
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce or Meg, could either of you explain why they felt it necessary to draw a big red circle on me in magic marker? It seems to mark the edges of the hematoma. I didn't even see them do it, but it's there and doesn't want to wash off. Just curious why.

    Hi, I'm not Joyce or Meg :bigsmile: , but I think they're doing that (did that) to keep an eye on the hematoma. With the circle it's easy to see whether it's getting bigger or smaller. You see it sometimes on tv when someone got a snake bite; they draw a circle so they can see whether/how fast the swelling is spreading.

    Keep getting better!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, thanks. That makes sense. I thought I was just a doodle board!

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    It's so good to see so many of my old friends still here. I haven't really been around much since last May, but am hoping to rectify that now. I probably won't manage to post every day like before, but will try to get on as much as I can. I'm sorry to say that I've regained 14 lbs. over the past 8 months. There was just too much stress in my life, and something had to go. I recorded my current weight and measurements this morning, and am going to start down the road to getting healthier again. My weight tracker looks so sad, saying only 2 lbs. gone. At least I didn't regain quite all of it!

    There were a few positive habits while I was gaining, though. I've continued to wear my Fitbit every day and sync to the site, so have been aware of my steps (or lack thereof!). I've kept up with drinking my water every day. And finally, I had started doing "counter pushups" most days, so that my arms aren't too flabby. That old "sugar demon" still has it's claws into me, so the next couple of days will probably be difficult while I try to tame him again.

    As you may recall, I was having so terribly many medical issues with my parents. My father was in either the hospital or rehab from the end of April until mid-October, and I had to go there every day in addition to taking care of my mother. When I finally got Dad home, Mom lost consciousness less than 24 hours later and we had to take her in to the hospital. She was in the hospital for 4 of the next 6 weeks and underwent 4 surgeries during that time, so I was at the hospital every day in addition to taking care of Dad, who isn't very mobile or able to care for himself. That took us up into December and Christmas. My daughter was here for 6 days, then my cousin (she left yesterday). My parents are doing much better (fingers crossed), but I don't know for how much longer. Mom's mental capacity is deteriorating. They won't consider going into a home, which means that I'm on call 24/7. The VA has been great, though, and sends a CNA every morning to get Dad up and going. They also send someone to cook their lunch 5 days a week.

    The problem with being in the "sandwich" generation is that I feel so resentful that I've lost my life, and feel so much guilt for having the resentment. My husband has been on several trips without me, which is the hardest since I love to travel. He and I went to California during a lull, supposedly for 8 days, but had to come back after 3 days because of another medical crisis. I'm hoping that I can send my parents to my brother in Hawaii for a month between doctor appointments, but am not sure yet. They won't pay to kennel their dog, and I'm not sure what can be done with him. It's too cold to just have the neighbor kids put out food and water -- he needs to be indoors at night. If I can get this to happen, I'm planning to just go sit on a beach somewhere while they're gone. I gave up working 8 months ago to care for them, and am not sure if I want to try to go back or not. It probably isn't worth it, as the next medical crisis will probably not be too far down the road.

    The kids are doing well. My daughter will start school again in March to become a nurse practitioner and my son went back to school this fall. He should graduate next Christmas (2 more semesters), then spend the spring studying for his dental exams and hopefully start dental school in the fall of 2015. He is working in his uncle's dental office part-time, and learning the business part of running a large dental practice.

    That is the short version of what's been happening in my life. I hope you are all well and doing much better in the weight wars than I have been. I'm off to try out my new treadmill for the first time!

    Jane in Colorado
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!
    Went to church and now to mall so daughter can spend her Xmas money.
    Will get my walking in.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jane in CO: Welcome back! I’m glad to see you here again. You have been missed. I’m sorry you’re in such a tough spot with your parents. When mine failed, they did it one at a time. Mom mostly took care of dad. When it was her turn, I took care of her. It was clear she couldn’t live in her own home, so we put her into an assisted living facility near our house. I was able to visit her daily, someone from the facility brought her medications, she had meals with convivial people in a dining room and the necessities were easily managed. Is that a possibility for your parents? It would take part of the load from you. At the very least, your siblings should take an occasional week to fill in for you so that you can get some rest. Tell them I said so.:flowerforyou:

    Hugs and sympathy,

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • hi i'm new here and glad to see women my age!
    i need to get started and get familiar with this site.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, yes, a permanent marker is sued to mark the margins of a hematoma are. We didn't have red markers though, we used black. They need to be permanent so they aren't washed off during bathing. It will wear off, eventually:ohwell:

    Jane, you certainly have had a trying year. Have you talked to your parents home health nurses about how you feel and see if they would be a mediator so you could talk. Maybe there is a social worker in their department that could help you. You still need to be you. And your husband needs you to be with him when he travels. I am glad that they are better but it is at the cost of your mental health. Do they, your parents, realize that?

