

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I’m curious about the nature of your DH’s Christmas Quiz. What are the categories? Personal, historical, holiday related, or a mix? Being snug inside with loved ones during stormy weather can be a lot of fun. We like to play Mexican Train and watch old Christmas Specials. We bought DVD’s of some old family favorites. A Claymation Christmas and Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas are two of them. We also love The Point, not Christmas related. The original was done by Harry Nilsson but our DVD is narrated by Ringo Starr. My adult kids still love them, as do DH and I.:heart:

    Glenda in BC: We have other BC members in this group, as well as people from around the world. Welcome. The system here is very manageable. It is, simply put, calories in, calories out, and a wonderful system for recording meals and finding out the calories in almost everything. It works. I’ve been here a year and can actually find every day of my eating if I look back. I stayed on after I reached my goal for two main reasons. I love this group of women, and I don’t trust myself not to backslide without constant vigilance. I’ll still be here when I’m old and gray. :wink: "Bump" is a way to mark your place in the conversation so you can find it again. Most of us use it when we don’t have the time to post. :flowerforyou:

    Altinkumjoy: Welcome. Where are you from in the UK?:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Your family evening sounds wonderful. I’m sure your dog loved the singing and wanted to be part of the family. I don’t think it is likely she was voicing her disapproval. Dogs aren’t usually music critics.:laugh:

    Momc4sons: Welcome. Let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    I had a lovely conversation with DD on the phone yesterday. She seemed well and happy, if a bit tired. She will not be getting any vacation time this Christmas beyond half a day on Christmas Eve and the day itself. Her boss gave her some extended time at Thanksgiving, and now the boss is getting extended time and DD is filling in. Seems fair to me.

    Our neighbor stopped by with a plate of Christmas cookies for us. I won’t eat a bite and neither will DH. He’s diabetic and I’m “blessed” with lactose intolerance and suspect every treat to have real butter in it. I’d have some, otherwise. I gave her a box of fudge. Now I’m going to the store for more fudge so I’ll have a spare gift ready as needed. The fudge is made in our state by Augustine Monks.

    We bought banisters for the wall side of our stairwell and a contractor is here to install them. DH wants the additional support available when he climbs the stairs. He took a fall down the stairs in the past and doesn’t want to repeat the experience. He had the flu at the time, but since he has MS we want to do what we can to make him safe in the house. He started medication last summer that is really helping control and even improve the MS symptoms, and that is something I’m grateful for every single day.

    Happy Holidays!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Want to wish everyone Happy Holidays,
    Have been reading posts when I can, Db is still in intensive care and we are told is down to hours now, please hug your loved ones and enjoy them, time is so short....
    Eating has been a challenge but will get back on track when I can. Dh has that dreadful tummy bug seems to be going all over.
    Well wishes
    Juanita in sudbury

    Its minus 18 windchill minus 27 and we now have 2 feet of new snow
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just a quick note to let you know that I'm alive and kicking :laugh:

    We had a horrible ice storm over the weekend and we lost power (& heat) Saturday night until this morning. My hand was on the front door to leave for work and the power came back one. It's really no fun getting ready for work in the dark and with cold water. :noway: :noway:

    We survived and am hoping that the worst is over though it doesn't look like it. My DS still has no power and is coming out tonight instead of tomorrow night because his place is really cold.

    I hope to have time tonight to get caught up on the posts I missed.

    :heart: Sandy from icy ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Want to wish everyone Happy Holidays,
    Have been reading posts when I can, Db is still in intensive care and we are told is down to hours now, please hug your loved ones and enjoy them, time is so short....
    Eating has been a challenge but will get back on track when I can. Dh has that dreadful tummy bug seems to be going all over.
    Well wishes
    Juanita in sudbury

    Its minus 18 windchill minus 27 and we now have 2 feet of new snow

    Best wishes in this time of stress. Sending virtual hugs your way.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    Finally feeling human.probably the only one ever who gets sick and gains wt.WTF.
    Taking it easy today,Violet is coming for a sleepover.We are gonna pack cookies in tins to give out.
    Have a good one.Thanks for being there for me.
    HUGs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's going to be an interesting day for me. Hubby is going Christmas shopping with me! It will be nice to have his company for the day, but I'm sure he will try to second guess everything I want to buy. Oh well.

