Breasts, leave them or Augment them?



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I personally would never do an augmentation. I wish I could do a lift, but they don't work well for anything over a C cup and while mine have shrunk a LOT, they're still DDs (down from a G). So there's really no good options for me.
  • Jess_Forever_After
    If it would make you happy and you can swing it financially, go for it.

    I know several women in real life and online who have had implants, and all of them are thrilled with the results.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member

    As far as the price, I had mine done in Houston and it was a little over $5,000 but I also had some lypo & scar revision done on some old surgery scars. I plan on going back to the same plastic surgeon as before since he did such a great job. He quoted me $5,000 for replacements next year.

    ^^^^ This alone would deter me. $5,000 every 10 years or $500 per year, $41.66 per month.... for life~~~ So this is another payment on top of cars, on top of a house, etc.

    Curious what happens if you do not replace in 10 years? What happens if you just want them out?
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I plan on getting mine augmented in the future. Likely a couple years after we have a 3rd baby, whenever that is. lol. I have always had small breasts, and very little actual breast tissue, so when I gain weight, they'll get a little bigger, but its just fat, and vice versa when I lose.. I get left with deflated bags and wrinkly skin. They look awful. I will get modest sized ones.. c/d.
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    All boobs are good. Big ones, little ones, offset, saggy…it don’t matter.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I had mine augmented about ten years ago. I was always small busted (with a huge rib cage) and after I breasfed I just had small, deflated, stretch-marked boobies.

    They look awesome. Don't sag, fill out my stretch marked skin, match the size of my hips, generally balance out my body better, gave me a much needed self-esteem boost.

    Worried about what to do when I need a mamogram. They're kinda heavy. I have saline so they aren't the softest things in the world, though I do have good movement. Even though mine are under the muscle, you can see the ripples on the sides in certain body positions (you'd have to watch some adult movies to see what I mean). Shopping for clothing is a tiny bit challenging sometimes. They look weird during bench press and when I get thinner they tend to look a little...round.

    Overall, I'll probably have them redone at some point with the new silicone. IDK, I care less about the size but I think that's just because I'm so used to them. I am a little concerned about needing a future surgery. These bad boys don't necessarily last forever.

    However, they made such a huge difference in my self-esteem (and I don't even show them off!) that I say if you want it, go for it!
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    If I had the funds, I'd immediately go for a lift, even an augmentation. I think that when you've put so much hard work into losing and you're still not happy with your body, it's worth it - after all, what better to spend your money on than your own confidence?!
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    ha this reminds me of a joke. Two women go out for ladies night in hopes of meeting a man. So they come home and take out their padded bra, take off their fake eye lashes, rub off the fake eye brows, take out the hair extensions all after receiving botox a few months ago, their weekly tans, have fake nails, one has augmented breast and they ask where are the Real MEN? LOL
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    It's apparent that women care more about what boobs look like than men....

    I think this is very very true. I like natural, no matter the size. My sister had augmentation .. and her boobs move in funny ways now. Sorry .. just cannot accept it as a good thing.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Meh. Boobs are overrated. I just don't know that they are important enough to have surgery and get a foreign object implanted under the skin.

  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    If you're unhappy, and you have the money, get them done. Just find a really good doctor, and get a size that matches your body.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    It's apparent that women care more about what boobs look like than men....

    I think this is very very true. I like natural, no matter the size. My sister had augmentation .. and her boobs move in funny ways now. Sorry .. just cannot accept it as a good thing.

  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    hey.. ontario here as well OP ;)

    im thinking of going in for a consult for prices etc... tummy tuck and lift (perhaps augments).. was a DD and went to a B cup after losing 40lbs .... five kids, all breast fed.. my husband is game.. providing we can afford it. ;) $$$$$

    I am not interested in being larger at all... just perkier would be nice ; )

    good luck

    I've made the official move like so many others to Alberta, sorry :( I was originally thinking Toronto, since I read a lot of reviews about some of the plastic surgeons there doing fantastic work verses the ones here in Edmonton and Calgary, but I have 2 years or so to do A LOT of research and consultations, then make an informed decision.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member

    "As far as the price, I had mine done in Houston and it was a little over $5,000 but I also had some lypo & scar revision done on some old surgery scars. I plan on going back to the same plastic surgeon as before since he did such a great job. He quoted me $5,000 for replacements next year."

    "^^^^ This alone would deter me. $5,000 every 10 years or $500 per year, $41.66 per month.... for life~~~ So this is another payment on top of cars, on top of a house, etc.

    Curious what happens if you do not replace in 10 years? What happens if you just want them out?

    That's a lot of $ to spend for the rest of your life on boobs, IMO. You can't just have them done once, they have to be replaced every 10 years. Surgery every 10 years just for boobs. I'd rather go to Europe on vacation instead!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Your post title makes me want to play Dues Ex: Human Revolution again

    That's all I got.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Mine never get smaller than a DD no matter how much weight I lose.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    My main thought is If you do decide on the surgery, make sure you choose your doctor well. Ask lots of questions and pick someone who will give you the results you want and look out for your best interest. I saw a documentary about people who go in for elective surgery and then suffer poor consequences from the anesthetic (including death), so make sure you pick someone credentialed and experienced.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    "As far as the price, I had mine done in Houston and it was a little over $5,000 but I also had some lypo & scar revision done on some old surgery scars. I plan on going back to the same plastic surgeon as before since he did such a great job. He quoted me $5,000 for replacements next year."

    "^^^^ This alone would deter me. $5,000 every 10 years or $500 per year, $41.66 per month.... for life~~~ So this is another payment on top of cars, on top of a house, etc.

    Curious what happens if you do not replace in 10 years? What happens if you just want them out?

    That's a lot of $ to spend for the rest of your life on boobs, IMO. You can't just have them done once, they have to be replaced every 10 years. Surgery every 10 years just for boobs. I'd rather go to Europe on vacation instead!

    Different people have different wants. I'd rather pay 40 a month to be happy with my body rather than, idk, drive a more expensive vehicle.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I want to have another baby. Maybe after that I'll get augmentation.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    IMO you don't have to decide now. You say it will take you a few years to save up the money. You're so young, they may firm up on their own over time. After I finished breastfeeding, my boobs looked like sad, wet socks hanging on a radiator, but they perked back up and I was already 41 by then!

    I'm 28 and done having kids...and made sure of it too! lol After 4 pregnancies - 2 biologically mine, 2 Gestational surrogacies and another surrogacy in Jan. 2014 as well as breastfeeding my 2 and pumping for the other 2, my breasts have been through the ringer. I have no hope that they will perk up unfortunately and I believe genetics are against me on this one too :frown: But there is still time. I'm hoping that after the next pregnancy and pumping, I will have another 1-2 years to get back to goal weight and then maintain it, then go from there.