

  • swintmf
    I'm glad to have found this thread!

    I started MFP in October and did well, lost the average 1-2 lbs/week so I'm happy with that. November started off really well until I had a set back at work that made me want to 1-start smoking again NOT! and 2-eat some things I shouldn't, so I have been a really grumpy person the last couple of days fighting off my deamons!

    So, now I'm here with all of you, very inspirational to read some of your posts and to see your tickers!

    Here's to a very successful November, looking for some new ideas for Thanksgiving dinner if anyone wants to share.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    narcissistic rant ahead

    I just really wanted someone to say something about my profile picture. You have always just seen bodi as my avatar. I actually show a pic of me as a human and no one said anything. I guess I think I am more noticable than I really am. I think I will change it back at the end of the day.

    Sorry about the selfish feeling sorry and lonely rant but it is what it is.

    amanda - I hope all is well and you have sweet babies in your presence.
    welcome back Kackie. sorry the weather wasn't great.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone new and old,

    I am at work and having yet another hectic week. Just popping to say hello. It looks like everyone one is doing OK.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome, Mary! (swintmf):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This is a great group to belong to!

    I've been doing better--weight is moving back to what my ticker says--YAY!:happy: I've really been concentrating on drinking a lot of water and it helps.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I also added Vitamin D to my morning (tablets, since we don't get much sun here!) and I think that is helping, too.
    Also, using suezzque's cider vinegar technique--I was able to stop at just one of Mary's Oatmeal Muffins!:bigsmile: (Those are SO good!), though it wasn't easy. Most of them are gone now because, as I said, they were a BIG hit with the family.:love:

    I am trying to get ready for my visit with my Mom and sisters over Thanksgiving week. I plan on maintaining for that week, get back on the ball afterward, and then maintain again from Christmas through New Year's. That's the plan, anyway.My main goal is to not weigh more at the end of the holidays. I managed that last year so I'm sure I can do it again this year!

    Amanda--Those cupcakes are probably here by now--hope all is well with both the babies and with Mommy! Lots of prayers for you.

    Where is Chicklet? Have I missed a post from her? Her mother should be with her by now so maybe she is just busy.

    I am praying for Linda, too. I don't think we have heard from her recently, either.

    Take care, everyone. I think of all of you often--even those I haven't mentioned today. You are my inspiration--all of you!

    Robin--I'm so sorry! I thought I had commented on your picture! Especially because you said you looked like heck and I thought you looked like a nice, normal woman who really loves her dog! (And the way that boy has grown is amazing!)
    Please forgive us all, please?
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Robin - just checked in here to add my breakfast and noticed your post.

    I didn't comment because you didn't like the pic and I didn't want to disagree with you - guess I should have. :bigsmile: I like the pic and don't think you look anywhere near 50 in it. I prefer natural looking pics not staged "my hair is perfect and my makeup is on pics" but that's just me.

    I like natural looking pics; ( <--this is why I edited - redundant statement but I'll leave it in anyway. I mean it!) I guess because I never seem to pull one off. I am grateful when my pics don't look like I have gas or am mad at someone. Really, I take horrible pics - I can't make my face look natural in a photo. Don't stress! You look good.

    I too have been wondering about Chiclet and also Laura who went to see her very ill mother.

    I spent most of yesterday looking for a box of knitting patterns. I don't know when I last knitted anything but I want to make my new grandkid (sex not known yet) a baby blanket from a pattern I last used 25 years ago. I dug through all the closets and the storage area and no luck! Sooooo, today I do the same thing again but more carefully. I just despise looking for things. I am really quite organized, or so I thought, I have most everything in boxes with labels and everything. I do hope they weren't thrown away.

    It's a small issue but it's making me NUTS! :explode: :angry: :grumble: :frown: Maybe I can at least get something constructive done while I look. I will further weed my stuff. There has got to be some stored things that I can part with. I don't have a great lot of stuff stored but apparently it's too much if I can't find what I want! :sad:


  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Again....Trying to catch up on posts when I have 5 mintues....

    ROBIN: FIrst thing I noticed when I read this morning was your lovely new photo! Please don't change it! I even went and got my reading glasses so I could see you better and you are darling, of course. Forgive us all as I am sure most were like me and just in a hurry. I did INTEND to comment on it later. (and I really appreciated your message while I was gone...thanks!)

