Weightloss causing Relationship issues?



  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    its a common theme on the threads...my husband is sabotaging me ...or is not fair..he is losing and I am not ...and on and on and on ..

    This situation doesn't even sound like sabotage. He just sounds pissed off that he's busting his *kitten* and she's jumped off the wagon.

    OP, as crappy as it sounds I have a feeling he's fed up with your weight. Ask him straight up and see what he says. I'm willing to bet he'd love to get it out there. If I'm right, regardless of how unfair you think that is and how it makes you feel, you have two choices. Either work on getting in shape, and possibly improve your marriage, or don't, and most likely flush it down the crapper. Your call.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    its a common theme on the threads...my husband is sabotaging me ...or is not fair..he is losing and I am not ...and on and on and on ..

    This situation doesn't even sound like sabotage. He just sounds pissed off that he's busting his *kitten* and she's jumped off the wagon.

    OP, as crappy as it sounds I have a feeling he's fed up with your weight. Ask him straight up and see what he says. I'm willing to bet he'd love to get it out there. If I'm right, regardless of how unfair you think that is and how it makes you feel, you have two choices. Either work on getting in shape, and possibly improve your marriage, or don't, and most likely flush it down the crapper. Your call.

    the on and on was to cover the rest of the list....I could have listed about thirty more thiings...
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    can you break up your exercise time to 15 minute blocks and preferably at work? If there are a set of stairs in your building thats a great source to climb up and down. And make Sunday or whichever day you have off as your cooking and prep day, so you have some meals on hand. Soup is great to take to work.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    the on and on was to cover the rest of the list....I could have listed about thirty more thiings...

    Oh I know. There are few new threads under the Sun.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member

    its a common theme on the threads...my husband is sabotaging me ...or is not fair..he is losing and I am not ...and on and on and on ..

    This situation doesn't even sound like sabotage. He just sounds pissed off that he's busting his *kitten* and she's jumped off the wagon.

    OP, as crappy as it sounds I have a feeling he's fed up with your weight. Ask him straight up and see what he says. I'm willing to bet he'd love to get it out there. If I'm right, regardless of how unfair you think that is and how it makes you feel, you have two choices. Either work on getting in shape, and possibly improve your marriage, or don't, and most likely flush it down the crapper. Your call.

    Maybe he should put some work into the marriage too?

    I'd be pissed off if my husband took time to work out daily but didn't do much of the child care, went out to dinner when it was his turn to cook, and passed all the child rearing off to me, and then had the audacity to ***** about my weight.
  • jlturner386
    jlturner386 Posts: 65 Member

    its a common theme on the threads...my husband is sabotaging me ...or is not fair..he is losing and I am not ...and on and on and on ..

    This situation doesn't even sound like sabotage. He just sounds pissed off that he's busting his *kitten* and she's jumped off the wagon.

    OP, as crappy as it sounds I have a feeling he's fed up with your weight. Ask him straight up and see what he says. I'm willing to bet he'd love to get it out there. If I'm right, regardless of how unfair you think that is and how it makes you feel, you have two choices. Either work on getting in shape, and possibly improve your marriage, or don't, and most likely flush it down the crapper. Your call.

    I'm not going to let what you said piss me off, because its simply not true. I only weigh about 15 more lbs than i did when we first met. No one even notices the weight gain, but I do. He on the other hand had gained about 70lbs and kept it on the last few years of our marriage. When we first started our journey i lost weight without doing anything but walking and it came off 2-3lbs a week, he had the same results but HAD to go to the gym to do it.....(because of his eating habits as stated before starving all day, eating 1500-2000 calories for dinner.....he hasn't changed ANYTHING except going to the gym for 2-3 hours 3-4 nights a week).....AND I HAD TO HEAR ABOUT IT NON-STOP THAT IT WASN'T FAIR.....so we got into the routine where I rarely got to go to the gym because "you don't have to" This is still his excuse.

    So while I am sure that there are men out there who lose weight and think "man my wife is fat I could get better" I don't think that is the situation here. I think his issues lie in the fact that I push back when he wants to go out to eat, so then he's on his own. And I push back about him getting the gym time, and I get none. I don't think he likes resistance.