    Well this time next Sunday our family Christmas will be over, everyone will be on their way home. The house will be very quiet since my husband will be driving my daughter and grand kids home. Our son in law still hasn't done anything to get his responsibilities on Sunday covered. GRRRRR He was told in October. I have a brother who is an assistant pastor in his church and he is taking that morning off.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cynthia, thanks. That makes sense. I thought I was just a doodle board!

    Well, that's the other possibility, yes. :wink:
  • What is bump, again?
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Bring up my post. So if you go to My Topics the thread will come up and you can find it easily.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you are warmer than I am! This morning the wind chill was -21. I stayed home from church and finished the pediatric test bank HALLELUJAH! :happy: I was getting pretty sick of it LOL. I also finished up the three chapters from the textbook that were sent back with some questions. That was a load off my back!

    Sue: my goodness. I hope you get these tests taken care of with good results!

    Barbie: those kind of naps are magnificent!

    Margaret: so kind of you to find things to donate! I’m sure they will be used and appreciated! All that chipping ice! Sounds awful to me! At least we haven’t had any of that yet.

    Katla: sounds reasonable to me. Can you do an inactive license? Or do you want to just retire? Good job on the weight!

    Michele: I am with you on being sick of holiday food! I just froze all my leftover cookies.

    Heather: yum that stew sounds great! I so hope the baby doesn’t have autism. Researchers are now finding that those “classic” signs are present even very soon after birth…aversion to touch, won’t hold eye contact. I thought that was interesting. I am so sorry for your loss. That is so young

    DeeDee: hmmm I had to think about your comment and wondered….”Would dog spit on the donut keep me from eating it?” I actually had to debate that one!

    Juanita: hope DH gets better soon and you don’t come down with it! I have had a “grumbly” stomach for 2 days now….slight queasiness, but nothing bad. I just hope it doesn’t worsen.

    Yanniejannie: we too leave our decorations up past New Years, and now we leave them up til the 7th for Russian Christmas since our kids are Russian

    Cindy: oh congratulations to all! A summer wedding to plan! How fun

    Sylvia: getting married on NYE! Now that sounds like a great time to have a wedding. I too sit in the recliner protecting myself from the cats and dog who take turns jumping on me. I’m sure your weight has a lot to do with water. Yes, the red marker around your hematoma was to keep track of its size and to see how fast it was growing. Sometimes we did that on top of dressings too to monitor bleeding wounds. Of course the other option is that the staff was bored!:tongue:

    Alison: I’m so sorry your hubby throws fits.:mad: I would do exactly what you did…tell him to shop for himself. In fact, my mother had to go on “strike” once over stuff like that. She shopped, cooked, and cleaned only for herself. She had started working in real estate when I was in high school….first job she had after decades of raising kids….she’d come home at 9 pm and there would be dad in the den, asking her what was for dinner. She finally had it and went on strike. It took about 2 months, but he finally came around and actually did his share and was grateful for what she did do.

    Jane: I’m so happy to see you back but so sorry about all that you have been through. :flowerforyou: I totally understand taking care of the parents as they age and go downhill. Have you considered an elder care advocate? Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns so to speak and begin making decisions that are in their best interests. In my case, both of my parents needed assisted living, but my mom had a catastrophic dementia episode and was totally confused and combative in the hospital. The hospital social worker got involved and said she HAD to go to a nursing home because the independent place would not take her back. So we convinced my dad to go too (it was dementia care + assisted living) so they could stay together. That’s how we got him into assisted living. Now he’s in a nursing home and getting excellent care. Remember you have to take care of yourself too. I do understand being resentful and then guilty. Remember to include yourself in any decisions; they have to be good for you too.

    Jane: good for you to get that walking in!

    Jo: welcome to the batch!

