Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My Saturday Success (since the scale has not moved this week) is noticing that even though I am about the same weight I was last summer, my clothes are a lot looser!!! I guess being less dizzy and more active actually ARE catching up!!!!
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Happy birthday Robin! My Saturday success is the food I am precooking today so that I am better prepared for eating right all through the week :)
  • PlatinumDiva2013
    Just hang in there, keep exercising, this was my experience didn't loose for three weeks but went down a whole size, was loosing inches, after three week plateau dropped 7 lbs, inches are just as important as pounds if not more.

    Good Luck
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!


    Quote of the day: - “When you get right down to the root of the meaning of the word succeed, you find that it simply means to follow through.” ~F. W. Nichol
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--love the quote!

    @marca--that's great! I'll taje being smaller over weighing less any day! It shows your body composition has changed to more muscle and less fat. :drinker:

    @kaye--that's so nice that your daughter is moving close to you, and I applaud her for wanting to foster--what a gift!

    @toots--thanks for the info--I was thinking of looking at both on youtube to see which one I want to do.

    @suzee--a kitchen remodel is a big project. DH and I did ours several years ago--wow, did we learn about every take out place in town that summer! It was difficult not being able to cook, but it was totally worth it when it was done.

    Saturday Success:
    I don't know if this is really a "success" but I managed to get some much needed sleep this afternoon. :yawn: I woke so early this morning b/c I just can't breathe! :grumble: I thought about going to the gym and quickly realized I was still too sick for that. My new plan was to walk gunner and run some errands, but when I got back from a half hour walk with gunner, I was just exhausted. Instead, I ate a little lunch and then snuggled with gunner on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. I managed to doze off for a good 2 1/2 hours along with some shorter catnaps, so that was good.

    Exercise Goals for this week:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym DONE (did weights and rowing + cardio)
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core NOT DONE (but gardened for about an hour)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (sick)
    Fri--rest day DONE!!
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (still too sick)
    Sun--walk gunner + run outside + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. 21/31 AP final papers
    4. x/16 ACT essays
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead.

    Karen- Great job on kicking smoking to the curb. Fantastic accomplishment.


    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday-off DONE
    Wednesday- gym NOT DONE
    Thursday- gym DONE
    Friday- Rock DONE
    Saturday some type of exercise- bike, gym or swim not sure yet GYM DONE

    I made it to the gym today luckily. They had a basketball tournament going on there so parking was tough. Luckily, found a spot otherwise I would have forgotten it today. I did something for an hour today but did not push to hard just did not have the energy. Walked a little, biked 5 miles, double leg lifts, sit ups, twists and the ellipitical for 9 minutes .25 miles. Not my best workout today but I was still tired from yesterday climb. Today's goal was just to be moving.

    Workout plans for next week
    Sunday- Bike or swim
    Monday- walk or rest
    Tuesday- gym
    Wednesday- Trainer
    Thursday- Rest
    Saturday- Gym
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My daughter that moved back here from Chicago is looking at houses today. We are going to go with her. She doesn't have children, but they have decided that they want to be foster parents so she is looking for a family home big enough to have 2-4 kids at a time. I'm excited for them. There are no foster families in our town right now, so there is a real need.
    Have a great day. Kaye

    we are licensed foster parents and there are many wonderful things about being a foster parent but there's definitely hard times too.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Saturday guys.
    Robin happy b-day may you have a truly wonderful year.
    So today was the b-day party for my nephew. He turned 2 and his parents had a big family bbq. I managed to not go over on calories for the day even with the fund raiser krispy kremes that somehow snuck into my car.:blushing: I got a really large calorie burn doing yard work today and there is more left for tomorrow. I didnt go do my strength work at the gym though. I am hoping to go tomorrow but my stomach is still a little off. It isnt really painful or sick feeling I just feel kinda bloated and like there is pressure building up in my lower abdomen but it was better today then tomorrow so hopefully tomorrow will be even better.
    Not sure what my success would be for this week other then staying mostly on track but hey I will take that:happy:
    Have a great night everyone.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Toots -- well done for starting Insanity!
    @Suzee -- I really just started exercising with a commitment to do 30 minutes every day, even if it was just stepping up and down in front of the tv. I still don't worry if that's all I manage to do in a day, and I even have some rest days now after particularly strenuous days.

