

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Brrrrrrrr! It's cold out there! It's supposed to get down in the single digits tonight and the neighbor's two golden retrievers have been out all day, running up and down our fence line. Their people seem to be gone. Hubby is worried sick about them being out all night in the cold, so he's trying to fix them up a little nest in our storm room. He's already fed and watered them, and they were famished, but honestly, those dogs are always famished. We're used to picky eating whippets, so dogs that gobble their food are foreign to us. They are outdoor dogs so he can't convince them to come indoors at all. They are really sweet dogs. I hope their people aren't going to be gone all weekend. They've done that before. And of course there's always the risk of them getting hit by a car. Stupid people. Sweet hubby.

    I am trying to stay inside out of the cold. The nurses at rehab told me heart patients need to be really careful at temps under 40 or over 80. So I have a good excuse, and I'm going to milk it for all it's worth. The roads were pretty icy this morning. We didn't get much snow though, but more is possible tomorrow.

    Take care everybody, and stay warm!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: Congratulations are in order! You’ve taken care of business like a champion all the way around AND stuck to your diet plan. WTG! Clothes fitting better is wonderful news.:flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo): I slipped on black ice and landed on my left hip and left hand. :grumble: The wrist took the brunt of the fall. I went in for an x-ray and was told I have a broken bone. I’ve been ordered to wear a wrist brace for support until the hand specialist can see me on Monday. I think it is a relatively small break. My fingers are working just fine.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Infections are nothing to mess around with. Get medicine and rest.:flowerforyou:

    Diane from Spokane: Welcome to the group. Your December goals sound very sensible.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Thanks for translating the acronym. You seem to be part of a family of writers. :smile: I’m glad you’re happy with your tree, and love that you’ll be putting your own favorite decorations on it.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: 750 calories doesn’t seem healthy. I hope you’re not coming down with something just before your trip to Florida. Hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Jane: Good luck finding the right doll.:flowerforyou:

    We woke up to a scatter of snow and decided to do some shopping in the neighboring town where there is a Fred Meyer. We started off in my GMC Envoy because we didn’t’ trust the roads and wanted the 4WD option. The farther from home we went, the worse the roads were. We shifted into 4WD and were very sure footed. Many others weren’t and there were wrecks. The store parking lot was very slick and had ice on top of snow. God Bless 4WD! We got home without a mishap. We also bought large plastic containers of kitty litter for each car. It can be very helpful in an icy situation.

    Katla in beautiful and cold NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Well seems our winter weather is staying south so far we had sun and just cool temps today.
    My DS is 43 today where does the time go, have had a challange last few days as my brother is in intensive care with nemonia (spelling) and his wife is in a 2nd hospital with breathing problems they are still trying to sort out now today my sister finds out her tests are showing severe heart problems and she goes to a heart specialist dec 2o and was told to be prepared to stay in hospital cant be good then my neighbours df died tuesday so not stress eating is my nsv.
    Have got my tree up and decorated yes I go artifical hubby has allergies and real ones have him in a bad way before the day is out.
    Got most of the shopping done and I make one dessert to take to DD house as she is hosting dinner this year. That should keep me on track.
    Well hope everyone has a good weekend and stay safe and warm

    Juanita in sudbury
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    H-H-Hi everyone! My teeth are chattering! What a cold day; the wind chills were below zero all day. I have a fabulous coat by Lands End though that is rated to either -25 or -35 so actually I stay warm. The coldest part of the day for me was grocery shopping. My store is being remodeled and one whole wall is gone, covered by a tarp. It’s almost unbearable in there; the employees all wear coats and gloves!

    So sad to lose one of my personal heros, Nelson Mandela. We could probably count on ONE hand the number of people who made such a difference that we can say they truly made the world a better place, and he was one of them. I remember so vividly watching on the TV when he was released from prison and walked out so dignified. So today I am grateful for living during his time so that I know of his legacy and deep humanity.

    Margaretturk: stay warm up there!

