
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Lynn - my problem seems to be that I like to "munch" while I'm on the computer. Even tho I know that crumbs fall onto the keyboard, do you think that stops me???

    Viv - I know that MD is going to want to talk to me about these blood tests I just had. At that time I'm going to get my flu shot but I'm also planning to speak to him about this "nurse". I know deep inside that he probably can't do anything. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they hired her because she's probably getting a lower salary. But it'll make me feel good to get this off my chest. My hair used to be really thick but then I had children and now my hair is much thinner

    The woman who is currently the vice-president of the Newcomers and her hubby were here for dinner tonight. She told me that she's not going to be president next year but that this other gal is. I honestly don't know how she will do, I have a feeling not real good. She's kind -of like "it has to be my way or no way" She's nice to your face, but I understand from Maureen that she's a bit of a control freak. What is needed for the president is a non-emotional person, someone logical. That's why I know that I wouldn't be good at the job. I honestly don't know about Kathy, from what Maureen's told me she's emotional. I am a bit surprised that Pam (the current vice president) isn't going to be president. But Vince has said to me "there may be some people who won't stand up to Kathy, but not moi", and he's going to be treasurer. Perhaps what I should do is give her the benefit of the doubt. She got this place (near her home) for our general meetings. Really, it's not at all conducive to a general meeting, it's really set up as the restaurant that it is, not for meetings. They have their customers come in (can't blame them) during our meetings, we can't hear. Pam did say that she thinks we'll be back at the place we were before for our general meetings. That'll be good. I should have asked her if they're going to be supplying coffee/tea since I'm going to be head of hospitality. Right now I'm a bit on the stressed side, eating chocolates to try to ease my feelings.

    Welcome aboard Sally (so much easier than abundanceismine!)

    I think I'll do some Wii balance games tomorrow a.m. Go to church, then Vince and I will probably go bowling (games on Sun from 10 to 1 are only $1). The other night he slept funny and his neck hurts him. If it still hurts him, I may just ask him to go with me to critique me. Sometimes I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong.

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    oops! forgot this part:

    singerlynn - welcome. I don't even want to THINK about how many days it is until Christmas....lol I did string the popcorn for my tree, tho, mainly because I wanted to do it outside so that I wouldn't have to clean up the small parts of the popcorn....lol Am I lazy or what????

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Welcome Sally!!! and Welcome Lynne, who also has "Heather" in her signature(?)

    We look forward to getting to know you.

    We have women from the UK: (tiarapants AKA Amanda; wizzywig AKA Viv; mdyn........(<can't recall the exact login--I always read it as "my dinasaurs" AKA Jackie.


    :laugh: :laugh: Barb had to laugh I always think of Jackie as my dinosaurs too :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Just going out with the doggies now, for our not so early morning walk, Will catch you all later, but had to reply to this as I thought it was only me.

    Viv xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies. This will be brief as I'm posting from my iPhone.

    I've got loads to say but it will have to wait until this evening.

    Yesterday I did my last day of canvassing, which is a relief. We are off to see father in law and his wife in an hour. They live in a gorgeous place called Arundel in Sussex. It is just like Toytown. We're planning on a short visit with the in laws and then I want to pop into Arundel Cathedral to offer up some prayers. We will probably drive down the road to the coast after that for a short walk on the beach.

    A contemplative day I think

    Happy Sunday to you all and hello newbies!

    Amanda x
  • Good morning Ladies!
    I LOVE this 'fall back' thing! My house is so quiet right now!! Peace!

    So, I figured I should give you the run down on who I am and a little about my life:

    I live on the South Shore of MA and have all my life. I am long time divorced with 20 year old boy/girl twins. Living with me is my daughter (Michelle),20 and her boyfriend (Ben), 22 and their son (my ADORABLE 1st grandson Jonathan) 16 months, She goes to a local small college PT, works at a 99 restaurant PT, and thenwatches her 2 yr old 1/2 sister in my home with her son 3 days a week. Ben works FT as an small airplane mechanic.

