green coffee beans and raspberry ketone



  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    I used to be a supplement junky. I would read a fitness magazine or check out the latest craze and go buy that item. My wallet got lighter but not my body. I finally took all my pills, workout powders, protein shake stuff, etc to a real doctor (MD) who specializes in integrative medicine. She told me to get rid of 75% of the bag of crap.

    After tossing out all the extra stuff, here is what I take now:
    Fish Oil (she recommended a better product)
    Pro Biotics (she recommended a better product)
    Drink lots of green tea (I used to take pills of green tea extract, now I buy loose leaf in bulk)
    Quality multi vitamin
    Cordychi (good for immune system health)

    The green tea really reduces the appetite. I just need to stop working all the hours and get to the gym now :)
  • I haven't taken the raspberry ketone and green coffee bean together, however, I took CLK with Omega 3, 6, and 9. With working out and watching what I ate helped me a lot. You need to find something that will shrink your fat cells then something that will help you get rid of the fat. Which those do. CLK has raspberry ketone in it and is all natural. No gross side effects. Hope that helps a litte.

    Also, everyone is different when it comes to our body. One thing may work for you that wont work for someone else. Keep that in mind.
  • I have taken Green Coffee pills and the Raspberry Ketone chews from GNC. They made me lose weight. I can't remember how much exactly. But of course to see that they are really effective make sure to drink plenty of water and watch what you eat. They both suppress your appetite. Make you go pee a lot but that is a good thing. Your body is releasing all of the toxins from your liver and kidneys. And I have to say to that is "Bye-Bye"! :laugh: I have ordered some more green coffee and raspberry keytone (this time in the gelcap) to help me lose weight. I go to the gym 3-4 times per week and get 2 hrs of zumba in but it's not helping me with decreasing my weight. So I'm stuck. I'll definitely try anything to help. Good luck. Hope this bit of information helps you. :wink:
  • zogs84
    zogs84 Posts: 3
    I have been taking raspberry keytones for two weeks however it isn't particularly to aid weight loss I have an under active thyroid so my body is on go slow constantly so I use them to give my body a kick up the backside :) although it has only been two weeks they really have helped alot with my body functioning half way normally . I have obviously noticed weight loss rather significantly which is down to my body functioning the way it should . Dont know how effective the tablets would be without the problems I have though
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have been taking raspberry keytones for two weeks however it isn't particularly to aid weight loss I have an under active thyroid so my body is on go slow constantly so I use them to give my body a kick up the backside :) although it has only been two weeks they really have helped alot with my body functioning half way normally . I have obviously noticed weight loss rather significantly which is down to my body functioning the way it should . Dont know how effective the tablets would be without the problems I have though

    Raspberry ketones cure hypothyroid issues??? Has this research been published yet??? And how have I not heard about it until today???
  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    I have a product for sale called 'Snaké Oil'. To be featured on dr oz next week! Get in before the publicity drives up prices! I accept PayPal.

    DOn't you know that snake oil is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids?
  • zogs84
    zogs84 Posts: 3
    Sarcastasim is thr lowest form of whit and asumption makes an *kitten* out of you and definitely not me . I said threy had helped me in no way shape or form did I call ita cure I obviously take prescribed medication which to date has not worked and I have a healthy diet along with that I am studying to be an outdoor iinstructor so get a hell of alot of exercise . Whether the tablets are having a psychological effect and are reducing my stress levels and helping my body relax or they are actually helping to burn fat I don't care as they are having the desired effect
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Sarcastasim is thr lowest form of whit and asumption makes an *kitten* out of you and definitely not me . I said threy had helped me in no way shape or form did I call ita cure I obviously take prescribed medication which to date has not worked and I have a healthy diet along with that I am studying to be an outdoor iinstructor so get a hell of alot of exercise . Whether the tablets are having a psychological effect and are reducing my stress levels and helping my body relax or they are actually helping to burn fat I don't care as they are having the desired effect