    Katla: I wonder if there was MSG in those calzones??? I’m sorry to hear your wrist is broken! I’m with you; I don’t understand not setting the wrist now. What happened to emergency rooms? That’s where I would be sent if I went to my doc’s office with a broken wrist. They do sometimes want to wait for swelling to decrease, but that’s only if it is extremely swollen and the doc should have told you that. Are you icing and elevating it? Remember to only use ice for 20 minutes then take it off. Your eagle in the snowy sky sounded beautiful

    Michele: don’t worry, I get a new batch of students in January….56 of them! We are all panicking with what to do with them! I hope your arm gets better.

    Joyce: wow you are right about Christmas! I hope the storm misses you

    AnnCaroleOne: what a beautiful mouser! Her color is lovely

    Heather: please send some of that hot coffee to me. I have to get up and go to diabetes class tomorrow and it will be below zero. Those books sound amazing!

    Anamika: sending hugs and good thoughts across the world your way! Your notes are always so positive!

    Gail: thanks for the link! I will definitely check it out. I spent hours last night drooling over the pictures in that cookie magazine. Funny though, I didn’t really want any!

    Laura: what a great nsv!!!!! And that is a super benefit for working a holiday!

    Cindy: congrats on the pants that zip!

    Rita so sorry about the house issue, but glad to hear you have had five successful days in a row!

    Patceoh: stay safe and warm up there!

    Pat: Back away from the snack!!! LOL. I have long underwear too that I love. It’s silk and so warm, but now it’s so big the crotch about hangs to my knees. I’d better buy new ones!

    Diane from Spokane: welcome to the group

    Barb: I think I would have snoozed too!

    Jane: now that’s a frustrating online shopping story! I hope you find the right one

    Sylvia: I hate people who treat animals that way. I can’t bear to leave a dog outside….I’m always afraid he’ll run off, get poisoned, get stolen, bark and annoy people….Our next door neighbors have 2 dogs they ignore and in the summer heat they are outside all day too.

    Well it sounds like many of us are having bad weather or will get it this weekend, so please everyone stay safe and stay warm. Take care all, Meg from the ice box in Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia I would call the pound about the two dogs. That is animal abuse. Good for you and you hubby for taking care of them.

    Meg, I hate going down the meat/dairy aisles due to it being cold. The older I get the colder I get. I do not want to become my Mother but I don't think I have a choice about getting old. I do layer. I love hearing your stories about your students. Makes me remember about my days in nursing school and especially teaching my patients, families and new employees. I would still be working if I could do it. I did not volunteer to 'retire' at age 49.

    We got 7 inches today, will be dry tomorrow but then start up again on Sunday. I don't know how much ice is underneath all that snow. I stayed in, hubby went and walked on the mall. I think I am dedicated enough now that if I got a recumbent bike for home I would use it. I bought one years ago, and I mean years, and it ended up being a clothes rack. Our nursing unit had a weight loss contest that I won and I used the prize money to buy it. That was just one of my many diets in my life. But when I see recumbent bikes they don't have the kind of seat that I like. But if I had one at home I could use it more frequently but less miles at a time. My husbands billfold won't open for something like that though.

    I don't like taking sleeping pills but I desperate to get a good nights sleep. So I may tonight. Sleep tight, stay warm.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    AnneCaroleOne - what an absolutely beautiful cat.

    Heather - thanks for the smile when I read about the imaginary blueberry ice cream and shivering :)

    Didn't watch the Sound of Music but instead watched episode 6 of season 4 of Dontown Abbey. It's neat that my girlfriend was able to get it. I'm going to have Vince copy it to a flashdrive of mine so that I can give her hers back in case she needs it.

    Are my eyes going or playing tricks on me or has MFP reduced the size of its font?

    Got something in the mail for the previous owner. Vince also got the same sort of thing, so we'll see if it's junk mail or not. Whenever we got something for him, I always gave him something for his kids (cookies, cake, etc). Well, I was planning to make these graham bars for christmas for us, so I made them today. If it turns out that it's something that he should have, I'll give him some of those bars. If not, we can have them for Christmas Eve. Right now I'm making these wine cookies. They aren't overly sweet. Really, it calls for red wine but I used white (shhh...) since that's all I had and put some red food coloring in it. Say, does anyone know if wine can be frozen? I'm not a wine drinker and this recipe only calls for 1 cup. I opened a bottle, took out a cup and took the rest of the bottle to Jessica's.

