Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Being given the nickname "Michelin Man" by one of my teammates.

    I couldn't figure out why this would bother you, but then I googled it and realized that I was confusing the Michelin Man with the Joor Muffler Man. Did you kick him in the nads?

  • dietcoke29
    dietcoke29 Posts: 38 Member
    I had medical assistants weigh me and say oh wow you don't look like you weigh that much. It was probably a compliment (backhanded). Whatever I don't take what people say to heart anyways. I'm tall what can I say.
  • On the rare occasion that I would actually TELL someone what I weighed (before I started losing any weight) I was told more often that not that I "could not POSSIBLY weigh that much" and I "really carry it well."

    Ummmm...yeah....thanks. So I'm fat all over, is what you're telling me??


    This is me, all the time! I actually don't mind though, because I'd rather carry it everywhere than all in one area :(
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    "Don't get too skinny" :grumble:
    "Don't get too bulky" :noway:
    "Your shoulders are looking manly" :angry:
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I haven't had too much ridicule, thankfully, but last summer I was riding my bike with my husband and 4 year old daughter and an equally fat person driving a mini van screamed, "Get your fat f*#&ing *kitten* off the road"

    Seriously? I was out getting exercise with my family, following the rules of the road, and this woman assaulted us and her van full of children with disgusting language. I just smiled, waved, and kept going. She responded by screaming, "F#*k You!" as she drove off.

    It did make me feel a little sad, and very angry that my daughter had to witness this. I just told my daughter that there are really mean people in the world and the way to handle it is to respond with kindness. She was very confused and scared.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    meh too many to care anymore


    But as a first, our best man's psycho girlfriend posted all over her facebook about me being fat, accused me of stealing the engagement ring that she threw (multiple time) in a drunken rage at our house, then said it wouldn't fit on my pinky.

    I actually found humor in that because we DID find her ring and it was bigger than mine. And she's a crazy, addict so I was not offended by her words at all.

    Crazy, meet mirror.
  • nklp
    nklp Posts: 62 Member
    Some of my closest guy friends who said between them "you used to be such a catch" and "yeah, you were so hot before" and "now I don't get why anyone would go for you" and promptly stopped hanging out with me. Some friends they were...
  • Lets see....

    High School- "You would be so pretty if you weren't fat" (I was 5'4" and 165 lbs)

    Sophmore year of College- A guy I worked with saw my senior pic (I had lost 20 lbs after the incident above) and asked me "What the hell happened to you, you used to be pretty" (I was 210 lbs)

    Senior year of college- I worked at the mall and every couple of weeks, people would oink at me, call me "fat *kitten*" and other names. Never the same people but it was odd that people would do this in public (I was 230 lbs)

    Needles to say, I do not much care for people....
  • My favorite question asked was "how can you still run since you've gotten so fat?" I wont lie, i did put on 40 pounds when i got my new job. i went from being on my feet all day to sitting at a desk. Sometimes these types of people can really get in your head. I use it as motivation when i run.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    while i wouldnt label it as hurting my feelings this was about a week or two ago.

    was at the gym doing my normal workout when a lady came in. she used to work there so she knew me when i first started working out. then i was 296 and now im around 240.

    she complimented me on losing the weight and then said, "I bet you feel better looking at yourself in the mirror than you used to "

    she assumed i some how just hated myself and would cry myself to sleep every time i looked in the mirror. couldnt be further from the case. i never hated myself when i looked in the mirror and pretty much have the same reaction i do now as i did then. Im not doing this to be more well liked by ladies or to get laid or to even be healthier. I am doing this to play basketball better. what someone thinks of me then or now has no bearing on my continuation of working out and eating better and i feel bad for folks that let others dictate how you feel about yourself.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    One that will always stick with me, is a boyfriend who told me he'd be attracted to me if I'd lose weight and explained that was why we weren't as physical as we should have been in a new relationship. But he said that he wanted to keep trying to become attracted to me, because he liked so many other things about me and would help me out. We're still "friends" on facebook, and I secretly hope that he sees me now and just bangs his head on the door. What an a$$wipe.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I was once told that I looked like an albino starving Ethiopian. And this wasn't even when I was underweight. I was still at a healthy BMI, just on the lower end.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    One that will always stick with me, is a boyfriend who told me he'd be attracted to me if I'd lose weight and explained that was why we weren't as physical as we should have been in a new relationship. But he said that he wanted to keep trying to become attracted to me, because he liked so many other things about me and would help me out. We're still "friends" on facebook, and I secretly hope that he sees me now and just bangs his head on the door. What an a$$wipe.

