDER. Many of my cousin’s AZ friends are from Canada.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your wreath is beautiful. You have artistic talent. :bigsmile: I notice I’m more sensitive to cold since I’ve lost weight, too.:ohwell: It is worth it. :flowerforyou:

    I put my wrist brace on after I posted this morning, and went to sleep down on the couch. My hand is feeling better; there is more dexterity and less swelling. I must have needed the extra pressure and support from the brace.

    I startled a hummingbird at the feeding station this morning when I took out the bottle of sugar water. Poor little guy must have fallen asleep waiting for his breakfast. We’ve been feeding them all winter for the past four or five years since we noticed they were still around when the first big freeze hit. Annas Hummingbirds don’t seem to migrate in our area; they just live here year round. I enjoy them a lot. Rufous Hummingbirds are here in the summers along with them and leave in the early fall to head south.

    Katla in beautiful and cold NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Good morning from 10 degree GI Nebraska. The wind chill is -5. I so did not want to go outside to work this morning. I spoiled as DH drives me to work and lets me off at the door. I am off the next four days after today so hope to get alot done for Christmas. We have our CMA Christmas party Saturday evening and then Sunday they are having the cookie walk at the church. They have it every year to raise money for Habit housing. I also want to get my Christmas card done and mailed.

    Meg--congrates on your NSV with the clothes. My DS and family were in Omaha yesterday as my DGD had surgery on her hand at UNMC on Tuesday. DS called me yesterday before they left and said they had ice there. We had cold and wind, no ice.

    Margaretturk--I like your goal for RAK. I am stuggling to get into the spirit of the season so going to look for RAK that I can do.

    Katla-- Sorry to hear about your fall. Sure hope you did crack anything. I just hate going out when it is icey. Last year I fell beside the house and went down on my knee. Had a terrible time before I could walk much on it.

    Yanniejannie--I agree I can't waite for 2014. I am praying for a better year. Sounds like you have alot going on around you. Take time and take care of you.

    Pat--Glad you are able to get out and do things today. thanks for the reminder we are not in this alone. I am so Thankful for all of you and the support I find here.

    Well have a good afternoon and stay warm where this weather is so cold.

    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    had a really nice day so far...went to the gym and from there I went grocery shopping,picked up dog food at the vet, went and got my hair cut. and my hairdresser told me about dark chocolate dipped rice cakes.. OMG are they delicious.. they are 45 calories and I had 2, a nice little treat and they are made of brown rice
    had a roast beef wrap with my 90 calorie rye wrap that was yummy and now having a cup of pumpkin spice tea, it is cold and raw and foggy here today. but know alot of you have worse weather so am not complaining
    all the christmas shopping is done.have to send the gift cards to wisconsin. my younger DGD I sent hers straight to there house and my DD will wrap them for us
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Hello from cloudy WV! It's a nice day temperature-wise here, but they're calling for cooler temps this weekend. It's also a busy season at work...I work for a state agency that deals with all things outdoors and it's deer hunting season! My husband went out last week in the cold but didn't get a thing, but other hunters out there seem to be doing well. I'm not a hunter myself...I don't think I'd ever have the nerve to shoot anything...I feel too sorry for the animals!

    I am amazed by the before & after pics! I'm looking forward to being able to post one of myself, but I'm sure it'll be a while :wink:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    trying to catch up here.
    Have a good one
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Went to the Y before the freezing rain starts. It's raining and pretty cold but not freezing yet. I also had to go to my cat's vet office. I am pretty much out of her medicine that he gave her for her hair loss. Price has gone up. It lasts about 3 months, last time the bottle was $112, this time was $134. Yikes. Glad I love her so much. I wonder if I can get it mail order from somewhere. It's called Atopica.

    I don't think I could kill an animal either. I know it has to be done since that is how the population is controlled and it provides us with food. It's just that I don't want to be the one doing it.

    Got to go potty one more time and then take my 24 hour urine down the street to the lab. I'll be glad when I don't have to look at that big orange jug when I open up my fridge. I will try to convince DH to go with me and get his thyroid level drawn since he was supposed to have it drawn in October. His cardiologist really got on him yesterday about it. He told him that our family doc has no idea whether he has him on the right dose or not unless he gets it rechecked. Men are so stubborn.

