

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well if I were outside I would probably get some rowing exercise in because I think it has rained 7 inches today and a lot of the streets are flooded. None around me but I'm staying home. Now nothing keeps my husband home from Karoake so I ope he didn't have any problems.

    Have done some much needed organizing in the kitchen pantry tonight. I turned my Pandora to classical Christmas and just organized, threw away and did some cleaning. Then I sat t my computer desk and actually found the desk!

    Since my husband has no interest at all in riding the recumbent bike I bought I did make it shorted and ring 8 miles did show me at over 5000 steps. So that was much better than 2000 steps at the length the seat was from the pedals. It is also much more comfortable on my knees and hips. I immediately had a twinge in my hip at the distance I had it in hopes he would ride it. He jsut thinks it's in the way and a bother to walk around. Yes, It's in the way but it's only the two of us in the house and the family room is his man cave and the living room is my domain and solace. We have the money if he wants to buy himself a bike or treadmill or anything he can do it. I think I found what I want to get him for Christmas. Actually it will be more for me but that's OK. Years ago I bought him a Garmin GPS. It was the cheapest of all the GPS's so I got that. But the maps have no way of being updated. Anyway Target has one for a real good price. I looked online and saw the regular price. And then this weekend they are offering an additional 10% on everything trying to get in everyone's good graces after all the problems with the credit cards being hacked into. At least I think it is everything. Even if it isn't it's still a good buy.

    Susan, get back on the wagon, You can do it. No one wants to get into their older clothes. celebrate your new body with a new found resolve. After Christmas I will come back and read what I have said to you and make myself believe it with all the chocolate offered. I think chocolate is my biggest nemesis. I have found a way of getting by the pizzas, successfuly avoided the pastas and breads but I haven't conquered chocolate.

    My sister has convinced me that I still need to try to get my bone density test done this year. Next year my insurance plan is putting $50 co-pay on all these different wellness things. So if I can get it done by the new year it will be free. I have a plan!!!!!

    Joyce, floating in southern Indiana
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies:bigsmile:
    Susan :flowerforyou: the last bit of your post matters focus on that. The mind cant read no or not or don’t, so all those affirmations are interpreted as to be followed. So instead of no sugar, maybe, we need to affirm more fruits and vegetables, so the mind focuses on fruits and vegetables. Positive mind talk has helped so many, we must try it too .
    Barbie:heart: seems like a great party.
    Yanniejannie:drinker: sending you warm thoughts. Congratulations for your children!
    Tazgirl :love: that’s a blanket making Marathon…. I am sure all those who received them are basking in warmth. Hey Happy birthday! :flowerforyou: Though belated, have a great day today!
    Sylvia:bigsmile: am so glad you n the kids had a good time. Great going on the weightloss too. Hope u r feeling well:drinker:
    Michelle :smile: am so glad Bryan has got in touch…… whatever it is, I feel we as Mothers feel happiest when we don’t expect anything from our kids, then whatever interaction we have is better than nothing…..:heart:
    Janemartin :flowerforyou: hope you r well soon
    Grandmallie :flowerforyou: have a wonderful time now that all;s done, loved your kayaking experience, what an NSV ! That’s wonderful about medicine and your husband
    Heather:bigsmile: glad to hear of all the good times you r having with your family. You are teaching me how to plan in advance and execute them for a great time with friends and family, I am such a procrastinator. Yay for your 4 stones down!
    Katla :smile: a foster adult in your daughter’s home? I didn’t understand….. sorry that you missed talking to your son, am sure you all will get to it soon:flowerforyou:
    Margaretturk:heart: you r so helpful and thoughtful…
    Lizplus:heart::smile: nice to hear from you, hope you can remember the joy you had with your sister…..
    Deedee your posts always make me smile. Hope you have a lovely, joy filled Sunday!:flowerforyou:
    Meg:glasses: what a fashionable lady you are with your blue nails and silver tints…… guess your students will take note of more than what you teach…. I am always sticking to neutrals, got to be adventurous
    Patceoh housework and cleaning:grumble: can be a workout in disguise too:bigsmile: . An early start gives us so much time to squeeze in tons of activity, Barbie seems to do it all the time and your day sounds the same:drinker:
    Rebel Renny:heart: Congratulations for your children’s achievements! You have such a sense of humour 
    Dr Katiebug:flowerforyou: wow teaching high school math for 37 years! I am sure you can teach those kids quite a thing or two !
    I know I have missed out quite a few, but all of you my vit F ladies are in my thoughts.
    Wishing everyone a joyous day
    Anamika from Mumbai:bigsmile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Still have terrible sore throat; seems to be at it's absolute worst when I first get awake; probably from the drainage. Slept from 9:00pm to 1:30am, so have been up and doing my gargle, tea, inhalation routine. With this, when I'm tired, there's just no keeping my eyes open..........reminds me of many, many years ago when I had mono. We've had wonderful warm weather and it bugs me that I haven't been able to enjoy it. Now I also have a huge cold sore on my lip!!!

