

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Sorry about the spelling mistake above!

    We had a lovely NYE. Caviar, fillet steak, asparagus, bottle of red wine between us, then poached fresh apricots with half fat creme fraiche. Midnight a glass or two of Islay malts. Watching Big Ben on the TV striking midnight and fabulous fireworks. Our tiny village also exploded into fireworks outside our window. Then we turned to a party on the TV and sang along and I did "sofa dancing" for about an hour. (My knee is troubling me at the moment) . I think I have only missed midnight once in my life. I just love the sound of Big Ben bonging in the New Year. It can bring tears to my eyes. DSIL was there in person, but impossible to see her in the huge crowd.:love::love: :drinker:

    I have done my January goals, but I will do them again.

    Lose 1lb.
    Achieve a 3 min 30 sec plank.
    Research my New York flights for October (my 65th birthday)
    Try a new recipe.
    Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. (My motto for the year)

    I am proud that I managed a full gym and strength workout this morning.:noway: I had to adapt it for my knee. Yesterday's tough yoga workout with my friend in my house has left my hamstrings a bit sore and my knee sensitive, but we really went at it for an hour. My friend is 70 and an example to us all.:love:

    Welcome all the new people. Come in often and share with us. You will learn so much, not the least patience with yourself.:laugh: You will gain support and find humour and understanding. Persistence is the key. Never surrender!

    My new preoccupation is what to wear to my best friend's 60th birthday party on the 18th. She has a posh 50s style frock to wear. Some of her friends have bought dresses. Hmmmmmm ............... The dress I bought for DSIL's 60th this summer I have never worn again. I want to be able to dance in whatever I wear as it is a disco and we all get to choose a track. I am having "Jumping Jack Flash " by the Rolling Stones, my favourite party music!:bigsmile:

    Must jump in the shower and get my memoir bag sorted! (My task for the day) Kedgeree tonight.

    Love Heather in rainy, miserable, windy Hampshire UK
  • susiepet
    Hello everybody!

    I'm Sue and I write on a very rainy and windy New Years Day! I'm in Shropshire, England which is a beautiful rural county, although until about 18 months ago I lived in London.
    I live alone and work from home so my gym trips are not only good for me physically and mentally but are a social outlet too...

    I started last year at the same weight I am now, which is about 245. My ambition had been to lose a pound a week - and I did fine for three months and then gradually re-gained. But I am much fitter and stronger and have recovered from a couple of injuries so there has been some progress.

    This year I'm going to change the way I look at this journey and do it in stages. I'm going to keep working with my trainer, as eat sensibly and drink water!

    Aims for January
    Drink a glass of water before each meal and two extras a day. It might not be the full amount I need but I need to establish a habit.
    Go to gym at least four times a week - two training sessions, a spin class and one or two aqua classes would be ideal
    Get outside every day regardless of the weather
    Pre plan food - for January I'll be on M&S healthy meals - I think they are the best and healthiest available in the UK. I normally cook from scratch, but the problem with that is it's too easy to cook too much and eat it....so I'm going to stay out of the kitchen for once!
    Get better metrics when my trainer measures me at the end of the month - whether that's weight or fat % loss I don't mind.

    Good luck everybody!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone!

    Saving my place here and will be back with my monthly goals a little later.

    Be blessed

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    January goals:

    Log every day & stay within my calories
    Continue walking regularly (at least 5 times per week)
    Plank every day, log time
    Weights 3 times per week
    Devotion every day

    For those who have been planking for a while, what was your beginning time?
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all.Welcome newbies. In some ways December lasted a loong time.we have tons of Dec BDs,among the other holidays.Now it's the 1st day of a new year! Hope it will be a Happy New Year for all of us bringing good health,lots of losing pounds
    & peaceful days.Throw a bit of happiness in there & we have it covered.:flowerforyou: Happy to report a 1 pd loss. Not much,but for December,will take it:wink:

    My goals are the same
    Drink lots of water
    Weigh in every other week
    Lemon water each morn..thanks Grandmallie
    Make better,healthy food choices

    Today,I am making 2 pans of cabbage rolls.One goes to DD & will offer some to a neighbor .She is near 70,still working & cares for her diabetic DH. Has her hands full.
    There are so many living with health or other problems .As long as I can walk,remember my name & appreciate friends / family,all is well in my world.

