

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!Thanks for all the well wishes,feel better,have our Christmas party for the kids.After the party we`ll visit Thelma and have lunch.Then I`m gonna take it easy.
    Great news from the dr about the tests.Chol-went from 203 to 165.All the other numbers went down.He said keep up the good work.
    In my case,I guess the exercise and diet helped.
    Have a great fri.
    Rain now and freezing rain tonite.YUK.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    Oh boy what a morning this has been...
    ya know I thought we were on vacation...
    we have been running here there and everywhere since we got here..
    my DH is an -$$, while I was down at Sanibel he decided to trim some of the foliage down here, and he KNOWS to wear long sleeves and gloves,well he didnt and now his arms are all red itchy inflamed and he is miserable.. every blessed time we come down he does this...and every time he either goes to the ER or a walk in..
    and what did I do at 1:30 this morning? got up got dressed and went to Walmart to get him benadryl,early last night I got him claratin ,because that is what the pharmacist recommended,
    The headboard for the bed came last night, so guess who is sitting on the floor putting it together? and getting frustrated:grumble:
    ,I still have to trim the lemon tree,and pick the lemons, and we have to go to venice(next town over) and register the car down here, so get to sit at the DMV, DH is off to the walk in and if they give him prednisone like last time ,then there will be no pool for him, but I sure as heck am going to go, I want to enjoy the week we have left and not have to run around,I just dont know..
    the only saving grace is that I am losing weight while down here:bigsmile: , havent been able to get out for a walk, but will water jog for an hr today hopefully. well back the headboard:frown:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Good morning,

    Jane Get well wishes:flowerforyou: .

    Barbiecat Line dancing what fun!

    Meg Nails nice fashion statement.

    Joyce Great job taking care of you. I used to see the eye doctor every 2-4 years I got my vision from my dad who was a pilot in WWII. Now because of my torn retina it will be yearly.

    Susan Steve McQueen was one of my favorite actors growing up.

    Cindy sorry about your fall. I had one in September when I wasn't paying attention. Take it easy.

    Sylvia tart cherry juice sometimes helps me when I have trouble sleeping. I understand it contains a natural sleep aid.

    DeeDee Hugs back!

    I am off to volunteer in my friend's Kindergarten class today. It is the day before break. They will be excited.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cindy: I’m sorry about your fall. :flowerforyou: 2013 has been my year to fall and I did it twice. :grumble: I fell back in February when a recycle bin pulled me down a set of three cement stairs, and then fell again recently on black ice. I never went to the doctor for the first fall because it happened shortly after my husband’s stroke and I didn’t have a way to get there. I self treated for months and things are fine now. The second fall was on black ice recently and I am now in a wrist brace. Barbie had a fall injury, too. Hopefully none of us will have any falls in 2014.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I hope my son doesn’t decide it is time for us to have a caretaker. :noway: I sent him a message and so did DH but we never know when he’ll actually GET the messages we send. His job provides all the stress and worry that he needs and then some. We shouldn't be adding to it.:blushing:

    Barbie: It is snowing here, too. :bigsmile: We also live at approximately sea level. I don’t expect much of an accumulation and we only have one essential errand today. Hopefully everything will go well.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Your good medical numbers are the result of your hard work. Congratulations!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: It seems that your husband is his own victim. My DH used to plague me with a mantra: “Work smarter, not harder.” It sounds like something your DH needs to try. The D in DH can stand for many things other than Dear—Darned being the mildest that I’m thinking of at the moment. Maybe d@mned fool works better. :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: You are a gem. I know your friend will appreciate the help with her kindergarteners. If I lived a reasonable distance from my old school I’d volunteer there, but 40 miles of nasty commute keeps me away.:flowerforyou:

    It is SNOWING! At this point there is no accumulation and it is relatively warm outside, 35F according to our home weather station, 29F counting the wind chill. I wonder whether any will stick. We have an appointment for pedicures on Christmas Eve day. I want to get a gift for the manicurist, and am thinking of a pretty ornament for her tree. I hope I can find one. We have an appointment to get DH’s hearing aides serviced today and will be driving past a gift shop and a florist. One or the other of them should have something nice. If any of you has another suggestion, sing out!

