
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well, I'm hogging the thread today. I don't recall posting 3 times before but I just had to drop in and say.....

    Amanda - WOO HOO - the cupcakes are done! Teddy and Molly are adorable! :flowerforyou: Such a cute nose and all the hair and two of them to love. You are blessed for sure.

    Kathy - Thanks for the idea about tracking down my pattern but unfortunately I have no clue who made the pattern. I will have to keep digging or find a new pattern. I've been irritated at myself all day for not keeping track of those dang patterns!! :grumble:

    Terry - Happy 36th Anniversary! Glad you had a good day and kept the calorie damage to a minimum. That's hard when celebrating a special occasion.

    Now, I have to dig through what I have purchased through the year for Christmas presents and try to decide what else I need to get. A friend and I are heading out to do some shopping tomorrow and I need to get a clue what I'm after. No mindless shopping is my motto this year. I don't tend to go overboard but it's good to get organized before you go. That helps me keep focused on what I want instead of impulse purchases.

    Faye (aka the typo queen - thank goodness for the edit button)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hello, everybody.
    The wifi in my house hasn't been working so I can't access the internet from the laptop in the dining room while we watch TV.......I've logged food and exercise and tended to my email on the desktop computer but it's not so convenient for me.....tonight while DH was on the phone with a friend, I read all the posts since Sunday......it was great, like sitting and talking to all my friends at once.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on the birth of your darling grandtwins.....you have been filled with faith, hope,and patience for a long time waiting for them.......I agree with all the others who said you should continue on your weight loss journey.......add more protein as has been suggested......your body will stabilize at a healthy weight......there's no worry that with your healthy eating that you will somehow "waste away".....I am no longer surprised at what is said or not said to me about my weight loss.......I'd rather hear nothing than hear the comments about how I'm all bones or too thin or wasting away.....I get the best comments from DH and from myself and we are the ones who matter the most. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I loved the pic of you and Bodi.......I've seen you in person and know how beautiful you are.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Terri, congratulations on your anniversary.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, thank you for the kind words about my photo.....thanks too, for taking the time to share about all your health issues and the healthy way you eat now....you are so right about finding products that work for you and sticking with them.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I got the blood test results at my doctor visit yesterday and all is well and my blood pressure is down a bit, too...I finally decided to agree to a colonoscopy.....I've never had one before because of terror about the procedure and the prep......thank you to all of you who shared on that subject in the last few months.....it was from you that I gained the courage.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Amanda, Your Grandies are sooooo beautiful, enjoy them and keep cuddling.

    I love reading everyones posts and enjoy the caring you all show. I have had a fantastic last couple of days with my eating so feeling good. I am sitting here and can see puddytat refkected in the window, she is lying flat out on the material that I have cut out for a quilt for my grandchild due in December. Better get going on it or the baby will be at uni before I finish :ohwell:

    Better get off to bed soon.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Had quite a scare last night at the hospital. My sister went at 5 for ICU visit and called me and said dad was not looking good. They had just obtained a regular room for him and his nurse decided to hold off. he was very lethargic and just not himself. the nurse call anethesiologist (spell?) and got him off of epidural for few hours. They also adjusted his oxygen. By the time we left at 9 he was somewhat better. Much more alert and oxygen levels were stable. Took blood work cause he was running fever. The fever scares me more than anything. I stay strong for myself and my family but I have to confess to you ladies. I am worried about fever. Going back for visit hours at 8am and hopefully it is much much better. His name is Tim and please those of you who pray put him on your prayer lists. He is also a veteran so I am thankful for him in so many ways. thank you all so much for being her for me in so many ways. Hope to get back on later. have a good day. Please tell any family members of yours that are vets thank you from me and mine.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Amanda - They are BEAUTIFUL! If we lived closer, we'd come and see them bearing gifts. Twins are such a blessing. They run in our family and we understand the joys and the extra work involved.

    Mac-I am glad that horse stuff is working for you. Good luck getting back exercising. I think I have some of the same issues, but just didn't realize until you started talking about them here. I guess I will start using absorbine too.

    I was feeling all depressed today (before seeing Amanda's picture). We didn't make it through the week on the food we had and we had to put $30.00 of groceries on the credit card. I bought stuff to round out what I had in the cabinets and I could make a meal out of it. I couldn't get my water pill prescription filled and I've bloated up 3 pounds. Guess that means I still need to take it. lol I can't wait until tomorrow when hubby gets paid and we can get food and prescriptions.