    My son Scott goes to college full time in Boston and his major currently is astrophysics. He is thinking of changing to straight physics because although the universe fascinates him, he thinks he should focus on things he can do HERE to help us. He works 1 day a week just to have some spending money, the rest of his time is spent studying. On the weekends, vacations, etc, he and his longtime girlfriend Colleen live with me. She also goes to the same college as my daughter.

    Rounding out the home, we have 4 cats and a hampster. Oh, and me! =D I work full time as a Sr Project Manager at a local mid-size regional company which allows me to support the homestead.

    I have often battled with weight, but in the past it was always much much less than now. Funny how looking back I thought it was the end of the world that I was larger than most my age. The 2 times previously were understandable, but not everyone had the same tendancy to overeat: Puberty, when at 13yrs and 5'2" I went up to 150 lbs, and then at 31yrs right after my babies were born I didn't go down, I went up to 200lbs. Both times I successully and relatively easily lost the excess weight. 160-165 is a good weight for me at 5'9".

    Then when I hit 40, I started piling on the weight. Not sure why, the 'tough' times were well behind me, going through my divorce, finishing my masters, creating a new and stable home for my kids all happened in my late 30's. But by the time I was 44 had hit 225. Since then I have logged my food, joined other fee based groups, talked and journeled A LOT, but not religiously. I bounce too easily between 225-255, and yesterday I hit my all time low/high of 260. It was NOT a good day.

    But, I am a very positive person. I LOVE life, I love experiencing things and doing new things and I need to be able to do that. I need my knees and back to not hurt just getting up. I need to feel better physically and emotionally. So here I am.

    This is not my typical post, but it helps to just get it all out there and then focus on what I, with your support, can do!!

    Today is going to be a great day!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Abundance....welcome!:flowerforyou: Today will be a great day if you just concentrate on the next 24 hours! :wink: It is a "journey" and not a diet , and you have just taken the first step!:flowerforyou: Just keep doing it "One Day at a Time" and you will be amazed at what you can achieve:bigsmile: I live in the Ocean State (Rhode Island) so we aren't that far from each other as compared to the many others! :laugh: Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    I'm still not feeling well :frown: and haven't exercised since last Sunday:noway: :ohwell: But part of my "new journey" is to walk it in a practical manner and not expect the impossible.:smile: My body needs to rest....thus I am resting it....drinking lots of water....and when I feel better I will hop right back on the treadmill daily. If I gain a little then :ohwell: I'll work on taking it off when I'm up to it.:happy: So far, I have been eating good foods, I'm sure I've gone over my calories (because I'm tracking my food) .:ohwell: ...but my choices are so much better that 15 months ago.:bigsmile:

    My hubby wanted to go out for "Chinese" on Friday, and seeing as I went to work (dragging mind you) and he would have been disappointed had we not.....(plus we had to eat anyways) I went. I tried something new and it was delicious :tongue: even though I felt sick later. (Not from the food, but because my stomach has been very touchy this week). It was grilled tuna with steamed brocolli!:tongue: I have never had tuna before (accept white tuna in the can:laugh: ) and thought it would be dry........ but I had it done "medium" and it was juicy and very tasty! That's one of the things I have learned in the last year....to take a chance and try different foods. An open mind will give you potentially more choices!:flowerforyou: :wink:

    So, have a great day...and I will check in when I can. Looks like another day resting as my stomach is still not right:ohwell:

  • changing4good
    changing4good Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to the site - but unfortuantely not new to dieting. Hopeing that online support groups like this might make a difference!
    My goals for November are to stay focused despite the "turkey day" crazys and focus on changing for good.