    Katla in currently snowing NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Linda - your girls are growing up, it happens, as much as it hurts us. We probably did the exact same thing to our parents. I hope you can get to the gym. You're STILL waiting on your hand? Gosh!

    Anamika - good for you putting yesterday behind you! What's done is done, no sense dwelling on it. Just go forward and you'll do wonderful. Look at it as a learning experience.

    I'm wearing one of the sweatshirts I told you about, the mediums. I really should have a small. But then again, these are probably good if I need to wear something under them. So I guess what I'll do is get one in a small and keep one of the mediums just for those times when I need something under it. But it does feel big on me.

    Heather - good for you getting to 4 stone gone. I know how much you wanted that. I'm just so happy for you. When I go to the MD's office here, they have a quite accurate thing that they use to measure you. Do they do that over there? That was so nice of you to give Meg your personal experience (it doesn't mean she doesn't love you). Do you give some of the wonderful baked goods you make to your cleaner?

    Did 1-1/4 hr of Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD today (Tues). Tomorrow I'll do some HIIT (need to burn extra calories for the holidays).

    Got an email from Bryan, said that he's starting a business (I have no idea what kind of business, his note to us when they went to Reunion was that the man he worked for was really nice. So what happened? He said that since he didn't get us anything, they're not looking for anything. I just want him to know that our sending him gift/gifts isn't dependent on him sending us something.

    It seems that Denise is a bit annoyed at him. She said she can see how he's on facebook, if he has time for facebook, he doesn't have time to send us a short noe? Nope...because he doesn't want anything to do with us. But Denise needs to find this out on her own. He unfriended me on facebook and said it was "because I don't have time for facebook". No...the truth of the matter is that he doesn't want to have time for me.

    margaretturk - Next year I need to try wrapping a few presents each day. I still haven't done the wrapping and it feels like it's so much, but I know that it really isn't. Last year Vince and I wrapped the presents. Didn't really take that long.

    yanniejannie - how I hope you don't get the "Christmas Crud Part 2" I hate when things like what happened at your Christmas Luncheon happen, no shows, changes, etc

    Rita - great NSV's! You should be proud. Great idea to bring your own lunch.

    Did an hour of HIIT today (Fri). Tomorrow is yoga.

    Went to the post office yesterday and mailed a cake along with two bags of cookies for the family that Jessica is going to see. Expected delivery is Sat. so hope it gets there while she's there. Then went to WalMart and picked up a gift for Kris. Had some time so went to Bi-Lo (they have triple coupons for the next few days), then home. We left around 2 to go get Jess's cats. Virginia DOT in it's infinite wisdom decided to do road work on the Thrusday before Christmas, so we were in a tie-up for about an hour. Didn't get home until around midnight.

    It's really good to log your food. Even tho I feel that I ate pretty healthily yesterday (cottage cheese, fruit, chicken breast, sweet potato, vegetable soup, and a bit of frozen yogurt), I was still over on calories. Had I not had the cottage cheese, fruit, or soup, I wouldn't have. But live and learn. Really, it wasn't all that bad considering I feel the food was for the most part (except for that frozen yogurt) decent. As barbie says "disaster is educational"

    After I exercised, I went to Aldi and then to PetSmart. Jesica did NOT give us enough food (dry) for her cats. So I bought a bag, I didn't want to run out and at the last minute have to make an emergency purchase. Then went to Hamrick's and home. I'd like to be wrapping presents today.

    Just ordered a gift card for the Alamo Drafthouse to give Jess and Kris.