    I can assure you that my whit (*twitch*) at a sufficiently high enough level for the MFP forums. (As for your conclusion on whether or not I'm an *kitten*, I bet 95% of my FL would agree with you...but not because of what I said in this thread.)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Sarcastasim is thr lowest form of whit and asumption makes an *kitten* out of you and definitely not me . I said threy had helped me in no way shape or form did I call ita cure I obviously take prescribed medication which to date has not worked and I have a healthy diet along with that I am studying to be an outdoor iinstructor so get a hell of alot of exercise . Whether the tablets are having a psychological effect and are reducing my stress levels and helping my body relax or they are actually helping to burn fat I don't care as they are having the desired effect

    I agree.his sarcastasim and whit are severely lacking. I'm not impressed as all
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sarcastasim is thr lowest form of whit and asumption makes an *kitten* out of you and definitely not me . I said threy had helped me in no way shape or form did I call ita cure I obviously take prescribed medication which to date has not worked and I have a healthy diet along with that I am studying to be an outdoor iinstructor so get a hell of alot of exercise . Whether the tablets are having a psychological effect and are reducing my stress levels and helping my body relax or they are actually helping to burn fat I don't care as they are having the desired effect


    I can assure you that my whit (*twitch*) at a sufficiently high enough level for the MFP forums. (As for your conclusion on whether or not I'm an *kitten*, I bet 95% of my FL would agree with you...but not because of what I said in this thread.)

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • I'm really sensitive to stuff with caffeine. I had a serving of my mom's green coffee bean pills once before a test and the caffeine in them made me really hyper. It never did anything for mom, but it made me energetic. I've taken them a couple times since just for an energy boost, but I'm pretty sure that's all you get from them, mainly just for the caffeine content.

    Might as well just have a few cups of coffee.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

  • It doesn't
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was just thinking about how we hadn't heard about keytones lately. Summer people...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I actually work with a young lady who has lost 20 lbs using these supplements granted the eating well and working out, The question was does anyone use this to help AID in wt loss, not USE ONLY for wt loss.

    How do you know it was the supplements that helped and not her diet and fitness routine?

    Here's some information for you:

    "When given to mice in very high doses (up to 2% of body weight), raspberry ketone has been shown to prevent high-fat-diet-induced elevations in body weight. However, no effects on body weight were observed with doses up to 200 times greater than the estimated intake in humans. The high dose effect is reported to stem from the alteration of lipid metabolism, increasing norepinephrine-induced lipolysis. Although products containing this compound are marketed for weight loss, there is no clinical evidence for this effect in humans."


    (see list of references cited here): KETONE.aspx?activeIngredientId=1262
    I thank you very much for your information.. You are very informative, did you do all of this research for me or did you think of taking this yourself, or are you a chemist?

    This isn't the first post about raspberry ketones and Dr. Oz on here. There's a lot of information out there on whether or not these supplements are scientifically proven to work or not (and not opinion pieces but real science). I just did a simple google search and reviewed some of the literature a while back and had some things bookmarked. I'm not a chemist, but I'm a scientist nonetheless.

    Generally speaking, diet supplements don't work especially not over-the-counter ones. Don't fall for the marketing scams. MFP, however, does work, and it's 100% free. You're much better off just working on eating well and taking care of yourself than trying to speed things along with questionable supplements.
    I googled the raspberry ketone and green coffee bean and everything I read about them were good, I only need to loss 15 lbs and I am not in a rush, I feel good and look good. I was actually wanting to find out if anyone on MFP has had experiences with the product. I also work with a person who's had the lap ban and it worked only for 1 1/2 yrs, I was really just curious... Not once did I say I purchased this product. It is truly amazing thou how some of the people on this web site attack a question someone may have on wt loss products. At least a heavy person can loose wt, Ugliness is hard to change, I really do thank you for your information. Good luck to you:happy:
    Another credibility ding. I know for a fact there are some very HOT people posting on this thread.

    the correct response was "I know you are, but what am I?"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm really sensitive to stuff with caffeine. I had a serving of my mom's green coffee bean pills once before a test and the caffeine in them made me really hyper. It never did anything for mom, but it made me energetic. I've taken them a couple times since just for an energy boost, but I'm pretty sure that's all you get from them, mainly just for the caffeine content.

    Might as well just have a few cups of coffee.

    Often they actually even add extra caffeine to the pills. Too much caffeine drives me nuts also.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't like sarcastasim. I prefer goat sim.