

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Bumping to find my place off tommorow to visit db he is not doing well, family has been called to see him.

    Juanita in sudbury
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here's another holiday song to sing! C'mon, let's all join in: :happy:

    Sung to the tune of "White Christmas"

    ♫ I'mmm dreaming of a thinnn Christmas, just like the ones I never knew;
    Where the sweets aren't tempting, the veggies plenty, the menu full of low-cal fooooods;
    I'mmm hoping to get through Christmas, without a pound or two of gain;
    May our foods be healthy and liiiiiiiight,
    May we keep all sweets out of our sight. ♫

    :smile: jb
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: This afternoon we danced at an assisted living place and two convalescent hospitals then went out for a drink at Applebee’s. Once again we had enthusiastic audiences and a lot of fun.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 15,000 steps today

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius
  • lizthees22
    I need some motivation to work out. It's freezing here so I don't want to walk outside. I don't have any exercise machines at home. I would like a trainer but I don't want to pay a lot. I seem to quit easily.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    lizthees go to visit a senior care center and notice all the very heavy people who are bedridden then ask yourself if that's where you want to end up.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I had my usual belly ache today after I ate my noon meal, which is also my first meal of the day since I wake up around 11 AM. anyway I don't like to got ot he Y on days like this because I don't know if it is just going to be a belly ache or end up in diarrhe. So I got on my bike at home and rode my 10 miles. I guess the pedals are different than the one at the Y or maybe it's the seat height or the distance from the seat to the pedals but my fitbit didn't recognize it as nearly the same amount of steps as the one at the Y. I did loosen the knob last night to make it a little longer so my husbands knees wouldn't be so close. He always say I drive with my knees under the dash board anyway! At the Y it would have put me at just under 10,000 steps. Today I was just under 2,000. But my legs sure could tell I rode 10 miles. We also went to Target and I have been walking around the house gathering all my presents and taking them to the kitchen table. Had to get the tape, scissors and paper, etc. This involved a couple of trips up and down the stairs. Plus I did two loads of laundry. All in all it is about 4,000 steps, 3 flights of stairs. I still have the biggest gifts to wrap and then I have to get my stocking gift bag out and wrap them. I usually don't even put names on them and I just wrap them in tissue paper so much easier to wrap. But the tree does look a lot better, more cheery,

    I called my SIL tonight. She is the one who has 2 sons who are both bipolar. One is a grown man now, has two children and really turned himself around. The mother of his children is only 19 and very immature. She was raped as a young girl, made to shoplift for her Mom and shown no responsibility for her life when she was growing up and is bipolar also so they have a very volatile relationship. When she is here she is nothing but the model citizen. She also doesn't know how to be in a monogamous relationship at all and has a continual stream of men in her bedroom, well small stream. My nephew is very torn over his love for this girl and knowing that if they separate that the courts will give the girls to their Mom. So they are still living in the same house but in separate rooms. But I called her because I hadn't heard from her in a while. Their younger son was in a detention center until placement could be found in a boys home for his juvenile record. He has been granted a 2 day pass for Christmas. I was torn, will this be Christmas here with us or at their house. It is on Christmas not January 4th with us. I'm glad but not glad. He does know how to behave here and I want the time to be pleasant for all. So my brother and SIL life is living hell. My other borther is the one whose son is a drug addict. Went through a year in rehab instead of jail time. If he was caught his probation would be revoked and the rest of the time would be jail time. Well, he was caught. So I don't know whether he will be able to come for Christmas or not. But his live in is a jewel. We all love her. They have 2 babies. So these are the 4 babies that will be here for Christmas. All the way from 6 months to 2 1/2. Fun??? I thank the Lord every single day for my girls.

    Anyone who wants to send me a face book request, feel free to. Joyce Kimmel, Evansville In

    Last night I had a brownie, tonight I had a MIlky Way. Got to stop this.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cdwwench
    cdwwench Posts: 16 Member
    Lizthees, I began walking a loop around my kitchen to get steps in while watching tv. It takes small steps, but each step is better than sitting and getting fatter. If nothing else, put on some music and dance. Get endorphins flowing. If you don't want to walk outside, consider a mall (indoor covered one...I know they're getting rare) and walk in the mall.

    Also, get checked out by a doctor. Make sure your vitamin D and calcium levels aren't low and that any other reason for feeling lethargic is ruled out. Winter is the time to keep moving!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Bump for later - would you believe I am going shopping again :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I hope this is the last time, . whatever I don't get today (present wise) I will do without.

    Then I'll need to get plenty of fruit and veggies bought. Son, partner and grandson are veggies, I've already bought a Quorn roast for their Christmas dinner, but need to have some veggie nibbles etc

    Have a good day :flowerforyou:

    :cry: Cindy sorry for your loss.

    Viv x

    PS Michele I found you on facebook by your photo, I've sent you a message - no option for a friend request. I mainly play games on Facebook :embarassed: :embarassed: a bit of an addict.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Juanita - so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope you gain strength from your visit today.:heart:

    Off to yoga soon after a shower and making myself beautiful for the lunch (i.e. putting some makeup on!) :laugh:

    Michele - I dreamt about you last night! I dreamt we were planning to make a big Christmas snowflake decoration together. I wish we really were! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in still dreary and damp Hampshire UK
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    bump to find later. Must get ready for work!!
    Deb A in very cold CNY (0 degrees F}
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Bump :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cindy:smile: So sorry for your loss:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    Juanita:smile: So sorry to hear your DB is not doing well:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    Jb:smile: Love it:bigsmile: !!!

    Viv:smile: I`m like you, whatever I don`t have by now, I will just do without, I`m not shopping anymore:noway: !!!

    DebA:smile: Brrrrr....stay warm!!!!