    Joyce in frigid Indiana
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    The truth is, Dee Dee, that I have always gained twenty pounds automatically after any major surgery and could not get rid of it. This time I have lost 10 pounds, which is a positive turnaround! I put it down to my new lifestyle (i.e. diet and exercise) which is a very positive thing indeed!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    evening ladies,
    was busy today.. did quite a bit around the house and got the DH dinner made and his lunch for tomorrow.
    packing stuff to take to florida..and setting that aside.
    my heel is really starting to bother me again,but will continue icing every morning. i was reading somewhere that you should drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning, and before bed at night, so will try that out tonight and see how that works, all i need is another excuse to get up and pee:frown:
    im staying up a bit later to check out Carrie Underwood doing the sound of music on NBC at 8, I am usually asleep by then,but we are not equipped to dvr it or anything..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hey, Pat Phoo, I told DH where you were visiting and he is familiar with the area. His mother is from Virginia (the town in MN, not the state) and she has relatives around Lake Vermillion. Stay warm!

    Weirdly, we are having a heat wave in Georgia. I walked in a tank top today.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good evening all:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Katla icy here too. Taking baby steps when I go out
    :flowerforyou: Yannie jannie more than your share.
    :flowerforyou: Annecarol may you heal quickly.
    :flowerforyou: grandmille I know how hard it is when your foot bothers you. I found warm foot soaks felt wonderful, too.
    :flowerforyou: To anyone I missed

    My Random act of Kindness was to help to help my friend in her Kindergarten class today. She was gone yesterday, we had a snow storm yesterday, and it is holiday time. Her students were quite active today. Helped were I could. Loved reading with little Nay Blue. She knows very little English, so I try to read with her whenver I help out in my friend's class.

    Did better with my sleep plan. I did pretty well to cut out fat, sugar, and salt too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Laura, seeing the amount of lost weight on your ticker is nothing compared to the amazing visual of your before and after photos. You look so happy in your photo.

    :flowerforyou: My mother taught me to knit when I was about nine years old. I didn’t do anything but doll blankets until I went to college in Minnesota where the cold winters were an incentive to lots of people to knit. I learned new stitches and new skills from my friends in the dorm and that started me on a lifetime hobby. When I retired I started taking knitting and crocheting classes at a great yarn shop in my town and did a lot of knitting and some crocheting until I started with MFP……now I am more active and don’t knit as much. The knitting I do now is primarily for charitable groups---blankets for babies and children in hospitals, hats and mittens knitted from wool for children in Afghanistan.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, when photos didn’t give me the good feelings and encouragement I needed, I looked to other evidence that I was losing weight…..smaller sizes and other things like your experience with the smaller blood pressure cuff….you have come a long way and have the tools you need to continue this journey with continuing good results.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, I’ll look for the book Hanuukats…..it sounds like a lot of fun.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, getting your rings re-sized smaller is a great way to declare that you’ll never gain the weight again.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I am continually in awe of how much you work, what a great attitude you have, and how much you are able to get accomplished at home with such a demanding job….congrats on the smaller clothes

    :flowerforyou: Angie, I have friends Maple Valley….what a nice area….it’s about two hours from where we live….enjoy your visit and bring lots of warm clothes and shoes that can withstand the wet and cold….thank you for the kind words about my picture and my sweater----the sweater is wool…..I’m wearing it right now because it’s so cold here today.

    :flowerforyou: Margaretturk……kindness during this season is more important than the shopping or the decorations.

    :flowerforyou: AnneCarol, you have an awesome positive attitude about your hospital stay and your change In holiday plans…..glad you are able to get back to walking.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, between computer problems and health challenges, you have a lot to deal with

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, handing a few dollars to a woman in line at the store sounds like a much better use of your generosity than throwing it into the kettles outside the stores.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, have you tried putting ice on your wrist?

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, thank you for your kind words.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, isn’t it great that we are here for each other so when you need someone to listen, you have a whole community of supportive friends.

    :flowerforyou: Pat (Phoo) I agree with you about how safe I feel with this great group available to me when I need you…..I looked at sunrise/sunset charts and found out that your days are exactly the same sunrise and sunset as where I live…..but it’s not as cold here.

    :bigsmile: Anamika, I, too, am a believer in having a positive attitude.

    :flowerforyou: Now I know that RAK is random acts of kindness……someone told me that the ultimate RAK is to do something kind for someone and not get found out, which includes not telling anyone about it.

    :flowerforyou: It didn’t get over freezing today but no sign, so far, of snow. Today was the final rehearsal for the line dance performances we’re doing on Monday afternoon at three assisted living places….one of the things we had to do was make a plan for what to do if snow keeps us from performing...several members of the group live up steep private roads that don’t get plowed so if it snows, they can’t get out. …..snow won’t interfere with dog walking----the dogs love the snow.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm bad, really bad:ohwell: :noway: DH wanted a stromboli tonight and we had just finished doing some errands before having to be house bound because of the ice/snow. So we went to Old Chicago. I always get a thin individual mushroom and onion pizza but I cheated tonight and got a calzone. Now granted it was mushroom, onion and canadian bacon. But I am way over on my sodium. Surprisingly enough I am still within my fat and calories. They really put a lot of onions and mushrooms in it and I didn't use all of the sauce. We are just sitting here waiting for the storm to hit. My husband did get his lab work drawn. He told me that he didn't want to leave because he was watching a movie. I reminded him we have a DVR and he could just hit record and finish it later. Going to watch NBC's live version of Sound of music. Curious to see how they do it.