    Today is the first day I've gotten out in three days because of the ice storm. I drove to rehab this morning and nearly couldn't get out of the garage because the trees were sagging down over the driveway. They are still coated in ice but the roads are very clear. We may get more snow today. Tomorrow I have to drive back to Kansas City for a cardiologist appointment, so I hope it's not too bad.

    Kayla, I'm not sure that dogs aren't music critics. When I sing Molly and Bruno go in the other room.

    Have a great say!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Juanita prayers

    Sylvia hope doctor visit goes well for you.

    Went out to feed the birds today. Right now it is about 8 degrees. Our neighbor shoveled our sidewalk today.:smile:

    Safe driving all due to weather and Christmas distractions.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Had a wonderful day yesterday with my DD DSIL, and DGS! We had our Christmas and as DGS is 3, much fun! I wish I had half his energy! Watching him play with my dog made me tired! Will be seeing them again on Christmas day at my sister's house. She is hosting Christmas this year. I should see my DS and his 2 boys there too. Can't wait!

    Walked into work today and the operations manager caught me to say email was down. Ran around like a nut for the first four hours but got it all fixed. There are still a couple of issues, but I can't fix those yet. They haven't given me access to the servers yet. Oh, well, not my problem!

    Well, back to work. Merry Christmas everyone!

    Never give up! Never Surrender! (Galaxy Quest)

    Rita from rainy CT
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Susan in the midwest - I've gotten to where now I would prefer something that isn't fried. Eventually, that'll probably happen with you too. If I have something fried now, my stomach starts to say to me "I don't think so".

    Joyce - Heloise always recommends putting a dish of vinegar out to absorb ordors. Guess there's nothing you can lose. Something good came of all this, you don't want another french fry.

    Did just 30 minutes of the Tony Little DVD today, then went to the airport to pick Denise up. We had to leave around 7:15. She had to get up at 3 so she's sleeping right now. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a 30 minute step DVD by Kelly Coffee Meyer. Admitted, it's only 30 minutes, but it's something which is better than nothing

    Heather - when you make the zucchini tots do you use the sharp cheddar cheese? I made them with the mild since that's all I had, and I'm thinking that it should really have had the sharp in it. Wonder if there's any kind of spice I can add to give them a bit of a "pick me up". Any ideas?

    Glenda - welcome! Now that you've posted, a link to this thread will be under the tab "my topics" so you'll be able to get back here easily. Welcome to the tech-less group (that's me). Some people are real tech-savvy (like Rita) but I'm not. I tell you, 170 IS attainable. It may take a while, but it IS attainable. Keep coming back, watch what you eat, and exercise. Yes, you can have some sweets but just watch your portions. Can you? There are some people who if they have just a little bite, they have to have it all. Others can have just a little bit and be satisfied. We're all different. Someone on here (and I forget who) told me, and for me this really helps curb those sweet cravings, to have some apple cider vinegar. Actually, I've found anything real bitter helps, vinegar on my salad, a glass of water with lemon in it. Bump just means that it's going to be further on top in your list of "my topics". It's an acronym for "bring up my post".

    altinkumjoy - welcome. I like here, too, with others my age. A 20-something just can't relate to what we go thru.

    DeeDee and Sue - I call my hot flashes "my own private Caribbean vacation"

    DeeDee - your gd sounds absolutely precious!!!! Sounds like you'll have a great Christmas

    Wizzy - so glad you're feeling better. Isn't it amazing how after a while, we don't care for sweets? This will happen to you, too, altimkumjoy

    Welcome to anyone I might have missed

    Juanita - (((prayers)))))