    Looks like this group has some pretty successful members!
  • Hello everyone; hope all is well here. Had a good morning at the gym, thought I was not going to make it but I did, hounded myself. The scale is slowly coming back down, so soon (cross fingers) it will be ticking down. Got a ton of work on my desk so I shall take my leave. Take care all...have a great day today.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I enjoy reading all the posts. My problem is Friday nights and usually the whole weekend. I am a legal assistant and deal mostly with family law. I do preliminary interviews - am the first one they speak to when they call in with problems, etc. I just want to tell some cients to grow up, smarten up, think of your children not yourself, get over the anger, etc. - but I understand their pain so Iisten and try to be supportive. So Friday night I am ready for a few drinks. That is how the weekend binging starts and I undo all the good I did all week. This weekend started out the same with Friday night. But I was able to stop on Saturday. So hopefully I can over indluge one night a week and still lose. Tomorrow morning will tell - if I am up after the weekend - which I usually am - 2 pounds at least. I am a little bit proud of myself - but not as much as if I hadn't gone overboard on Friday night. Why can't I stop at 2 drinks instead of 6 - I drink rye and diet coke but still that is 600 plus calories of whiskey.

    Well that is enough about my problems. I have a target outfit for Chrismas parties and am soooo close to feeling comfortable in it = so I really have to be vigilent from now on.

    thanks for listening .... if anyone is!!!!

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I sort of forgot about the Fall Back thing. So I'm up at 7:15 am and it's great because I have to be somewhere at 11 and I needed to do something first and now I have time to do it!

    I'm going to take today off from exercise. Usually I take two rest days in a week and I haven't had *any* this week. Tomorrow I officially start my "taper" for Ironman Arizona!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am brand new to this site (just joined today). November is my birthday month and I will be 53. I am tired of being overweight and tired all the time. I have high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia and managed cholesterol (low numbers for 5 years and recently taken off medication).With a recent health scare (spiking blod pressure), I have decided to take my life by the horns and get my weight (and health) under control. I find the eating part easier than the exercise part. The exercise is very difficult due to chronic arthritis and fibromyalgia. I walk my treadmill most days and do some free weight exercises. I know this will get easier as I lose the excess weight, so I am optimistic that I will suceed this time.
    My daughter gave birth to our first grandchild in April. I love our little Reese and am saddened by the fact that I can not get down on the floor to play with her. I can get down, but you do not want to see me get back up. This is definitely going to be a positive journey to a healthier me. Thanks for listening and I hope to visit here often for the encouragement I got from the postings in this thread.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to all the new comers!

    I forgot to tell all of you that my doctor is changing as in reducing my medications due to all the weight I've loss. It will save me $10.00 a month or $120.00 a year.

    We are watching Anne of a Thousand Days. DD needs to see it for her World History Class. We choose the old one with Richard Burton instead of the new remakes.

    Chat with all of you later.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I think I a still full from last night. I haven't eaten that much or been that uncomfortable since I started this process in February. It was sooooooo good. We had loads of oysters. Kumamotos are our fav. I had one oyster rockafellar and wonder shrimp and crab and scallops and mussels. there were 51 wineries respresented so I enjoyed sampling many of them. We dance to the jazz band they had and just had a wonderful time together. We walked to and from the hotel twice (about a mile each way) The Edgewater hotel has so much character. It is a very old hotel built right on a pier on the water. its decorated all rustic with antler chairs and log beds and years of history. I smiled when we got there because my mother stayed there once when we lived in California and she had gone to Seattle for a conference. It made me happy to be in a hotel where my mom had once stayed.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday. Bodi survived his first night of being left out in the yard all night. but boy was he glad to see us home this morning. Kiera was fine as always.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :bigsmile: Hello Ladies,

    I lost some weight this morining that I am happy about, especially after the last 2 weeks.
    I have added some free weights and am doing my physical therapy assignment of floor excercises. An inflamed nerve is very painful for me.

