November Fast Food Challenge



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    hub ordered pizza this weekend...ughhh...still stayed within my calories. had to work my butt off in the gym to do it
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    So far, so good.
  • kjh311
    kjh311 Posts: 2 Member
    One week down and so far, so good. :happy: I ate thin crust pizza from a restaurant today after church as my reward for major work completed on a research paper, but also rewarded myself with a 45 minute walk later, so I feel well-balanced. Once you start to take fast food out of your diet, it doesn't taste as good later, so that's what I'm telling myself, "It doesn't taste as good as you THINK it does. It will only disappoint you later." P.S. I bought a pound of the most crunchy, delicious red grapes and shared them at lunch with coworkers. It really made me happy that I wasn't eating junky fast food, but was helping others eat good fast food! Go out and get some and add it to your breakfast or lunch or snack. You'll love 'em!
  • A bit late, and all fast-fooded up I'm in for this challenge. I had a wonderful, but high calorie weekend and I need a reason to not hit up mcdonald's for breakfast tomorrow when I have to be up at 5:30 :yawn: Hopefully this does it for me.
    I live on campus, so not eating at ANY "bad" food places would be almost impossible. There are too few healthy options for me. I'll stick to the home cooking (soups/stews, potroast, hot roast beef sandwiches, gyros, etc served with a fruit/veggie and a small desert) or the Mexican (build your own burrito isn't bad if its a veggie burrito), or the salad/wrap place for lunch and cook dinner in my room or go for subs.
    Looking forward to some will power! Though I may be grumpy when I have to put my foot down for myself :grumble:
  • First week DONE!!! No fast food of any kind here. :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Day 7 :flowerforyou:
  • I know I'm one week late but I'm in. No fast food but subway because I love the cold cuts plus its better then the other junk I eat.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I too am one week late! And I did eat some sweets, but it was mostly home cooked!
    But I would love to join! But to be realistic with myself, I will eat no junk for 6 days each week. So I am only allowed junk for 3 days this month, that too only 1 meal each day.

    I wanna see if I can do this! Good luck everyone, you are doing so great :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I too am one week late! And I did eat some sweets, but it was mostly home cooked!
    But I would love to join! But to be realistic with myself, I will eat no junk for 6 days each week. So I am only allowed junk for 3 days this month, that too only 1 meal each day.

    I wanna see if I can do this! Good luck everyone, you are doing so great :)
    :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    So proud of you all for sticking to your commitment this month! :flowerforyou: :heart: No beating ourselves up allowed no matter what, aye friends:wink: ? Saying this to myself as well, because boy oh boy did I ever do a number of kickin my own self in the *kitten* when I ate a few fries when out with a friend on Day 6 (her fries but hey STILL greasy fast food fries, no matter who's they were, they went into MY mouth:blushing: :tongue: ).

    The punishment should have been enough that I felt very icky after and disappointed in myself (I actually ate them without even thinking, old habit I guess we talked...:grumble: and I was feeling stressed ). Currently n the midst of learning why old behaviors crop up so that makes this challenge even more helpful for me right now. :bigsmile:

    But forgave myself (this is newer to me) and moved onto Day 7 with great success. So for the OP starting this challenge, You ROCK and Love you for this!!:smooched:

    I really really needed to get involved in a challenge again and hope to again after this one... it keeps me focused on 'what' I'm eating and WHY & helps me plan my day so the idea never has to come up if I stick to my plan:laugh: .

    Have a terrific week all!! xo
    We CAN DO THIS:heart:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    First week DONE!!! No fast food of any kind here. :)
    Awesome Amanda!! So proud of you, it's not easy at times when in a rush/stressed etc. so you cheers to you!!:drinker: :wink:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Starting over...or one week late...depends on your perspective! :wink:
    Not giving up! :noway:
  • Week 1 done. Not too bad except for the slip up on Thurs... Didn't let it spiral out of control though so that was a BIG success. Here's to a great week... Went grocery shopping and have meals planned out. Here's to sticking to it!