    A little 'Saturday success' for yesterday, because I got up and did a parkrun, and broke my 5k pb again (now 39:43). We then went to a friend's for coffee, and then went home, got our bikes, and cycled down to a little beer festival for a quick taste of their beers and a burrito. After cycling home and a super quick change, we went off to dance for two hours at a ceilidh, and then an evening concert. So a long and tiring day (and Fitbit said 26000 steps and 1146 exercise calories). Luckily we got a lift home from friends, because I was hardly able to walk after sitting down all evening.

    That might not have been the best preparation for today, when we ran around St James' Park and up the Mall to the finishing line at Buckingham Palace as part of the Westminster Mile. I did my mile in (provisional) 12:05 -- I hope I'll get a couple of seconds off that for the chip time but I don't think there's any chance I'll have got under 12:00 which was my target. Still, I'm very very close to being able to sustain that 5mph pace for a whole mile, which is a very big goal for me because it's the lowest speed that MFP counts as running. We have cute medals and it was my son's first ever race medal.

    We ran with Sweatshop -- if there's anyone else in the UK, I thoroughly recommend the Sweatshop Running Community, at a Sweatshop shop near you. Sweatshop not only paid for our race entry today, they gave us technical t-shirts, lunch, celebration cake, and loads of SRC swag like mugs, kit bags, pens and so on.

    I like 'try something new' as a June challenge.

    Sunday share -- for newbies -- I'm Alison, I'm 47, and I live in East London, just down the road from the Olympic park. I'm married with two kids, daughter(16) and son(12) and over the last year I've gone from being a total couch potato to someone who can answer 'nearly every day' to the question 'how often do you take moderate or vigorous physical exercise'. I love MFP and having a social network that's focused on being the best people we can be.

    Hope everyone who's having a long holiday weekend (we are here in the UK and I know it is in the US and some other places as well) is having a lovely time.

    -- Alison
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Hope you are all having a great weekend. I just did my measurements for the month and another 5 inches gone from this beautiful bod:bigsmile:
    Overall I would say the month of may has been pretty productive. 5 inches and 6 pounds. I will take it:happy:
    Well I havent shared for a little while so for all our newer friends here goes. My name is Tammy and I am a wife of twenty years and a mother to three. My baby is graduating from college in June So there have been a lot of changes and adjustments going on in my home life for the past year. My husband is an engineer on a fishing boat in Alaska. This means he is gone for two months at a time and then home for a month.We are coming to the end of the current two months and I am missing hm like crazy. I am a certified medical assistant but currently unemployed. I have looked for a job sporadically but cant say I have really put any hard core effort into it. For the last couple months I have been helping out my brother by watching his kids a couple times a week. Well thats my story in a nutshell so I am off to do some housework. Have a great day all and dont forget your water:drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--I would say 5 inches and 6 lbs is awesome!! :drinker:

    @alison--congrats on your 12 minute mile (give or take a few seconds)! Sounds like you've had a very active weekend. :smile:

    @laurie--thanks! So far it has only been a couple of weeks with no e-cig, but I really have little desire to smoke, except every once in awhile just out of habit--for example, I'll get on the phone and my instinct is to go into the kitchen (the only room we smoke in), but then I remember I don't smoke. DH is still smoking, and even that's not tempting me. I'm sure I'll find myself in situations where I want a cigarette, but I'll just try to remember how sick the nicotine withdrawal made me feel.

    Sunday Share:
    I've really felt terrible all weekend. I'm pretty sure it's more than allergies b/c I've been running a low-grade fever all weekend. Today I woke again around 6 am and then just dozed on the couch all morning. Finally, around 1 pm I got up and showered. Took gunner on a very short walk, and even that had me sweating and feeling woozy. I then went to Home Depot, but they didn't have the weeding tool I was looking for. :ohwell: Right now I'm at Starbucks and my goal is to finish the AP finals today.