    Dee Dee..........I have added some sliced ginger to my tea to steep, good idea, thanks! Looks like I'm making beef tenderloin too; that's been the requested Christmas meal here also.

    Taz..........What horrible pressure you have been under to get all those blankets made!!! Men, they have NO idea! Let me add my "Happy Birthday" to the rest.

    Katla..........Hope you had a good time with the neighbors. Glad DIL got to Ky safely.

    Heather...........Had to smile at the thought of DS climbing in to a dinosaur bed!

    Hello to everyone else; going to do the salt water gargle thing, take some aspirin, and TRY to get a bit more sleep here on the couch.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies,
    got up at 5:15 this morning. that is usual for home,but when down here ,i sleep in a bit.. DH didn't sleep well last night he finally took a tylenol pm and is zonked. I remember when I was on prednisone I didn't sleep well either.
    I am sitting icing my heel and having my warm lemon water.as usual..I get in alot more exercise down here for sure..I am sitting out on the lanai(florida room) when you look at my ticker the front of the house with all those windows. that is where I am sitting.
    It is dark and quiet and each home has there own post light so right now that is all you see.
    very peaceful
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning, after another semi-sleepless night. I had been awake for a long time and finally got out of bed at 5:00. There was just ice outside when I went to bed at 11:00, but this morning it's covered with about an inch of snow. We lost some tree branches in the ice storm yesterday, but the power stayed on, so we were lucky. My son called about 7:00 and asked if they could come over and camp out because they had no power and the heat was off. So, I rushed around like a crazy person, changing the sheets in the room formally known as the guest room. It was piled so high with boxes and tubs of stuff that I had to work hard just to reach the bed! We never have guests, so when we remodeled the house we boxed stuff up and stuck it in the guest room and even though the remodel was finished 6 months ago, those boxes never got unpacked. So I made a path and put on the new sheets and was busy scrubbing the bathtub when he called back and said never mind, the power came back on. So, I'd say it was all for nothing, but it needed to be done anyway. I'm not a good housekeeper under the best of circumstances, but since I got sick I've really let things slide. It's been almost a year since this heart trouble started. A wasted year. Boo Hoo.

    We found that little Bruno doesn't mind the cold weather in the least, but he's a little afraid of the dark. When he needs to go out for his late night potty, he wants me to go with him. I have to go to the bottom of the stairs, standing on the deck isn't enough for him. It's not bad most nights, but last night the deck and stairs were sheets of ice. Not fun.

    Speaking of ice, I found out that Bruno loves ice cubes. Whenever he hears me using the ice dispenser on the refrigerator he comes running and does a nice little sit like he's waiting for a treat. I hand him a cube and off he scampers. It's really cute.

    Well, you ladies are sweet not to complain about my ramblings. I hope you are all snug in your beds dreaming sweet dreams. Have a great Sunday!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grandmallie, did you'd now that Tylenol PM is just dyphenhydramine, which is exactly the same a Benadryl? Same dosage too. I get the generic stuff at Walmart for $4 for 100 tablets instead of about $6 for 12 of the Tylenol PM. Same stuff. NyQuil ZZZ is the same too. What a scam, if you ask me. It's all about packaging. I take it every night and save a ton with the generic.