    Pat C in snow coming tomor Ohio
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Happy New Year ! My goal for the holidays ( thanksgiving to New Year) was to maintain and be part of the group who ga Ed 8 - 10 pounds. For January, continue what I have been doing. Try some new exercises and add hand weighs. I have 20 more pounds to go. Also, to share with others how God had changed me during this healthy journey.
  • maryogrady
    maryogrady Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread.
    My name is Mary and I am from S/W Ontario. I was on this site more then a year ago and lost 50 pounds and was doing great. Last January my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and my focused turned to her and what she needed and I lost focus on me and put 30 pounds back on.
    Now that we have things with her somewhat under control, I need to focus back on getting this weight off.
    My resolutions for 2014
    1) stay focused on Kate to make sure she is progressing
    2) never lose sight that if I am not healthy I cant do her any good
    3) lose that 30 pounds that sneaked back into my life
    4) be thankful for every day that I have to smile, laugh and cry with my daughter
    5) walk each day small steps are better then no steps

    Happy New Year to all
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy New Year beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful new year! It`s exciting to start a brand new year, take from the past what worked and add to it, and leave behind the things didn`t work. It`s a new chapter of the book of our lives and we have the opportunity to write it anyway we choose:bigsmile: .

    I wish you all the best of this brand new year:heart: !

    Remember to drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food! It makes sense knowing what we put into our bodies!

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:happy:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL:drinker: ,

    May everyone have a wonderful 2014.

    I met my major goal of December which was to do something kind for someone everyday.

    I did write out some goals for 2014 and have them in places I will review daily. I am going to pick one goal a month to concentrate on in this forum. My first goal is to limit my TV watching. I am going to try for an hour a day. I will make exceptions like when my DH asked me to join him to watch That's Entertainment last night. I am looking forward to seeing what I do with the extra time.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, I'm Patty from Cincinnati, Ohio. I love this board and the idea of making these resolutions. I started on MFP a month or so back but fell off the wagon with the holidays and being on vacation. Today that changes.
    :smile: RESOLUTIONS:
    :heart: To lose 6-8 lbs a month
    :heart: To strength train 2times a week
    :heart: To participate in cycling and ab class 3 times a week
    :heart: To act like I want to be
    :heart: To not take things personally
    I borrowed two of these from others, I hope you don't mind but they sure fit.
    I sure look forward to working with you all. Today at noon we have a 11/2 hr "Bring in the New Year" cycling class.
  • rfhmmh
    rfhmmh Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!

    :happy: I'm Anne from a suburb of Vancouver, BC.

    How does this thread work? Do we check in every week to say how things are going? Or do we just check in at the end of the month? :huh:

    Here goes - a few goals for me for January 2014:

    :heart: To lose 6 lbs by January 31 (to be well on my way to my personal Goal #2 for March 31)

    :heart: To exercise a minimum of one hour, three times per week under the guidance of a personal trainer (already hired)

    :heart: To stick at closely as I can to the vegan diet I'm trying to follow for the month of January (finish reading the book, too)

    :drinker: Happy New Year to you all... I look forward to getting to know you!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy New Year!!! Made it to midnight for the first time in years; watched a hilarious sub-titled French film from Netflix with DD which certainly kept me awake. Lots and lots of fireworks here at 12.

    Anamika..........Love your poem!!!

    Barbie........As always, THANKS!!!!

    Michele..........your cakes sound beyond delicious!!!

    Dinner last night was marinated (crushed garlic, soy sauce, honey) boneless pork chops, roasted butternut squash and roasted asparagus, and brown rice. Love butternut squash but it sure is major work to actually get to the edible portion; any hints to make this easier???

    Going back to basics here..........sadly, I am no longer at goal; time to get real serious again. All candy/chocolates/etc. gifts being thrown out today.

    Log everything!!!
    Stay within calorie goal.
    Drink more water---try the sched. Katla is doing.........have posted this by the kitchen sink.
    Meditate 5min. 2x/day.
    Live for today; remember tomorrow is not promised and yesterday will never come again.
    Be kind and do what I can for others when the opportunity comes.

    There's another major winter storm coming--Hurcules. Going to get very cold here on Friday.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member
    Happy new year everybody , staying positive that this will be a great year! Must keep my God, family, and getting healthy in front of me!
    I am so blessed and thankful for all the support!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Hi Ladies, Happy New Year. :drinker: (coffee of course)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Happy new year lovely ladies & thank you Barbie for setting us up for 2014.

