Looking to add people on 1200 calories a day



  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    I know that an earlier poster commented that he was using this thread to set the 1200 calorie per day people to ignore. I'm going to take a slightly different tack. For all those jumping on the 1200 calorie per day plan just because they think it is the best and fastest way to lose weight without knowing their BMR or TDEE, I extend this offer. When the day comes that you get sick of feeling hungry all the time, or you "fall off the wagon", or you realize that you have put most, if not all of the weight you lost back on, should you decide that you want to get healthy and fit for the long term and want support feel free to send me a FR at that time.

    Just understand that I won't support anyone who has an extremely low calorie goal that is not supported by either doctor recommendation or your TDEE calculation. That means just because MFP says 1200 is right for you, it doesn't mean it's what you should be doing. Seriously, try using one of the TDEE calculators like http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/, and see what it tells you. I'd be shocked if you see anything close to 1200 calories as the recommended amount.

    This site gave my minimum daily calories at 150. If I eat less than that, I risk losing lean muscle mass. Whut??
    My TDEE is only around 1600, but I think I will stick with 1200 or so. Don't think I would be very fun to be around if I only ate 150 cals per day. :laugh:
    Disclaimer- I am 50 and partially disabled.

    If I follow the recommended schedule on the next step, I will reach my goal weight in 6 years.

    I'd have to see that to believe it. If you don't mind sharing your height and weight via pm or post I'd like to try to duplicate that.

    EDIT: I think that beachlover discovered what you were doing. You should be looking at the second box on the right hand side marked Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    :flowerforyou: You realize jof - you are one of the snarky people I was referring to?

    And people mock me when I say that my penchant for posting in 1200 calorie threads is changing lives for the better.

    You see that naysayers?!?

    Beacon. Of. Light.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    :flowerforyou: You realize jof - you are one of the snarky people I was referring to?

    And people mock me when I say that my penchant for posting in 1200 calorie threads is changing lives for the better.

    You see that naysayers?!?

    Beacon. Of. Light.

  • KimiMills
    KimiMills Posts: 6 Member
    add me :)
  • mssag
    mssag Posts: 23 Member
    Wow what is this!! 1200 cals good, 1200 cals bad, 1200 cals good, 1200 cals bad. Really?? I'm new to this board, and it's all I see. Anti 1200 people here right fighting day and night. Have you all really nothing better to do than to take over ALL low calorie threads and jam your opinions down everyone's throats over and over?? My lord do you not all have families, jobs or a life besides fighting over food? LOL!!!!!!

    All the poor girl wanted to know is if she could get friends eating the same amount of calories as her. Bet she won't make that mistake again!! I was going to post my own thread but after reading these boards for a couple days I don't think I want to. Think I'll skip all the fighting, snarkiness and negativity and just use the calorie counter.

    Have fun killing each other! Maybe I'll send a friend request to the OP geez. She seems to be the only decent one here.....

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I know that an earlier poster commented that he was using this thread to set the 1200 calorie per day people to ignore. I'm going to take a slightly different tack. For all those jumping on the 1200 calorie per day plan just because they think it is the best and fastest way to lose weight without knowing their BMR or TDEE, I extend this offer. When the day comes that you get sick of feeling hungry all the time, or you "fall off the wagon", or you realize that you have put most, if not all of the weight you lost back on, should you decide that you want to get healthy and fit for the long term and want support feel free to send me a FR at that time.

    Just understand that I won't support anyone who has an extremely low calorie goal that is not supported by either doctor recommendation or your TDEE calculation. That means just because MFP says 1200 is right for you, it doesn't mean it's what you should be doing. Seriously, try using one of the TDEE calculators like http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/, and see what it tells you. I'd be shocked if you see anything close to 1200 calories as the recommended amount.

    This site gave my minimum daily calories at 150. If I eat less than that, I risk losing lean muscle mass. Whut??
    My TDEE is only around 1600, but I think I will stick with 1200 or so. Don't think I would be very fun to be around if I only ate 150 cals per day. :laugh:
    Disclaimer- I am 50 and partially disabled.

    If I follow the recommended schedule on the next step, I will reach my goal weight in 6 years.

    I'd have to see that to believe it. If you don't mind sharing your height and weight via pm or post I'd like to try to duplicate that.

    EDIT: I think that beachlover discovered what you were doing. You should be looking at the second box on the right hand side marked Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