  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! It's off to Church today, my Dad is going with me instead of his Church for Christmas service, this makes me very very Happy! :happy:

    I have only 3 more blankets to do and one purse, I'm almost there.:tongue: Then work on Monday, I am off Tuesday and of course Wednesday, Tuesday will be spent cleaning and wrapping presents, we will have a house full on Wednesday, I think there will be 12 of us. We will be deep frying one turkey and putting the other one on the smoker, this will free up the oven for everything else we are making.

    Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes! :flowerforyou:

    Cindy--I'm sorry for your loss. My DIL Mother passed away the Tuesday before Thanksgiving suddenly in her sleep, she was 50yrs old. they are still struggling with this and I imagine will be for quite a while. It was 8yrs ago in December that my Mom passed, time eases the pain, but it never quite goes away, I could never imagine having to bury my Child, I pray that you family finds peace. Sorry about your fall, hope your feeling beter.

    JB--I love your songs, you are so very talented.

    Barbie--It's wonderful that you go to the Assisted living homes, I know that the residents their appreciate it, so many of them have family that never comes to visit. I love your always positive attitutde , I may get there one day.

    Joyce--I hope all goes well with your family. YEAH on the big 50, That is AWESOME! :bigsmile:

    Wizzywig--What is Quorn roast?

    Yanniejannie--I hope all goes well with your friend Gwen, you are such a good friend to her. Glad everything worked out with your being locked out of your car, that's a hard way to get those steps in. :smile:

    Jodios--safe travels, and Merry Christmas.

    Sylvia--I hope all goes well with these chest pains, what a good ideal to keep a record for the Dr. I always forget things I want to talk to her about once I finally get there. CONGRATULATIONS on 90lbs gone, how Awesome is that!!:bigsmile:

    Grandmallie--Glad you like your new bed, we bought one about 3 months ago, I love it, my DH does not. Sent you a friend request on FB, not sure you saw or not. Your Kayak adventure sounds wonderful, we have certainly been having summer weather here in Florida! Glad the medication is working for your DH, sometimes men leave their brains in bed, or think they are invincible (mine does). :bigsmile:

    Katla--It's wonderful you were able to spend time with your DIL. My Son missed 3 Christmases being deployed in Iraq, it broke my heart he had to be there, but I'm so proud of him for his service. Tell your Son we say Thank you for all that he is doing for our County! My DH built our smoker out of a metal barrell, I'm not sure about buying one, Good Luck! I'm sorry you didn't get to speak with your son, hopefully he will be able to call back soon. :flowerforyou:

    Michele-- I'm sorry that your Son is being this way toward you. I pray that you find peace through all this, and that at some point he finds his way back to you. Hugs. Wow ant in your package, so sorry, glad they were able to salvage the cookies. I can not crochet, wish I could my mother tried to teach me, I just never picked it up. The blankets are not quilted, they are fleece, pattern on one side with what the kids like, for instance, batman, minnie mouse, Florida State football, (my family loves, loves their football team) then on the back side is a plain fleece to match the prominent color in the front, I trim of the edgings, then sew them together, then I have quilting binding to match the back, and sew it on it takes about 3 to 4 hours per blanket, the binding takes the longest to get the corners just right.

    Renny-- Hope you are felling better.

    Rita--Congrats on the 1lb, Yeah, sorry about your family not being able to come for Christmas.

    Meg--54 students is A LOT, Good Luck, you don't sound cranky just a little overwhelmed, I can relate. Sorry about your DD#2, hope things get better. I buy bras at Kohls, the brand is Ogla, they are so comfortable, they wash and wear well, I buy the ones that his back fat (I need that) works quite well. Your manicure sounds very pretty, glad you were able to take the time for yourself, you deserve it. :flowerforyou:

    Linda--Here's to hoping your girls find their Christmas Spirit.

    Anamika--Awesome for being able to put the pie behind you, I wish I had your wonderful attitude and thought process, although you keep me inspired to do so. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy--Hope your feeling better now.

    Margaret--Your a great neighbor for shoveling their sidewalk that was really sweet.

    Heather-- I'm sorry about your family, I will pray that they and your DH find peace through this time. Your table center is just beautiful. AWESOME on 54lbs that is Amazing! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your Son, dinasour bed and all.

    Jane-- I hope you feel better soon! Hugs.

    Texasgal--I love love your Friday cartoon!:bigsmile: :laugh:

    DeeDee--You sound very busy, have a wonderful day.

