Anyone else not believe in "starvation mode?"



  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief
  • Makes me wonder, do Koreans and Japanese "count" their calories and fat intake obsessively or do they just have better portioned diet? They also walk more than most North Americans, which eliminates the "need" to go to the gym weekly.

    Both countries have less than 5% obesity rates.

    Just remember good fats are good for the body. Fat doesnt make us "Fat"

    Unhealthy fats is what consumes most of Americans Diet therefore thats why we are an obese country

    I know. But America is fat-phobic. Fish is rich in fat, but good fats. Fat from avocados are good.
    Just as not all fats are equal, not all carbs are equal either.

    Obesity is much more than calories in calories out
  • America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    Why not both? along with a wide range of other things. I have sugar, eat all kind of carbs and even drink alcohol, all in moderation and it seems to be working but perhaps I am doing it wrong
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I agree with the starvation mode thing.

    Hoping that this isn't giving the ok to do VLCD. :ohwell:
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.
  • America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    To get 1200 calories from sugar, you have to take 75 teaspoons
    To get 1200 calories from white rice you have to take 4.5 cups of cooked rice
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    So do you really think someone would eat all of their calories from one or another? I believe your argument is invalid because it is dealing with unrealistic extremes.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    To get 1200 calories from sugar, you have to take 75 teaspoons
    To get 1200 calories from white rice you have to take 4.5 cups of cooked rice

    Eating 1200 calories of only rice or only sugar is going to leave you with nutrition deficiencies beyond worrying over how full you feel or what kind of carbs you're getting. Eat a varied diet. Get plenty of protein, fats, and fiber. Stay within your calorie limit.
  • America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    So do you really think someone would eat all of their calories from one or another? I believe your argument is invalid because it is dealing with unrealistic extremes.

    Exactly. Which is why I am raising this. The source of calorie is also important, not just the amount of calories. If only the amount of calories is what matters, we might as well all be eating white sugar. 75 teaspon a day to meat the 1200 calories
  • Based on this nutritional values, it is better to get calories from white rice than white sugar

    The daily recommended sugar intake is 20 grams

    "Surveys have also found that the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day. Is sugar toxic at those levels? Emerging studies suggest so. And according to the new guidelines, we should really be eating a fraction of that amount. The recommended sugar intake for adult women is 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, for adult men, it’s 9 teaspoons (36 grams) daily, and for children, it's 3 teaspoons (12 grams) a day. "
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Peachy, stop highjacking this thread.

    YOU'VE MADE YOUR POINT. We choose not to listen to your fear mongering.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    So do you really think someone would eat all of their calories from one or another? I believe your argument is invalid because it is dealing with unrealistic extremes.

    Exactly. Which is why I am raising this. The source of calorie is also important, not just the amount of calories. If only the amount of calories is what matters, we might as well all be eating white sugar. 75 teaspon a day to meat the 1200 calories

    But it has nothing to do with bad carbs, good carbs (if such a distinction exists) or sugar, it is not even about which makes you feel full. Its about what will supply your micro and macro nutrient requirements. I can't imagine anyone believing that they can they can just get their calories in the way you are suggesting!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar)

    This is a very good lecture.

    Hmmm so it has nothing to do with calories then? Thats a relief

    From what I can deduce from his lecture, it has to do with the kind of carb/calorie people consume.

    Basically boils down to food. To get your calories, will you want to get it from white rice or white sugar?

    I'll get them from wherever I want as long as I'm under my allotted calories for the day.

    To get you feel full, would you take white rice or white sugar?

    Would you chow on white sugar to get 1200 calories or on white rice to get 1200 calories?

    So do you really think someone would eat all of their calories from one or another? I believe your argument is invalid because it is dealing with unrealistic extremes.
    This. Most people do not live in the world of "EITHER-OR".
  • Based on this nutritional values, it is better to get calories from white rice than white sugar

    The daily recommended sugar intake is 20 grams

    "Surveys have also found that the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day. Is sugar toxic at those levels? Emerging studies suggest so. And according to the new guidelines, we should really be eating a fraction of that amount. The recommended sugar intake for adult women is 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, for adult men, it’s 9 teaspoons (36 grams) daily, and for children, it's 3 teaspoons (12 grams) a day. "

    Don't you have anything more constructive to do than make profile after profile with the intent to sow discord?

    Your fear tactics are so old and so hysterical and so wrong.

    For pete sake, we heard you the first twenty times you told us the sky is falling. We get it.

    Okay. Go eat 75 teaspons of white sugar for 1200 calories....kay

    Asians get their carbs from Rice and noodles..Americans...sugar?

    No wonder industrialized countries in Asia like Japan and Korea have less than 5% obesity rate while America has 1/4 (does not count the overweight people). Does not help that an average American is "allergic" to public transportation
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar). Chickens, Cows, Hogs fed with antibiotics, GMO crops (usually to be resistant to pesticides)...

    This is a very good lecture.

  • America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar). Chickens, Cows, Hogs fed with antibiotics, GMO crops (usually to be resistant to pesticides)...

    This is a very good lecture.


    Indeed, Eat Aliens for healthy lifestyle!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Terminology should be changed from "starvation mode" to "extreme calorie deficit".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Your argument is much like the starvation mode argument. By and large inappropriately misused by most people. Yes the type of calorie matters. However as most people don't get the basic in and out concept getting into the nuance of what type of calorie in and type of calorie out is really overkill for the average individual trying to lose weight. 3000 "healthy" calories in and 2000 out will still result in weight increase. Just like 2000 "bad" caloreis in and 3000 out will still result in weight loss. None of which relates to starvation mode which is the topic of this thread.
  • America is fat because of the poor food quality. Poor kinds of carb people eat and food that are loaded with different kinds of sugar. In America, everything has to be "sweet"(aka loaded with sugar). Chickens, Cows, Hogs fed with antibiotics, GMO crops (usually to be resistant to pesticides)...

    This is a very good lecture.


    Indeed, Eat Aliens for healthy lifestyle!

    DamePiglet, you tickle me.