    Jeannie- You are a good daughter! I hope you enjoy your movie today:smile:

    Barbiecat-You are dancing your way to being a "skinny minnie":flowerforyou:

    MacMadame--zzz's are wonderful when you have been sleep deprived due to pain...:wink:

    Kathy - I am sending you wishes for a better week:flowerforyou:

    Robin -firmer is better when you are over 50! I hope the oysters had the desired effect on your life:bigsmile:

    Sally - WELCOME:flowerforyou:

    Tlk- welcome...I understand about fibromyalgia. I have developed that scince my near death experience last summer. Since this past June, I have been going to physical therapy and a PT gym. They have been helping to do the excercises as I build up strength and to make sure I am using proper form. I am not absorbing vitamins and minerals the way I should so that slows me down. I can iinjure myself easily. Good Luck to you:flowerforyou:

    Barb-Thanks for the info on the cell phone! I thought the battery idea on the other post was good too! I bought a new cell phone -a Samsung Flight II-...On my goodness! I don't feel that I am a compurter illiterate, considering I was able to pragram them..but each time new technology is introduced, it's different again. I had a deal with "Widgets" yesterday. This phone has a widget side-bar (file) that opens up windows on ONE of the Three sliding screens. I pulled and opened all the windows without realizing that I needed to put each window back as I went. :laugh: So, they "stacked" on top of each other. The phone comes with a dvd instead of a manual. I can understand what I read a lot better than going back and forth on a dvd. Plus, the dvd never touched on the subject. So, after about 2 hours, I finally found on the Quick Start brochure an area that explained that you needed to put the window back...:bigsmile: It took 45 mins to accomplish this:laugh: :laugh:
    My husband, sons and daughters-in-law have I-phones and blackberry's --they can have them, I just want something without all the bells and whistles...This phone I have, has 2 lock and unlock functions. I haven't become "use to" where they are located so I keep locking myself out...:laugh: :laugh: It becomes hillarious aftter awhile!:laugh: :laugh: I have come to the conclusion that "I" might be the one who is outdated!:laugh: :laugh:

    Terri--I like your November goals!!-Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    Mary - Your muffin recipe sounds scrumptous:drinker: :drinker:

    VivX-You are out there and running...they may be more fit but think of all the ones who don't even try. YOU go for it!!:flowerforyou:

    Excermom- I think doctor's office share the same "people problems" everywhere.:grumble: Some of them must train at the same places.:smile: I remind them when I "run into" this problem, that i help pay their salaries:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I have also told a few of them that I'll probably be coming there when they are not. I feel I am a nice person until someone "messes" with me.explode: :explode: When you are into having a doctor's visit, it's not a time to deceive people. If there is anything I don't like, it's dishonesty. Sometimes, they act like you are not smart enough to "see through" what is taking place. :noway: That is when I decide that might deserve a rude awakening.:bigsmile: So, I am in your "court."

    If I have missed anyone, I apologize but my "bum/bootie" is getting numb(although that might be okay:bigsmile: )

    Everyone have a good day today!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    "til next time,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi again ladies.

    Busy day today.

    Ok, I'm going to run something by you. We went to visit my FIL and his wife today. Now, I haven't seen them since I was over 100 pounds heavier than I am now. Did they mention anything? Not a word was said! Maybe I was expecting too much - but I would have thought they'd have said something!

    Anyway, I'll move on from that.

    Yesterday we went to a wedding reception in the evening. The bride is a friend of my DDs - she looked lovely by the way. Well, I don't think there was a person there that didn't have a tear in their eye during the first dance. The groom has muscular dystrophy and is now confined to a wheelchair. Rather than miss out on the dance, he made room for her on the arm of his chair and they 'danced' around the floor with him sitting across his lap. It was a beautiful sight.

    On Friday I went to see my dietician. She really doesn't want me to lose any more weight but I want to let go of another ten pounds before I work on maintaining. Finally she suggested that I lose my final ten pounds over the next twelve months. Now I'm not sure that I am going to be able to do it that way. I think it will be a case of maintaining three weeks of the month and trying to lose for the other week of the month. Hmm, we'll see how that goes. To be honest I'd like to just get the final ten gone and then stick to maintenance.