    Peachstategal--Sometimes they really can.

    Liz--Thank you..Praying for you to have peace with missing your sister. :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Good morning ladies!:flowerforyou:

    DS has gone off to his dad's on the train. We have done our gymming and weights and the sun is shining and all my groceries have just been delivered and unpacked and put away.:drinker:
    There were a few substitutions, but the only one which really mattered was the potatoes. They gave me big ones instead of ghe new potatoes I wanted to have with the salmon. I gave them back and will have to go out last thing today to get some. We can't do it tomorrow because of all the guests. Also Philadelphia Lightest instead of Light. Are they mad!:noway: :laugh:
    We did get a free bottle of wine becsuse they were half an hour late and somehow a pack of rocket (arugula) turned up. We shall eat that for lunch and some poor person will be doing without!

    Altogether satisfactory. My favourite rosemary and seasalt focaccia came, unlike last time, so I am double happy!
    I booked this delivery in October and have been adding to it ever since..:bigsmile:

    The dinosaur bed is stripped and remade with girl friendly white seersucker for DSD. She and DSIL will have to toss as to who gets DS' s study put-you-up with its own toilet or my room.

    Should be a quiet day today as DSIL isn't coming until tomorrow. Omelette tonight. Don't feel like cooking anything.

    Hugs for all who are suffering from bugs - Jane and Yanniejannie. Lots of sleep, if you can get it.:huh: A lot of us seem to be waking up early. Last night I slept well with an antihystamine. The alarm on my mobile woke me from deep sleep as I had to get up and do a cooked breakfast, egg, bacon and tomatoes for DS. I felt a bit groggy, but staggered downstairs anyway.

    Rennie - can I add my congratulations for your son's achievements.:flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Welcome to the new ladies. You will learn such a lot on here, not the least to persevere and be patient. Keep on keeping on . I am more or less at goal now after 18 months and I always enjoy my food and ban nothing. I just painstakingly calorie count and do a session of exercise every day. Sounds easy doesn't it and it is, if you stick to it. Remember Barbie's great motto. Don't sacrifice what you want the MOST for what you want at the MOMENT. The food will always be there, there is no shortage. We don't have to eat it today. Say, "Just for today I will keep within my calorie limit".:bigsmile: And ENJOY every thing you eat, this is not about denial.

    Bye for now, Heather in bright Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, new to this group. Basically having a crappy weekend, so reading everyone else's problems is somehow soothing! Not that I wish problems on anyone....
    MFP is going well, though, so that makes me feel good.

    Wish everybody a good week!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Morning. Here it is my day off and I am up at 5. Feel alot better today, that flu really kicked my butt the last couple days. Hugs to those who are ill and not doing well. I have been reading just not posting. So will try and catch up today. Do think I am doing well on getting things ready for Christmas. I work 6a-6p Monday and Tuesday so only have today to finish as when I get off Christmas eve we go to my sons here in town and then Christmas day we go to our sons in Phillips. Since they are grown up I can not make the kids (his and mine) do things together. Thats ok. DGD was with us yesterday as took her out to buy some Christmas ear rings. She had her ears peiced a year ago and would not let anyone take the starters out. Finally her dad talked her in to it so I told her I would take her out and get Christmas ear rings. Also we took her to acouple places that some of the homeless stay during the day and passed out $2 bills. I know it is not alot but she really got into it and wants to do it again. She thinks we should do it every month. I talked to my mom acouple days ago and they had to take dad in and have fluid drainned off his lungs. His heart is only working about 20% so can not keep the fluid off.