    P.S. When asked last night what we want to acheive.......his response was "Peace" he described it as "I would like to come home and not have the house a wreck and my kids pulling out toys, and my wife to not be stressed out about being overwhelmed.....I would like to go to the gym 6 nights a week AND i would like to have more sex"

    My answer was "support"

    Our counselor was basically like dumbfounded by his response because we told him our work schedules and the fact that I have to be up at 4:30 and how when the kids go to bed he's out the door to the gym......when exactly would SEX happen???? LMAO! He lives in Tom Land
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Is the gym membership a family membership? Does your gym have a drop off center for kids? Many of them do now. There's a couple at my rec center who actually work out together. I find it amazing that they do this. I think they treat it like a date night. But even if one of them is on a work trip somewhere, the other is still there in class. Our center has a day care place and so their little kids get to go play for a hour or so every night and it doesn't cost them much. I asked her once and they do crockpot meals a lot and they spend time cooking/setting up the week's foods one day of the weekend. My hubby and I don't do that - we don't work out well together. That was proven in karate as a family time and again. Our Sensei even weighed in once and told him to shut up and listen and work out with me. That might be part of why he quit karate besides the changes in his job interferred with his class time. Now its just me and the kid doing karate. His lost. He goes biking for long periods and I act like I'm single when it comes to getting in my exercise time. The kid is either exercising with me or doing his homework or, he can swim or go play if the timing is right for that. He's old enough to do those on his own. I will say, I'm really enjoying that he's now old enough for that. It allows me more options to work with besides karate. He can't wait until he's old enough for me to leave him at home alone. Perish the thought. But even when he was younger, I would drop him at the play house for the hour I wanted to exercise. It was included as part of our membership price. And when we were at the Y, the cost there wasn't very much and I budgeted for that as I saw it as part of the cost of me being healthy. Options, there are always options.

    Keep going to counseling. It sounds like he needs a 3rd voice to hear the issues. You might too. That will need to be open both directions. Good luck!
  • californiabella
    yeah, not sure why you and your husband haven't planned alternate gym schedules. I mean as his wife that isn't much to ask for.

    If you're busting your *kitten* working over time to get the "big house" (BTW already sensing resentment toward him here..) that he wants (which I'm sure you want too otherwise you wouldn't work OT right?) then start busting your *kitten* to save for your own treadmill or weights set to get yourself started at home.

    IMO and I'm not trying to be mean, but you have to stop making excuses not to work out. I'm sure your husband recognizes it-- both my husband I recognize and call each other out when one or the other is being lazy... and we can recognize when the other is just too tired. I'm sure you aren't tired 365 days of the year. Even if you are, you can still work out while you've got a good pair of legs.

    There are many good tips and advice already offered that can help remedy the situation. Honestly don't understand why some couples feel the need to compete with each other in this sense, when you should really be motivating each other. Surely you didn't expect him to drop his weight loss goals when you couldn't work out right?

    ETA: the weight loss isn't the cause of your relationship issues-- you know that already. something much deeper! so that's good you both are doing counseling now. good luck OP!!
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I lost almost 60 lbs without working out... Only eating at a deficit works...

    I don't want to be harsh, but the first thing to do to be successful is stop making excuses!
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    I'm not going to let what you said piss me off, because its simply not true. I only weigh about 15 more lbs than i did when we first met. No one even notices the weight gain, but I do.

    He obviously does or he wouldn't be (I forget your exact words) upset about it.
    He on the other hand had gained about 70lbs and kept it on the last few years of our marriage. When we first started our journey i lost weight without doing anything but walking and it came off 2-3lbs a week, he had the same results but HAD to go to the gym to do it.....(because of his eating habits as stated before starving all day, eating 1500-2000 calories for dinner.....he hasn't changed ANYTHING except going to the gym for 2-3 hours 3-4 nights a week).....AND I HAD TO HEAR ABOUT IT NON-STOP THAT IT WASN'T FAIR.....so we got into the routine where I rarely got to go to the gym because "you don't have to" This is still his excuse.

    So we've established you can lose weight with no other exercise besides walking. Are you unable to walk during your breaks at work?
    So while I am sure that there are men out there who lose weight and think "man my wife is fat I could get better" I don't think that is the situation here.

    You don't think. Which is why I suggested asking.

    I think his issues lie in the fact that I push back when he wants to go out to eat, so then he's on his own. And I push back about him getting the gym time, and I get none. I don't think he likes resistance.

    Good for you. Stand your ground.

    P.S. When asked last night what we want to acheive.......his response was "Peace" he described it as "I would like to come home and not have the house a wreck and my kids pulling out toys, and my wife to not be stressed out about being overwhelmed.....I would like to go to the gym 6 nights a week AND i would like to have more sex"

    Not sure where your comment about him working out 2-3 hours a night went, but if he's spending 3 hours in the gym he's doing something wrong.

    That said, the kids are gonna be kids til they're not kids at all, so he needs to find his peace with that whole deal. If you feel overwhelmed the only way that's going to get better is if he helps out more, or you drop stuff off your plate (Girl Scouts, overtime, something).