    One thing I need to get sorted, is my iron deficiency. It's not horrendous, but I have been extremely anaemic in the past and don't want to get to that point again.

    As far as my hair loss goes, the dietician recommends that I up my protein and carbs (apart from veggies, I tend to avoid most carbs). I have to have more blood tests done next month. One of my main goals is to be as healthy as I can possibly be before I have my valve replacement surgery.

    Hi Sally, thanks for the background info about yourself. You've definitely hit the right thread.Welcome!

    Changing4good - same to you - this is a very supportive and understanding group.

    TLK105 - losing weight has certainly helped with my arthritis in my knees and spine. Hopefully you will feel the benefits too.

    Jeannie - Congrats on the lessening medications. That is such a positive NSV (non scale victory). Well done.

    Robin - it sounds like you had a wonderful evening. Good for you! Life's too short not to have some fun!

    Lynn - well done for losing. Hope the inflamed nerve eases up.

    Birdie - I do hope you are feeling better soon. Don't worry about the exercise until you are up to it.

    Barb - I was a little concerned initially when I read that you'd attacked your refrigerator! When I used to 'binge' I used to say I was eating the fridge, and imagined that was what you were doing. Was relieved to see you were just clearing space.

    Terri - I really like your November goals. It sounds like you are hitting the problem head on. Good luck.

    Mary - I forwarded your oatmeal muffin recipe to my sister as she loves baking. It sounds delicious, but I'm not risking having them in the house at the moment.

    Viv - good luck with your running club. Keep at it and pretty soon you won't be able to say that you're the unfittest member of the group.

    Barbiecat - what is Buddhist's delight? I presume it's a vegetarian dish. My son and his fiancée are Buddhists and I'm a vegetarian - could be a good meal to cook when we are together.

    Michele - I absolutely refuse to eat at the computer these days. I had to take my laptop to get it fixed a while ago and the guy who fixed it said he couldn't believe how many crumbs there were under the keyboard. I was mortified!

    I know I haven't mentioned everyone, but I have read your posts and I think of you all.

    Tomorrow I have my swimming class first thing in the morning (must try harder!!) In the evening I have been asked to give a 'motivational speech' for a group that I used to belong to. I won't go into it too much now, but I'll let you know how it goes and tell you more about it.

    Well, that's enough time sitting on my bottom! Must get up and on.

    Here's to a good week!

    Amanda x
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Amanda - my hair falls out if I don't get enough protein. I can't see how carbs would impact hair, to be honest. Hair kind of is protein (not exactly, but close enough).

    Personally, if it was me, I'd lose the 10 pounds now. Heck, even if you are trying to maintain, if you slowly up your calories, you will still lose a bit more until you find your maintenance level.

    As for your, FIL and wife.... :tongue: I hate it when people are like that. This happened to me when I went to the annual Christmas party for my husband's train club. No one had seen me in ages and here I was skinny and they acted like they didn't notice. Now, I could see a few of them bug their eyes out when they first saw me so I know they noticed. But they didn't actually say anything. I know for some, they are guys and clueless and probably honestly didn't notice and for a few others, they were probably afraid I had cancer or something.

    But for some people, I think it's jealousy ... maybe not exactly jealousy, but a pettiness that won't let them acknowledge another person's success, especially if it's an area they haven't had success in.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I totally agree with you Macmadame!:smile: Some of are jealous or petty of others success. There are some people who may not know if they should comment on weight loss. That it could possibly be offensive. (benefit of the doubt) Although, it has never bothered me when someone compliments me.
    Has it any of you?:noway:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Go to a feed store and buy some Absorbine for horses and try putting that on your IT band and see if it relieves the pain.
    Okay so today is an "errand" day even though it's pouring down rain. I go an hour north (through the Raiders game - ugh) to drop off my bike for servicing. I drive back and plan to go to the only pet store in town that is likely to have this stuff -- not a chain, has stuff for more than cats, dogs, etc. I go to pull in and the place is covered in construction stuff with big signs -- Dale Hardware is expanding! (Dale Hardware is the hardware store on the other end of the lot that is also the only one in town that is not a chain, has esoteric stuff, etc.)

