Lose 5 Pounds in January 2014



  • shortformyweight
    shortformyweight Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in.! I have been off track since September, so this is a good goal to get me going again.

    SW 199
    CW 199
    TW 194

    Good luck everyone.

    I aim to continue to go lane swimming every morning and to use my treadmill more!
  • lambchoplewis
    I am in!!!

    SW = 112
    CW = 112
    GW = 107

    I am small and 5 lbs is a lot. Very hard to lose this % of my body weight. I can do it as I have done it before!!!
  • lambchoplewis
    PS. How do I join a group vs just reading posts????
  • naddi09
    naddi09 Posts: 24
    SW: 245
    CW: 167
    GW: 162

    Weigh in Dates (I always do it on saturdays):
    1/1: 167
    End of Month

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight? My goal is to simply stick to excercising continually. In combination with healthy eating it should finally help me loose the last 10-12 kilos.
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    SW: 225 (12/26/2013)
    CW: 248.6
    GW: 243

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1: 248.6
    End of Month

    Total weight lost:


    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight? - At this point getting back into exercising regularly is my goal. I have SLACKED majorly and have to get back into the goal and routine. This will certainly aid in my weight loss and my overall health!
  • KatieGrz
    KatieGrz Posts: 9 Member
    Here we go!

    SW: 164.9
    CW: 164.9
    GW: 159.9

    Weigh in:
    1/1: 164.9

    My major exercise goal is to run 1000 miles in 2014. My running is usually sporadic (even though I use to run a lot of distance races), but I want to get back into it and be one of "those" runners :)

    techteachergi: That is awesome about getting back into an exercise routine! It is tough to build up the habit, but once it's there it's hard not to exercise. Great goal!
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 355
    CW: (Current weight) 250
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 242

    Weigh in Dates:

    Total weight lost:
    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight? Weights lifting to tone body.
  • ErikaNeck
    ErikaNeck Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in will weight tomorrow, hopefully this will keep me on track.

    Gonna do a sponsered walk for MS trust in March of about 11miles! Would make it easier if I shed pounds before hand!!
  • JJananii
    JJananii Posts: 30 Member
    This is my first "challenge" that wasn't just me challenging myself (which hasn't really worked all that well). I'm IN!

    SW: 153 (12/31)
    CW: 153
    GW: 148

    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight?

    I love to cycle - and started spinning for the winter months. My goal for December was 100 miles on the spin bike. I far exceeded my expectation - 170 miles "spun" to date! My goal for January is 200 miles - 25/wk.

    I've struggled a little with my weight since starting to work out regularly in September. I have actually gained about 10 lbs, that I swore I would never allow back on! I get lots of great support at home and at work, but all from people that aren't struggling with the same things I am struggling with. I look forward to building some camaraderie here on MFP.

    GO GO January Lose 5 Pounds!!!

    Great job on the cycling!!

    and here is my weigh in:

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 151.6
    GW: 146

    My goal for exercise is honestly to just start exercising in the first place :/
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    i have seen this group and avoided joining as I feared failure. So I will put faith in my goal of consistency and join. Tomorrow I’ll weigh in and post.

    SW: 178 (March, 2012)
    CW: 154
    GW: 150

    Weigh In Dates:
    1/1/14 154.6

    My exercise goal is consistency. I want to improve my sleep pattern and achieve more body toning. My emphasis will be strength training and other non-cardio type activities.
  • ruthcyn
    ruthcyn Posts: 10 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!!
    I wish each of you the best of luck on your journey to take care of yourself!

    SW: 189
    CW: 189
    GW: 179

    Weigh in Dates:

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight? I am working up towards exercising 5 days a week. (walking and cycling) and 3 times a week weight resistance training to improve my overall health.
  • agehr
    agehr Posts: 41 Member
    I would like to join. I would like to lose 5 pounds a month until I lose to my goal

    SW 203.8
    CW 203.8
    GW 160

    Good luck in the new year to reach your goal of losing weight and becoming healthy!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!:wink:
  • bluedown10
    bluedown10 Posts: 26 Member
    New year, New you!

    SW: 136
    CW: 130.8
    GW: 127

    Weigh in dates:
    1/1: 130.8

    Total lost in January:

    Hold a plank for 3 minutes.
  • snowwhite7
    snowwhite7 Posts: 41 Member
    Great motivation to keep going... Thanks!

    SW: 149.6
    CW: 149.6
    GW: 140 (135)

    Weigh in:
    1/1 149.6

    Total weight lost:

    Exercise: Minimum: Walking or aerobics 3x per week, Strength 2x per week
  • ladytiburona
    ladytiburona Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in.

    SW: 313.2
    CW: 313.2
    GW: 308

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 313.2
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    I will only be weighing at the end of the month as I am easily attached to the scale and grumpy.

    This is a great motivator. Congratulations on your weightloss Snowwhite7. I like your exercise goals for the new year.

    At the moment, my exercise goals are low...move more. By the end of the year I want to have an exercise plan in place.
  • vascof1
    vascof1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in as well. My first post here. I've truly loved all of the posts in the forum and appreciate the encouragement.

    SW: 176.5
    CW: 176.5
    GW: 171.5

    One of the larger goals I have is to exercise more and consistently! All the best to the rest of you.

  • alstond07
    I'm in and will weigh in tomorrow. I have been trying to lose weight for a while and am going to give it a second go this new year! Looking forward to the support and hope to lose 20 lbs in 2014. Happy New Year!
  • KellyDenise71
    KellyDenise71 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join!!
    I am a newbie here (on my 2nd week)... Over the last two-ish years I have lost 30 lbs but I have managed to gain some of it back... and due to old "bad Habits" and comfort foods.... Lets just say: December was not so kind to me and my waist line!!! My overall goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of March which is completely do-able if I get back into my old healthy lifestyle habits!!

    I weigh myself every Monday morning. I've already started the "healthy habit" lifestyle that got me the 30# loss... so my commitment is: to Keep On Track!!!

    My last weigh had me at *cringe* 143
    My Goal (end of march) > 133
    My lowest weight was >>> 126
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 158 lbs
    CW: (Current weight) 148 lbs
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 130 lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 148 lbs
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    To KellyDenise71: Great job on already starting "healthy habits"
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    SW: 304.8
    CW: 246.6
    GW: 240

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1: 246.6

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What major exercise goal do you have for 2014 and how will it impact your weight? I don't have anything major planned. I just want to continue working on my self and my weight loss goals. I just hope I can meet them all by August 2014.