Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • ClaryPR
    11/01= 204
    11/05= 201
  • joliemama
    HI kids,
    Count me in, I need a challenge and other people motivating me. I just started about a week ago.
    cheers joliemama
  • jzbaby626
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    55 to Lose, that is such a tragedy. I am so sad for you and your son and your family. If he cries, it will be sad, but it would be honest.

    To Phyljen, and all those who lost someone recently, you have my sympathy. My father in law died this summer - what is going on - it seems like so many of us have had sadness in our families lately. Maybe it's our age, but then we're all different ages aren't we. Our funeral was in England and it took ten full days for the officials and the Catholic Church to give us the okay. It was tough but we all got through, came home, and then two days later my mother in law (his wife) fell and broke her shoulder and had to go to hospital. When she was released a few weeks ago my husband flew over to be with her and while we were on the phone she fell again and broke her hip. Agggghhh!!! We're tag-teaming between my Mum with Alzheimer's in Canada and his mum in the UK.

    Just gotta play the hand you're dealt, I guess.
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Holy cow. I think I'm going to be sick. I went to the gym for an 'official' weigh-in - I have gained 4 pounds! :sad: Ugh! Guess it's time to get serious, huh? Starting fresh in the morning.
    11/8 - (SW) 159.5
  • marniehodges
    I am so in! I just joined MFP this past week so I'm still new to figuring this all out. Scheduled to weigh in this Wednesday (just weighing once a week). Thanks for this challenge! Would also love more friends and supporters on here so please feel free to add me as a friend and I'll be happy to cheer you on too!
  • marniehodges
    Oh and my start weight=185 ugggg
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Woah, been a week since I first posted..sorry I've sooo busy! Weigh in tomorrow, and I'm scared :ohwell: I've missed 2 days of exercise this week and had a party at the weekend where I got quite..no...extremely drunk :sick:

    BUT! I'm not letting that get to me...it's a new week starting today :flowerforyou:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    TOM has decided to show up 2 weeks early :/ But I won't let it slow my exercise down. Nick has a long weekend this week, they are taking off Thurs and Fri so Wed night after he gets home, we're headed to Grandpa's lake house for the last time this year in the Ozarks. Limited internet access, but I'll do what I can to post as needed :)

    How is everyone on their exercise? What are you planning for today or even this week?

    I'm doing 30 day shred Mon/Tue/Wed for sure and wheather permitting, a few walks. As for the weekend...know clue as I won't have much to do being out of town. The weekend is for us to get away from the current stresses and relax, so we'll see what happens. I will bring my scale though :)

    Have a good week all.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Sorry to hear about everyone who has had a loss, my heart is with each of you. :cry:

    I did not eat very well this weekend, and I think I lost the progress I had made last week. On Saturday I started out well, but I went out to dinner with my family and I didn’t even try to order healthy. I have no excuse, my sister-in-law ordered healthy and I should have fallowed her lead. But no! Then on Sunday I cleaned everything in my house, (some things got cleaned twice) but I didn’t really eat that great. But today is a new day, and a start of a new week. I think that if I would exercise more I would stay under calories even when I indulged. I have been in a negative mood lately and I think my poor eating is related to that. I did get a cute hair cut on Friday, that is a positive thing…
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Cute hair cut, Jenn?? New pic perhaps?

    I suddenly remembered my pic is me hiding behind my dog's shnoz. Maybe I should be the one to go first!
  • AmandaB4588
    Hello all,

    Bru--- I haven't congratulated you yet about hitting ONEderland. WAY TO GO!!!! You have been working your butt off, inspiring everyone along the way, and this must be one great reward for all you have been doing. What a milestone! Congratulations and keep up that momentum!

    It seems there are a lot of us dealing with some real sadness right now. I am sorry to all of you guys, and you are all in my thoughts. 55, your little cousin hasn't left my mind since I first read about her. So heartbreaking! I think your son will be just fine. At 3, you do not really understand death and you especially wouldn't understand the death of an 11 year old.

    As far as weight loss goes, I am hoping to see a new low this Friday. I am happy to finally be losing again. My brother will be here in 2 weeks, and I have 3 lbs to drop before then to meet my goal. Of course, I will more than likely put on a solid 5 (or 10!) the week he is here. My mom makes the best Thanksgiving dinner, and she only makes it once a year. I will not beat myself up for indulging! I will just need to bust a U-turn once the leftovers are gone.