    I'm, still feeling good in that I haven't exceeded the high 130's weight-wise. I usually am lower, but I really don't want to go as high as 140. So I'm going to work at it. Made some pizza logs the other day and Vince said that he'd eat them. He didn't. Actually, each log is 97 calories. Basically, it's half a cheese stick, some pizza sauce rolled up into an egg roll wrapper. Really that's the calorie count for the logs at Emily Bites but they include pepperoni, which I didn't use. Anyway, I gave the rest of them to the Y today along with some rosemary shortbread that I'd made the other day. I always thought of shortbread as a dessert, but with rosemary I think it should have gone with the meal.

    Joyce - I don't know what kind of candy you got, but I found out when Vince worked for Mars that you can freeze chocolate. In the freezer makes it out of sight. I remember when the kids went trick-or-treating, I'd let them eat the starburse, skittles, that sort of thing. Then I'd freeze the chocolate candy and give thenm a piece or two with their lunch every day. Every year I give the kids a few pieces of coal (I do have it wrapped up so that it doesn't get the stockings filthy) for a bad girl and an orange for a good girl. When Denise was young (maybe 2?) she stole a pack of gum from Shop Rite. Jessica told me about it. To Denise's horror I made her go back to the store, made her tell the guy what she did and give him the opened pack of gum back. He told us to keep it, but I wouldn't let her. Boy, that girl was so traumatized.....lol After going to Shop Rite I made her take all of her savings and give it to the Salvation Army. A few years later she was at a party and she told me about this one little boy who stole something (it wasn't something big) but since I wasn't his partent, I really didn't feel it was my place to correct him. However, years later she got involved with SFB (we call him s***-for-brains) and she stole some pain pills from Vince for him. Unfortunately, she's still with this guy. I swear, he's living a fantasy. He posted on facebook about how he's saving for a house, blah, blah, blah. Yea...this guy only has a high school diploma. Maybe his mother is going to give him her house. But still you need to pay taxes. Well...not my problem. Telling us about your mom brought a tear to my eye. How hurt she must have been! I don't blame you one bit for not trusting this guy.

    The weather is nice today, and it's supposed to be even nicer tomorrow. Unfortunately, they're calling for rain on Sunday. Hope it holds out at least until Denise and Jessica get here. We told Jessica last night that we're sure she's going to get out of work early on Monday. They have off Tuesday and Wednesday. She got out early the day before Thanksgiving so I'm sure she'll get out of work early Monday.

    Susan - hope you feel better fast. Sending you a virtual heating pad. Oh, I love "The Great Escape"

    Cindy - I'm so glad nothing is broken. How horrible to fall. Vince always tells me to "be aware of what's around you", too. Since I'm not good at that, he doesn't want me to go to WalMart (or any store for that matter) alone in the dark. Oh, speaking of Hershey's Kisses. Last year I got this cookie mix at Aldi and Jessica really like it. They had it again so I got some. I don't like to use a mix but she really liked them. What they are (and this I'd forgotten) are shortbread cookies with Ghiradelli candies. I'm wondering why I couldn't make the shortbread cookies myself and then put a Hershey Kiss on top of it. Except for the fact that Vince wouldn't exactly appreciate a Hershey product being used....lol Well, that's tough!!!!

    Sylvia - I make these chocolate bran muffins. Basically, it's a box of low fat brownie mix, 3 cups wheat bran, an egg (for the binder), 1-1/2 cups of water. Makes 12 muffins (full sized). Mix and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. I have the nutritionals in the database here as "WW recipe from a friend". It's something like 57 calories for a muffin. Honestly, I usually can have about 24oz of water with one muffin. Satisfies my chocolate urge, and after having that and the water, I don't feel that I want anything else (at least for a little while). The other day Vince was in the kitchen eating his breakfast and he heard this weird noise. He saw Bonnie, Clyde and Lexi. That's when he realized it was Loki snoring under the tree!!!

    DeeDee - we didn't open the white wine that they brought, but they also brought this pomegranite zinfandel that I thought was quite good.

    barbie - I do hope the dance isn't cancelled

    janemartin - woohoo on those numbers going down. That's just wonderful!