    Minor NSVs - I sat next to cake all day at work yesterday & not a crumb passed my lips. I impressed myself let alone anyone else:laugh: Then when I came home I tossed the last Christmas chocs that were calling me

    It sounds like quite a few of us had quiet nights in forgoing the wild partying. DH & I watched TV or faffed of the computer & watched the London fireworks which were pretty good. Someone nearby had some HUGE fireworks from the garden. the bang was tremendous. I felt sorry for any pets or small children.

    I'm going to have a bash at setting goals. I've never done it before as I couldn't come up with anything I was happy with. So, I resolve to -
    * drink a glass of water before each meal (I do generally drink at least 8 cups a day normally)
    * log everything
    * every working day, I will take a lunchtime walk. I'll keep track of distance/steps/time etc to see how I progress.
    * to plan my meals in advance & stick to the plan. I tend to see what is in the fridge or freezer first which isn't working so I need to put more effort in.

    Zucchinitots sound interesting Michele. Where can I find the recipe please? BTW, I haven't had the Facebook friend request show up. I couldn't recall your surname so if you remind me, I'll look you up.

    Thank you for your support & I do hope everyone has a wonderful 2014.

    Geri in UK
  • pa77y
    pa77y Posts: 36
    Happy New Year to all here! I started a 100 day challenge today with the goal to lose 20 lbs. I started my journey two years ago on New Years day, when I decided to lose weight before I quit smoking. I did it and successfully quit! I gave myself until now to make it stick. So, to lose the weight I put on accomplishing that goal plus a few extra pounds goal for 2014!
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: hi debi here , it's been awhile but I'm back and so happy too see you are still here.i'm starting this year in my 60's and it's going to be a good year. I have spent the past mth planning and feeling different I'm starting my year off at 210.2 for Christmas I bought myself wii u and have been playing with it for a week . I have faithly been trackin for six days now just can't seem to get back on at the end of the day to finish but today is the day I will. I hope everyone is starting the new yea well. ok going to do some catch up reading to see who is still here and meet some new friends plus a new goal is only 15 mins at a time on the comp. I spend way to much time sitting . everyone have a nice day hi from debi from palmer mass:smile:
  • windstar57
    windstar57 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Everyone and Happy New Year!

    I am new to this post so let me introduce myself….my name is Ann and I live in New England where it is very cold and sunny today…I am married and have two grown sons. I am currently working in a hospital in a nonclinical position and going to school to finish my degree which has been a long process and one which I have been questioning the sanity of this journey. I am at a crossroad of life where I want to figure out what I want to do the rest of my life and am re-evaluating my choices including my job at the moment. My weight has been a problem the last 3 years since I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have struggled with the symptoms more recently with the fatigue and total exhaustion when trying to live an active lifestyle. Gluten free has been an off and on event the past 6 mos…lately more off than on. I realize I need to stay off the wheat because it really does affect my mental clarity and pain. I am back to MFP after taking a few stressful weeks off. I like the comfort of logging daily and noticed how much I missed it while I was away….

    My goals are:

    Being able to get my wedding rings off (because my fingers are too big and swollen)
    Keeping a positive perspective in all things in life
    If it doesn't make me happy….lose it (material things and toxic people)
    Be thankful for the little things - this kept me going through the holidays

    Weight goals:

    Feel comfortable in a size 6 pants (I'm only 5 feet tall)
    Lose the flab…meaning work out more…who am I kidding…it means work out..period 3 times a week.
    Lose 15 pounds by April…which is doable since I lost 22 lbs total since April (8 on my own) the rest by just logging
    Appreciating the changes in my body…even if it's not "perfect"

    I look forward to posting and reading your posts and sharing goals and tips…

    Welcoming the New Year and new friendships!

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Barbie- thanks for keeping this thread going. Thanks too for the idea of an annual word, I’ve decided mine for 2014 is “mindful”. I will strive to be mindful of my health, mindful of my blessings, mindful of my attitude, and mindful of my relationships.

    2014 GOALS:

    Exercise DVD 3x week
    75 miles minimum (Move Your *kitten* Challenge Bike/Walk)
    Daily exercise of some kind
    Strength training and Standing Abs every other day
    Logging every day
    At least 8 fruits/veggies daily
    No less than 8 glasses of water each day
    At least one meatless day per week
    Commit random acts of kindness
    Be agreeable
    Daily positive affirmations
    Meditate/Pray at least once a day
    Be kind to myself

    Brooke from Colorado

    'If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.' - Robin Roberts