phil robertson suspended from duck dynasty



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am not reading all 9 pages of posts! So if I repeated something, oh well!

    Phil Robertson is a great man in my opinion. Very inspiring. He is a Christian. DUH! The christian bible has a view point on homosexuality. He is just sticking up to it. No surprises there! The fact that he answered the question the way he did should be no surprise to anyone. In fact, some may set he was set up, because there are some people that have a predijice towards christianity.

    Hats off to Phil for sticking with his beliefs.

    Now, does A&E have a right to suspend him? Yup! This is a free market society in America. I believe in free enterprise.

    Because of free market and enterprise, I as a consumer have the right to continue toi watch the show or not watch the show because.... I want to or don't want to for whatever reason I feel. I watch the show, watch their advertisements, buy their Chia Pets or Bearded blankets, or D&D bandaids, and they make money. I decide to no longer be a fan of the show, then I can decide to take my money elsewhere. That is my exercise and right!

    So? I considered myself a huge fan of D&D. Now A&E made their decision? I can chose to react however I choose. And many other people may decide to continue to watch the show, start watching the show, or stop watching the show. Free market works both ways. So we will see if A&E made the right decision or not by how America and it's fans react. You can say a whole bunch but if you continue to watch the show, then you basically by default agree with A&E's decision and throw Phil Robertson under the bus. Or maybe you don't like what Phil Robertson said and you support what A&E did. Free market!

    Now, I know many Christians who watch the show or became really big fans of the show. I would love to see them all put their money where their mouth is and see if all the christian fan base continue to watch the show and buy the products or not. It's a great show. It sucks that politics and predijuices get in the way.

    You may say that christians are predijuice against homosexuals. But there are people in general that are predijuice against christianity as well. it works both ways baby. Now is the time for Christians to stand up for what they really believe in and show corporate pansies what they are made of.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Has nothing to do with his rights or whether he was right or wrong. He didn't represent his employer the way they wanted. Gotta play the game.

    By the way, what is Duck Dynasty?

    Every employment contract I have signed has a clause that says "This agreement can be terminated by either party at any time for any reason"

    You can be fired for facebook posts. You can get fired for a DUI. You can be terminated for wearing a blue shirt on red sweater day ....
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member

    Yes, he can have an opinion, but in this case, his opinion was bigoted. Good riddance.

    Spoken like a true liberal bigot.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    better to have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt

    keep your mouth shut

    PS-Did anyone expect anything different?
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    By the way, what is Duck Dynasty?

    ^^^ This exactly!
  • PSULions2008
    Touche'. See my post from page 8 lol.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    Yes, he can have an opinion, but in this case, his opinion was bigoted. Good riddance.

    Spoken like a true liberal bigot.

    Do tell how my post was bigoted. This should be good.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    I am not reading all 9 pages of posts! So if I repeated something, oh well!

    Phil Robertson is a great man in my opinion. Very inspiring. He is a Christian. DUH! The christian bible has a view point on homosexuality. He is just sticking up to it. No surprises there! The fact that he answered the question the way he did should be no surprise to anyone. In fact, some may set he was set up, because there are some people that have a predijice towards christianity.

    Hats off to Phil for sticking with his beliefs.

    Now, does A&E have a right to suspend him? Yup! This is a free market society in America. I believe in free enterprise.

    Because of free market and enterprise, I as a consumer have the right to continue toi watch the show or not watch the show because.... I want to or don't want to for whatever reason I feel. I watch the show, watch their advertisements, buy their Chia Pets or Bearded blankets, or D&D bandaids, and they make money. I decide to no longer be a fan of the show, then I can decide to take my money elsewhere. That is my exercise and right!

    So? I considered myself a huge fan of D&D. Now A&E made their decision? I can chose to react however I choose. And many other people may decide to continue to watch the show, start watching the show, or stop watching the show. Free market works both ways. So we will see if A&E made the right decision or not by how America and it's fans react. You can say a whole bunch but if you continue to watch the show, then you basically by default agree with A&E's decision and throw Phil Robertson under the bus. Or maybe you don't like what Phil Robertson said and you support what A&E did. Free market!