    Alison - hope your dh's arms are better. I'm sure it's no picnic for him, but if it's happened before, you'd think he'd remember and take precautions. Is it poinson ivy? Whenever I go to FL, too, I always seem to lose weight. Not a whole lot, but a loss just the same

    Going to post this so I don't get too far behind.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, thanks for the info on the Mars bars but we only have a freezer connected with the fridge. Since I don't cook much it really doesn't have a whole lot on it. So a bag of candy wouldn't be hidden at all. I used to love to freeze Three Muskateers bars and eat them frozen. It was like some kind of frozen treat.

    Going to have some canned soup today for lunch. It's a healthy choice and the sodium content is pretty good compared to what I usually have. And it seems as if I need to keep my daily sodium level closer to 2500 mg or my blood level will go to low. So that's what I'll have in addition to my usual apple and carrots.

    Everyone stay up on their feet! No more falls.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Had a lovely lunch out with my brother and his wife. Sooooo great to see them. Haven't seen them since August! I found out that my DSIL has been really depressed and is now on medication. And I thought it was "all about me"! :ohwell: Thhankyou Barbie for reminding me not to take things personally! Because of course it wasn't! :noway: They have such a lot of family problems - separations, troubled pregnancies, parents on their last legs. But they were on good form today and the meal and venue were lovely. I had moules mariniere and scallops with black pudding. Both starter size with no carbs. Excellent!

    My real candles and artificial candles both arrived this afternoon. We all laughed as I had ordered the real ones as I thought the artificial ones wouldn't get to me before Christmas. All are lovely. I also received more wrapping paper! I think I am obsessed! Then I put the finishing touches to my supermarket order for Sunday morning. I also received some royalties for an old children's book from the USA. It's used as a school text book - The Trouble With Herbert. Hooray! Hooray! No cheque yet from my ex, despite my irate texting.:sad:

    Cindy - ouch! I walked off a step in February and wrenched my back. Took a while to recover. Soooo annoying!

    Meg - for me it was because of my awful childhood. I was 9 yrs old when it was worst. Very bad. I knew it was bad and even at that age called myself a kleptomaniac! I don't know what advice to give. I was scared out of it and knew I had too much to lose. Not pretending it's not happening is the only thing I can think of, if she can understand consequences. At one stage I would take anything that wasn't nailed down, but I stopped at about age 11. I know you said their emotional age is much younger than their actual age. I send you hugs.:love:

    OK, I'm hungry now. Time to eat something!

    Love Heather UK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member

    Love this picture! Well, I finally found my scale and put batteries in it. With being sick yesterday and all the work I have been doing it said I was down almost 6 pounds!!! YIPEE!!!, I just hope that it looks like that monday for my weekly weigh in at the gym.

    I feel soooo much better today, thanks for all the well wishers! I think it was just a 24 hour bug, thank goodness!

    I didn't have anything to eat for supper last night but around 7pm I started to feel a little better so had a small piece of that blessed straw-barb pie. I don't even like that kind of pie and I wasn't feeling well, so didn't even finish it. That took care of that problem!

    I feel so light today! Must be the scale,.........

    We had our Christmas brunch here at work and I think I did pretty well. I brought in a veggie tray and snacked off that. Lunch, I kept it as healthy as I could and took a very small amount of things that were semi-healthy. Added up a 'guess-ti-mate' and came up with about 700 calories. I broke down and had a piece of cheese cake which tuned out to be store bought and not very good. It was only a small piece but I added a full piece to my log to cover whatever I missed on my plate. Very small or no supper tonight.

    My DD and fam are coming over Sunday for Christmas. My DH or is it DF wants me to help him do the prep work tomorrow. I just know he will want to go shopping again. When we do that, i get my walking in, but have no time for anything else! I have 2 reports to write for school before Monday and the Christmas break! Not so sure I am going to do very well with that!

    Got to get back to work!

    Rita from CT
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just got back from a long walk.