    Sylvia - have fun shopping and be safe driving tomorrow

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Juanita~ sending you love and hugs from across the pond.. we are brought into this life and sometimes the way out is rougher on the ones left behind , my prayer's are with you and your family:heart:
    I was bad and bought mini twix and mini kit kat, and even though I put them in the freezer they keep calling my name..
    so I just have to say no to candy.. that is it
    DH and I went out for a nice dinner tonight at a little hole in the wall, but had early bird special and ,i only ate half, gave the othre half to the DH, I had a cocktail which is unusually rare for me, one every year or two. so believe you me I am sitting down here sucking down the water thats for sure...
    went to the gym this morning, rode my bike for a little bit, water jogged in the pool and walked the dogs a bunch of times, I am hoping it keeps all that darn chocolate at bay:huh:
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    For anyone unable to walk outside, Try Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. You can get them from Walmart. I like the 5 mile one.You decide how many miles you do 1 or all 5.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    bump for later.

    Must get DH's presents wrapped while he is out of the house.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: For those who asked...yes, I am feeling much better!!! Although the fatigue seems to be lingering. Thank you for all the kind comments.

    :love: Looked after toddler gs overnight. Well, he slept and Oma woke up at 4 a.m. bleh. DD came over and spent the day. I did last minute grocery shopping...crazy, crazy. I took a nap in the afternoon. Presents are now under the tree.

    We are doing Boxingday xmas dinner tbis year, thanks to conflicting schedules, which is not unusual when you have 4 adult kids with various connections and each with various expectations.

    :ohwell: Tonight, over a glass of wine, DH asked if I would likely NOT be okay with inviting a single - old - friend of his for the dinner. We have done this before, and it always turns out that the two of them "hang out" and the kids have no dad, I have no DH, and the grandchildren have no Opa.

    I said NO. The "friend" can come another time. I actually quite like the guy, but sense he acually does not want to come and interfere with our family. DH denies that and said I should not use that as an excuse. So, I just said NO. Right now, DH is annoyed, and I could care less.

    :tongue: Tomorrow one day of work, and then off till January 2, 2014.

    From blustery Vancouver Island, BC
    p.s. I had to jump on the PC to edit the post, as it is tough to type on a tablet without making significant typos:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    P.S. Needless to say, I have had no energy for jazzercise this past week. D***n
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think I got all my errands done today. Tonight I get to wear my new C-Pap mask!!!! That means no more duct tapes tubing. I also need to check out my new glucose meter. My insurance won't cover the supplies for my other one. They gave me a very short list to choose from, at least they were good ones. So I have an Accucheck Nano. Wednesday is the day I check my blood sugar so I need to discover how it works before then. after my annual physical I may have to check it more often. He gave me an order for classes, that was what initiated the glucose meter and the diabetic educator said that 4 times a day was what she usually recommended but I needed to check with my doctor. So I called his office and the front desk person said that''s what he always had his patients do. It was always the same and the old school nurse in me always wanted to know what my fasting blood sugar was. So I jsut did it once a week. So the nurse treated herself. Yeah, bad. So on my list of things to talk to him about at my physical is to ask HIM, not the receptionist, what he wants me to do. My husbands physical is a couple of weeks after mine and I think I have more questions to ask at his physical.

    Got my car back today!!!!!! So I have no excuse but to get to the Y. I am used to riding my bike here at home though and I do ride it for 8 - 10 miles a day. I do need to get my act together and go to the strength training. Maybe a new years resolution???

    I tlked to my daughter who lives out of town tonight to see if they had finalized their plans for Jan 4th/Christmas. He hasn't made sure his responsibilities on Sunday are covered yet so she said they might need to leave Saturday. Oh no. We start at 2 with dinner, then the ladies do their stocking stuffing, that takes about 45 minutes, then immediately open gifts. For 25 people all that will take awhile. Their evening church service on Saturday starts at 4:40 PM. Ummm, won't work. So I got a little hard on her, which I usually don't do and reminded her that we told everyone in October when the date was and that is more than enough time to get his Sunday responsibilities taken care of. They are in a big church that has a big video department that takes care of a lot of things. They actually go to one of the satellite churches. They tape Saturday evening service, perfect it, edit and then he takes the tape to his church for Sunday and the sermon and other things are played along with some other things that their minister and worship team does. So his job is very important but he is part of a big team.

