Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    It's a miracle! I can walk again! Ok, well I can hobble but I can hobble without crutches,

    Still waiting for HP to finish my paperwork and give me a start date, I'm PRAYING for Tuesday. I've packed up all my personal stuff that I like on my desk and it's all ready to go....

    I've been peddaling a little at night on my peddler, I figured at least it was SOME exercise until I can walk again.

    Tomorrow I"m going to skip church (afraid to stand that much), scrub down my apartment, and run a few errands... then I can hole up and try to heal this foot completely for Tuesday.

    Eating is... a work in progress. I seem to have some trouble with impulse control right now and have to figure this out....
  • SeeLShrink
    Hello Hello!

    Loving all the positive posts in here, it's awesome to see people recommitting and getting into it! I'm still so glad I decided to get out of my comfort zone and explore the public forums on here, you guys are amazing! Keep up the good work all!

    I wasn't able to force myself out of bed in time for kickboxing this morning, but I did go to the gym when I finally got up and around. I did 10 miles on the stationary bike using a hill program . . . whew! Then I did the arm focused weight machines. After that, I came home and gave my 90 lb golden fur baby a bath, which is a whole different kind of workout! Hoping to be satisfyingly sore tomorrow :wink:

    Saturday: Got on the scale this morning and finally saw some progress, I lost 1 pound! It isn't much, but they all add up, and it's been a few weeks (darn holidays!) since I've seen progress. I also have noticed my coat is getting a lot more room in it, which is great because when I got it it was a little snug. Love feeling my clothes get big around me :glasses:

    My plan tomorrow is to hit my fitbit step goal, do some yoga, and deconstruct my Christmas tree. I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Keep going!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. I have. The sun was actually shining. The temps were in the low 30s so it was a perfect afternoon for a walk. I got my Christmas stuff put away and then had a good walk. GS invited me over to play his new WiiU with him. I don't know how to spell that right. Its quite humbling to play video games with a 5-year-old. :blushing:
    I had a better food day. I sent all of the homemade candy that was still around home with family after breakfast this morning. Phew, no more peanut brittle calling my name.
    Have a great Sunday. Good luck with all of your goals. I have a good feeling about this year for all of us.:happy:
    I hope that everyone will be safe and stay warm. That is some nasty weather.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Charlotte- Welcome back. Wishing you a banner year in 2014. You can do this and you will do it.

    SeeLShrink- Great victory with the coat getting roomier, that is a wonderful feeling.

    Karen- Good job on getting those papers halfway finished. I still need to find the motivation to grade the 8th grade lab papers. Not looking forward to poorly constructed responses without the deal needed to completely answer the question.:grumble: I hope you get the extra day off and if you are lucky they will call the day before you go to bed for the night on Sunday. My school districts prefers to wait until 5:30 am to make the call.

    Today, was a nice but cold day and we had to factor in the wind chill. Tomorrow, there is a chance of freezing rain and wintery weather into Monday. Who knows, we may have another day off from school as well.

    Today, I had planned to start the deep water aerobics classes but when I arrived at the pool this morning found out the boiler would not re-lit. Therefore, they cancelled the class and were closing the pool for the day. So I ended up meeting with my trainer this afternoon. Had a great workout including doing upper body and arms, then a 2 mile run around the track. I was not planning on running 2 miles today but it felt good and my sore muscles did not complain too much. Today's run was about endurance but it felt faster than normal and my form was better with a higher kick up. Afterwards had lunch with a friend and dinner with a different friend tonight. Overall, a great day.

    Thank you for the compliments about my progress pics and Christmas Garden pictures. I often forget how far I have come in terms of progress not only in weight loss but with my ability to do more activities.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for the snow to stop and Spring to come! :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sunday-Swim or gym- cardio Done gym
    Monday-Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer DONE
    Wednesday- REST Happy NEW YEAR, 2014!!! DONE
    Thursday- gym- cardio DONE
    Friday- climbing Not DONE- Shoveling Snow instead
    Saturday-water aerobics and swim Gym instead pool boiler did not work

    Success for this week, Getting in 3 trainer workouts that involved a combination of cardio and core. Running 2 miles today when I have not run since my last 5K in early December.

    Sunday- Gym
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Gym cardio or weights
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim

    May try to get another trainer workout in this week, it just depends on my schedule and the weather.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    Happy New Year! I'm Carol. New to this thread, boy what a motivator!

    Here's my story! I'm 52, married, 3 sons, one still at home, 3 dogs, and an
    African Grey Parrot.

    I started my journey in October 2012. I've lost about 45 lbs, (current weight is 160#) would love to see another 40#'s gone in 2014!

    I've been doing workout classes at my local community center 4 to 5 x's a week! I live in St. Louis, MO and we are waiting for a major snow fall coming tonight! Hope to make it to the center tomorrow for class, if not my son is going to show me some workout videos using his xbox and knex system! (wish me luck I'm not very technical!)