    I look for a "we've moved to" sign but don't see it. I figure Bogies has gone the way of many independent retail stores and is out of business. I'm bummed but I was also planning to go to Dales for duct tape and fluorescent light bulbs so it's not a complete loss.

    When I got home, I decided to see if places like Petco or Petsmart would have this stuff. I had assumed not, but maybe I was being judgmental. I get on the computer and neither web site has it listed so then I put in "Pet Stores" and my town and ... Bogies shows up in the list! Their website is right there implying they are still around with a picture of their building as I remember it.

    I'm somewhat mystified but then I realized their address is *slightly* different. So I run out to the new address and there they are! They have the stuff too. But I had to ask about it to find it and admit I was going to put it on my IT band. :laugh: They said a lot people put it on their body for arthritis and it really works.

    And that they'd been forced out of their old location by Dale Hardware which owns the whole lot and wants to have a big Garden department. They moved everything over in one day and are wildly happy with the new location (said the old building was falling down on them). The funny thing is, you can see their old place from the parking lot of the new place. So, if I'd just looked over there, I might have seen them. (Then again maybe not as the sign was small. They haven't got a mural on the new building like they do the old one.)

    I'm wearing my new horse liniment now. It does smell a bit, but the part that's driving me a bit crazy is that it STINGS. I have a topical analgesic for humans that works really well on my calf but hasn't been doing much for my hip and back. Maybe it's just the smell and the stinging but this stuff feels a lot more powerful!

    (The weird thing about my IT band issues is that my IT band doesn't hurt when I move or exercise or anything. It only hurts when I get a massage or I foam roll it. This is probably why I didn't realize I was having IT band issues to begin with!)
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Susan (smwert) Join us over in the like minded lushes thread where we attempt to deal with the alcohol calories.

    Amanda, I don't know what to say about your FIL and his wife, maybe they didn't want to imply that you were big before? I can't imagine your FIL would have any reason to be jealous or petty. That is really weird. Hey, MAYBE they thought your husband had a new wife??? :love:

    I told a friend with severe back pain about the horse ABJ and she was going to try and find it here. Did not know that people use it for arthritis. The things you learn on-line. (ha) I know there is a version sold in Canada that is much stronger than the US version. Anyway, hope it helps.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Welcome changing4good and tlk105.

    Vince forgot to set the clock back, so it went off at 6, only it was really 5. Interesting, he's the one who likes when we turn the clocks back, I prefer when we move them ahead. So I was surprised when he forgot to change the clock. But it did give me extra time to do an hour of balance games on the Wii. Then I went bowling. Vince slept funny and his neck is hurting him so he didn't go. I bowled 9 games (at $1/game, how could I resist?) Out of the 9 games, I only broke 100 (in the low 100's) 3 times. I'll get there.

    tlk - please don't fall into the trap of "quick is good". No....the slower the better because then there's a much much greater chance that the weight will stay off. If you "crash" diet, you can almost be guaranteed that you'll gain the weight back plus some.

    As expected, I gained a bit after my stress eating last night. I've promised myself that I'm going to be better today. So far, so good. I really question if this gal who's going for president will be very good. She's on a committee that I'm on, and whenever she sends me an email I have to read it 2 or 3 times to try to figure out what she's trying to say. It would help if she'd read what I wrote...... So what kind of president will she make? Is she thinking that being president is not a big deal? I don't know, I only know that I'm not going to tell Maureen that Kathy is running for president. Maureen and Kathy butt heads.

    Amanda - the wedding sounds lovely!

    I'll take the extremepump class tomorrow.

    Everyone, have a great evening.

This discussion has been closed.