    i never understood that. i mean you fall for someone you find all around pleasing, looks, personality etc....why get into a relationship if youre only attracted to 50% of a person.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I had a small party at my house. One lady there had lost about 40 lbs (and looked fantastic). Another woman (who herself was overweight as much as I was...) said in front of everone, well maybe you can give *** (fill in my name) all of your fat clothes you don't need anymore. I was humiliated, hurt, angry and upset. I kept my mouth shut but I cried myself to sleep that night. This was a 35+ year old woman who said this not a mean teenager. I could never be around her again & severed our friendship.
  • Eff those people! I would've told them off! I hope things get better for you, OP.

    "You know, I just don't think you're made for working around people. Maybe if you wore some make-up to cover up all your acne and got a job in the construction industry or something... You just... you NEED to wear make-up, okay? Otherwise you just won't get anywhere in life. Either way, you shouldn't be around people. Why can't you be more like your sister?" That stellar quote was from my dad at 18. Later that day my mom followed it with: "He's got a point, ya know. And you could really stand lose a few pounds... or fifty."

    I was 5ft 2in and 180 pounds because I still lived at home and my mother didn't think food was a necessity for me so anytime I came across it I gorged like crazy.


    Thankfully I moved out and met my husband three years later. It's hard to feel ugly around him because when he's home he spends half the day chasing me around the house, playfully pinching my bottom or squeezing me, and telling me how beautiful I am. And each time he acts like it's the first time he's said it to me all day... secretly, I think he does it just to see me blush every time. :blushing:
  • My dad passed away when I was 10, didnt' deal with very well turning to food. When I was about 13 I overheard my mom talking to her friend about how large I had got and how fat my face got (I was maybe 130-140 lbs) 5'4... she even did hand gestures to excentuate my face size.... almost 15 years ago and it still hurts...
    You aren't blind and naive to gaining weight, I think you just secretly hope it isn't as noticeable to everyone else... it just sucks when you think the worst of yourself and someone you love not only thinks it too but uses it to describe you to other people .... not cool
  • Ugh. So this may not sound as mean as some of the other ones, but I went on a first date with a guy and he told me my face was too fat and that he just couldn't get past it!. Other then that I was great according to him. I can change my waist line with calorie restriction and exercise, but i have big cheeks just like the other woman in my family so it is not something I can change. It really hurt my feelings and I remember going home and youtubing ways to make my face appear skinnier with make-up!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Ugh. So this may not sound as mean as some of the other ones, but I went on a first date with a guy and he told me my face was too fat and that he just couldn't get past it!. Other then that I was great according to him. I can change my waist line with calorie restriction and exercise, but i have big cheeks just like the other woman in my family so it is not something I can change. It really hurt my feelings and I remember going home and youtubing ways to make my face appear skinnier with make-up!

    Horrble!! Your cheeks are fabulous and so cute :) What a d-bag
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    Ugh. So this may not sound as mean as some of the other ones, but I went on a first date with a guy and he told me my face was too fat and that he just couldn't get past it!. Other then that I was great according to him. I can change my waist line with calorie restriction and exercise, but i have big cheeks just like the other woman in my family so it is not something I can change. It really hurt my feelings and I remember going home and youtubing ways to make my face appear skinnier with make-up!