    Laura - wonderful NSV's! You have much to be proud of

    Cindy - fantastic NSV

    katla - My biggest downfall used to be raw cookie dough. Lately, tho, it's weird, I really don't seem to care for it.

    Joyce - your family amazes me. What love and compassion you all have. Feel better fast! Sending virtual chicken soup your way (look at it this way...you won't have to cook....lol)

    Rita - when we moved to NC, our house in PA did have insurance, but it would have only been for a few months. The only reason we got the insurance was becaue we'd been with the company for many many years and didn't have any claims

    Everone in snow's path -- stay warm and safe

    Diane from Spokane - welcome, you CAN do it.

    Barb from eastern WV - I think we're all guilty of sabotage (except for barbie, that is)

    Took my aluminum to the Humane Society and then did an hour of the deep water class. Tomorrow is yoga.

    Sylvia - I didn't know that heart patients need to be careful about the temps. Milk away is what I say

    Picked up my earrings (the ones that flash). Took them some of the wine cookies I'd been making right before they called then stopped at Ross and found a pair of paints I'm thinking I'll like. I bought them, but I can always return them. Boy, I must be getting old. I really didn't like waiting in that line to check out. I'm hoping to do all or at least most of my shopping online this week.

    Jessica is supposed to be here tonight, but looking at the weather, Vince said he was going to ask her not to come. It looks like it'll be pretty nasty in Reston on Sunday and we don't want her driving in that. She'll be here in a few weeks, anyway.

    Juanita in Sudbury - happy birthday to your son! I'm so sorry for all that you've gone and are going thru

    Michele in NC
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Hi, I saw your group and thought yes. I'll write something.
    I'm Gael I'm from Tasmania, Australia.
    Its the small island at the bottom of Oz. Its not as hot as the rest of Australia. Infact if the sun isn't shining it can be quite cool.

    I've recently joined MFP after being on another site, MFP has a more logical search engine food wise than the other site.
    Its also got a nice bunch of involved people.
    I'm on track to keep losing weight but of course have a long way to go. :wink:

    I've been a serial overeater most of my life.
    My goals for December are to keep on losing weight and hopefully next Wednesday I'll know from the Dr what I can do about my L knee and exercise. The knee has improved since the recent weight loss :bigsmile:
    I'm a nurse but, luckily work in a mental health facility where I'm not running around a lot so have been able to handle the problem with my knee.
    My major goal for December is to get through the 'silly season' without losing the plot food wise as Christmas has been the major cause for me going back to bad eating several years in a row :sad:

    Not this year!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I think the font size changed on MFP. Well, only thing to do is use my mouse to increase it again, so I can read everyone's posts.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yesterday saw Victoria have a major power outage city wide. Not sure what happened. Today at work the heating did not work, so I got quite chilled. I kept my scarf on and on occasion my winter coat. So now and then I went over to the sunny side of our floor to soak up some sun rays. It took till the end of the work day, but really not until I got home for me to get warm again. We have a wood fireplace and oil central heating. Thank goodness.:smile:

    The windchill is playing tricks on us. One of our sons is in Saskatchewan and he says it is -53 degrees Celcius; that is ~minus 63 in Fahrenheit. Shoot me now if I ever have to live there.

    :heart: Our little granddaughter is 5 months today. And is she ever adorable.

    :flowerforyou: Diane - welcome. Yes you can do it.

    :flowerforyou: Katla - that is a bummer about your wrist. I have zero advice about what to do. I am an accountant, not a nurse, so have no clue what is the right thing that should be done. Although, I did raise about 4 kids (they say), which gave me plenty of experience in any emergency department of any hospital on any continent. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Gael from Tasmania, Australia - you will find lots of encouragement here.

    I watched the Sound of Music last night, and really enjoyed it. I had had a stressful day, so it was a lovely end to the day. I think Carrie Underwood did a splendid job and she sure has an amazing voice.

    It's 8PM here in winter.wonder.land. which should normally not be such. I am going to watch some tv and then off to bed. Tis a long weekend for me, because I will be off on Monday. So, you will likely hear from me again.

