100+ lbs to lose?



  • savethedaleks
    savethedaleks Posts: 4 Member
    I am just starting out and I need to lose about 150 pounds. I'd love to support and be supported! My goal is to be on here every day, which may prove strenuous as a full-time student with 2 jobs, but it is going to be my top priority. I don't have any friends on here yet, so please add me!
  • I have 100 lbs to lose. I tried quinoa for the first time today. Yum! :wink:
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    My goal is to lose 100... maybe even 120. We'll see.
    I'm down 58 since August 2013. Feel free to add!
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    over 100 pounds to lose when I'm all done...a long road. It will probably around this time next year before I reach my goal.
  • windimera
    windimera Posts: 4 Member
    I also got 100 to lose. Getting gym membership soon. I hope within a few months everyone can see our hard work is paying off. Good luck and i would also like to be losing weight pals.
  • Hi I have around 45lbs to lose, am doing high protein, low carbs - any one else doing this diet?
  • i have 95 pounds free to a good home
  • I'm just starting on MFP, have about 120 to lose, hoping that this helps me to achieve my goal!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Please feel free to check out this group


    We have a good core group and hope to have more join us. There is so much we can learn from each other, and help each other in this process.

    I hope to see your posts!
  • MollMoll821
    MollMoll821 Posts: 63 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose as well, feel free to add me (everyone and anybody)! I've used MFP in the past with great success but I've been off track for a long time now, at my highest weight ever and trying to start 2014 off right!
  • MallieRose91
    MallieRose91 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello again everyone! I posted here quite awhile ago but thought I would repost! I am 22, have so far lost 55 pounds and have another 60 some to lose. I just started an Instagram account that I am posting motivation/fitness/food/etc along with pictures in my daily life and thought what would be better than having people who are in the same journey and apart of MFP family following me! :) you can follow me my username is Mallierose1991 and I will follow back! Also feel free to add me on here as I like to encourage and be encouraged! Hope to see/talk to you all soon!
  • RyanneS20
    RyanneS20 Posts: 14 Member
    I am new to MFP and I have 100 + lbs to lose. I would love to be friends with anybody willing. I think we could all use the support of people going through the same things we are. Please feel free to friend me.
  • kml10kml
    kml10kml Posts: 6 Member
    Brand new here (joined months ago, but have committed to actually using it). I have 100-110 pounds to lose and would love all the friends and support I can get!
  • Ashleys0981
    Ashleys0981 Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me, I am in 100+ club and wouldn't mind some supportive friends on here!
  • Yes! My first goal is 31 pounds and then 50 to 60 more so I/m right there with ya! Let's do this!
  • wmiBill
    wmiBill Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 80, and probably going to go for another 10. Feel free to add me, I am looking for people to cheer on.
  • Veronique_337
    Veronique_337 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just joined today and I have 192 pounds to lose. I am 25 years old and I am very excited about finally taking better care of myself. I decided to start my new year off on a more positive note that is focused on my health, so today is Day 2 for me (of many more to come). I know that this will be a long a journey, but reading all your stories and messages of support will definitely help me through. Good luck to you all! :smile:
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    For anyone who wants to join who has 100lbs+ to lose
  • Veronique_337
    Veronique_337 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh and of course, feel free to add me!
  • myst036
    myst036 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there to all you that have over 100 pounds to go. I have spent the last almost three years losing over 155 pounds, so I can tell you all that it is possible. Please remember that willpower is a choice, not something you are born with. For me it came down to choosing how I was going to live my life, my body breaking down left and right, or deciding that this was my last chance to lose the weight and reclaim my life.
    I chose the later. I am much happier now, and fitness and a healthy diet are just facts of life. With time, it will become second nature and no longer the sacrifice it seems in the beginning. Have faith in your ability to accomplish this great thing for yourself and those around you. Good luck!