Did anyone else crash and burn over christmas?



  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    argh !!! mee tooo!!! so I would suggest cutting out sugary and processed foods and gluten!! that will get rid of the bloat for sure!!! and do some major cardio!!! it works for me:smile:
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    In answer to your question:


    I am too afraid to weigh. Based on this I assume I have gained around 8lbs( factoring in water and sodium ) as I went 8700 calories over last week. Disgusting right? BUT BUT BUT, in my defence the majority of those calories are from cider! lol My friend and I had a bit of a mad drinking season from the 24th onwards and although without the booze I would have been fine, the cider killed it and I still feel ill.

    Back on track and back on a bigger deficit till 1st February for my first weigh in since 23rd December.

    Edit to say: These are net. Although Im at 1200 cals, I've been eating at about 1800 - 2000 since November. Back to TDEE- 20% this month. ( 1600 )
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    In the grand scheme of your life, those 6 days are pretty irrelevant.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Many of these "crash and burn" are the result of too large of a calorie deficit. When getting back to it, it might be a good idea to give some serious consideration as to whether or not the deficit is reasonable.

  • Bobbiezilla
    Bobbiezilla Posts: 157 Member
    In the grand scheme of your life, those 6 days are pretty irrelevant.

    ^^^ This, totally. I spent a week at a resort....buffet, drinks on the beach....i'm not gonna lie, I went up for seconds sometimes and drank more mojitos in one week than over the whole year combined. As fun as that was, I'm happy to get back to weighing and logging food. Definitely indulgent, but in no way a "crash and burn"!
    OP, it sounds like you enjoyed the holidays and will be back to your routine with even more resolve :)
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    I gained back every ounce of weight I lost. All 20 pounds of it. Back on the saddle. Drinking LOTS of water.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    10lbs since thanksgiving!!!! im here with yall!! i know im going to drop a ton of weight because of the water weight, but ill get there ;-)
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Well, the whole month of december was my cheat month and so far i've probably gained maybe 6-7lbs. THOUGH! i bought myself a treadmill that's supposed to come in for the 11th so i'll be right back into the swing of things full force once that comes. Otherwise, i'm not beating myself up over it. I am a bit um... off? because of the unhealthy foods BUT that's to be expected. I think i've gotten all the bad foods i wanted out of my crave for quite some time though :) So just move forward and do the best you can, jump right back on the crazy train because compared to a lifetime, 6 days is nothing!
  • shlobiwan
    shlobiwan Posts: 109 Member
    I crashed and burned over 2013 and am now in the worst shape I've been in the last four years. It doesn't matter what happened yesterday, it matters what happens today and tomorrow.
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    For me no reason to detox. I ate a lot during christmas, overate by 3500 cals in that week, put on 6 lbs (mostly water) and today I am back to my pre-christmas weight. It will sort itself out after a few days on normal deficit.
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    I'm glad to see this thread. I overdid it during the holidays and was beating myself up. Reading these responses helped me pause and see that gaining five pounds isn't the end of the world as long as I get back on track. I sometimes fall into that trap of continuing to eat poorly because I fall off the wagon. I just need to move on and get back into the plan.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    yes i consumed lots of deliciously toxic food such as cookies and cakes and pie and pasta and cheese and ice cream and prime rib and mashed potatoes and the list goes on and on and on. gained 4lbs. it was amazing and i enjoyed every bite now i move on. in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal to me.
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I ate my health food and gained weight. This keeps happening at holidays, I wonder if I'd do better if I ate holiday food. Hopefully, it is salt water weight.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I tried really hard to keep my eating under control, but I let loose on the booze. Somehow I'm lower than my pre-holiday average. Not sure why, trying hard to not register it as a "success" but just an anomaly. Back to the regularly scheduled routine now, seeing where it takes me! ^__^
  • xxsarahjwxx
    From Xmas eve until New Year's day, I went over my target calories by a total of 11,000!! I hate breaking my routine and so going to stay with family for 10 days was a killer and I lost the plot a bit! I was still running every day for the first week but even that went out the window. However, somehow, I've not put on any weight at all....not sure how that happened really but perhaps my metabolism is a lot livelier than I thought! Was back on the wagon today though with a massive gym session and spin class and I'm feeling detoxed already. Sweating it out is probably the best cure!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I planned to indulge over the holidays, but I've been on vacation still (I work at a university -- long breaks) and also without internet (which I depend on for logging, meal planning, moral support, etc.). The combination has led me to overdo it more than I'd anticipated and I'm anxious to get back to my normal routine. No idea how much I've gained; I know it isn't a ton because my brand-new smaller-size clothes still fit fine, but I definitely feel bloated and disappointed in myself. I'm back at work today and get internet back tomorrow, so I'm planning to climb slowly back on the horse!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Nope. Had no problems whatsoever over the holidays. The only day I went over my calories was New Years, and that's because I wasn't able to make anything to take.
  • Micbou1
    Micbou1 Posts: 33 Member
    It's not what you eat between xmas and new year that's important but what you eat between new year and xmas that counts ;)
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    It's not what you eat between xmas and new year that's important but what you eat between new year and xmas that counts ;)

    love it!:flowerforyou:
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    I was way over for about 2 weeks. Have put on inches but not pounds somehow...all my clothes are fitting tighter but the scale is down. Who knows. Now that I'm off from vaca I'm hitting things running again. I'm putting off a return to the gym until Monday because I need time to recover from the vaca.

    Don't worry. If you took it off once, you'll take it off again. Just don't use this as an excuse to give up.