    Well that’s all from me today. I’m so excited that the pediatric book is done! So glad to get that off my plate! Woo hoo happy dance! Take care and stay warm! Meg from Omaha which is in the freezer~!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Good Afternoon good ladies. I was so behind in reading again. I did get caught up and so enjoied hearing about all the speical memories made with family over the Christmas holidays. Ours was nice but went by so fast. DH got sick Christmas eve, atleast he waited until after we ate and opened gifts at DS. Then when I got off work on Thursday I started getting sick. I have spent the last couple days feeling terrible. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat. So I know that I have not been even close. So today I am back on track and feeling some better. Still want to sleep, but my head doesn't feel like it wants to blow up. We took down the tree and everything yesterday. I used to put everything up on Dec 1 and took it down Jan 1. But since the kids are grown and we both are working we take them down after Christmas on our time off. I did have DH bring my bike out and put where the tree was. So now I have no reason not to ride it everyday. Tomorrow is weigh in day and not looking forward to it. But I just keep telling myself I am better then last year and back on track so one bad week is not the end.

    Joyce--:laugh: your silly gifts sound like alot of fun. I wish I had talent to make thngs like that. What a great way to give the gift of fun. When my DD was alive we had this large vase and it would get passed around to a different family each year. It was always fun to see who the family that got it the year before would chose.

    Barbie--:flowerforyou: Congrates on the good mammorgram report. I have mine done every year in March. Same month as my birthday and have that and pap done then.

    Heather--:drinker: Great news on getting your first check. :brokenheart: Sorry to hear about your family loss. 45 is so young.

    Gail--:love: the way they annouced they were expecting how speical.

    Meg--:heart::flowerforyou: DH sure did good with his gift. My DH is real good about buying me what I show him in the Riddles sale books when I see something I like. Isn't this weather crazy. Atleast the wind stopped.

    Amanda--:brokenheart: :cry: Sorry to hear about DD miscarriage. I know when we lost our baby with a misscarriage I was so lost. We were so happy as this would of been our child together. It's been 24 years and still hurts. Prayers to all of you.

    Cindy--How old fashion for future SIL to ask her dad first. Sounds like she is getting a speical guy. Wish them the best of luck.

    Katia--The working clock tower sounds neat. Hope you get to enjoy it for many years.

    Sylvia--:heart: You have sure been thur alot this last couple days. I pray the new meds are working and you feel better soon.
    I agree that I am glad Christmas only comes once a year with all the food. I did well over Thanksgiving, but this last week has been so bad. I do understand what you mean about the pictures. I think I look so much older since I have lost weight. So what is the choice to look good or be healthly.LOL Your DGC are lucky to have such a loving Grandma. In my family growing up there was no hugs or saying I love you. Same with my first marriage. But over the last several years I have made an effort to tell others I love them and my family everytime I talk to them or see them. And I am getting better with hugs. I will admit at first it felt so uncomfortable. But the GC it has alway been so they expect it.
    Well prayers to all those who are ill or having a tuff time. And welcome to the newbies. You have come to a great group.
    Blessed! Vicki in COLD GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rocklinite, I live in a small town over an hour away from the nearest mall…….where I lived until ten years ago we had a mall where people walked at a lot early in the morning……where I live now, the weather is nice enough that I can walk every morning, sometimes with lots of layers of clothing, but there’s no weather that keeps me indoors.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, I have a box on the shelf in the guest room marked “give away” and sometimes it takes me months to get around to go the thrift shop and drop the items off.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I love teaching in a setting where all the students are there by choice.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I hate getting gifts because it’s so hard to be excited about something that’s so clearly not useful to me……one of the great resolutions from “Happier at Home” is “respond to the spirit of the gift” so I try to be grateful that the giver even wanted to give me something

    :flowerforyou: Heather, when I read about your plank I got up and did one for three and half minutes…..however, my pushup count right now hasn’t gotten over five so you are clearly the champ in that arena.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, you said that all your gifts have been delivered…..did you get any gifts for Noel?

    :flowerforyou: Juanita, you were wise to choose safety over driving to DB’s services..you were there when it was important.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I’m glad you survived and enjoyed your visit to Williamsburg…….I love Olive Garden, but know that I’m way over on calories no matter what I eat...:laugh:

    :bigsmile: Cindy, congratulations on your daughter’s upcoming marriage…..her husband to be sounds like a winner.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, don’t even get on the scale for another week…..after the trouncing your body has had, just nourish it and care for it.

    :bigsmile: Katla, you are being very patient about your wrist and giving it the time it needs to heal.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, clearing off your driveway is great exercise

    Alison, sorry your DH is such a grouch about your grocery shopping.:brokenheart:

    :flowerforyou: JaneHadji , I have so much admiration for what you have done to care for your parents and parent your children…..you may have gained some weight but you haven’t lost sight of the importance of exercise and water and now you’re back in touch with a much needed community of supportive friends

    :flowerforyou: JaneMartin, have fun at the mall.

