Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • In college, I turned a guy down nicely and was called a "big legged b!tch"....yeah, they are big, but I can squat a 100 pounds!
  • Someone actually told me once that I should go and die somewhere because I was so fat and costing the NHS soooo much money. A complete stranger that I'd met through a friend only 5 minutes beforehand. That comment made me cry myself to sleep for a very long time afterwards.

    I hate the fact that people can only be seen as being happy when their skinny. I know I'm pretty slim at the moment, but I only lost loads of weight and took up exercise because I'm diabetic and didn't want to get seriously ill, but people shouldn't be made to feel this way, no matter what size you are. If you're happy, you're happy and other people should keep their bloody noses out of other people's business.
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    from grades 7-10th I was called Beach ball by these older boys. They would holler it down the hall, and if I tried ignoring them, they would yell my name and say Brenda the Beach ball! the saddest part, is even some teachers laughed...

    they graduated and it stopped, but I ran into one at a bar, I was 21 he was 23 or 24, he yelled it across the bar...couldn't believe it, but a few bouncers took care of him... :laugh:

    Everyone says they get asked if they are pregnant or when due, I got asked after I had my baby girl...."did you adopt, didn't know you were pregnant"...:huh:
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    From my grandmother when i was 13 :cry: :brokenheart: "Girl your getting to damn fat, you need to lose weight!" haha yes my grandmother told me this years ago when i was in puberty!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Co-worker (From Leeds, England) would preface every interaction with me with; "Oi! Fatso! .. "

    It's not the single meanest thing .. but 3 years worth gets a little grating ...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Honestly the meanest thing anyone said was my mom calling herself fat (at 103 pounds) while I was 50 pounds overweight. It was like a slap in the face.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    No one close to me ever said anything about my weight, but it did sting a bit when I went to get a pedicure and the technician made a comment about how I was unable to reach my feet to do my own. Suffice it to say, it showed in her tip.
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    My sister in law said after I lost about 25 pounds: oh, my god, that bulge around your waist is gone! It was not that I didn't knew I had it before but the fact that before losing this weight she was always saying: cutt it out, you're not fat at all! Isn't that a person to keep close by?:huh:
  • "You'd be so pretty if you weren't so fat."

    Or my ex husband, who refused to let me go to the gym at the same time he did, because he didn't want all his gym friends to see his fat wife.

    ... Wow. I see now why he's an ex! What a tool.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    That's awful! I've gotten "When are you due?" when I was at my highest weight. When I was in high school (and actually thin) a friends mom told me I have "Large child-bearing hips", and that really hurt my feelings.

    I've never ever never ever ever asked a girl when she was due but i have been present for one of those super awkward moments. Now, I will only ask a woman if she is due if her legs are up and a doctor has the baby's head in his/her hand saying "one more push".
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    I was very lean growing up, despite eating like a horse. I can't count the number of times spiteful girls told me that I was anorexic. It was hateful and hurtful and did nothing at all to boost my already low self-esteem.

    As an adult, I'm still lean - but I am because I work at being fit and healthy, and it pisses me off when people say things like, "Why do you need to work out? You're already skinny."

    preach. This drives me nuts, when people say "ohmahgawd you're so fit, how lucky!" Like luck has something to do with it... The fact that skinny shaming has a green light to a lot of people blows my mind. How it's any different or less hurtful than fat shaming is beyond me.
  • Clovergirl143
    Clovergirl143 Posts: 61 Member
    Let's see...I've gotten the whole 'You'd be so pretty if you just lost the weight', or 'Your boyfriend will really have to work to keep you after you lose the weight' (Side note, Like I'm not worth him fighting to keep NOW?)

    Then there is the one time I was asked 'When are you due?' in Walmart...Thank goodness it was someone I didn't know and could brush off as pure ignorance.

    Then there have been one or two times where a guy would flirt with me and try to weasel his way into my pants, and when I turn him down, I suddenly turn from being 'The most beautiful woman he's ever seen' into a 'hideous fat cow'.

    Once when I was in college a girl that my acting class friends and I disliked very much, asked one of my best friends 'Why are you even friends with that cow anyway?' That one stung. Especially because she didn't refute my being a fat cow, just told her that she was my friend and it wasn't any of the other girl's business why.

    Or my ex-boyfriend when I was 18 (I also weighed 8 pounds less than I do now, but 40 pounds less than my heaviest) and I were going to go clean out his new truck (it was and older truck that had sat for a while)...So he gave me a pair of his work pants to wear so I wouldn't get my jeans dirty (he was a mechanic). When I couldn't button them (he had smaller hips than I did, but a large tummy, so he weighed roughly what I did) he looked at me with a look that was half incredulousness and half disgust and said 'You're HUGE!' Oh in hindsight, if ONLY I had dumped him over that one ;)

    My self-esteem is slowly but steadily growing. I'm not to the point where I can quip back witty one-liners to people being ignorant donkeys, but it's getting to where I can *almost* let stupid comments like that roll off my back and not hurt my feelings. Almost.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    On the rare occasion that I would actually TELL someone what I weighed (before I started losing any weight) I was told more often that not that I "could not POSSIBLY weigh that much" and I "really carry it well."

    Ummmm...yeah....thanks. So I'm fat all over, is what you're telling me??

  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    At 325 lbs, I was told I look like a doughnut with feet.
  • 7th grade there was a girl who would kicked me and push me in to the walls regularly. Eventually I asked her what her issue was and why she was pushing me around. Her response was "because I like to watch you giggle, it's funny."
  • My mother constantly used to make comments - think the final straw with her was when she said "you are so fat your husband is going to cheat on you and you'll have noone to blame but yourself" I'm 5'10" and was 212lbs at the time...

    Again, thinking she's motivating you but really she's just inconsiderate. That's a sad one :(
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    meh too many to care anymore
  • I had been doing P90X for one month when my on and off again BF said "you should stop, you're starting to get bulky"
  • dietcoke29
    dietcoke29 Posts: 38 Member
    "You'd be so pretty if you weren't so fat."

    Or my ex husband, who refused to let me go to the gym at the same time he did, because he didn't want all his gym friends to see his fat wife.

    I can see why he's your EX! Wow
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    It's amazing how awful people can be.

    I was going through puberty and my uncle commented on how fat my face had gotten. I will never forget that. I was like 14.

    My current bf hasn't commented on my weight but he HAS made comments about my eating habits in the past (me eating a lot, eating fast, etc.)I have braces and I had an appointment to get them tightened last month. When I came back, I made the comment about how I was going to try to eat as fast as I could before the pain started kicking in. He goes "what else is new" and put lol like this was funny. He paid BIG TIME for that one. He claims he didn't mean it and wasn't trying to be mean, but he knows I am sensitive about my weight- so why would you say that? Granted, i'm not overweight, but i'm not where I want to be and he knows that. His *kitten* is still in trouble.

    I'm getting mad all over again lol. But I grappled with that because I didn't want to seem overly sensitive but it was still hurtful to me.