    Welcome to everyone new! Come in often and chat!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC where the sun will be shining today:glasses:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Bump. Getting ready for work
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    Not too cold outside when I fed the birds this am; supposed to get up to the low 50's today, I believe. Saw movie "Philomena" on Sat. ---VERY well acted, riveting story, but the fact that it is a true story makes it disturbing and extremely sad. At the end, I left the movie not surprised but still very uncomfortable and unsettled. I do think it was certainly worth seeing.

    Sunday (after about 4 hrs. sleep--bad night) I went to a 8K with a friend and her daughter, then on to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens.....LONG day.

    Got a call from Gwen's gardener yesterday,very concerned; she is showing some disturbing mental signs; wondering if it could be meds or (unfortunately) there are a lot of instances of brain tumors in her family. Her remaining sibs are all in other states; nobody in family close. Her family dr. is on vacation and she (Gwen) doesn't know I have knowledge of these issues...........so, this could prove tricky. I called her last night to see how she's doing and to see if she would tell me what she is telling him, but she didn't. Well, I pick her up tomorrow for the Christmas party............thankfully, I'm DONE with all the arrangements for that. On top of everything else, got a phone call yesterday, one of our honorees can't make it due to a death in her family.

    Michele...........Kitchen shears will solve your fine cutting of herbs problem, especially the rosemary.

    DrKatie............so sorry to hear of your brothers house fire..........that is esp. sad this time of year.

    Anamika..............FABULOUS time...........you keep this up and you won't be sorry...........I had a conversation Sat. with a 75 y.o. woman who had just finished running the 8K
    and she is sure skinny!!!

    Liz........Good to see you, my friend!

    jb..........wonderful article on exercise!!!

    Heather...........Wonderful news about DS#1's visit!!!! and congrats on the .5" gone.

    Juanita...............Thinking of you and your family.

    Need to get some breakfast!..........fed the birds but not myself!
    Best to all!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump to mark my spot...

    Hugs to those needing them and congrats with those with NSVs!

    Michele, hopefully Bryan is keeping in touch with his sisters so you at least know he is safe and well. Bide your time, hard as it is. Mine came around, too.

    Now I know I'm in good company walking inside my house! I, too, have a circuit around the dining room table, up the hall a short bit, left into/through the kitchen, through the living room and back to the dining room. It modifies slightly if DH is home so that I don't walk in front of his TV viewing. :wink:

    When I don't get to the gym, or am bored and want to eat, or on the phone I walk inside, also while dinner is cooking, TV programs, etc. Here's my confession: one of my favorite walking choices? Toddler Tunes on the TV music channels! :blushing: :laugh: They are reliably peppy and happy during the day, then wind down in the evening. Then I switch to the oldies station or just have the TV on and watch a program while walking the loop.

    Well, off to work again. BBL

    Gail, metro ATL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I must say our new king bed,is a dream.. very very nice..
    havent gotten out for a walk yet and it is chilly and breezy here,I know I shouldnt complain it is about 50 degree's here,should get up to the low 70's today.. DH is getting edgy... he is going back and forth with TD BANK they were supposed to release the check this morning and they havent. we have quite a few bills we need to pay and that is what the money is supposed to be for, but they need to release it, I am sure he will get on the phone and raise some hell today..
    I will get my exercise in eventually but was on my feet alot yesterday and my heel is hurting so I have iced it once,will ice it again,,
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello ladies - its been awhile since I was able to check in with you. My DBIL (who is younger than my husband) has had a heart attack. He is recovering and we are waiting to see how much damage was done to the heart muscle. I am so thankful my DH decided to join me on MFP and has been so successful in getting healthy (he was able to go off his blood pressure meds, but is still taking cholesterol medication). Heart issues run in his family.

    I'm feeling so tired. I have business travel from Wednesday on (snow permitting) and then we are off to visit my DD in sunny CA. My DS and other DD are also going…both are also exhausted between finals and my 2nd DD's illness. I think we are going to be giving each other lots of TLC and will likely have a heightened appreciation for our time together.

    If I don't get back to the thread I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season

    Jodios from snowy N. Il
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Bumpity, bump, bump, bump!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: BUMP :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. We went to Joplin last night, to SAMs Club and ate at Panera (Caeser's salad without dressing) and then stopped at Petland to get some dog treats. They sell puppies at that store, and against my better judgement I went over to look at them. Those poor puppies were a sorry mess. Several did not look healthy - thin with runny stools - but one dog just broke my heart! It was what looked like a boxer pup but with undocked ears and tail, but it's front legs bent the wrong way. It looked like both front legs had been broken about half way up the long bone, and they sort of flopped around when the dog tried to jump around and put its paws up on the side of the cage. It didn't seem to be in pain, but it looked terribly wrong. I'm not an expert on Boxers, but there was another boxer pup nearby and it's legs didn't do that. I looked up pictures of Boxers and didn't see any that looked like that. Dogs legs just do NOT bend like that! Hubby thinks it might be a birth defect, from inbreeding in puppy mills. Both boxers were much thinner than they should be and the other one has huge webbed feet. I cried all the way home. So, I called the ASPCA this morning but had to leave a message. They don't open till 1:00. I certainly will never go in that store again. The only reason I did was that they carry Molly's favorite yogurt drops and Pet Smart doesn't. Next time I'll order from amazon.

    So during the night I woke up with chest pain. Just little jabs of pain whenever I took a breath, and general tightness, so wasn't sure if it was heart related or not. It was still there this morning so I took a nitro pill, and like magic it was gone. Hmmm. Im still trying to figure this stuff out. I'm keeping a little diary of this stuff to show the doc on the 24th. Now I have a terrible headache so I'm going back to bed. I hope everybody else is doing well today.