    Off again to do laundry...it is gorgeous here and I am anxious to get back outside!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I wasn't going to post again until Friday...but I read Robin's post...uh..I suppose I was one of those who didn't comment on the picture,,sorry. The picture is good. It's good of you and your dog. I thought it was understood that you are a talented pretty lady. However, all of us on here are on here for support so that includes compliments from time to time to encourage and let us know 50+ doesn't make us feel like we aren't as good as we once were...I sort of like Toby Keith's silly song...I am as good once as I ever was.:bigsmile: :tongue:
    Sometimes, with me (a newby), it's taking some time to get use to the posts but in doing that, I don't want to forget to compliment and encourage in any way that I can. That is what drew me to this thread. The humanity and compassion that you all reach out to each other and include us all in a feeling of being part of something real.

    So, I hope your day looks up from here!:flowerforyou:

  • mynyddisamrs
    Well Good evening folks...........

    I'd hoped I would, after my start again day, be able to change my weight by at least a pound. ...:sad: No!!!
    I was verrry good yesterday too but never mind. So far so good today too ...maybe tomorrow then eh?
    The weathers colder now so the hot chocolate option drink has appeared from the cupboard again.:smile: Such a good quick fix for something sweet and for that chocolate "Must have" 37 calories ...can't be bad.

    Dh cooked a great dinner tonight before he went to work. I was doing something much more important ...packing that is!!:bigsmile:
    We had braised liver and veggies. Sad to say mum's appetite is so small now most goes in the bin. There's me wishing for more and there she is,:frown: hardly eating enough to keep a sparrow alive.
    I'm banking on this lazy holiday to keep the diet in trim ....pipe dream? Hope not!!!
    She's tucked in to Weetabix and banana for supper though ...better than nothing!.The Dementia nurse mentioned that it wasn't uncommon for sufferes to find a very sweet tooth ...back to childhood maybe?

    I've been reading the news of the cruise passengers stranded on their drifting ship! :noway: Fancy booking a 7 day cruise with the expectations of fine cuisine etc.and great destinations..... only to find that your dining on corned beef and pop tarts! and being towed to San Diego! What an adventure! .Not that I have much experience of Pop tarts. I thought they'd banned them 'cos the jam got too hot?

    Lynne ...have a great time "Shopping"......sounds like a great get together.

    Vicki M .....I do hope your Dad's on the road to recovery. He sounds like he's got a great fighting spirit.

    Amanda .....I hope those cupcakes have been baked to perfection and the Cook is doing well!

    Kackie ....Sounds like you managed to overcome the "Tomas" effect and enjoy yourself. Where was it you went? I missed posts when I went AWAL!!

    Vicki M & Michelle ....sounds like you both had lucky escapes with the cards. Boy...do you have to be soooo careful these days.

    Mary ....Hi! Enjoy this site. You'll get support, laughter and tears, help and advice. Use it as a sounding board, Shout your triumphs and dump your troubles!! There always seems to be someone there!!!

    Robin .....I like your picture. Bodi pup ...isn't...... a pup anymore! Such a handsome dog! You look good too ...keep it!!!

    Faye ......Happy knitting. I envy you being able to do it. My attempts were disastrous to say the least! I did sew though but that has gone by the board over the years.

    :laugh: Don't faint everyone ..............I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and post comments too. A big Hi to those I've missed.catch you later! How long this will last is to be seen. Especially as it gets timed out etc!!

    So ......Cheerio from me 'til tomorrow anyway.
    :flowerforyou: Take care

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Robin - I love the picture, but just didn't have time to reply to everyone. Jeannie
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Had to post twice today - just heard the news. It's a boy! :bigsmile: Due in late March.

    Still no luck on the knitting patterns. I have thoroughly looked in one bedroom. Good news is that I have quite a stack of stuff to get rid of and more to come.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I know there is a version sold in Canada that is much stronger than the US version. Anyway, hope it helps.
    Wow, I can't imagine it any stronger. This stuff STINGS as it is!
    The stinging could be due to open pores on your leg from shaving.
    I'm putting it on my hip though. I don't shave there. :laugh: The bottles says it also has alcohol in it. So that's probably what gets the menthol down into the muscle and why it stings.

    My calf is much better. My hip is slightly better. My heel pain got much worse but is now getting better. Haven't worked out in 3 days though. I'm just trying to heal everything up! I will go swimming tonight and then run again on Thurs. though.

    Only 11 days until my Ironman!! I'm freaking out!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Finally - I am happy to introduce Teddy Calvin and Molly Tallulah who were born at 16:36 and 16:37 today. All the family are doing well - thank goodness! I am an extremely proud and happy Grammy!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Finally - I am happy to introduce Teddy Calvin and Molly Tallulah who were born at 16:36 and 16:37 today. All the family are doing well - thank goodness! I am an extremely proud and happy Grammy!