    Heather--Congrates on 56 pounds lost.
    Joyce--Congrates on 50 pounds lost
    Sylvia--Congrates on your weight loss. Sorry to hear about dear son and his family. I know how it can be with step children. My DH has two children and they do whatever they can to try and get their mom and dad back together. The mom lives with the DSD so everytime we see her or her kids we have to see her. DSD even posted on FB that her dad was in an abusive marriage and that they were trying to save him. Will DH put on there he had no idea who she was talking about as he was her dad and very happy in his marriage. So now she has blocked me and that is fine. Less stress for me.
    Meg--your new class sounds like it will keep you on your toes. Your nails sound so pretty and in the spirit of the holidays. Hope things are better with DD. I remember when I was 10 a friend and I stole candy from a store. We got caugh and they called the police and they took us home in the police car. Taught me a lesson I never wanted to repeat.
    Jodis--glad DBIL is doing better and that it made it real for DH.
    Grandmallie--Hope DH got things worked out at the bank. I am still dealing with BOA on that insurance check. After 3 weeks of not getting the papers and they say they mailed them atleast twice, I had them fax to me last Monday at work. Would you believe that they called me twice to find out if I had sent them back yet. Where were they when I was waiting for the papers. Well they are back and now we will see how long it takes them to send the check.
    Well hope you all have a nice Sunday. It is 15 degrees here right now and high to be 20. We plan to go to church and then pickup the last gifts and then get them wrapped. We are to go over to Hastings this evening and take DGD and DGGS out looking at Christmas lights. Just a fun time to spend with them. Jessica is our first grandchild and we don't see alot of her since she married and moved over there. It is only 24 miles but with everyone working not easy.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Got a couple more hours sleep on the couch; DD joined me downstairs toward morning with a migraine; gave her a good back/neck massage.............she's still asleep on the floor cuddled up in a sleeping bag with her head covered.
    DH is gone out for a walk as it's still super warm and nice outside.........my birds are enjoying their meal; saw quite a few blue jays this am. On The Weather Channel I saw about horrible ice in Kansas. and Oklahoma.........and flooding rains in Indiana........always think about those ladies in the states affected. We'll have the bad weather before the day is out.
    Toss up right now as to if ears or throat hurt more..........time for more Tylenol.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning my fitness pal beauties! It’s cold here today with wind chills in the -14 range. But at least it’s sunny and pretty. We had about ½ of snow last night so we’ll at least have a white Christmas.

    Yesterday I got the majority of my gifts wrapped. Today I have to hit the book hard and finish wrapping.

    Katla; well I too wish the young people good luck! Crab is delicious. I never thought of thousand island dressing with it though!

    Yanniejannie: that was a fabulous nsv!!! Hope you get to feeling better~!

    Pat: wow you aren’t kidding that was one day! I’m glad you are feeling better

    Renny: so glad you are on the mend and are back! I have missed your posts

    Drkatiebug: when my bras were new I used the lingerie bags too and really liked them. I hang them to dry. I still need to get the new ones!

    Barbie: glad you didn’t have to cancel your class and party. I haven’t cooked a 12 pound prime rib either, so wish me luck!

    Michele: you have a great attitude and you are right; you can’t let other people ruin or run your life!

    Joyce: WHEW!!! Glad you made it back to walmart in time to get your stuff!

    Gwen: welcome and congrats on your loss. If you type in all caps it looks like you’re yelling though, so you might want to turn the cap lock off! :happy:

    Heather; enjoy the visit with your son

    DeeDee: hope you enjoy your family Christmas!!!

    Tazgirl: wow all I can say is (((hugs)))

    Lizplus: it must be hard to celebrate the first holiday season without your sister and I am so sorry. (((hugs)))

    Sylvia: poor Molly. Santa will have to bring her an extra bone!

    Margaret: so kind of you to think of being extra nice to the sales clerks today

    Jane: get to feeling better soon!

    Anamkia: I love what you wrote about focusing your mind on positive things! I will try to keep that in mind!

    Well ladies I know I have missed some of you but breakfast is ready! So enjoy your day and I’ll talk to you later! Take care, Meg from snowy Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Thanks for all the well wishes.
    So far so good,but then as the day goes,I feel lousy.
    Gonna just rest,missed church,but maybe I just need to do nothing.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Thanks for the information on black pudding/blood sausage. I’ve never tasted it as far as I know. In times past people didn’t waste anything that could be eaten. I think it would be lovely to have a guest suite—AND staff to clean it. :wink: I don’t blame you at all for being unwilling to go to all that work for a guest staying only a night or two. We use our boat as a “guest cottage” at times. You’re absolutely right that doing so is a lot of work. Cleanup and freshening before the guests arrive, and again after they leave takes at least a couple of hours both before the visit and after. We’ve sometimes chosen to leave our kids in the house and stay on the boat ourselves. Peace, quiet, and the opportunity to grumble without witnesses is worth some effort. :bigsmile: Grocery delivery sounds amazing, but I remembered there was a grocer in my Mom’s town that would deliver. It is a great service for those who have difficulty getting out. I don’t think it is commonplace here.:noway:

