phil robertson suspended from duck dynasty



  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I feel like the show has enough of a following that another station will pick it up and carry on.
    Hats off to Phil Robertson for standing by his beliefs.
  • oroblar
    oroblar Posts: 68 Member
    Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion unless it is geared toward the beliefs of Christianity or the Bible then it becomes slanderous and hateful. I honestly hope that the Robertson's pull the show from A&E and find another home for it. It is absurd to think that one cannot have their OWN OPINION about the hot topics in the world without it being said they are hateful. I disagree with homosexuality but would never hate on those that choose that lifestyle. I have a hard enough time policing my own life let alone trying to tell anyone else how to live theirs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!
    He's not being thrown in jail, fined or otherwise sanctioned by the government. Try actually reading the First Amendment.
  • I applaud his character and integrity to freely answer the question without the fear or worry of losing his job. What job is worth that sacrifice?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!

    Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what you want (which phil did) .. freedom of speech is not the right to say whatever you want without consequences.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I don't know why this is news. He's a good ole boy, what did you expect? Even though I have different views than him I still have to give him credit for being in the spotlight and sticking to his guns even though mainstream would have him say otherwise.

    I'm not a fan of the show but I will say that I gave it a try a couple times and it was a bit refreshing because they did stress a good value system throughout the episode I watched (in the days of things like real housewives, that's huge)

    I sure hope they won't lose any viewing audience or product sales from this, oh wait, yeah, they won't. They will now enjoy some elevated time in the spotlight though...wait a minute, were we tricked by a marketing ploy?
  • I agree with him 100%
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Would a gay man have been suspended from a TV show for voicing his opinion about heterosexuals? No. Yet we can no longer voice dissenting opinions re: homosexuality because it's "hate speech?" It's not like he said "kill all the gays." All he did was voice his opinion that it is wrong.

    Thanks to the major media outlets, opinions now don't matter.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    I didn't hear exactly what He said. But I keep hearing 1st amendment and all that. Lol. This is NOT a first amendment issue. If you think it is, you might want to go back to school and study up on what the 1st amendment is. Or, go live in a country where you don't have the right to free speech, and you'll find out quickly, what it means.

    While anyone can say anything without persecution, sort of, there are consequences to saying certain things. Especially when you spew hate towards a group of people.

    While many like to think that homosexuality is wrong or something, the fact is, many of those people are our brothers, sisters, parents, etc, and even though I'm not gay, I take huge offense to bigotry and closed-mindedness. It's not ok. It's not.

    If I said something about gays in a derogatory way at work, I would be fired. Just like if I said something about any race or religion. I have the right to say it, but the private company that employs me has the right to have rules that do not discriminate towards others.

    It's shameful that people can't just accept what is.

    so if i say i dont agree with homosexuality am i a bigot?.....even though i say nothing mean towards anybody?
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    Just throwing the First Amendment up here for a little bit of edification.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

    Note the very first word.
  • your opinion is reflected back on your job when you work in the public eye.

    People get fired at my job all the time because of facebook posts spouting opinions the organization does not reflect.

    sorry phil, but you got what you asked for........hate/prejudice comments are not protected under freedom of speech

    How would you feel if your boss determined that your post just now represented Hatred and Intolerance of Phil Robertson and fired you from your job?

    But I agree with you... if your boss decided to do that, he would be within his rights
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    "Pulls up armchair" "Wait for the god squad to arrive"

    Let the games commence
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    I don't get how they can suspend him from this. I've never seen the show but isn't it like reality tv how can you suspend someone from life. So what are they not going to film him for awhile and not let the others mention him this is the dumbest **** I've ever heard.
  • Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!
    He's not being thrown in jail, fined or otherwise sanctioned by the government. Try actually reading the First Amendment.
    we are not dealing with the most intelligent people in the world on this forum..... =)

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!

    Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what you want (which phil did) .. freedom of speech is not the right to say whatever you want without consequences.

    ...without consequences from the government, like getting your head cut off. It does not dictate private enterprise. They can have their own rules regarding many issues.

    Freedom of speech does not necessarily protect from consequences from the government. There are plenty of things that are not constitutionally protected free speech .. but that's not the real point here.

    A&E is a private organization. They are just as free to fire him for saying what he said as he is free to say it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't get how they can suspend him from this. I've never seen the show but isn't it like reality tv how can you suspend someone from life. So what are they not going to film him for awhile and not let the others mention him this is the dumbest **** I've ever heard.
    If you think reality TV is in any way, shape or form actually real, well ...
  • BS. Nothing that he said was out of line. Hate/prejudice? Sounded more like preference. And the preference of the majority of the human race.

    You know that's changed in the states, right?


    Also ITT: People who do not understand freedom of speech.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!
    He's not being thrown in jail, fined or otherwise sanctioned by the government. Try actually reading the First Amendment.

    This. He has the freedom to say whatever he wants, just like A&E has the right to not want that aired on their network. DJs and news anchors get fired all the time for things they say. I don't know why this is such a big deal.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Freedom of speech. Where is it??? Last I checked it is still a part of our rights as Americans!

    Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what you want (which phil did) .. freedom of speech is not the right to say whatever you want without consequences.

    ...without consequences from the government, like getting your head cut off. It does not dictate private enterprise. They can have their own rules regarding many issues.

    Freedom of speech does not necessarily protect from consequences from the government. There are plenty of things that are not constitutionally protected free speech .. but that's not the real point here.

    A&E is a private organization. They are just as free to fire him for saying what he said as he is free to say it.

    For me the larger issue is that A&E are taking actions against him for 1.) a well known belief that he holds and 2.) an opinion founded in his religious beliefs.

    A&E were well aware of this when they signed the paperwork for the show... yet now it's an issue?
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I applaud his character and integrity to freely answer the question without the fear or worry of losing his job. What job is worth that sacrifice?

    I have to agree with this. He was asked a question. At least he didnn't sugar coat it or create an answer that he thought the public would want to hear. Since the start of the show he has held true to his convictions. I may not agree with his beliefs but I think he is strong to stick with it. These aren't questions that anyone should be asked in the first place. This was a question that is known to stir controversy, to an openly religious man. What did everyone expect?
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