    You ladies with sore backs and feet be careful. Don't want it any worse with this weather. Be safe

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    A quick post as I too am watching Carrie Underwood in the Sound of Music. It's hard not to compare it to the movie.

    We had a great night last night and I only had a small piece of apple pie. My DD had a great birthday, they spoiled her at work too. But we both went to the Y last night and again tonight.

    What a beautiful day it was here, it was warm and sunny, 12C...I could handle this being winter. :laugh:

    I loved the before & after pictures, what an inspiration you ladies are, thank you :heart:

    I'm so ready for it to be Friday!

    Have a great night all

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Meg: Great NSV. I love, love, love Lands End.

    Margaretturk: Bravo to you for the goal of a daily RAK. I hope you get back even more kindness than you give out.

    AnneCarolOne: Welcome back. Hope you are well on the way to radiant good health. Enjoy your quiet Christmas. The cat on your profile picture is gorgeous!

    Joyce: Hope you find someone young and energetic to shovel the snow. The temperatures are so dangerously low. Take care.

    Grandmallie: Good for you getting new shoes and inserts. So sad about the young orthodontist. Thanks for the reminder about “Sound of Music”, and also for recommending fleece lined leggings. So comfy. Of course, you’ll be leaving them behind when you head south, right? I’m jealous.

    Katla: Your soup base sounds wonderful. Black ice is one of the scariest things on the planet. Sorry for your fall, and I hope your wrist heals up soon. The boat looks terrific and it would be a shame to miss the parade of lights.

    DeeDee: Inquiring minds want to know what was lurking in the back of your freezer. LOL.:laugh:

    Laura: Enjoy the realization of your new leaner body. You’ve done a tremendous job and confidence is infectious. Bring on those smaller sizes.

    Yanniejannie: I hope happier days are ahead for you, your family and neighbors.

    PatPhoo: Bundle up and have a great time getting out and around seeing friends and catching up.

    Annamika: Thank you for the reminder about the power of affirmations. Much like strength training, I’ve had to train on my ‘mental muscle’ and discipline around thoughts and intentions. Have a wonderful time at the reunion.

    Heather: I can sense you beaming with happiness whenever you are with your DGC. How is the baby?

    Barbie: Wish I could knit. I had to give up my textile crafting when we got a cat who loves string, yarn, ribbons and anything else that looks remotely like a tail. :laugh:

    I know I missed some folks…my hands are sore as I type this because I went outside in 6 degree weather to get gas and groceries. Couldn’t manage the gas pump with my gloves on, so pulled them off. Within a minute, they hurt like nothing I have ever felt before. I was close to crying. It’s been hours, and my thumbs are still tender. :sad: :sad: :sad: Lesson learned.

    Stay well and WARM
    Rori in the Colorado foothills, alive with the sound of music :happy:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here's the thing when you love your job: I was suddenly thrust in my previous management job (I offered) 'cause my boss is away on vacation and I used to be that boss. Why not do this random act of kindness, when you know this job as the back of your hand, and your boss's boss could really use the help? Sure I could be bitter and say "good luck to you, I was handed a crappy hand". But frankly, that is not even close to the person I am. I have the sense that people on this forum are of a similar mind. And that is why I keep coming back for that Vitamin F!

    :bigsmile: On another note, the weather is going to be frightful tonight, and not even close to delightful. The drive home was an exercise in caution as the weather turned with snow and cold, and the power went out in a majestic manner for Victoria. Happy to get home safe. Tonight - in normally balmy Victoria - it will feel like minus 15 celcius degrees!! Let's just say - that is freak'n frigid (5 Fahrenheit?). The plug has been plugged in so that the pipes won't freeze, the matches and candles are at hand, so that there may be light, and wood is at the fireplace, so that warmth may envelop us.

    Have a good night, and a nice Friday.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m happy to be reading about my vitamin K pals. Busy day at work. Found out that 21 of the 25 books we need for the January class all have new editions that none of us knew about nor have we seen. Not happy about that! I spent some time on the phone with our book rep and I think we hammered out a plan to deal with this and to keep faculty better informed in the future.

    It was cold and windy here today; highs only in the teens and a ferocious wind chill! But my Land’s End coat keeps me plenty warm, so I can’t complain. In fact that’s what I am grateful for today!