    I made party mix for my husband and his brother. I've got to get it put away before my husband gets home.

    My DMIL use to make a cookie she called a tea cake. I've tried to make them but the kids say they just don't taste right without the nicotine! The in-laws were such heavy smokers it got into the cookies and now when we make them they just don't taste right. We just laugh about it but there's nothing I can do. And in reality my kids were getting second hand smoke in the cookies. Even Eric's brother and his kids have made the same comment. All I can say is that they were made with love.

    Well I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Michele - yes I do usually give a small cake to my lovely cleaner as she uses up a lot of calories, but even she is watching her weight! I hardly know anyone who isn't apart from DH! She was the happy recipient of my brie cheese, if you remember. This time I also gave her some brand new ribbed tights that I bought two pairs of from an expensive website. They had no wool in so I thought I would be fine, but they still itched and I can't bear it. Now they pair I haven't tried on has gone to a good home as she often does "beating" for shooting parties and needs lots of warm layers!
    Looking forward to seeing DS#1 tomorrow. I hope all this wind we are having doesn't disrupt the trains. Haven't made up his dinosaur bed yet!:bigsmile:
    Heather UK
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member

    Thank Goodness!!! LOL
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hey, hey, hey! Cold and cloudy here today. I had fun at lunch with my friend who is also our minister. It’s nice to get out and not talk about work! Did all my grocery shopping other than picking up the 12 pound prime rib I ordered, which I will get on Tuesday. I have never cooked anything that big before in the way of beef, so I hope it comes out right. Last year I did a 5 pound one. I pre-logged my dinner which is the celebratory pizza dinner for DD#2 and the emergency backup kid who has been here all week. I am still so angry with DD#2 I can hardly stand to look at her.

    Joyce: the “stocking stuffing room”…I love it!

    Susan: I hope your back pain is under control soon. I love those old actors

    CindY : I’m so sorry you had a fall but very glad you weren’t injured!

    Sylvia: I hope the weather holds out for you. Good thing those cookies aren’t around!

    DeeDee: I remember LizMil! Where has she been? And yes, the nails are gorgeous! Who knew I would like blue polish! The silver foil makes it look so festive!

    Barbie: hope your weather isn’t so bad you have to cancel your party

    Jane: fabulous news on the lab work! You have obviously been working hard

    Grandmallie: I would go on strike!

    Margaret: hope the little ones were not too crazy for you in anticipation of a break from school and the upcoming festivities!

    Katla: I was wondering about a Christmas gift for my manicurist too. She is a true artist! But I only go a couple of times a quarter,
    so I wasn’t sure. What did you end up getting her?

    Michele: I’m so sorry Brian is still unreasonable. That must really hurt especially at this time of year. It must drive you crazy wondering why he acts this way. (((hugs)))

    Heather: your lunch sounds wonderful, but what is black pudding? Thanks for sharing with me; I feel better knowing others have similar experiences. I have had a children’s book written for years (it’s poetry) but can’t find a publisher. I keep being told it’s too short but at 25 pages (one per poem) it’s longer than some best sellers. I have been sitting on it for a few years and may try to find a book rep again next year. That must feel great to get a royalty check for something done a while back! Congratulations!

    Rita; I’m glad your illness was short lived. Congratulations on the weight loss and I too hope it stays gone!

    CindY : I can’t imagine smokey cookies!

    Well the pizza is here, so it’s time to go! Take care, Meg from cold Omaha!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My thoughts are rambling today. I hope you don't mind. Our snow this morning just left a skiff of white and then turned to rain. :ohwell: We shipped a toy to DGD this afternoon. Shipping cost $5 MORE than the gift, itself, and she'll receive it the day after Christmas. :noway: DH will do things differently next time.:wink: On the good side, our neighbor is organizing an outing to a neighboring town for a crab feast tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. About 10 of us will be going. Crab is both delicious and low cal--if you don't smother it with Thousand Island dressing. I've learned to put my dressing on the side and dip into it. I use a LOT less that way.:bigsmile: Facebook was unusually interesting this morning. Our niece's son announced that he married his girlfriend yesterday. This was completely unexpected. The family was flabbergasted and those who replied didn't seem to know whether or not it is a real marriage. I wonder how it will turn out. If the kids are serious, I wish them luck. They must be about 20 by now. I was still 20 when I married DH and here we are all these years later.