    Adorable!!! Congratulations!!!:flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I have been under the weather, so I haven't posted very much.:ohwell: I am feeling better today:happy: so It's time to catch up! I haven't read all the posts so I can't really reply but just want to check in and say hi! I got weighed this morning and my weight stayed the same (I was wondering if I gained because I haven't exercised for over a week but I didn't! :bigsmile: I forced myself back on the treadmill yesterday and so far today I haven't exercised but hope to tonight. If not I will tomorrow morning. Slow getting back into the swing of things.:ohwell: :smile:
    Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and just want to salute all those men and women who have served as Veterans! GOD BLESS YOU! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You have some adorable "cupcakes,"smiley-love025.gif Amanda!!! Hope mom is doing well, also.

    Edited to add--Birdie, Glad you are feeling better!!smiley-happy023.gif


    PS BTW, I just discovered how easy it is to insert smileys from sources other than MFP....Can you tell???:blushing: <That one is from MFP--didn't want Mike to feel neglected!!!:wink:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda congratulations. They are beautiful :love: and you should revel in being the proud grandma. :flowerforyou:
    Faye - congrats on the news.:drinker:
    MacMadame - don't freak, just get your freak on.:wink:

    To all of you beautiful women. thank you for the comments. I am sorry that my EGO got so blown out of sorts this morning. I have been having a weird day anyway and I just don't know. I do apologize for wallowing in my self pity.. :blushing:

    TOM is wrecking havoc on my will not to cook and eat and drink. I have been good but I will probably not do so well the rest of the day. I made the mistake of grocery shopping at this time. Not good. :noway:

    Anyway have a great day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I spent most of yesterday looking for a box of knitting patterns. I don't know when I last knitted anything but I want to make my new grandkid (sex not known yet) a baby blanket from a pattern I last used 25 years ago. I dug through all the closets and the storage area and no luck! Sooooo, today I do the same thing again but more carefully. I just despise looking for things. I am really quite organized, or so I thought, I have most everything in boxes with labels and everything. I do hope they weren't thrown away.

    It's a small issue but it's making me NUTS! :explode: :angry: :grumble: :frown: Maybe I can at least get something constructive done while I look. I will further weed my stuff. There has got to be some stored things that I can part with. I don't have a great lot of stuff stored but apparently it's too much if I can't find what I want! :sad:



    Faye--if you can remember where the pattern was from you may be able to find it online. Lots of knitting and craft magazines and also yarn companies, for instance, have their back issues and/or patterns online now.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Finally - I am happy to introduce Teddy Calvin and Molly Tallulah who were born at 16:36 and 16:37 today. All the family are doing well - thank goodness! I am an extremely proud and happy Grammy!


    They are beautiful. Nice size, too, looks like. I hope Mommy is doing well!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry you are having a challenging day. Sometimes walking in a grocery store is like walking into a minefield, isn't it? I often feel like these two guys>smiley-angelic008.gif ..Wanting to be good, but teetering on the edge of caving to a crave. I feel your pain.

    BTW, regarding your earlier post today, I am also one of those who hesitated to say something about your pic because you made a critical comment about it. BTW, many of us already knew what you looked like because of the bikini photo you posted on the thread a couple of months back.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    narcissistic rant ahead

    I just really wanted someone to say something about my profile picture. You have always just seen bodi as my avatar. I actually show a pic of me as a human and no one said anything. I guess I think I am more noticable than I really am. I think I will change it back at the end of the day.

    Sorry about the selfish feeling sorry and lonely rant but it is what it is.

    amanda - I hope all is well and you have sweet babies in your presence.
    welcome back Kackie. sorry the weather wasn't great.

    LOL...Robin, you are quite lovely and you do look very young!! Even now when you're hanging out in the over 50's chat room!
    Don't be offended...I have a feeling there are A LOT of animal lovers here, myself included, and we do tend to focus on the pups.

    Amanda, congratulations on the adorable twins! I'm envious....VERY envious!

    Jackie and Rebel...good to hear from both of you.

    I had a good day yesterday, which is somewhat amazing considering it was our 36th anniversary and I ate out for lunch and dinner and then treated myself to some peanut clusters for dessert at home. Eating only half of lunch and bringing leftovers home from dinner helped. Getting in my treadmill time before heading out for lunch and an afternoon of hanging with my sister helped too.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.