    Enough venting for one night, Joyce, Indiana
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :cry: Want to thank everyone for the support, just to let you know my brother passed wawy peacefully this afternoon, a truly beautiful solewho will be missed a lot

    Juanita in sudbury
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Juanita - my deepest sympathies. Now you have your own guardian angel.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Juanita,so sorry about your brother.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: You are blessed with a good neighbor. You are lucky. Best wishes.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’d add just a tiny dash of Cayenne pepper to zucchini tots.:flowerforyou:

    SVS: Thanks for the tip on the walking DVDs. Welcome to the group.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Enjoy your family being together for Christmas, no matter what day it is. Mine can’t be together except in our hearts this year. Your preference to have the holiday without the old friend is reasonable. Does “Opa” understand that his availability to his own family is an issue? Enjoy your time off from work.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: DH has been a type 1 diabetic since age 18 (48 years) and checks his blood sugar an average of six times a day. It makes a difference in his longterm health to stay as level as he can. He changes devices when insurance dictates it. I think they have too much power.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Sudbury: I am so sorry for your loss of your brother. You have my deepest sympathy. Like Michele, my family has a belief in Guardian Angels. Hugs.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We’re having a quiet day at home today. A contractor came and installed handrails on the left side of our stairwell (going up) to help DH get up and down safely. We only had them on the right before. They look great and he’s very pleased with them. They really improve his confidence in using the stairs.

    Happy Holidays!
    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Juanita...so sorry about your brother. Praying for you and your family.

    I think I finally finished Christmas shopping today. Now I have all the wrapping to do...Then I'll probably figure out what/who I missed. I really do not want to go out and buy stuff tomorrow, but I will if I have to.

    Our DS, DIL, and GS will come tomorrow night after church to open gifts. They will spend Christmas Day partly with her family and then with the big Christmas gathering of my husband's whole family. (We have to take mashed potatoes for about 50 people!)

    We are also dog-sitting for a friend for two weeks. Eli is probably part lab and part shepherd. He is a wonderful dog...loves to play. We're having fun with him, but it makes me miss our dog so much. He's been gone about a year and a half.

    I want to wish every one a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and lovely, lighter NEW YEAR.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went out to lunch today with some friends including one who lives in a nursing home and doesn’t get out much. She was feeling good today so I got an early morning invite to go. The restaurant they picked is one where I’ve been able to get a meal that’s perfect for my food choices but at the last minute we found out that the restaurant they chose was closed on Mondays and they chose another one that has a pretty impossible menu. I went with the right attitude…..ordered a veggie/egg scramble with a side of fresh fruit and was reasonably happy with my food. Conversation was pleasant and I felt like my presence had added to the occasion. I came home and took a nap with the whole family.

    :bigsmile: The weather is mild and I got up early for several rounds of dog walking and almost an hour of dancing my favorite dances.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, we have a huge bag of dry food for Bernie so when we replace it we’ll look for a weight management formula…..he is getting better at playing so he’s getting a bit more exercise.

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, I love the mental picture of Noel playing with the TP tube.

    :flowerforyou: Wizzy, think positive, you are on the right track and will continue to move in the right direction.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I think there should be rails or banisters on all stairs regardless of the age or infirmity of the people using them……Jake and I love staying home on a rainy day or night and watching favorite stuff on TV….the dogs come and sit on the couch, Jake sits in the recliner, and I sit in my favorite chair at the dining room table.

    :heart: Juanita, sending hugs your way...:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: so sorry about your brother

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, being without power is very challenging….glad you got through it and got your power back on.
    :flowerforyou: Jane, the weight you gained is probably temporary….the most important thing is that you feel well enough to have Violet for a sleep-over,

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, best wishes driving in the ice…..that’s a tough thing to do….best wishes for a good report from the cardiologist

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, how great to have a neighbor that would shovel your sidewalk

    :flowerforyou: Rita, sounds like a fun day with your family and a crazy day at work

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, your life sounds full and fun

    :flowerforyou: Renny, good for you for standing up for your feelings about including DH’s friend in your family dinner.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, isn’t it great to have all your Vitamin F friends to listen when you need to vent.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtonl]
    :bigsmile: 13,000 steps today