    :flowerforyou: Jo, welcome to our friendly community…..these women have helped me reinvent my life…..come back and tell us more about you.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, best wishes on a successful family Christmas next week.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, sounds like the cold weather was a blessing, allowing you to stay home and finish your writing.

    :brokenheart: Vicki, I’m sorry to hear that you and your DH were sick over Christmas…it sounds great that your bike is back where you can get to it to ride it again…you’ll be back on track in no time.

    :flowerforyou: I woke up at 1:30 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep so I moved into the guest room and all the pets came with me. I read for about an hour before falling asleep and getting up later than usual. The dogs and I enjoyed being able to do most of early morning walk in some daylight. I did chores all morning until Jake came home from lunch with a friend. He brought me a small serving of his lunch (swimming rama----a favorite). Then I folded laundry while I watched our favorite NFL team win their game and continue their march to the Super Bowl.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..17,000 steps today….25 minutes of yoga
    three and half minute plank

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki, we used to have this one white elephant gift that was given at our Sunday School class party. I'm sure some one thought this thing was cute. It was a miniature commode made out of wood with an artificial plant inside the commode. It was the tackiest thing. But it came back anymore and the trick was to wrap it in the most extravagant way every year so no one would pick it. Now my sister used to give me gifts that could have been used for that kind of gift. She gave me a basket of fake baked potatoes that were supposed to be a centerpiece for a kitchen table. They were made out of ladies hose. When we first finished the first attempt at out family room she gave me this set of coasters. It was a hamburger, two coasters for the bun, a patty, lettuce, tomato and a slice of cheese. On e year she gave me a 'helping hand'. It was a broom handle and on the end of it was a white garden glove that was stuffed and a face painted on it. I was so glad when she finally got out of that stage. But my gifts to my brothers aren't meant as gifts per se. They are given in the spirit of fun. Even if I draw their name for a couple gift I still give them my funny gift.

    I don't think the weather here has ever been as some of you ladies are getting. I do enjoy the different seasons so I don't think i would enjoy being in a tropical region where I never see snow. Now my Dad was born in Minnesota so he was used to frigid winters.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Heather - I hope you are wrong, too, about the child

    In one sense I'm proud of myself. We had these pizza logs for dinner last night and usually I have this "thing" that I don't like throwing out food. But I did thow these out, just not to have them in the house any more because I know that I'll be the only one who'll eat them.

    DeeDee - it's interesting, Jess is the one who will help clear the table, help cook, offer to help clean up. Yet, Denise doesn't offer at all. Guess maybe that family (Pete's) doesn't expect it. To me, I was always brought up that you helped in any way you could.

    Had the bbq last night that Jess's friend's family sent here. Personally, I didn't think it was all that fantastic. I bet it's better, tho, fresh. I didn't have any of the pulled pork, Vince had some. Last night he said he was up a few times with diarrhea. Not sure if it's all related or not

    Cindy - congrats to everyone. Sumertime is so lovely

    Heather - sorry about your hubby's twin's DIL

    Sylvia - have you ever told people that you got married on NYE so you could get the tax decuction for the year? Vince tells people (his birthday is in early Dec) that his father told the MD "if this child isn't born before the end of the year, you aren't getting paid" I'm sure the weight is due somewhat to water retention but also due to the fact that you can't do exercise like you normally would. Take it easy and you'll be back to normal in no time at all.

    Did an hour of a pilates DVD today. Some different moves, I liked it. Tomorrow instead of the yoga that I usually do and holding my plank, I'm going to do another pilates DVD that I got. Then the extreme pump class.

    Vince needs milk so later I'll probably go to Sam's and then buy gas.

    katla - I never knew that each state has different requirements! Thanks for telling me. Both Vince and I are only children. There are positives and negatives to being an only child

    Well, Jess and Kris left today. I gave them some of the cookies, all of the shortbread with chocolate on top except for three, about ten of the pierogi that had been cooked and all of the corn muffins. Kris said that he liked corn muffins and I sure don't need them! I didn't see the bottle of diet Pepsi that he'd bought so I guess Vince can just finish that up.

    Sylvia - when Vince went to the hospital in Switzerland, they drew on his chest and neck to mark where the swelling was. They wanted to see if the swelling got any bigger or smaller and at what rate. That's what I would think would be the reason why they drew an outline of the hematoma

    Jane - you certainly have been busy! Take time for yourself, you won't be any good to anyone unless you take care of you first.

    Jo - welcome!