    Grandmallie: I’m glad the chores are done and you can enjoy the rest of your vacation.:flowerforyou:

    Janemartin: Get well soon.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I crocheted an afghan for DD a couple of years ago and gave myself trigger finger. I couldn’t knit or crochet without pain. DH bought me some square knitting needles and they’re heaven for my poor hands. I can knit again! I bought some things to put onto the crochet hooks to make the handle easier to grip, but so far they aren’t helping enough. These are rubber rings that the hook slips through and makes the grip a bit bigger. I still have a flare up of trigger finger every time I pick up a crochet hook and use it. I have another gizmo to try before I give up crocheting entirely. I envy your ability to go to yoga. I hope to be back at it soon. Regarding your son: I hope he grows up a notch soon. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time and life experience.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Your day sounds great. :flowerforyou:

    SusanRechter: You can have some of the goodies you love if you use portion control and exercise the calories away. I don’t give up things unless I can’t stick to allowed portions. The reason is that there are so many things I can’t eat due to food intolerance that I don’t want to give up the treats that are left. Sometimes I spend quite a bit of time on the recumbent bike to “pay” for my treats. Win-win. :wink: Good luck to you finding the balances you can manage.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Foster adults are people with disabilities who can’t live with their families for one reason or another and can’t live independently. Families choose this option for a variety of reasons. One example is the expectation that the child/adult will out live the parents and then be left without a support system when the parents die. We have become a culture with fewer extended families living together, and more isolated nuclear families.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Thanks for your good wishes. We had a wonderful time with the neighbors. I hope this can become a tradition.:heart: I hate saltwater gargles, but they’re really effective so they’re worth it.:drinker: Saline nasal sprays are also great for stuffy noses. I hope you’re feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: It is wonderful imagining you in your Florida room. Do you think you’ll retire there one day?:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You have a good attitude about the cleanup effort in the guest room. Your year of heart trouble is tough, but it appears you are tougher. You seem to be doing much better. You’re dealing with things and getting healthier. A 90 pound weight loss is a noteworthy accomplishment. (I was going to say huge accomplishment, but wasn’t sure it would be PC. :wink: ) You posted great information about the generic Benadryl. Thanks for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: Good luck finishing your blankets. I know you will work yourself relentlessly to get it done. :flowerforyou: Thanks for the information on your smoker. I’d love to have one similar, but our space limitations make that impractical.:noway:

    Cynthia: Welcome. Where are you from? Sorry about the bad weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better. :flowerforyou: When I was growing up we went to dad’s family for one holiday and mom's family for another, trading off along the way. Sometimes we went to both on a drop in basis. I enjoyed dad’s family more because there were cousins about my age. Mom’s sisters were much older and didn’t have kids at home. Now that I’m the grown up, my kids live far away and we don’t always get to see them for holidays.:cry::ohwell:

    Meg: I’ve never lived anyplace that gets to -14 with or without wind chill. Stay warm.:flowerforyou:

    I’m working on a Christmas stocking for DDIL and having a good time with it so far. This goes with the set we had for our kids “back when.” Last year I was able to buy more of the kits in new condition on ebay. DDIL is getting the same basic design as DGD, but I’ll change up the detailing so they’re easy to tell apart and separately special in addition to the embroidered name at the top. I embroider some details, add stuffing in some places, make yarn hair and beards here and there, and so on. It is fun for me and the kids have always loved them.:heart::bigsmile: :heart:

    I almost forgot to tell you about something I saw on our way to the restaurant yesterday. There was a ship anchored in the river surrounded by misty fog. There wasn't any fog anywhere else. It seemed like the fog was rising from the river and I'm guessing the ship warmed the water around it just enough to create the situation. It was fun to see.

    Have a safe and pleasant day.

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here's another little song to sing :bigsmile:

    To the tune of "Silver Bells" (it started out with "City sidewalks, busy sidewalks")

    All these tickers, busy tickers.
    Losing pounds all the while,
    In the air there's a feeling of triumph.
    Hope you're laughing,
    Fat is passing,
    Disappearing from view,
    And in every new comment you'll hear:

    Fitness Pals, [fitness pals], Gorgeous Gals, [gorgeous gals]
    We're getting fit and you know it
    Smaller clothes [smaller clothes], muscles show [muscles show]
    Soon we'll be reaching our goals!