    Does anyone have any advice about NOT blowing it on the weekends? I feel like the first half of my week is all about getting back to where I was the previous Friday. I get the, "it's the weekend!" mentality soooooo badly and do not know how to control it!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    lol, good deal. I will take a new picture and post it up in the morning tomorrow. :laugh:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    11/01- 170.4
    11/08- 169.8

    Not quite the results I was hoping for but it's .6 lbs in the right direction!
  • aplebttm
    aplebttm Posts: 4 Member
    HELP!!!!!! Count me in, dying to know how to lose 5lbs in a month.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I am still around and reading all of the posts but I haven't posted much. I have been eating like CRAP too! Not sure why I had such a big loss last week because I feel like it may have been a fluke. I feel all bloaty and fat today. I have planned out what I am eating today, now I just have to stick to it. Seems like I have NO willpower, anymore! :mad: There are so many of us going through loss and stress right now! Let's try and keep our heads up and the number on the scale down! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Re how to lose 5 lbs a month -

    I heard that a pound was 3200 calories, so it would make sense that if you can create a deficit of 12,800 calories (by eating less and moving more) you would lose 5 lbs.

    Oh that sounds so easy!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    11/01/10 : 207.4 lbs
    11/08/10: 206.6 lbs

    I forgot to check my weight this morning, so I'm going with my weigh in from Friday. You would think with the extra hour that I would have gotten my act together this morning, got up & went for my run....been on time for work....remembered my coffee.... NOPE not a thing! Up late, no workout, forgot my coffee, late to work! Ugggghhhh :angry:

    Anyway - on a good note....I finally told CJ about my weight loss on Saturday. He didn't say anything at all. No shocking response, no freak out...nothing. However yesterday he decided to start asking me about my workout regimen and if I have break down days. Which he meant do I just kill it & work my *kitten* off constantly then take a few days off? I told him that I was doing that every Wed & Saturday thru the entire summer, and rarely even took a day off from some sort of workout. He also finally asked me what Zumba was. He knows I go every week, but had no clue what it was! :laugh: I have noticed over the past few months that he has started to change his eating habits and he also asks me about different foods I eat. I generally always order a salad with no cheese or other crap on it, dressing on the side & normally just vinegar instead of dressing. I've noticed him getting a salad a lot lately instead of the fries he normally gets. Granted he still gets french dressing & all the cheese, but at least he's getting some veggies in. Last night he brought some snacks over for us to have while watching a movie...he brought fresh pineapple & watermelon! :bigsmile:

    I'm thinking he is wanting to start doing something himself. Not that he has to lose any weight, but he eats a lot of CRAP food. He loves a sugar buffet. He's a gas station junkee since he is a cop. He loves his chocolate too! (He surprisingly hates donuts!) :laugh: Its funny & I love making fun of him. I can do that because I've never really been a big candy eater. I've always eaten pretty much the same things I eat now. Just now I eat more of it, because I had been eating too few calories, therefore storing all the calories I did eat & GOT FAT! So anyway....it went well. Now I know I can depend on him to support me thru this as well! :bigsmile:

    Phljen - sorry to hear of your loss. Sending many hugs your way. :flowerforyou:
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    phyljen, Bru,karinf, and any body that lost some body recently, you are all in my prayers

    How is everyone on their exercise? What are you planning for today or even this week?

    I am currently doing P90x and am hoping to get good results
  • cpstets22
    I'm back from my cruise. I managed to keep the weight gain to only 3 pounds, which I have already shed. Last week I lost another pound so I'm on track to lose 5 this month and I'm back to tracking my diet on mfp. I'm a little concerned about Thanksgiving, though.

    I need some advice. After 30someodd years of using sugar substitute in my coffee, I decided to eliminate as many chemical food additives from my diet as possible and switched to organic raw sugar. Having 4 tsp a day of sugar in 2 cups of coffee puts my sugar numbers way over the recommended level. Have any of you tried Stevia? I tried it once but didn't like the flavor. Is it something one can get used to?