    Katla in rainy NW Oregon
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I can relax now; DD drove home after her last exam and got in about an hour ago; she's soaking in the tub now after eating her favorite (stroganoff), then on to bed since she's short on sleep. Got good news; has been selected for a vet school interview........YAY!!!!!!!! I gave in yesterday and didn't do the things planned; opted to just rest and sleep in hopes of curbing this crud but it's not working. Felt pretty good this am but have steadily declined---temp starting, ears hurting, gunk in lungs, etc. .........maybe another good night's sleep will help. DH is off this week and has been singing the "go to the dr song" but I know I'm not sick enough for an antibiotic and it's no use just wasting my time. I ran around like a maniac today so should sleep well. Even locked my keys in the car (at the grocery store) and walked home for the other set, probably about a mile.........one way to get those steps in!!!

    Had a super (for me) NSV
    bought a couple hundred dollars of Starbucks gift cards and didn't walk out with anything for myself......probably because my appetite is not right with this cold, but it still counts, right?

    Margaret.........I do the "I'll just do _______" challenge to myself too and almost always end up doing more too.

    DrKatie........Recently discovered Wacoal bras, mine are still OK, but I only agitate about a minute after letting them soak.

    Susan.........So sorry your back pain returned. James Garner has been a fav. of mine forever.........remember Rockford? Maverick?

    Cindy........Thought I was the queen of falls---passing the crown to you.

    Dee Dee..........I also saw that beautiful sunrise when I went out for the paper this am.........it was gorgeous!!!

    Jane.........congrats on your wonderful lab results!

    Katla...........One of the errands I did today was shipping packages also; only 2 people in front of me at the p.o.........pays to be so late sometimes..........and the charges were pretty high............6.00 just to forward a neighbor's mail!!!

    Michele........Those chocolate bran muffins sound like something both good and healthy; so sorry Bryan is being such a pistol yet.

    coughing in the warm mid-atlantic
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    This has been a day & a 1/2......... Just one thing & another. Was awake at 5:30 this morn,so left for the gym before 7. Did 65 mins of aerobics & walking backwards in the pool.There were only 3 other ppl there.Then home to shower & change. Decided to make banana / chocolate bread.Doubled the recipe,made 2 loaves.What a mess I had in the kitchen,including lots of dishes.

    Once the bread was baking,floor needed swept & mopped.Then cleaned bathrooms,2 bedrms,changed bedclothes. Washed & dried sheets,towels & a load of DHs jeans.Used the sweeper all thru the house.Monday,Will dust & vac again,then it will be as clean as it's going to get.
    Oh,yes ...needed zucchini,went to grocery for ingreds to make Zucchini bread.Bought what I needed,but forgot the Zuchini.Good heaven,some days I wonder where my mind went :grumble:

    By then it was past 1pm & feeling puny.Had a bit of tummy ache,cold chills etc.made hot tea & hit the recliner.DH was doing monthly bills,so it was nice & quiet .Feeling better now. All done here except for picking up meat Monday. Will make a pumpkin pie Wed am.Like pie to be fresh.

    My gym will be closed on the day,but open the other ones,so plan to hit the pool,but also to keep my eating under control. Just us,so that makes it easier.

    Grandmallie,your trip to the island sounded great.Hope your DH is feeling better.A shame to be sick on vacation.Enjoy every minute:drinker: Pat
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :sick: So, the nasty bug has now hit DH with a vengeance. I am on the mend, although still have times of nausea and fatigue. Did go to Costco with DD this morning. After all, one cannot do without bathroom tissue, Kleenex, laundry detergent and Gravol. :drinker: We are both drinking Gingerale. It and water seems to be helping a lot.