    Strings of light cheese, even green tea
    Blinks at us when we shop,
    As we try to cut back on the cal'ries.
    Since we must munch,
    Hear the vegs crunch,
    Put the cookies awayyyy,
    And above all be mindful and true!

    Fitness Pals, [fitness pals], Gorgeous Gals, [gorgeous gals]
    We're getting fit and you know it
    Smaller clothes [smaller clothes], muscles show [muscles show]
    Soon we'll be reaching our goals!

    Have a great day!
    :smile: jb in Portland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    yannijannie sounds like a good old sinus infection. They make me feel awful. No temperature, sore throat, grosses stuff to cough up and exhausted. Sometimes I have pressure but a lot of times I don't.

    Sylvia, I buy the diphenhydramine at Sams club. Yeh, pretty cheap. Sometimes you don't have any need at all for pain, just a little help going to sleep. But you are so right about the packaging. Tylenol migraine is the same as Tylenol PM I think. They use the same product, just a lot of different boxes.

    We had a lot of street flooding in different area of our city but none where were are. We used to know that we would have water seep into our lower level but a french drain took care of that. Took care of a bit of our check book also but it was well worth it. There was no way we could remodel our lover level into a proper family room without knowing that the floor would be dry. Enlarged the laundry room in the process so that I had a folding table, compliments of our old stereo console, took the guts of all the stereo and record player out and walla, a folding table. Put in a small sliding hanging rack and now a proper laundry room. Not painted so a bit yucky on that point. Hubbie was a bit upset in that I made the family room smaller and he didn't have room for a pool table. But I have no idea what we would do with every one who comes for our holiday dinners and the Christmas tree is we had a pool table. But we bought an electric fireplace instead. Beautiful mantle, just the perfect touch when you don't have a gas line and want a fire place. The flame really looks so real and warms up the whole room. You can turn off the 'flame' if you want and just use it as a heater. The first Christmas after it was finished out YGD took a black magic marker and drew on our new wall! Yikes.

    jb, the song is wonderful, love it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Katla, thanks for the mention and the sympathy!
    I grew up in Ohio, but live in Europe now (long story).
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    JB- you are a hoot, , you do such a great job on all those songs..
    well this will be the second day of going to the pool without the DH, his hives have ruptured and he is just feeling yucky, cant go in the pool.
    Well I will go anyway for an hour or so. then come back and take a shower..
    we went to breakfast this morning and we are going to dinner tonight so I am going to have to burn one heck of alot of calories to be able to keep at a loss, as it is I am up about 8 oz.
    well off to get my suit on:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB, Silver Bells is one of my all time favorites. I have "young mom" lyrics that I wrote when my kids were in elementary school. I LOVE your fitness version.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Here's my Mom version:

    Christmas making, Christmas baking,
    Christmas Cards to be mailed
    Are making a zombie of me e.

    I'm so tired, oh so tired.
    I don't know what to do
    How I need some more en-er-gy


    Vitamin A --Vitamin B
    And lots of Vitamin C
    Vitamin pills, Vitamin pills
    Make a new person (woman) of me.

    Christmas parties, Christmas Programs
    Christmas Ac-ti-vi-ties
    Are making a grouch
    out of me-e
    I need energy and vi-tal-ity
    to last through the day
    How I need some more en-er-gy

    Vitamin A --Vitamin B
    And lots of Vi-ta-min C-ee
    Vitamin pills, Vitamin pills
    Make a new person of me.

    Happy Holidays!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Bumping in - like some of you, I have had some kind of crud for about two weeks. Wicked sinus pressure - enough that my upper jaw and teeth hurt. Never had that happen before! :grumble: The coughing part is beginning to settle down and hope the sinuses continue to get better.

    So that's what I have bee doing lately. Good news (sort of) is that I haven't been interested in eating much at all, so no snacking has been going on and meals have been quite light, mostly soup.

    Wishing all good weather, good health and happy holidays!!

    Jill in western MA