Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • ReverendNewman
    ReverendNewman Posts: 23 Member
    Agreed. I'm on Week 4, Day 2 of Alpha. Haven't gotten on the scale since I started. I'm feeling tighter but not looking much different. And my diet is tight. What I have noticed is I'm getting stronger and more coordinated in the moves. I can generate a ton of intensity for the first 17 minutes, but then peter out the last 8 or so. I don't have to modify, but I am still sucking wind. I still think this workout is a good addition to whatever your primary chosen exercise regime is. Weights, Running, cycling, etc. But as far as it being your sole, primary workout regime, the jury is still out in my book. P.S. don't get me wrong, It's still a great workout and fits my needs fine. I still hit the gym for weight lifting, run, mountain and road bike.
  • ChrisFreeMusic
    ChrisFreeMusic Posts: 1 Member
    Just got the workout and can't wait to start it!
  • pinkevie
    pinkevie Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting this week!
  • bonekicker
    bonekicker Posts: 15 Member
    I just finished Beta - I love this program. It is really easy on my knees, and I can fit it into my busy/hectic life!





    I lost 11 pounds, also, which I have been on a plateau for ages prior to doing T25!

    Great results - especially around the waist! You lost only 1 inch but your tummy looks really toned up!
  • bonekicker
    bonekicker Posts: 15 Member
    I just finished 14 weeks (ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA) I did not do doubles EVERY Friday, at least half the time I did. I watched cals, but did go aver on weekends and followed the modifier at least 50% of the time. I could have put alot more effort into it, but I hadnt worked out in years and this was my first workout video. Please dont' mid the face especially in newest photo, I was in a nyquil coma have bee sick for a week lol


    You look great! I hope I have enough willpower to get through beta, let alone gamma phase!
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    Finished Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. I'm 25 years old, 5'6...not sure what I weigh ( I don't own a scale) but it's somewhere between 130-140 pounds. I did doubles every Friday and during Gamma I added a half hour of cardio after each workout. Here are my results:

    Waist - 32in
    Hips - 36.5 in
    Arms - 11.5 in
    Thighs - 21 in
    Calf - 15 in

    Waist - 28.5 in
    Hips - 34.5 in
    Arms - 11 in
    Thighs - 20 in
    Calf - 14 in
  • I'm currently at the end of Wekk 3 of Beta and so far, I really like Focus T25. I only weighed myself at the end of Alpha and I lost 3lbs, haven't weighed myself since and probably won't until I'm done with Beta.

    As for measurements, I've only lost 1" off my waist and 3" off my hips. I feel like I would lose more once I clean up my eating. I'm actually excited to start Gamma.
  • I wrote a blog/review about T25. It does work great and if you follow the clean eating plan you'll get results. For more information check out my blog here.

    Good luck!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I know of someone who does this T25 and she is a hard body. She does it everyday.

    She is toned, slim, lean, not really shapley IMHO because she works her muscles everyday and doesn't let them rest.

    She is very fit and a hard body nonetheless and based on her it definitely works. But she was already fit off of insanity before doing this. So if a hard body, dedicated exercise girl does this everyday for the last few months and loves it it must be doing something. lol
  • lhildreth
    lhildreth Posts: 1 Member
    I bought these dvds and I love them! Im overweight and have a terrible knee so I am able to follow the modifier when theres.something I cant do. Ive tried insanity before and its too hard and too long for me but this is an awesome alternative.
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    I got this for Christmas and am excited to start. Waiting until I am back from vacation so I can stick with the meals and all five weeks in a row (for beta). Looking forward to results.
  • Pjswag
    Pjswag Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've just read the many post and mixed reviews on Shaun T's Focus T25. I think i would like to try it. Is anyone interested in selling their program at a reduced cost?
  • Hi....I just saw the advertisement for the T25....I am 55 years old.....not that active...need to lose 15 to 20 this something that will work???? :smooched:
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Even though the workout is only 25 minutes you get great results. Its worth the investment.
  • Your comment was what I was hoping to read. That is the most honest answer I have read so far. I am sitting here watching the infomercial...again, and wondering if this is worth the money. Because if I joined a gym, weight loss program or any other video program, I could have paid for this. I need something that makes me feel better, but with out the dread! Thank you for your honest answer and I am going to keep researching.
  • Okay I am in week two of this program. Here is my background. I am in great cardio shape and very strong but have gained 25 lbs as a result of some changes in my life. I have done a ride-run-ride (10k-5k-10k) for some time coupled with speed training, TRX, and some other body weight resistance. I have been a lifelong exercise enthusiast…not addict. I purchased this to add to my routine.
    Boring, boring, boring. And did I mention it was boring? Also, this is a relatively high impact routine. This is not for anyone that has had neck, back, or knee issues. I do not like this program one bit. Cardio is ridiculous and you can get the same results with interval training on the road. Ab routine is a basic difficult program but has been done a thousand times over on every fitness show and blog. It is the same deal with the lower focus. I think it is a waste of time and money. Returning it.
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm not crazy about the workout.
  • Can anyone share how this compares to P90X? I've been doing it for a while now (modified) and am sick to death of it! I'd love to try something new and 25 minutes sounds great. I tried Insanity and had to take a lot of breaks...I want to make sure I can do this before I purchase it.
  • I just finished doing the Insanity workout program. It was truly insane and I am really glad I had a friend doing it at the same time to stay motivated. When we finished just over a week ago (yes, we had to do it over Christmas) we knew right away, we had to stick with ShaunT. There is something very motivating about him and he seems to hit the calorie burn making your workout time count every minute. So now I am on day two of week one. Totally a newbie with T25. I love it already. It's a lot of crossover leg work so I agree that your feet might hurt but wear good runners and you'll be fine. It is intense and non-stop but you can do anything for 25 minutes! I also find his oral cues are good so even though it's fast paced, I never struggle to know what's going on. I am not a beachbody coach, I am new to living actively (just lost 55 lbs in the last year) but I have a way to go to reach my ultimate goal. I am telling you this because it helps hold me accountable but I think also lets you know where I am in terms of fitness so you can gauge your thoughts on the program. I am still somewhat overweight but I am no longer a stranger to cardio and heavy workouts. T25, two days in ... so far pretty happy with it. According to my fancy, dancy heart rate monitor my good friend got me for Christmas, I burned 212 calories with this day two workout. Not bad for 25 minutes!
  • I really love it so far. I started it yesterday so I can't really give a full review on it yet, but I will say that I think it is going to work for me. It's not boring. It's actually quite tough, and that's doing the modified for 25 minutes. But, I am also out of shape. I may incorporate some walking (treadmill or outside) to go along with it. But, for now it is all I need at the moment.