2014 New Years Resolution!



  • TrinaShire22
    TrinaShire22 Posts: 3 Member
    My NY Resolution is lose 20 to 40 lbs and tone up before I go to University in September. :smile: :blushing:
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Get back on track
    Get rid of sugar
    Eat to feel happy and healthy
  • Blamber21
    Blamber21 Posts: 29 Member
    1- Run a 10k held in my town - June

    2- Bikini in July (warm enough to swim.. maybe)

    3- Smokin' lingerie in September (my birthday)

    4-Be at goal (150-155..) for my birthday
  • jocomoso
    jocomoso Posts: 13 Member
    hope you reach your goals, set some smaller goals along the way, so you are not focusing on the big goals or you may get discouraged
    all the best for 2014!
  • I'm just starting to change into a healthier lifestyle by today. My resolution would probably be losing 40 more pounds or so healthily.:happy:
  • I'm just starting to change into a healthier lifestyle by today. My resolution would probably be losing 40 more pounds or so healthily.:happy:

    EDIT: I'm sorry for the double post.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    My goal for 2014 is to focus on eating less sweets and to continue to increase my strength training.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    To lose about 20 pounds
    Finish nursing school
    Find a new job
  • ugottafriend
    ugottafriend Posts: 97 Member
    Lose that final 15lbs.

    Do not buy even ONE piece of candy.

    Eliminate caffeine.

    Show Muscular Dystrophy who's boss.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    30 pounds and get back to running races this year.
  • AlisonGettler
    AlisonGettler Posts: 1 Member
    My 40th birthday is in July, so my goal is to lose 40 lbs. by turning 40. That gives me 7 months, so I feel that it is doable. I also want to get back to exercising regularly. I've let my exercise take a back seat to my family's needs.
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    My goal is:

    Get to my target weight by the end of Feb.
    Run a 5k
    Run a 10k
    Ride a century in less than 7hours
    Get rid of my gut
  • Lose 70 lbs by the end of December 2014.
    To be a better volleyball player
    Better relationship with food.
    Be able to handle tougher workouts and lift more than 5 pounds
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Last year I quit smoking, quit riding the elevator at work and completed for first sprint distance triathlon. I put on a fair amount of weight after I quit smoking but thought that was better than smoking.

    This years goals are to finally take off the weight and increase my distances. Origionally I had planned on completing the half marathon this spring but am having a hard time running n the winter.

    1. Lose 50 pounds
    2. Increase average traning runs from 5K to 10K distance
    3. Complete an Olympic distance trathlon
    4. Complete a half marathon in the fall
    5. Create and stick to a training plan that includes all three triathlon events
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    2013 was a great year for me. :happy: I'll make 2014 better.

    I want to try Cross Country Skiing.
    Run the equivalent of a half marathon and might sign for an official event (Munich HM).
    Learn Inline Skating (got my skates, season starts in May).
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    To be fit and healthy
    - work out 3 times a week, with 2 lifting sessions a week + what ever else I want.
    - eat mainly non/minimally processed foods, 80% + of calories
    - Get body fat below 25% as measured by my trainer with calipers, currently ~32%
    - Get cholesterol checked and within normal ranges

    To get apartment / filing sorted. No little areas where I hide things away behind closed doors.
    - sort out/review shares / pension / filing
    - painting + curtains
    - finish off projects that I've started, knitting/sewing/etc... or rip them. Clear them all out.
  • RunsAround
    RunsAround Posts: 24 Member
    1. Get back to my pre-children (I have three) weight, which would require a 25-30 pound loss.
    2. Get back into a regular rhythm of running (3-4 times per week).
    3. Stop the loathe-hate relationship with my body.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I don't do resolutions but I AM big on setting and achieving goals, so here they are:

    1. Complete the Spa Girl Triathlon on May 10.
    2. Raise enough money for Special Olympics Texas to go "Over the Edge" rappelling again.
    3. Bike the Rock n Roll Marathon on December 7.
    4. Do a triathlon with my trainer.
    5. Keep momentum by setting and achieving realistic weight loss goals.
    (10 lbs, then 4 more, then 21 more then 11.2 more, then 7 more, then 3 more, then 8 more...)
    6. Work on punctuality.
    7. Inspire and educate friends and family so we can all be around longer and lead healthier, happier lives.
    8. Have a pretty kick-*kitten* 2014..
  • GoldwingGrandma
    GoldwingGrandma Posts: 81 Member
    My husband and I decided we wanted to ride our bicycles 2014 miles in 2014. That means a committed everyday ride of 5.5 miles per day. Not a big deal until you throw in some rainy days, some "I don't wanna ride" whiny days, some gone on vacation days! My goal is to break it down into weekly goals instead of a whole year. The ultimate goal remains the same, but I need to learn to break big goals (like losing 150 pounds) into smaller, more manageable, less overwhelming goals!

    Good luck to everyone as we enter the New Year with positive attitudes and refreshed focus!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    1.I WILL be a size 14 by May! I only have 22lbs to my goal, but I might keep going.
    2. To treat myself more in the upcoming years because I never do.
    3. Continue to focus on my lifestyle change