    I was referring to the purple box at the bottom of the right hand column. Where it gives height to weight ratio, maximum fat burning amount and minimum daily calories. I don't think it actually wants me to eat that low, it was just funny to see that number. My stats probably throw off their calculators.
  • you can add me, but I plan on drinking protein or something to bring mine above 1200 I cant even eat 1200 cals a day I get full fast when I eat healthy. So Im going to have to add something healthy to drink thats cheap to get past 1200 cals a day.
  • Add me too! I just started on the 1200 calorie a day a little over a week ago. I actually had no idea how many calories I was eating before I joined MyFitnessPal and began tracking so it is putting a lot of things in perspective for me. Please add me as I can use all of the support I can get. :happy:
  • Hi my name is hammertime2014 I would love to join you. I just joined today. And I also want to lose 60 pounds by summertime. :smile:
  • Bel0602
    Bel0602 Posts: 135 Member
    Add me!
  • me too, I know I was eating everything that was in the 2000 range unhealthy. When I started this mfp I started eating healthy and now I get full to get to 1200 cals or over Id have to add a powder drink supplement for the higher cals
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Weren't you just preaching "live and let live?" Most people in this thread seem to be having a respectful conversation. You're the only one who seems to be trying to stir up drama.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I would like to chime in to say that when I started 1200 cals was my straight goal exercise or not. As per the slim fast website. If I hadn't joined in the boards I would have ate according to that plan and still exercised because that's what they recommend. Without eating back my exercise calories that would have put me at a steady and constant deficit and a net cals well under 1200 calories. Probably closer to 700 or 800. I am thankful to any and everyone who wrote anything that I read in those early days that let me know what NET cals meant and how the eating back cals worked. Otherwise I would have blindly followed my 1200 cals or bust plan and wound up with thinner nails, less hair, and hunger headaches. As it stands I lost my weight while eating more cals than that. I would never have known otherwise unless I'd read it here.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    me too, I know I was eating everything that was in the 2000 range unhealthy. When I started this mfp I started eating healthy and now I get full to get to 1200 cals or over Id have to add a powder drink supplement for the higher cals

    Or some avocado, honey, olive oil, full fat yogurt, etc instead of low fat. There's a lot of different strategies to add healthy higher calorie foods to get you the energy you need to kick butt.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    you can add me, but I plan on drinking protein or something to bring mine above 1200 I cant even eat 1200 cals a day I get full fast when I eat healthy. So Im going to have to add something healthy to drink thats cheap to get past 1200 cals a day.

    A lot of people have that challenge when they first join. However, you do need to eat all of your base calories and at least half of your exercise calories. Here are some ideas for adding healthy calories:
    Chicken with the skin
    Whole eggs (including deviled eggs, egg salad)
    Full fat dairy (including cottage cheese, yogurt)
    Peanut butter or other nut butters
    Dried fruit (raisins, apricots, apples)
    Dark chocolate
    Add Chia seeds to salads or yogurt
    Olive oil
    Granola/sports nutrition bars
    Whole grains or whole grain products (like brown rice, Quinoa, oatmeal)
  • gyal3
    gyal3 Posts: 48 Member
    On 1,200 calories per day too! Started last week, definitely have some up and downs. Sharing food diaries would be really helpful. Goal is to ultimately lose 60lbs in 8 months. I too have a BMI of 30.2 :-(. Add me, anyone else can feel free to add me 2!
  • Ievanock
    Ievanock Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying for 1200 a day too ...
    Plse add me
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    add me please! I just re-set all my stuff as I am just back after 3 months of eating crap and no working out.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I know that an earlier poster commented that he was using this thread to set the 1200 calorie per day people to ignore. I'm going to take a slightly different tack. For all those jumping on the 1200 calorie per day plan just because they think it is the best and fastest way to lose weight without knowing their BMR or TDEE, I extend this offer. When the day comes that you get sick of feeling hungry all the time, or you "fall off the wagon", or you realize that you have put most, if not all of the weight you lost back on, should you decide that you want to get healthy and fit for the long term and want support feel free to send me a FR at that time.

    Just understand that I won't support anyone who has an extremely low calorie goal that is not supported by either doctor recommendation or your TDEE calculation. That means just because MFP says 1200 is right for you, it doesn't mean it's what you should be doing. Seriously, try using one of the TDEE calculators like http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/, and see what it tells you. I'd be shocked if you see anything close to 1200 calories as the recommended amount.

    This site gave my minimum daily calories at 150. If I eat less than that, I risk losing lean muscle mass. Whut??
    My TDEE is only around 1600, but I think I will stick with 1200 or so. Don't think I would be very fun to be around if I only ate 150 cals per day. :laugh:
    Disclaimer- I am 50 and partially disabled.

    If I follow the recommended schedule on the next step, I will reach my goal weight in 6 years.

    You must have entered something wrong. Mine was spot on at 1340 BMR. Pretty nifty site!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I know that an earlier poster commented that he was using this thread to set the 1200 calorie per day people to ignore. I'm going to take a slightly different tack. For all those jumping on the 1200 calorie per day plan just because they think it is the best and fastest way to lose weight without knowing their BMR or TDEE, I extend this offer. When the day comes that you get sick of feeling hungry all the time, or you "fall off the wagon", or you realize that you have put most, if not all of the weight you lost back on, should you decide that you want to get healthy and fit for the long term and want support feel free to send me a FR at that time.

    Just understand that I won't support anyone who has an extremely low calorie goal that is not supported by either doctor recommendation or your TDEE calculation. That means just because MFP says 1200 is right for you, it doesn't mean it's what you should be doing. Seriously, try using one of the TDEE calculators like http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/, and see what it tells you. I'd be shocked if you see anything close to 1200 calories as the recommended amount.

    This site gave my minimum daily calories at 150. If I eat less than that, I risk losing lean muscle mass. Whut??
    My TDEE is only around 1600, but I think I will stick with 1200 or so. Don't think I would be very fun to be around if I only ate 150 cals per day. :laugh:
    Disclaimer- I am 50 and partially disabled.

    If I follow the recommended schedule on the next step, I will reach my goal weight in 6 years.

    You must have entered something wrong. Mine was spot on at 1340 BMR. Pretty nifty site!

    If your BMR is 1340, you need to add 15-20% to reach sedentary minimum daily energy requirements. You shouldn't eat less than your BMR.