    :heart: Renny
    From Frosty Vancouver Island, BC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Patin sorry you are hurting.
    Pat : Snacking throughout the day doesn't work for me either.
    Joyce hope you get better soon.
    Diane welcome:flowerforyou:
    Katla hope break heals quickly. I use kitty liter too for our sidewalks.
    Juanita sorry to hear about your brother, wife, and neighbor
    Thanks for the reminder of what Nelson Mandela stood for :heart:
    Gael from Australia welcome :flowerforyou:
    Anyone I missed :flowerforyou:

    This is what I wrote to encourage one of MFP friends in response to her Blog. I hope you like it.

    The idea of will power can be exhausted is explored in the book The Power of Habit. They do go onto to say it can be strengthened. Their thought is to figure out the inflection points, the times when you know your will power will be low, and come up with a plan that will be a good choice for you.I am trying to apply this principal in my own life. Not an easy thing to do because habits are not always so easily changed. Right now you are a young woman who is empowering herself. Will you make mistakes?Yes. We all do. Ask yourself what did I learn and how can I do better next time? Changing your eating habits is a process. Sometimes I know it can feel like one step forward two steps back. You will do what is best for you. I believe in you. Take care.

    Just got back from the play Ira Gershwin and the Great American Songbook. The music was wonderful, the story of his life fascinating, and the singing sublime.

    Subbing today went better than expected for this group. One little girl was having trouble with the other students. She would step on their feet and then get upset when they reacted. I found out her mother recently passed away, so I tried to give her some extra attention. Another little girl Amya made me a bunch of hearts.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Makes it all worth while.

    Good night sleep well.:yawn:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Diane, welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Gael, welcome!:flowerforyou: I have been to Australia to visit DH'S brother and family, but not to Tasmania. I have wanted for a long time to visit the nature reserves there, but DH is currently having a problem with long haul flights.. DH's uncle lived there for most of his adult life.

    Michelle - if you are only going to cook with the left over wine then I have heard you can freeze it in ice cube trays then it's easy just to take out what you need for a stew or something. I buy those 33cl bottles for cooking. My local supermarket often has them on offer so I buy 3 for £5. If I open a bottle I drink it so the little ones are great for cooking.

    Katla - one of the lovely things about Christmas is getting out all the old decorations. I still have a couple of glass baubles from my childhood, well scratched, and a few things that the children made. My cake decorations are from my mother and my children remember them well. I also have a lot of decorations that belonged to DH'S partner who died of breast cancer and I love to get them out and hang them on the tree and put them in glass jars. It's nice for him and I like them too - some of them are lovely Scandinavian type wooden models of toys. Some other red things were a present from an old friend who brought them back from Norway for me. I hang them from a twiggy branch. I also have a nativity I bought when I was studying performance in Mexico. (Retablos) It has an upper story. The top half is people worshipping a Mexican hat! Round it I put my mini people I bought from Provence. It is traditional there to have the nativity in a village scene so I have the priest, the mayor, the lavender seller, the garlic seller and many others. By the nativity is a metal llama I bought in Peru. He is very interested in what is going on!
    I hope this year that DGS will find all this very interesting, but they are too delicate to play with. I love mini things and can spin endless narratives in my head. In France traditionally the mayor and the priest were always at odds so I make sure the mayor is listening in to the priests conversation with the mayonnaise mixer.:laugh:

    I'm going to make raspberry, yoghourt and choc chip ice cream today. It's from a healthy website and I use some stevia. It was heavenly last time I made it!:bigsmile: It's an alternative to heavy pudding at Christmas. Or addition!:laugh:

    Keep warm everyone. Real winter is yet to hit us in the south, but I'm sure it will come. I just want the family to get here for Christmas, then I don't care. The east of England has had a high tidal surge with many houses flooded. They closed the Thames Barrier and had the highest tide since it was built. We are bright and mild here and counting our blessings.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    I am up and having my warm lemon water, this will be something I continue to do the rest of my life I think.tons of benefits..
    slept real well last night.and have to work till noon today.. then up to my dads after we will be giving him his christmas present early we all chipped in and got him a t.v
    we will have to make 2 trips to my FIL because we ordered stuff for christmas for him and it probably wont come until next week sometime. Tom the DH is half way there at work so if it comes I will just have him take it over after he gets out of work
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Oh my, I am so stressed this December:frown: . The tree is up but not decorated, presents are strewn all over the great room…unwrapped, there are bags of old clothing needing to go to Salvation Army, a pile of clothes needing to go to the dry cleaners, more decorations to put out…and I am just overwhelmed with it all:cry: . It`s been a long time since I`ve been this stressed, my shoulders are just aching! I did get the freezer cleaned out,( maybe another reason my shoulders hurt,) it was packed full, I had things in there from 5 yrs. ago. Needless to say I had a few garbage bags full, and now it`s all nice and clean and I don`t have to worry about something falling out when I open the door:embarassed: , the dog still runs in the opposite direction when I open the freezer:laugh: .