    Meg - yea for completing the test bank! I'm not even going to freeze my leftover cookies, Vince can eat them or they'll go to the soup kitchen

    Vicki - every year someone gets underwear! This year Vince got three packages (they were on sale and I had coupons). Sometime this week I'll go to Walgreens (or maybe WalMart since they price match) and get Jess some vitamins for the same reason -- they're on sale and I have coupons

    barbie - whenever I go to Olive Garden, I usually get this Chicken Splendina (did I spell that right?). It's on their lunch menu, but if you ask they'll give it to you at dinnertime. I usually substitute the potatoes with an added helping of the vegetables and ask for it to have no sauce. To me, the calories are fairly reasonable (I forget exactly how much they are). What is swimming rama? Which is your favorite football team?

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Got new pajamas, size 16/18. Tried them on tonight and they fit! Throwing out my 4x's that fall down when I stand up! WooooooHooooooo!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just caught up on the posts after time with my niece and her kiddos. I had forgotten how much energy little kids take! They are 8 and just-a-few-days-shy-of-11. They enjoyed the science museum and mexican food - complete with mariachi music. Went to church this morning, then out to lunch and back here for games in the afternoon before they were on their way again. We're worn out! But I did get my laundry done and the bills paid, so that was a good thing.

    To those struggling with health issues, speedy recovery. To those with relationship issues, peace and resolution. To those with NSVs - hooray! Hugs to all and warmth to all in the deep freeze.

    DH has decided he wants to have a birthday party for his upcoming one --- and have it a week from next Saturday. Trying to convince him to push it out until the following Saturday so we can actually have time to send invitations and have people be able to plan /respond. We'll see. Its too late at night to think about it tonight.

    Tomorrow is a new day / week and we'll soon be into our January normalcy - YAY!

    Gradmallie -- thinking of you as I sip my tea tonight!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I’m glad you’re home. Congratulations on the new, smaller jammies! Great NSV for you!:bigsmile:

    Peachstate gal and other kind friends who’ve given me valued advice and insight: I reached a decision almost without knowing it. I’ve decided that I’m done. I spent part of the day throwing away old lessons and other paperwork. I’ve nearly cleaned out a 3 drawer file cabinet. I have another to do. I want to spend this time with my husband, my kids, and doing things I love to do.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I hope you had a great lunch with your best friend. What a great treat.:flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow will be a busy day. We have dog grooming first thing, wrist doctor at noon, and a financial advisor meeting mid afternoon. I’m tired just thinking about it. I am hopeful that the doctor will let me out of the brace, but I doubt I’ll be that lucky. I ended up pretty sore for a while after cleaning out the file cabinet this morning.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone
    Barbie:flowerforyou: congrats on your mammogram and 3.5 min plank...... that is something. Glad you got back to Yoga :bigsmile:
    Sylvia smaller size???? you r doing so well inspite of all you have undergone:drinker:
    Grandmallie is it the amount of money being spent which presses his trigger? I have seen some people who fly off their handle on such issues. Maybe if you shopped for smaller amounts like for 3 days instead of a week, the bill would be much smaller.
    You are a loving and caring person and I hope he gets out of the insecurity of a slimmer trophy wife walking out on him.:bigsmile:
    Katla so you finally made up your mind.... good choice family and yourself :drinker: and us :blushing:
    Vicki thanks for the insight into hugs and I Love Yous :heart:
    DeeDee what a great time you r giving your friends :flowerforyou:
    Meg love the stories about Benny the beagle :glasses: (and Sylvia's Bruno)
    Michelle you are living the concept of "Stretch":flowerforyou: :noway: :smile:

    Cindy congrats ! I feel your SIL to be sounds caring and considerate :heart: a rare combination these days :bigsmile:
    Ate too much for lunch yesterday at my aunt's place, (as my mom's visiting) weight is up this morning...have to deal with it. But happy to say had only one piece of sweet :blushing:
    Hugs to all who are fighting illness and applause for all who have had victories
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Grandmallie could you get out some treasured picture albums, like wedding pictures or pics with your children and talk about how special he was to you then and not even mention that you would like the same guy back. Just reinforce the love you used to have. Or the two of you together make some long term plans, make a bucket list that helps him realize that you want to stay with him. I can't remember, is he recently retired. A recently retired man can really have some issues! They just don't have the same felling of feeling needed anymore. They don't know where their life is going. It was always defined as going to work. We'll get you through this. Then you can help me with my scrooge and bah humbug.

    Joyce, indiana