    :tongue: It snowed last night on paradise island, but all will be gone by tomorrow, since temperatures are rising.

    I have been quite self-absorbed of late, and barely paid attention in order to respond to your posts, although I read them all. It is such a support just reading accounts of your days - the good, the bad and the ugly - it helps me appreciate how we are all in this human walk together (I refuse to use the words human "race", although it does seem to speed along at good clip).

    :noway: Did you notice that when you post something - whether on Facebook or MFP - ads will appear in harmony with your subject? I just posted something on my profile about what food processor people could recommend to me; and lo and behold, advertising appears above my current typing with various brands of food processors. Clever, eh?! ("eh" is Canadian btw :bigsmile: ).

    Youngest son got straight A's on his exams. He is studying civil engineering. I think my kids are the smartest cookies in the world. I don't know how they come by it. It took me more than 60 years to get to the smartness I currently presumably possess. He was also accepted for a co-op position at our municipality. Yay!

    DD's 2nd pregnancy woes have settled down, and she is growing a nice belly.

    Second oldest son is back from Saskatchewan after working 12 hr days, 40 days straight. He is looking great, but has been sleeping a lot - for some reason :laugh: :laugh: .

    My brain has been in such a fog this week thanks to the flu; and guess what, the world went on without me. Go figure! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny is back!
    From soggy Vancouver Island, BC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Katla: I will have to try the tide lingerie bags. Putting the bra in the bag before putting it in the hamper might be better than hiding the laundry from DH.

    Margaret: trust me I know worse words than "rats." LOL! After 37 years of teaching high school math, I've heard plenty. My next favorite mild expression, though, is Shucky Darn. I'll use it next time.

    Cindy: one summer a few years back I walked off a curb two different times in the space of a week. My knees weren't healed from the first time before they were skinned again. But the worst was when I stepped in a dip in the sidewalk and skinned them on the way into the doctor for a checkup. He made me get a tetanus shot! No way would I have done that if I hadn't been there already. Glad only your pride was injured.

    I finished my reports on time yesterday so did not have to work today. I finally balanced the checkbook and updated my budget program. Then I washed all of the bedding from the mattress pads out to the comforters and got new pillows. I finally got my walk in at 4:30.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: It turned out to be a great day with just enough snow to be beautiful but not enough to cancel the line dance class. Many students who live way above sea level on private roads that don’t get plowed weren’t able to get to class but those who came had a great time dancing easy dances to holiday music, participating in a white elephant gift exchange and eating homemade goodies. When I gathered up some fudge in a napkin someone said, “wow, I’ve never seen you eat this kind of stuff”……as it turned out, I wasn’t eating that stuff, it was the treat I brought home to Jake to thank him for driving me to class so I didn’t have to deal with walking across the slushy parking lot.
    We have a light rain washing away our snow and it looks like the temperatures will stay up almost at 40 degrees so I won’t have to worry about the paths and streets being too icy for dog walking in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, The Great Escape is one of my all time favorite movies….I have it DVD so I can watch it when I want to

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I am sorry to hear about your fall. Since I just recently had a fall, I can relate to the trauma of it even with no long term serious injury…..best wishes for a speedy physical and emotional recovery.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, it’s a good thing you had no cookies in your house….:brokenheart: sorry you had trouble sleeping.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I sent LizMil a message, too.

    :bigsmile: Jane, congrats on your good cholesterol results..you worked hard for these good results

    :brokenheart: Grandmallie, sorry to hear that your hubby has been such a challenge for you.

    :bigsmile: Margaret, volunteering in kindergarten will be a blast

    :flowerforyou: Katla, an ornament for your manicurist sounds like a great idea……people who decorate can never have enough ornaments.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I still have two size extra large sweatshirts from before I lost weight (they have the logos from the schools where I used to teach) and I wear one to bed when it’s extra cold and the other when I do yard work in the spring.

