Girls wanting to lose 50-100 pounds/20-45 kg (Read 1st post)



  • my3starsofthesea
    my3starsofthesea Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join this group. I have 59 lbs to lose.

  • caramon29
    caramon29 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there,

    I started on January 1st with my first try in loosing weight for at least 20 years.
    I was always scared of the scales, told myself there's no need to weigh myself as I already knew I was overweight so what's the point in getting more depressed.

    We moved to Scotland 6 years ago and I feel that the changes in available foods plus the wish to try a lot of things as they're new made me put on around another 20lbs or so. All the BMI checks tell me I am morbidly obese, i.e. is it a surprise I am still alive??

    I have to go to get my blood checked regularly due to a thyroid disfunction which is medicated for about 15 years.

    I don't have high blood pressure, don't have high cholesterol levels, all is good.

    I used to go to the gym in 2012 but I think I set my goal to unrealistic so I lost interest and motivation.
    I will go back though - membership is frozen at the moment. My goal this time is to get one good excercise a week for the forseeable future. Should it become more frequent - all the better. But last time I was aiming to go 3 times a week and it just was not happening - made me feel under pressure and very weak because I could not fulfill my goal.

    When I wanted to buy myself a waterproof, breathable jacket (as it rains a lot in Scotland you know) and could not find a single one that would fit me I got so angry at myself that I have decided enough is enough.

    I stepped on the scales and there it was: 130 kg! I was shocked. I remembered the last time it was around 115 which was too much already.

    So after my first few days with the food log I already lost 2 kg - which was mostly due to the fact that I just did not eat any more sweets, chocolates and junk in general.

    Yesterday I did my weekly shop resisting all the temptations and not buying any sweets - instead I have bought as much fruit and veg as never before.

    I figure if I can heal my body of its sugar addiction (and this is what it is) it should be possible to still eat my everything but always with an eye out on my allowance for the day.

    These first few days have tought me a lot already - I am now on the lookout for moral support and recipe suggestions.
    Especially fiber and protein rich foods should be more prominent in my diet.

    The thought of all the excess weight I have to lose scares me a bit - so I set myself the first goal to lose 5% of my body weight.
    After that I should already feel a difference and will probably be more active so another goal can be set.
    The ultimate goal would be to loose 35 kg or to have a 2 digit weight :tongue:

    Thanks for reading so far !:flowerforyou:

  • amandasimons50
    amandasimons50 Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Amanda, I'm a 24 year old single mommy of a 2 year old and I really need support in my weight loss/ get fit journey! I joined this site a year ago with a goal to lose 100 pounds and here I am again, now needing to lose at least 120! I've been quite frustrated trying to keep up with all of my other responsibilities and not making time to take care of my health and I really feel that if I had a support group I would be more successful! I really want to be healthier for my son and to just look and feel great!

  • lou0210
    lou0210 Posts: 16
    I would love to join! Have around 70+ pounds to lose to fit into a bridesmaid dress next year! Starting over again and joining the gym tomorrow. Would love some support on here with the diet!

  • Doreensd
    Doreensd Posts: 11 Member
    I'd like to join. I've set a goal for myself to lose 50lbs by the end of May (my baby's first birthday) but would ultimately like to lose about 90 in all. I need all the motivation and accountability I can get.

  • flashlarue
    flashlarue Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose around 100 lbs (120 would be optimal, but I would be extremely happy with 100). I have been trying for years to lose this weight and have been yo-yoing the same 20-30 lbs. I need support. I know how much to eat and what to eat, but have this enormous appetite that I cannot seem to control. I think if I could stick to something for a month, it would reduce my appetite and I wouldn't be reaching for so much food. Anyway, I started today by making a healthy casserole for dinner and egg white vegetable omelet for breakfast, trying to meet my goal of under 1200 calories.
  • Sunny32746
    Sunny32746 Posts: 1 Member
    For breakfast, I would recommend refrigerator oatmeal is quick and easy. you can make 5 on sunday and eat them every morning for breakfast on the go or at your desk. I love it! in a mason jar, add 1/3 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1/3 milk, 1/3 yogurt, 1/3 fruit (peaches, blueberries, strawberries, whatever) and 1/2 banana. You can also add a 1/4 tsp of chia seeds. i line up my jars, add the ingredients, close, shake, refrigeratre. each morning, I grab one and shake it and take it to the office. once settled in, i open my mason jar and thoroughly enjoy my breakfast. there are several recipes and concoctions on line. good luck!
  • bbg_daryl
    bbg_daryl Posts: 150 Member
    I've already lost 34 pounds and only have 30 pounds left to my current goal, but when I get to 150 I plan on going further. For now, I think the ultimate goal is 130 or so, which is what I weighed in high school, but who knows. Maybe I'll get down to what the doctors say is "ideal," which would be around 115 (100 pounds less than where I started). I would love to join! :D

  • lindsykaye
    lindsykaye Posts: 17 Member
    I would like to join, though I have a bit more than 100 pounds to lose! I am at 279.5 right now, with an ultimate goal of about 150.

  • buckanoo
    buckanoo Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join.

  • tajawaja
    tajawaja Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I want to lose 50-60Ibs before my graduation this june! Please add me :)

  • raysfan72
    raysfan72 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 41 and have 90+ lbs to lose....

    Username is raysfan72.
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi girls,
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    It's hard to stay positive especially during January, so I'd like your encouragement if you can give me that, and in exchange, I will try my best to be a good supportive friend to you.
    I have so far lost some weight, and still have around 80+ lbs to lose.
    Am 30 years old, from Galway in Ireland, and hate cold rainy weather (which always falls here).
    Hugs x

  • I have 100 to 120 to lose. I would love to join!

  • PPL2548
    PPL2548 Posts: 4 Member
    lost 14 lbs... Yeah!
  • Ktmac34
    Ktmac34 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join this group, some accountability and support would be nice. I am planning on losing 85 lbs in total. My short term goal is to lose at least 50 lbs by summer and to be running a 5k, easily, by December. I used to run 10k's 4-6 times a week, but then fell off the wagon big time, stopped running and gained close to 100lbs. Time for me to get up off my butt and check back into reality. Also I am sick and tired of being tired all the time and never feeling good about myself.

    Please add me to this group

  • newbeginnings06
    newbeginnings06 Posts: 5 Member
    ADDDDD MEEEE :bigsmile:
  • Hi there

    I am from New Zealand looking to lose 36kg. I have been 61kg and I have been 145kg - and now I am somewhere in the middle (but on the heavier end!). I have had "issues" with food all my life, will never be a skinnie minnie but want to be healthy for me and my family.

    Please add me, I would love to be a part of this motivational group. My user name: erobinsonkat

    Thank you.
  • I would love to join the group need some help getting motivated I've got 100 lbs to lose and would love some encouragement because I don't have much in my household. Thanks!!
  • go0fi87
    go0fi87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm looking to lose about 65 pounds and would love to join this group.