    Exercise Goals for this week:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym DONE (did weights and rowing + cardio)
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core NOT DONE (but gardened for about an hour)
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (sick)
    Fri--rest day DONE!!
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (still too sick)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + run outside NOT DONE + core NOT DONE (still sick)
    Mon--walk gunner + gym

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. 21/31 AP final papers
    4. x/16 ACT essays
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just an update--finished the AP finals. Would like to finish the journals as well, but my two aunts and uncle are in town, and I'm supposed to go visit with them at my mom's tomorrow. I also thought I would go shopping for my "now look" capri pants this weekend; however, being sick has screwed up my plans. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. 31/31 AP final papers DONE!!! :happy:
    4. x/16 ACT essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - congrats on your excellent rock wall climb - it must have felt great in your heart to finally conquer that part! :flowerforyou:

    jt - congrats to you to on your 6 lb. loss and inches loss thats something you really earned with all your discipline and consistency this month. WOW! :drinker:

    For the newbies - I'm Ellen (but I much prefer my avatar Robin, actually) and I started this thread over 2 years ago - on the big journey to lose MY 100 lbs Not there yet, but 1/3 of the way there. I am a divorced, childless 62 year old, living on Omaha, NE. I spend the weekends at by BF's place and that always puts me at a little more temptation because we usually go out to eat once. I am retired due to multiple, boring, :yawn: health problems. But I have lots of interests, and maintaining this thread is a big one of them. Thanks for the birthday wishes, btw!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Memorial day to everyone. Thank you to everyone who has served our country and fought for the freedoms we love.

    Allison- Great job on the Park run and for reaching a PB time. Enjoy your weekend as well.

    Sunday share- I am Laurie, currently 42 years old for another week or two. The kids I teach (7-8th graders) serve as an extended family since I am single and have never been married. I started this process about 2 years ago in June just trying to lose weight. It took a special deal at the gym before I started really working hard at exercise. The first 6 months served as a good introduction and warm up. Since then I have worked with three different trainers, each of whom has taught me something different about exercise.

    Today, I went on a 15 mile bike ride and will most likely do another one tomorrow. I just hope my butt can handle it. It is sore after today's ride. I see bubble pants in my future and hopefully that will make the ride smoother.

    Tomorrow, I will be going to picnic and will be preparing 2 dozen deviled eggs, marbled brownies and chips and queso dip. I will have a busy day preparing the food but I still want to get a bike ride in or do something active. I am sure I will over indulge tomorrow so will be productive early in the day to make the room in the diet.

    Have a great day tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Congratulations on the losses. I think that May has been a good month, overall.
    I have decided to walk again. My knee is feeling much better so I am out walking for 30 min. I am icing the knee when I get home. I hope that keeps it from flaring up again before the surgery.
    For the new friends, I am Kaye. I live in extreme Western ID, actually about 20 north of Ontario, OR. Its the only place in ID that is north of OR. My husband and I will celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. We have 7 children with spouses, and 14 grandchildren. I believe that, at 69, I am the oldest member of this thread. I have been on this weight-loss journey, not for the first time, but for last time, since October. I had my right knee replaced in October and will have my left knee replaced in June. I have lots of interests, especially anything that involves needlework and sewing. Most of my time is involved in caring for my family. I tend my daughter's 2 children while she works.
    Tomorrow we will have a cookout for the family that lives close by. There will be 14 of us. Everyone is contributing. I should be able to plan ahead and do alright with the calories.
    Have a great night. Kaye
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Okay... I'm playing catch up again, sorry for everything I've missed.

    Thanks for the tip, Marca :) Pictures will be forthcoming, never fear, I like to show off.

    Laurie - The last few weeks of school are always the worst. It's gorgeous out and *nobody* wants to be there. One of the reasons I switched from a music ed major to plain music was the day it occurred to me that I was basically signing up to go to school for the rest of my life. People who can teach for a living have my utmost respect... because I could never do it. Re: egg casseroles... have you thought about using a slow-cooker? I've seen several recipes for crock-pot breakfast casseroles floating around Facebook that you throw together the night before and just leave cooking on low overnight. :) And great job on the rock climbing!!

    Kaye - happy birthday! :) And mmmmm I love sushi. I look forward to the day when I need never again darken the door of the plus-sized stores where I bought 95% of my current wardrobe. I tried on some old navy jeans a few weeks ago at Walmart and an 18 fit just fine, though, so the day is coming!

    Robin - Eep. Thoughts & prayers for your friend & her hubby!