    Rori :smile: To answer your question about the freezer, I put trash in the freezer:huh: :embarassed: , things like onion peels and shrimp tails, anything really that would stink up the trash can, I put them in baggies and freeze them. I usually take them out though when I empty the trash can, seeing all the little baggies at the back of the freezer tells me I didn`t do a very good job:frown: . Hope your hands are okay now! Stay warm!!!

    Katla :smile: So sorry to hear about your wrist. I don`t why they want to wait until Monday to set it though. I love to read about the adventures of your hummingbirds:happy: ! My brother has an Envoy, that`s the car that just stopped running, his transmission was shot:sad: . He`s now looking for another SUV.

    Michele :smile: I still have problems trying to post pics here, maybe Jb would know how to post a video! sounds like you`re doing a lot of baking...yummy!!!

    Heather :smile: Congrats to your DDIL!!! The books sound interesting, I love to read, will check them out! Shivering with pretend ice cream:laugh: , some of the best cake I`ve ever had has been the pretend cakes my granddaughters used to make:love: ! Low calorie too:bigsmile: !

    Cindy :smile: Congrats on the great NSV!!

    Margaretturk :smile: I like the “intentional act of kindness”!

    Diane from Spokane :smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat away with us!

    Grandmallie :smile: Stay warm and safe, we are going to be getting freezing rain starting maybe tonight into Sunday:angry::sad: , high temp for Sunday supposed to be 34 degrees. Warming up on Monday to the 50`s so things should melt!

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope you can find the doll Violet wants!!!

    Sylvia :smile: Thank goodness those doggies have you and hubby to look after them! I agree…stupid people:angry: !!! Sweet Sylvia and hubby:bigsmile: !!

    Juanita :smile: You have had a challenging few days, sending well wishes your way:flowerforyou: !

    Meg :smile: I agree Nelson Mandela, a truly great man!!! In your response to Katla I actually read the sentence as “I wonder if there was a message in those calzones?” I thought why would there be a message in them:huh: , they my brain started back up and I “got” it:embarassed: ! It was a good laugh at myself though:laugh: ! Sounds like you need a new pair of long underwear! Stay warm!

    Gael :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat with us!

    Renny :smile: Oh my, that cold…..I couldn’t handle it:noway: :noway: :noway: !!! Enjoy your long weekend!

    I know I missed many people, I`m thinking of you all though:heart: !!!

    Time to get off this computer and start getting some things done, just to release some of this stress! Once the great room is in order I think I`ll be able to relax some!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy, rainy NC where the ice storm will start late tonight:sad:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Heather like the ice cube idea. I agree about decorating. As I decorate for this season it reminds me of all the important people in my life and how blessed I am. It also reminded me to write OPEN WITH A SMILE :smile: on my Christmas cards when I start to write them.

    Grandmallie you reminded me to drink my water this morning. I used a lime today.:drinker: I am drinking it as I type.:drinker:

    DeeDee: This is a stressful time of year for many reasons. Be kind to yourself. What is really important to you will get done.

    In the play last night Ira wrote the lyrics to My Love is Here to Stay after his brother George died from a brain tumor at age 38. There is a reason music heals.

    I would like my intentional act of kindness today to be to tutor a former student I had. It might be too cold for her to make it. High of two today.BRRRRRRRRRRRR

    Have a wonderful day.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Our weather here has been very strange. It was in the upper 70's yesterday but the cold front is supposed to dip in tonight.

    :drinker: To all of you who are enduring bitter temps enjoy a hot beverage of your choice. I may make a pot of Russian Tea today. My mother always made it around Christmas. I really do miss her.

    I'm off to the elliptical. I didn't get that done yesterday.