    Great job everyone ~ you are all an inspiration!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    fail, fail, fail!!!! it was a busy, non-stop, on the go weekend for me, so i had fast food twice this weekend! ugh.... not gonna have any this week.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    So proud of you all for sticking to your commitment this month! :flowerforyou: :heart: No beating ourselves up allowed no matter what, aye friends:wink: ? Saying this to myself as well, because boy oh boy did I ever do a number of kickin my own self in the *kitten* when I ate a few fries when out with a friend on Day 6 (her fries but hey STILL greasy fast food fries, no matter who's they were, they went into MY mouth:blushing: :tongue: ).

    The punishment should have been enough that I felt very icky after and disappointed in myself (I actually ate them without even thinking, old habit I guess we talked...:grumble: and I was feeling stressed ). Currently n the midst of learning why old behaviors crop up so that makes this challenge even more helpful for me right now. :bigsmile:

    But forgave myself (this is newer to me) and moved onto Day 7 with great success. So for the OP starting this challenge, You ROCK and Love you for this!!:smooched:

    I really really needed to get involved in a challenge again and hope to again after this one... it keeps me focused on 'what' I'm eating and WHY & helps me plan my day so the idea never has to come up if I stick to my plan:laugh: .

    Have a terrific week all!! xo
    We CAN DO THIS:heart:

    Your welcome!:blushing: And, I'd love to continue this on for all months. It helps me to keep this in my head when I aimlessly head to taco bell for lunch. Thank you for this great message too!!:flowerforyou: No beating ourselves up allowed is a good point. We all have moments, hours, days when we lose sight or just need something else. Its ok, as long as we pick ourselves back up and move along to being a healthier person overall.

    Knowing why I turn to fast food is the biggest help in turning away from it. If nothing else is learned from this challenge, I hope everyone can understand their triggers.

    Here's to week 2:drinker: with no fast food! We can do this!!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    So proud of you all for sticking to your commitment this month! :flowerforyou: :heart: No beating ourselves up allowed no matter what, aye friends:wink: ?

    Have a terrific week all!! xo
    We CAN DO THIS:heart:

    And, I'd love to continue this on for all months. No beating ourselves up allowed is a good point. We all have moments, hours, days when we lose sight or just need something else. Its ok, as long as we pick ourselves back up and move along to being a healthier person overall.

    Knowing why I turn to fast food is the biggest help in turning away from it. If nothing else is learned from this challenge, I hope everyone can understand their triggers.

    Here's to week 2:drinker: with no fast food! We can do this!!

    Awesome points! Last week, I continuously beat myself up for my failures and it changed nothing except made me binge all week long. The *WHY* is definitely the answer I need to continue seeking!

  • You will be burning loads of calories and if you need to eat, you need to eat. Maybe try to get some little snacks beforehand, protein bars or something like that. Anyone helping you would probably benefit from those as well. Keep some gatorage handy and that will help you as well. But for a meal, eat what you can and don't feel guilty. Its hard when you don't have a stove, pans, plates, food. :smile:

    We don't even have a refrigerator yet!!!!!! Hahaha. It's going to be a tough few days until we can get the fridge. Unfortunately, I had an egg mcmuffin Sunday for breakfast; however, it was all I had, no hashbrown, and a diet drink, so if you look at the nutrition facts, it's low enough in carbs, and high enough in proteins, that it's not the worst thing in the fast food world to eat!!! I hate making excuses. Ugh. But, I burned like 2000 some calories moving on Saturday!!!! Wooo!!!! And my wiifit is set up in the basement and ready to roll!!! Speaking of the basement...this whole three floor townhouse is going to take some getting used to... I lived in a trailer before; no stairs!!!!!! :ohwell:
  • OMG :noway: We're into week 2???!!!! WOO HOOOO! I made it! Do you realize we're 25% of the way through?! Awesome job!

    I was THIS close to caving Saturday night. I was so busy all day (a good thing) and I only snacked... didn't have a PROPER lunch so I was starving by 6 and was actually perusing the pizza menus online. But I stopped myself. I had leftover chicken instead, and it was good!

    It's a long day for me today. Working 7:30 to 7pm and then off to aqua fit class. Will get home by about 9:30 or so. Usually I'm starving then too but I've planned ahead and I won't allow myself any snacks when I'm home. One cup of tea, maybe a yogurt and then to bed.

    Happy Monday!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    no fast food today!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    no fast food today!
    good job Leela:flowerforyou:
    Day 8: Same here:drinker:
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