    I stopped by the pharmacy and picked up refills for my meds and one for the cat….6 in all. I drove away thinking “When I did become a person who takes 5 prescription medications for heaven’s sake”. Now that really depressed me! I plan to stop the Zoloft once the menopause fun is done and I hope I can stop the metformin once I lose another 15 pounds, and I only use my inhaler about once every 2 years, so that kind of doesn’t count. So that leaves 2. I know I’ll be on the statin for life (grrrr) so that leaves one to wonder if I can get rid of.

    I picked up a Christmas cookie magazine today at the grocery store; the whole thing is nothing but cookies! I am hopeful I can make some of them diabetic friendly and heart healthy.

    Angie: I have been seeing your cold weather on the news.

    Margaret: that was a kind thing you did today

    AnnCArol: so sorry to hear you have been so sick! I’m glad you feel up to a walk!

    Joyce: you are right about the neighbor kids not wanting to do any real work like mow lawns and shovel snow. Can you get a
    snow blower?

    Grandmallie: ohmy! That would be just so devastating. I hope the wife has some good support

    Katla: oh I hope you didn’t really injure your arm badly! Ice and elevate and see the doc! We only see the red throated hummers around here when we do actually see them!

    DeeDee: hmmm should I trade the cold for your fog and warmth?

    Laura; isn’t that so great when clothes finally fit? I used to buy things just a little small as incentive to lose weight and of course that never worked out. I like LLBean too

    Gail: hope you aren’t getting any of this cold weather!

    Yanniejannie: wow you have had so much stress and troublesome news lately! I’m sending you (((hugs))) and good wishes! So glad your daughter is fine after her car issue

    Pat: I heard that MN had something like 42 inches of snow? Are you in that area?

    Anamika: I so love your posts with all your thoughts to others. You seem to have a serenity and a way of comforting us when we are hurting. So thoughtful and reflective

    Heather; enjoy that baby! I’ll try to post that pic this weekend. It’s still in my email!

    Vicki: I think we are in the deep freeze for a while! Are you going to get snow Saturday/Sunday?

    DrKatiebug: Despite single digit temps, I saw kids at the high school in shorts and one in a tank top! Dear heavens you can get frostbite.

    Barbie: I too am amazed at the amount of work I do and that I don’t jump off a roof because of it! LOL My dogs have always love the snow too!

    SandY : the sound of music. What a classic. Unfortunately it has been ruined for me! When I worked in an inpatient hospital unit, we had closed circuit TV and it played every Saturday at 2. So no matter if I worked days or evenings, it was always on. I got so sick of it I told my patients if they wanted me they had to turn it off! The ornery ones would then when I came in they’d turn it on and it’d be LOUD!

    Rori: holy cow! Be careful in this cold! Do you think you got frostbite?

    Renny: yup -15C is 5F! That is cold!

    Well I just realized I haven’t had the snack I pre-logged…I guess that’s a nsv….who knew I’d ever forget to eat!!! I ‘m trying another flavor of the chobani bites, this one is coffee with chocolate chips. I found the mint got very sour as it got older…sour as in not good although it was still in date. We’ll see how this one goes! Take care everyone…Meg from frosty Omaha
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce prayers for your husband
    :cry: Missed Sound of Music because had choir practice. I used to sing along to Julie Andrews when I was little.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie My mom knits sweaters, hats, and booties for babies at a local hospital for mom's who are struggling.
    I still live in Minnesota where wind chills will be -25 to -30 below the next couple of days. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Glad we got that furnace fixed.
    :flowerforyou: Renny applaud you for taking the high road.
    If I am going to make it to sleep before 10:30 :yawn: Need to say Goodnight and sleep well.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Renny: I can’t even imagine Victoria with 5 degree Fahrenheit. It is 27F here with an expected low tonight of 23F. That is colder than we’ve experienced in a several years. I’m glad you will be able to keep your pipes warm.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Forgetting to eat a pre-logged snack is a lovely NSV. Wow!:bigsmile:

    Joyce: I gave up on Calzone years ago because I had nightmares every single time I ate one. I wonder what was in them. They were all from a particular Italian restaurant. DH also experienced nightmares from the Calzone. We could eat other things from that restaurant without problems. :huh:

    I went in and had my wrist x-rayed and it turns out that I broke something. :frown: My doctor referred me to a specialist who will set my wrist, but not until MONDAY. :noway: :noway: They sent me to the drug store for a wrist brace to wear until then. Does this seem odd to anyone who understands medicine better than I do? If I can wait until Monday, why can’t I wait forever?:huh:

    Katla in coldl NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Katla,sorry about your wrist.The only thing I can think of for waiting ,is sometimes they want the sweeling to go down before they cast it.
    Good luck