    Now, I know many Christians who watch the show or became really big fans of the show. I would love to see them all put their money where their mouth is and see if all the christian fan base continue to watch the show and buy the products or not. It's a great show. It sucks that politics and predijuices get in the way.

    You may say that christians are predijuice against homosexuals. But there are people in general that are predijuice against christianity as well. it works both ways baby. Now is the time for Christians to stand up for what they really believe in and show corporate pansies what they are made of.

    Well stated!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member

    Yes, he can have an opinion, but in this case, his opinion was bigoted. Good riddance.

    Spoken like a true liberal bigot.

  • dropdeadgreggie_
    dropdeadgreggie_ Posts: 166 Member
    Who cares.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member

    Yes, he can have an opinion, but in this case, his opinion was bigoted. Good riddance.

    Spoken like a true liberal bigot.

  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    better to have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt

    keep your mouth shut

    Are you saying that Phil is a fool for stating and standing by his religious beliefs? He was asked a question. Should he have lied? Should he hide who he is so he doesn't risk offending anyone?
    I don't think so.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He was suspended based on sharing his religious beliefs. He was honest about his beliefs and also went on to say he "loved all humanity" and several times stated it was " just his belief and opinion that it was a sin" If you are a christian and believe what the Bible says then it has several references to "homosexuality is a sin" "an abomination". I share a lot of the same opinions as he does but I also respect others decisions and treat everyone the same. It is not for me to judge others. I think that is what he was trying to say also. He believes it is a sin just like the other things he listed were sins according to the Bible. This country is going to crap. We have no freedoms any longer. He should not have been suspended for this. People need to stop getting so offended about every little thing. It is absolutely ridiculous that people have to walk on eggshells in a "free" country. I am a Christian and I believe what the Bible says, but guess what, I don't treat someone differently just because I don't agree with their lifestyle. That is not my place. I have friends that are gay, lesbian, atheist , Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, all races and religions. They all know my beliefs and respect my beliefs as I do theirs. This is the perfect example of "making a mountain out of a molehill" . If you are comfortable with your way of life and don't think you are somehow doing the wrong thing then why are you so worried about the possibility you " may' be judged. If your gonna choose it, be proud of it, other wise your heart really isn't in it as much as it should be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and not everyone is going to agree or share the same opinion. That is the beautiful thing about this country. We DONT have to think the way we are told to think. If we did this would be a communist country and NOBODY wants that right?!:noway:

    He was not suspended because of his religion, but because he made remarks that his employer believed would hurt their economic interests. He just happens to justify his belief with religion, but the religion is not what's at issue here. I doubt that most of the people on here who have been up in arms about his suspension would feel the same way if this were a fundamentalist Muslim rather than a fundamentalist Christian. The belief would be the same, the statement would be the same, A&E's response would be the same, but the outcry would barely exist.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He was suspended based on sharing his religious beliefs. He was honest about his beliefs and also went on to say he "loved all humanity" and several times stated it was " just his belief and opinion that it was a sin" If you are a christian and believe what the Bible says then it has several references to "homosexuality is a sin" "an abomination". I share a lot of the same opinions as he does but I also respect others decisions and treat everyone the same. It is not for me to judge others. I think that is what he was trying to say also. He believes it is a sin just like the other things he listed were sins according to the Bible. This country is going to crap. We have no freedoms any longer. He should not have been suspended for this. People need to stop getting so offended about every little thing. It is absolutely ridiculous that people have to walk on eggshells in a "free" country. I am a Christian and I believe what the Bible says, but guess what, I don't treat someone differently just because I don't agree with their lifestyle. That is not my place. I have friends that are gay, lesbian, atheist , Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, all races and religions. They all know my beliefs and respect my beliefs as I do theirs. This is the perfect example of "making a mountain out of a molehill" . If you are comfortable with your way of life and don't think you are somehow doing the wrong thing then why are you so worried about the possibility you " may' be judged. If your gonna choose it, be proud of it, other wise your heart really isn't in it as much as it should be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and not everyone is going to agree or share the same opinion. That is the beautiful thing about this country. We DONT have to think the way we are told to think. If we did this would be a communist country and NOBODY wants that right?!:noway:

    My religion says I should sacrifice a goat every December. Doesn't mean I won't get canned if I do it in the parking lot of my company.