    Horrble!! Your cheeks are fabulous and so cute :) What a d-bag

    I agree, I think your face is beautiful, and those lips of yours are to die for.... Screw that *kitten*.(Actually dont) :bigsmile:
  • That's so awful!! *Hugs!*

    I know the time I got made fun of the most and when people were mean was Elementary/Early Middle School. High School people didn't say **** but I was a ***** during the High School years in the beginning from my mom passing away so nobody said anything to me. I remember writing down the things kids said to me/called me in my early years in an old diary. **** is scarring! Probably the meanest thing anyone has said weight wise to me was basically just about being fat and with that came being ugly. I played it off to them but it hurt immensely. It was an extremely tough time.
  • That's so awful!! *Hugs!*

    I know the time I got made fun of the most and when people were mean was Elementary/Early Middle School. High School people didn't say **** but I was a ***** during the High School years in the beginning from my mom passing away so nobody said anything to me. I remember writing down the things kids said to me/called me in my early years in an old diary. **** is scarring! Probably the meanest thing anyone has said weight wise to me was basically just about being fat and with that came being ugly. I played it off to them but it hurt immensely. It was an extremely tough time.

    Grr kids are so mean, well adults are too. But still, My little brother is 5 and he came home crying on his first day of kindergarten because the kids in his class said he was too big and the TEACHER asked him if he was held back! I was soooo pissed! Like WTF is wrong with these kids parents and the teacher!
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I had someone tell me "Don't gain too much weight". Wow, really?
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    The meanest thing actually came from my brother who I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. I walked up to visit and he said, "dang, you're getting fat, girl." Of course I said "well, you're getting ugly" but it was too late...feelings still got hurt.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I had two people genuinely ask if i was pregnant (one was a former co-worker I hadn't seen in 10 years...she was so happy for me too...:grumble: )

    I had a drunk guy at a ballgame tell me I had "more rolls than a bakery" :noway:

    And my ex used to tell me that i was "pretty...you know for someone so out of shape" (and in another year he can eat his damn heart out next time i bump in to him!!! :wink: )
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    when i was 8 i had a belly and my gymnastics teacher asked me if i was pregnant and told me I should "suck it in" >< meanest thing to date.
  • "You're fine as you are."
    "You're SUPPOSED to be chubby."
    "You won't look good if you lose weight, you'll look sickly."
    "I like your body right now."
    "Your face is sooooo pretty!" or "You'd look so hot if you lost all that fat."

    Most are from my mom, thanks mom. Some are from my boyfriend, I don't know WHY he would say such things considering he lifts and he's fit as hell. And some are just from random people I don't even know. :indifferent:
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    A few of the worst things people have said about me were not said directly to me, but as I was walking by. When I was in high school, I was at my highest weight. I was walking into school one time and a group of guys were just saying horrible things.
    "She's fu*king huge!"
    "Fat *kitten*!"
    So, yeah, Great confidence boost.

    And my old friend would always talk about how short and fat I was. He'd find someone tall and skinny, and start laughing like crazy. He'd say, "She's like your opposite! She's tall and skinny, and you're short and fat."

    Great friend, right? :b

    I've been called a myriad of names, believe me, but somehow, fat *kitten* always gets to me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I had medical assistants weigh me and say oh wow you don't look like you weigh that much. It was probably a compliment (backhanded). Whatever I don't take what people say to heart anyways. I'm tall what can I say.

    I still get this now, and have been hearing it since I was 8 or 9 years old. When I was around 270 lb the medical staff would take forever to weigh me and make a lot of comments to the same effect.

    My mom made me get on her scale a couple of months ago because she seriously did NOT believe me when I told her I was still over 200 lb. She weighs 170-something, and I wear smaller pants and am a couple of inches taller (still 206 lb).

    To me that's kind of flattering though, not offensive. I know it's silly either way but it makes me feel kind of good.
  • When are you due? Are you pregnant! :sad:
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    I hate those compliments that are actually insults!
    "You would be so hot if you lost weight!"
    "You have such a pretty face!"
    "You would be perfect if you were a bit thinner."

    -____- No.