    I missed my workout today, I've have a terrible cold that has been keeping me up at night coughing my brains out!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @carol--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--sorry your pool was closed, but congrats on the 2 miles! I also enjoyed your christmas garden pics! They normally wait until 5:30 am to call our snow days, but with cold temps they decide sooner. There was a message on our district website that said they will decide by 2 pm tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    @madeline--I'm right there with you! Unfortunately, it is still snowing here in chicago and the temps will drop to record lows in the next few days. They are talking about -45 wind chills. :sad: Spring can't come soon enough.

    @kaye--I'm usually only tempted by chocolate candy, but peanut brittle is one of my favorites. Glad you got it out of the house!

    @lauren--oh yes, bathing a big dog can be physically challenging--gunner goes to the salon, but I've bathed him a couple of times in "emergencies" and it was a mess! :laugh: Congrats on the looser coat! Great NSV!

    @kris--glad you are getting around better. :flowerforyou:

    @anna--yep, sounds like our bad weather is headed your way. :ohwell:

    @tammy--yes, good shoes are so important for running--especially if you are experiencing knee pain. Enjoy your time with the hubby!

    @susan--great job getting back to the gym! :drinker:

    @charlotte--Welcome back!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I know I've missed some personals, but I'll catch the rest of you next time.

    AFM--I'm struggling with the protein today. I still have over 300 calories available, but I'm only at 63g of protein and I'm slightly over on fat. I think I'm going to have some cottage cheese and call it a night. I'm not super hungry (probably because I was over my allowance yesterday), so I'm not going to force myself to eat more just to reach the protein goal. Tomorrow is a new day, and I will try to do better.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Karen and Laurie-thank you for mentioning you papers to grade! I have my grades entered but I need to make comments tomorrow and get my grade cards submitted! I'm crossing my fingers that our school makes the call tomorrow instead of waiting also. A even if the snow doesn't happen I think they may call it for the temps alone! I kinda wonder if we will go back to school this week at all. We may get another storm Thursday!
  • jacqueinhutto
    jacqueinhutto Posts: 34 Member
    Hi my name is jacque and I am new to this site. I quit smoking about three years ago and my weight went from 115 to 150. My brother and daughter suggested diet diary and I was happy to find this site because it makes it easier and I got a new ipad for christmas. So this is week one. My food diary has been okay . When I try to watch what I eat I tend to eat less calories than I am suppose to. I am full though. Not sure if I should try to eat more or what. I had put my glider in the garage during christmas to make room for company but I plan to take it out tomorrow and start exercising at nite. I don't drink water but I plan to start that on monday as well. I am only 5 ft tall so 150 is extremely heavy for me. Wow..I have been reading some of ur posts and this seems to be working for a lot of u especially the lady that has lost 100 lbs. Wow that is a great accomplishment..u have to be extremely proud of urself..I am and I dont even know u yet...:smile: thanks for listening jacque
  • 13bobbie
    What are you doing to lose 10 pounds a month?
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    Hello all, would like to start joining in. I need to lose 125 pounds to be at my goal. I am a 25 year old mother of two great but crazy kids, lol. My goal for January is to lose 10 pounds and start a fitness routine that increases my strength.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! Here is a link to a post that explains how to determine a goal wight. I found it helpful, so thought I would share. If you are looking for friends who have fitness knowledge this MFP member, Azdak, posts many informative threads. He has a background in fitness and exercise physiology. He will take your friend request--just mention you would like to follow his fitness posts.

    According to this formula, if I want to be at 26% BF I should shoot for a goal weight of 168 lbs. I was pleased with this b/c my goal for my trip is 170. At that point I will re-evaluate and decide if I want to lose more. Ironically, BMI scales would still say that's overweight for my height--another reason not to use BMI as the sole determinant of goal weight.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to all the newlings I see posting! One question one person asked is how to lose 10 lbs a month - that is a very personal goal. Its achievable if you can accurately lose 2.5 lbs a week. You have to be at the top of your game, Logging your food, staying under your calorie limits and having set your goals to achieve that specific loss, and exercising to make sure you are really are having a deficit in calories each day.

    After you've lost 40 or so pounds, weight loss slows down and its more realistic to set your loss goal to 1-2 lbs a week.

    To All - no personals but I read all the posts. Congrats to all - most of you have positivity going for you! It seems that the worst we are all facing is low temps and even lower wind chill indexes. Hope you teachers get Monday off!

    AFM - I haven't set any NY Goals yet beyond logging my food, and today I went to the grocery store and when I unpacked I sampled EVERYTHING I bought, so I just rounded to the highest number and entered that for todays calories. I had such a wealth of food! Now I can eat just about anything except chips and sodas.