    Exactly! lolz
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. He was suspended based on sharing his religious beliefs. He was honest about his beliefs and also went on to say he "loved all humanity" and several times stated it was " just his belief and opinion that it was a sin" If you are a christian and believe what the Bible says then it has several references to "homosexuality is a sin" "an abomination". I share a lot of the same opinions as he does but I also respect others decisions and treat everyone the same. It is not for me to judge others. I think that is what he was trying to say also. He believes it is a sin just like the other things he listed were sins according to the Bible. This country is going to crap. We have no freedoms any longer. He should not have been suspended for this. People need to stop getting so offended about every little thing. It is absolutely ridiculous that people have to walk on eggshells in a "free" country. I am a Christian and I believe what the Bible says, but guess what, I don't treat someone differently just because I don't agree with their lifestyle. That is not my place. I have friends that are gay, lesbian, atheist , Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, all races and religions. They all know my beliefs and respect my beliefs as I do theirs. This is the perfect example of "making a mountain out of a molehill" . If you are comfortable with your way of life and don't think you are somehow doing the wrong thing then why are you so worried about the possibility you " may' be judged. If your gonna choose it, be proud of it, other wise your heart really isn't in it as much as it should be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and not everyone is going to agree or share the same opinion. That is the beautiful thing about this country. We DONT have to think the way we are told to think. If we did this would be a communist country and NOBODY wants that right?!:noway:

    My religion says I should sacrifice a goat every December. Doesn't mean I won't get canned if I do it in the parking lot of my company.

    Actually he didn't do this in the parking lot of his company. He did this in a magazine interview NOT while on his job. But actually he OWNS the company and was worth millions before the Show Duck Dynasty so i really don't think A&E are doing him any favors by airing what goes on in the everyday life of a family that HE created and a multi- million $$$ company that HE built. He was ASKED a question about his views and he answered them honestly, which is more than anyone running this country ever does. I respect him for keeping it real and not just spewing the bs everyone "wants" to hear like the majority of society does today....... Why would you have to do it in the parking lot of your company... do you have no home?
  • PSULions2008

    Yes, he can have an opinion, but in this case, his opinion was bigoted. Good riddance.

    Spoken like a true liberal bigot.

    Do tell how my post was bigoted. This should be good.

    By definition, your intolerance of his opinion/viewpoint makes you a bigot as well.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Obviously A&E knew his beliefs. The difference is in the magic of editing. They get to control what goes on the show. They can't control interviews outside of A&E. (BTW, I have never seen the show, have a vague idea its about something with ducks and had no idea about their beliefs - And no, I don't live under a rock I just don't care).

    And yes, A&E has every right to fire or suspend for what he said, just as he has every right to say it. For all we know this could be a breach of contract. This is not a first amendment issue.

    Also, I saw someone say the Robertsons should move their tv show to another network. First off, A&E probably are the actual owners of the show and second the Robertsons are probably under a contract that would not allow that action. They could try but I bet A&E could sue them.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    better to have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt

    keep your mouth shut

    PS-Did anyone expect anything different?
    Really?? So your saying everyone should keep their mouths shut and not speak their beliefs? Lol, not sure what to make of this post.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    better to have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt

    keep your mouth shut

    Are you saying that Phil is a fool for stating and standing by his religious beliefs? He was asked a question. Should he have lied? Should he hide who he is so he doesn't risk offending anyone?
    I don't think so.

    i think in most cases its best to keep your personal opinions to yourself. What was the question asked out of curiosity?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    better to have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt

    keep your mouth shut

    PS-Did anyone expect anything different?
    Really?? So your saying everyone should keep their mouths shut and not speak their beliefs? Lol, not sure what to make of this post.

    you can if you are willing to pay the consequences
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