    :bigsmile: Joyce, I’m happy to hear that you’ve found the right combination for you regarding sodium so you don’t have problems…

    :bigsmile: Heather, what great news about your visit with your brother and his wife….I love hearing happy endings.

    :bigsmile: Rita, good news that you’re feeling better today.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, wow, I’ve never even seen a 12 pound prime rib, much less cooked one…..you’ll have to report how you did it and how it turned out.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, hope you can get plenty of rest which is probably what you need more than a visit to the doctor.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, after all you accomplished, I’m glad to hear that you had a chance to rest.

    :bigsmile: Renny, how great to hear that you’re feeling better again…sorry to hear that your hubby is under the weather now……I have many days when I read and enjoy all the posts, but don’t respond personally and just write about myself..it’s not because I don’t care for all of you, but just that I’m very self-absorbed at times.

    :bigsmile: Drkatie, bravo to you for finishing those reports.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Joyce - have you ever had frozen grapes? Now THAT'S good eating. Really, to me, better than an ice cream.

    Rita - 6 pounds!!! Wonderful! To me, it is just so disappointing when someone buys something at a store and to top it off it isn't even that good. But then again, it might not have tasted that good to you because now you're used to healthy eating. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

    Yesterday I mentioned to Jess that I was going to make Diana a birthday cake and those zucchini muffins. she told me not to, she's afraid that if I do I'll just get too depressed. I don't think so, I really don't. sure, it is sad that they've chosen not to include us in anything. but to me, it's their loss. I'll just continue trying to include them in things and not expect anything at all.

    Wrapped almost all of the presents. Actually, Vince wrapped most of them. After I had wrapped his presents I realized that one of the presents needed 4 AA batteries, and we were low on AA's since a lot of them are used in the christmas decorations/ornaments so off to WalMart I went. I can't get over how jammed it is.

    Tomorrow after yoga I'm going to stop at Bi-Lo. This is the last day they have the triple coupons, and I have some coupons for cereal for Vince so I'll get it real cheap.

    Meg - about Bryan all's I can say is what my father used to say "what will be will be". Hey, he wants to act this way, I think I've gotten to the point of saying "I love you, but I'm no longer going to let you run my life, you don't care about me." I just pray to Mary all the time that she interceeds and turns his heart. That's about all I can do without hurting myself.

    Remember I shipped the cake and cookies to the family that Jess is going to see in TN? Well, they got it today. But it seems that the box had ants in it. Fortunately, the cookies were in plastic bags, they don't think the ants got at them. I wonder how the ants got in the box??? Looks like I should invest in some metal tins

    katla - crab!!!! Yummy, yummy, yummy. If there are any leftovers, feel free to send them to me....lol I never would have thought that you'd put Thousand Island dressing on crab. I've always had it just plain.

    yanniejannie - congrats to your daughter! You poor dear still feeling so bad! Good for you not getting any Starbucks. Yes, today it might be because of that crud you have, but it wouldn't surprise me if the feeling stuck after the crud leaves you

    Pat - that's great that you walked backwards in the pool. To me, doing just about anything backwards in the pool is harder than going forwards. The down side, for me anyway, is that you can't see in the back of you to see if you're going to bump into someone. Then again, if you're in a lane, that's not a problem.

    renny - when you mentioned the gingerale, it reminded me that when the kids were in daycare, the people there used to give the kids flat gingerale until the parents came to pick them up. To make it flat, they just put it in the microwave for a bit. Have you noticed, too, that if you just search for an item on Amazon, maybe you don't really want it but wanted to know more about the item, you get ads for that item? It's scary how much they know about you! Yippee for your son!

    Made some more of the chocolate bran muffins to have in the freezer for the holidays.

    barbie - so glad your dance wasn't cancelled

    Gonna go take a shower then spend some time with Lance & Shadow. Lance still needs to get used to me being there. I hope I don't have much of a problem giving him his insulin tomorrow morning.

    Michele from NC