    Suzee - Portion control is indeed the trick, especially when special things are happening. If you trying to eat "healthy" while everyone else is having treats, you feel deprived and end up overindulging... or at least I do. Maybe you can introduce healthy side dishes to the cook outs? Fruit & veggie trays, that sort of thing? Re: the bread - Actually I do eat it. :) Most days my breakfast is a hefty slice with cream cheese on it and a mug of herbal tea. It shows up as a side item next to my lunch salads or meat at dinner. Sometimes I eat it with cheddar for a snack. I eat my cookies too. And yup... still losing weight. Is why I love IPOARM... if it fits in my calories (and my sodium... sodium is my downfall every time), it's come to mama.

    tlh - wowzers, you've got your work cut out for ya, for sure. How long are you going to be there, could you get by with a slow-cooker, a couple of skillets, and paper plates & plastic utensils?

    Didn't log yesterday, everything was so nutty, but did okay on food anyhow. My scale still said 210 this morning. I wore a dress to church today that I haven't worn since my high-school graduation. Seriously. It's been TWELVE YEARS since I wore that dress, and I'm pretty sure it fits better now than it did then. Sold 3 loaves of rosemary-garlic bread this morning, and got rid of the rest of my cookies. I think I'm going to experiment a bit this week, and do some fun stuff.

    My son is having an awful day, poor baby. Couple of days, actually. Yesterday he fell and tore the frenulum on his upper lip (the bit of tissue that connects your lip to your gums)... it's too long on him and would have happened eventually, but lotsa blood and screeching baby right before bedtime. He's cutting 2 upper and two lower teeth at the same time, all on the left side of his mouth, so he's miserable anyway. And then he woke up early from today's nap, about twenty minutes after I left for church, so I wasn't home to coax him back down. So I got home and he'd already been awake since 10 past noon, when he's used to sleeping until around 1:30ish. He was mostly okay the rest of the afternoon, if a bit crankier than usual, but right at 7 he just FREAKED OUT. We spent about 10 minutes trying to calm him and then just said "okay, it's bedtime". He passed out in three minutes flat once I got him nursing, then woke up an hour later and it took 3 trips into the bedroom to get him to settle properly and go back to sleep.

    I hate molars. I really truly despise molars.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thank you to all of our military, past and present, for their service and sacrifice.

    @marypoppins--sorry, I can't recall your real name--laura?--anyway, I think it's great that you are in a dress from 12 years ago, and so close to Onederland!! Sorry about your kiddo--I don't have any kids, but I know my niece is super-cranky when she's cutting teeth. :grumble:

    @kaye--it's nice that you can walk again, but be careful--I don't know much about surgery, but I do know that if there's any swelling they probably can't operate. Maybe no walking for a few days before your surgery, just to be safe? I would hate for them to postpone it due to that.

    @laurie--the cycling sounds like fun--enjoy your picnic!

    Monday Check-in:
    Not 100%, but I'm feeling much better today--I can actually breathe without any meds! Also weighed in at 184 today so only 3 lbs to get back to my lowest weight.

    On my Virtual TransAmerica Walk I'm at 427 miles--still in VA, but I'm in the far western section of the state in Wythe County. Should be moving into KY soon.

    I've finished the Hobbit trail, and nothing very eventful is happening on the LOTR trail--on Day 26 getting ready to cross a small stream. :ohwell: Only about 30 miles to go on that trail.

    Going to go shopping for capri pants and then grade a bit before visiting with my aunts and uncle this afternoon. Going to skip any extreme workout for one more day. I should be able to go to the gym tomorrow after school.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Diction analyses
    2. 10/57 TTTC Journals
    3. x/16 ACT essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest (I have a retirement party after school)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + doing relay for life in the evening
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Yup, it's Laura. LOL... sorry, I usually sign off! Glad you're feeling better!

    We're just getting started on the day here. Li'l man slept in a bit, but he was cranky & restless most of the night, so who knows what he's gonna do today.

    It's cool and gray outside still... was hoping for a *bit* warmer today, but I guess I'll have to finish putting the garden in wearing long sleeves. But it's gotta get done, I have hostas sitting out in pots that really need to be in the dirt if they're going to survive, never mind my herbs and the seed for corn, salad, carrots, and radishes that isn't doing any good in the packets.
  • leonel78
    leonel78 Posts: 1
    i am new on this program so far i like it. i just wish i can have more support :) or a good pushy partner to do all my excersise
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    You can do it :D