    My answer was "support"

    Our counselor was basically like dumbfounded by his response because we told him our work schedules and the fact that I have to be up at 4:30 and how when the kids go to bed he's out the door to the gym......when exactly would SEX happen???? LMAO! He lives in Tom Land

    Holy crap. I got nothing. :P
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    Im a girl scout leader too and work full time :) My husband works out of the house and is able to make his own hrs.. So I get your frustration.

    For me working out after work just really isn't good for me. I tend to be crazy busy doing mommy things and running errands. I always managed to make excuses. So for me its either get up super early in the mornings or workout during my lunchtime. I do lunchtime the majority of my workouts. They mostly consist of 30-45 interval style workouts. Which works perfectly for the little time I have. Im not sure what kind of job you have but with mine Im able to eat at my desk. So after I workout , I eat lunch. That also helps with not over eating (cause I used to go out to eat with co-workers everyday)

    Yes Im the odd one in my office that works out during lunch but now its become habit and no one questions it. If I ever changed roles Id proably get up early in the mornings and do a 30-40 min workout routine. Ive tried the fitness blender workouts on you tube and they worked out great.

    Find that perfect time for you. Make it a priority just like if it were a job and commit to it. You'll see the results soon enough.

    Also from what I read its like 80% nutrition and 20% exercise or whatever.. The most imporant thing is eating right (logging food)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Drop the store and being the girl scout leader. Do small exercises at work, as I previously stated. Eat a calorie deficit regardless of whether you workout or not.

    Whether it's right or wrong, you can't help what your husband says or does, that much is certain. That shouldn't keep you from your goals, though, and it doesn't have to.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    Take little steps towards the big goal.

    A few have said it, and Imma saying it again - your first small step has to be DIET. Wrestle that tiger until it's tame. If I have to eat Cambell's healthy request soup instead of going out to mickey d's or the steakhouse with the family, I'll do it. I've done it. I'll probably do it 3 more times before Christmas.

    It's not hard to throw a couple of turkey steaks or chicken breasts on the George Foreman, and dice them to put in tomorrow's salad or mix with quinoa and a little feta. If the rest of the family wants hot dogs and mac & cheese, I'll cook that for them and eat my salad. But whatever you have to do, with some planning and preparation the day before, you can get your needs done.

    Tame that tiger, then start working on the next - husband's help so you can exercise, a gym membership, getting a treadmill, something.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hubby needs to take on more household and parental duties. You seem to be letting him off easy. Stop that.

    And if the overtime is to make more money for more house (so you have more to take care of?)...he can quit the gym, work out at home, and put that money toward the (or some household help!).
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I would have him take care of the kids in the morning or in the afternoon (he can choose). You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. And if you are happy then you can make everyone else around you happy.

    If you are happy then you'll be motivated to keep the house clean
    If you are happy then there will be peace in the house
    If you are happy then there WILL BE MORE SEX!!!
    Etc., etc., etc.

    Orrrrr...if he is stuck to his guns and doesn't want to help with taking care of BOTH of your children then try to experiment. Ask him to "be in your shoes" for two days and see what happens. If he doesn't want to then maybe he doesn't want to work on the marriage.

    P.S. - You're right - KC doesn't have any healthy BBQ places. :)
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    I hope I am not repeating (didn't read all the responses), but what about getting that meal delivery service again? Maybe you could also try to do a walk at lunch time, even if it's only 15 or 20 minutes. I hope you find the right balance and achieve your goals.
  • jlturner386
    jlturner386 Posts: 65 Member
    I hope I am not repeating (didn't read all the responses), but what about getting that meal delivery service again? Maybe you could also try to do a walk at lunch time, even if it's only 15 or 20 minutes. I hope you find the right balance and achieve your goals.

    My plan is to start the delivery service again in january....I'm so looking forward to that.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member

    I'd be pissed off if my husband took time to work out daily but didn't do much of the child care, went out to dinner when it was his turn to cook, and passed all the child rearing off to me, and then had the audacity to ***** about my weight.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Raising children is a joint responsibility. Perhaps it is time to sit him down and have a conversation about a more reasonable way to split the "home" side of the workload.

    That aside, your weight loss is entirely in your hands - you don't *need* exercise to do it, you just need to manage your diet. And that you can do o sole mio.
  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    I do know that he looks down on me, he has told me my weight gain is not good. I just want to turn into a 5 year old and say NO DUH!!! He also is on my about working overtime which takes 2 hours after my shift is over AND saturdays.....because we want a bigger house, and he is salary so he doesn't get overtime......ect.

    Is it worth working overtime for a house if your marriage is on the rocks, and you have no time for yourself to de stress? The important thing is to find balance, find time to reconnect and like each other again. Not working 6 days a week (even if one is only a few hours) may make a big difference in finding balance. You have a lot of things going on weight/diet/exercise concerns, 2 children, couples counseling, scouts, work. Even if it is for the short term the keystone for this might be less work.