    One NY Resolution I bantied about was just one word, "Finesse" I thought I'd add it to my vocabulary and think about applying it to my actions when I think about it. Naturally, I was thinking about it when I poured my milk into my cream pitcher to heat it in the microwave this morning. At least it would have demonstrated Finesse if I'd gotten the milk into the cream pitcher, but instead I missed the pitcher and got milk all over the counter! (Didn't have my glasses on :blushing: ) I've got a year to work on it !:laugh:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi Everyone, Thank you, thank you for all of the good wishes and encouragement. Its so nice to feel like you belong to a group that has your back and cares about your accomplishments. I will do my best to be there for all of you as well.
    Day 2 on my road back has gone well. I'm working 12 hour nights so its a little difficult to juggle my work, eating and sleeping and find exercise time but I will work it out. This morning I went and did my grocery shopping on the way home from work so didn't have any time to do exercise but will aim for tomorrow morning.
    I've done well avoiding all of the chocolates at work, everyone brings their leftovers so they aren't tempted. Chocolate is my downfall, I have to work really hard to turn away from it but I'm doing it. So I guess thats my Saturday success.
    Got to do rounds now and then go for my break. Hope everyone is staying warm and safe. I know there are winter storms happening all over the place. Up here in Ontario we're under a storm warning for Sunday and Monday. Expecting around 15-20 cm. of snow followed by freezing rain and possibly more snow after that. Hope it all happens on my days off so I don't have to drive in it. I still have a huge tree covering most of my backyard from the last ice storm before Christmas. It fell from the ravine behind my house and missed my house by about 5 feet. The township has told me it might be February before they get to it because there was so much damage from that storm. So hope the next storm isn't as bad.
    Looking forward to reading everyones Sunday share and getting to know more of you. Charlotte
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all! I've been lurking in the background, reading your posts, but honestly am a little tired lately. My stomach has been giving me trouble and I think all of the junk I have been eating (mostly over the holidays) is getting to me. Had an endoscopy yesterday, for the worst part of the stomach pain I've been having. They found some minor issues, but nothing that can't be managed or resolved with change in behavior and diet. Hopefully the changes they recommend will do the trick for me.

    I'm still making my appointments with my trainer- and loving that. Yoga is terrific. I would like to get some more walking in, now that I have found my Fitbit (again).

    I see a lot of you posting about your Fitbits- if you want to add me there, I would LOVE more inspiration. I love seeing high numbers that I can strive towards. :bigsmile: I'm not much competition *now*, but I will be someday soon. I just know it! I keep jumping off and back on the wagon- I am getting ready to jump on again and at full force! You all inspire me so much. Thank you for posting and sharing. :drinker:

    My Fitbit profile...
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I'm going to try to reply to everyone...this is always so difficult!

    @Lauriek- Those pictures you look awesome! :) sounds like you had a good day yesterday!
    @kah68- I hate when those trips turn into so much money. :( At least your car is a happy car now?
    @charlotte - as someone who came from the over 300 club, your goals are definitely achievable! :) Sounds like you've got the right idea. I know emotional/bored eating was the biggest thing I had to overcome.
    @susan - so jealous! I love Garth Brooks!
    @nettie and karen - Thanks for the support. She's the better choice for him anyways. I can't compete with 3 years work of history between them.
    @anna - be safe. We're supposed to get a TON of snow today/tomorrow. I'm NOT looking forward to driving in that.
    @mowmow - yay for hobbling without the crutches!
    @jacque - welcome! :)
    @pain - welcome! :)
    @naceto - boo on not feeling well. Usually if I switch around my diet, my body feels happier again too.

    Sunday Share:
    It's been a tough week with that date and all. But I managed to pull out another loss--thank goodness. I'm feeling pretty comfortable in my size 16s, which means I'm down about 5 sizes. I bought new "goal" dress because the juniors 2xl dress I had was too big when I finally put it on this week. I got a xl juniors cocktail dress, which is now the new goal dress. I just hope it fits well in February when I want to wear it!

    Thinking I'm going to make some sweet and sour chicken today. yummm.

    If you're living somewhere that's getting a lot of snow, please be safe! I know here in Ohio we're supposed to get slammed with it tonight.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @alupinsk- I'm going to Riteaid here in a minute to get some facial cream (I get this nasty bacterial infection on my face about once every two or three years and this seems to be the year. It itches like crazy and goodness knows what traveling will be like tomorrow! So I'm getting stuff to deal with it at home) otherwise my car is staying parked. I really hoping our school's superintendent decides to make the call to cancel earlier. even if we don't get this snow (ha!) the temps are so cold let alone wind chill for tomorrow and Tuesday!
  • bubble770
    bubble770 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am needing to lose over 100 lbs. I have tried many times and can do well for a while. Then I just stop and gain it all back over time. So I thought i would try it with friends this time. So any motivation and support would be great. Thanks.
  • covenantwife
    Awesome thread!