    My husband called yesterday afternoon to ask me to bring keys to open his truck so he could come home yesterday. He didn't lock his vehicle on Thursday evening and he hopped in and used the keyless start. Did lock it at work and when he wanted to come home couldn't open the door ooops! I didn't mind he has rescued me countless times but I may suggest that he put an extra key in his billfold. And when I got there the young coworker parked next to him needed a jump start so we were able to get him going too.

    A blessed day to you all,

  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Thanks Rori, the cat in the picture is our seal point Himalayan. Her name is Hushi (Japanese for Chopsticks) Believe it or not, but she is six years old!

    She is adorable!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    :heart: Katia, :flowerforyou: So sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope all goes well on Monday.

    Good Morning all, I'm going shopping today. Going to get out there with the crowds and look at everything. There is nothing I'm shopping for, so no pressure on me. :wink:

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    We're preparing for the winter storm that's hit many of you to the south and west. Yesterday we had heavy rain all day. Today it's sunny much much colder. Tomorrow snow/ice are supposed to hit. We'll see!

    I'm having a tough time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I'm usually very excited about decorating but this year I don't feel like doing anything. I have 2 sons that are grown and live a couple of hours away and I'm not sure if they'll be here or not. They usually spend the holidays with their wives families and I'm left out in the cold! I need to remember the reason for the season and not feel sorry for myself!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cindy, your key story reminded me of the time I went to Wal Mart and had to call hubby - and get him out of a meeting- because I left my keys in the car. Just before he got there I found my keys at the bottom of my purse. So, I opened the door, tossed the keys inside and locked the door. What else could I do? To this day, 15 years later, he doesn't know. :laugh:

    The dogs were still at our house this morning. They were running around outside but they had used the nest in the storm room at some point during the night. Those are some of the happiest, friendliest dogs I've ever met. Kinda makes me want one, but they are so big. Of course I don't need to get one of my own, I get to share these two.

    I feel a migraine coming on. My hair hurts and I see crystals when I close my eyes, so I'd better get my meds and go back to bed.

    Have a nice weekend.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: We don’t have a hospital in our area. The nearest is over 20 miles away. Urgent care is like an emergency room, I guess, but lacks actual doctors and is full of sick people. I don’t want what they’ve got. I’m doing okay waiting, and have even forgotten to take the Tylenol they want me to use as a pain/swelling suppressant once or twice. It must not be a very bad break. I hope he doesn’t have to re-break anything. :frown:

    Juanita in Sudbury: You seem to have an avalanche of worries right now. I hope your brother, sister & sil are doing okay. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: My mom’s chocolate chip cookie dough was sooo good. The cookies were also okay but I liked the dough best. The commercial dough you can buy in tubes or tubs is not even in the same league as hers and doesn’t tempt me.:flowerforyou:

    Gael from Tasmania: Welcome! I like this site better that the other one I found, too, and it has been a wonderful choice for me. It is an amazing source of support and encouragement. Stop by often.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Thanks for your kind thoughts. What is ttyl? :huh: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m sorry to hear about tidal surges and flooding on the east coast of England. I’m glad things are milder in your area.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: The only videos I’ve seen on this site were uploaded to YouTube and a link was posted. I’ve never actually uploaded a video to YouTube and have no how-to advice.:flowerforyou:

    Angie: Thanks for your good wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Barbsunshine: I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting into the spirit of the season. I won’t get to spend the holidays with my kids this year, either. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I loved your car key story so much I read it to DH. He laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing. I hope your migraine goes away before it gets worse.:flowerforyou:

    I just checked the Christmas Ship website and the lighted boat parade is cancelled for tonight due to high winds and cold temperatures. I am sorry they won’t be here this year but I know they made the right decision. It would have been a very unsafe situation for everyone in their group. We’ll enjoy them another year.

    Katla in beautiful and cold NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Cindy, your key story reminded me of the time I went to Wal Mart and had to call hubby - and get him out of a meeting- because I left my keys in the car. Just before he got there I found my keys at the bottom of my purse. So, I opened the door, tossed the keys inside and locked the door. What else could I do? To this day, 15 years later, he doesn't know. :laugh:

    Sylvia: You know they say confession is good for the soul :laugh: He'd probably think it funny by now