    But, what ever depression I was feeling is gone. Seeing those beautiful babies will keep me in 7th heaven all day. Nothing like a newborn to brighten up the lives around it.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • :flowerforyou: Good evening ..."Everyone"...

    It's a very wild and woolly night here in N.Wales. Leaves blowing all over the place and wind howling through our Velux window vents upstairs!! :noway: Sounds like a horror movie....good job it's not Halloween!!

    :smile: The scales were good today ...I did lose 2lb which spurs me on to "Be good"

    Tonight I'm cooking up a Quiche and 2 loaves of sandwiches. :cry: Sadly, we have a funeral to attend tomorrow (The father of a very good friend) and I wanted to do my bit to help with the "Do" afterwards. We managed to swap mum's day centre day which has helped.

    Faye ....Knitting in blue!! .Woohoo!!!

    Amanda .....What lovely babies! All those cuddles to come ....double trouble? No way!!!

    Birdie M ..... If you've been under the weather ,best to ease yourself in to the regime. Remember..."slowly, slowly catchee monkey" ....anyone know where that saying comes from?

    Barb .....Lurrrv the smilies!! Where are they from?

    Robin ...I hope there weren't too many "Feel good factor" things in your shopping basket!!

    Terri ....WTG on the anniversary eating. Congrats on the anniversary too.!

    Faye ....enjoy your Xmas shopping spree. I found very early shopping had it's pitfalls...I either forgot where things were stashed, forgot who was having what etc.
    We did get some Xmas crackers the other day...they have wind up plastic "Brussel Sprouts" inside and a racing cicuit on the boxes. Just ready for a wild after dinner game with the grandkids. On a previous year we had musical crackers with everyone getting a different pitch whistle. A conductor was chosen and we had to play different tunes....mad or what!!!

    Barbie ....glad your blood results were ok. Good luck with the Colonoscopy .

    Vikkij .....good luck with rescuing your material from your lovely cat!!They always seem to pick the wrong...their right...spot to lie on!!

    Vicki M ...Tim is my thoughts. Those Vets are made of strong stuff though...take heart in that.

    Jeannie ....Hang in there. Sounds as if you're having a hard time at the moment and it's sooo good you can find the joy in other things. Mind you ...who couldn't be "lifted" by such lovely babies?

    Well ....I'm off to do that cooking now. That and to referee the 2 cats who have decided they both want to sleep on the same chair!!.If they're not careful, they'll both be out in the cold soon!!

    BFN :heart:
  • Oh Amanda, the Babes are BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!

    This morning is the 1st time I've been on for almost a week. Since the end of September I've been under the weather. Have been on antibiotics twice but I just can't seem to shake this. Bronchitis keeps almost clearing up and then it's back. I was off work again for an other week... I hate being away because there's no one to do my job when I'm not there so it just piles up. I think that's the worst part. Exercising has been really off as well because of the coughing fits. But life goes on... speaking of which...

    I told you all that my son had purchased a ring for his girlfriend and was going to purpose... well he did! 1st he wanted to ask her Dad for permission to marry his daughter and of course he said yes, so DS was just waiting for the right time. On Nov 3 it was a beautiful sunny Fall day. Both of them had the day off so he said they should go for a walk. During her 1st year of university she had taken a photography course and she used DS and her sister as her 'subjects'. One of the 1st photo shoots she did was along the river where this old tree overhangs a park bench. She took the most beautiful black and white pictures of him sitting on the bench. Well this is where they went for their walk. He sat her down, got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She said yes! Then they carved their initials in a heart on the bench! They've tentatively set a wedding date for June 2, 2012. Lots of planning to do and I'm really hoping that she'll have me make her dress for her.

    Did I tell you that I make wedding dresses as a hobby? My 'real' job is working as a human resources officer in one of the departments of the federal government but my real passion is sewing. I've been sewing since I was 4 years old. Started making clothes for friends when I was in grade 6 and made my 1st wedding dress when I was in grade 11. It wasn't my wedding dress of course but it was the 1st one I had made. Since then I fell in love with making beautiful things and have done countless wedding gowns, bridesmaids, formal dresses and graduation dresses. I fully intend to do it full/part time when I finally retire!

    Well, must go and get some things done around here.

    Have a wonderful day and take time today to remember those who this day is in celebration of!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Jackie, to answer your question, I use this website (free and safe-no viruses..etc.):

    BTW, anytime you want to see where an image in a post came from, just use the quote button for that post and you will see the image code, which will tell you where it came from. You can actually copy that code from the post and paste it elsewhere, or else go to the website and pull it from there.

    MissJo, Sorry you are under the weather..Bronchitis is for the birds. smiley-sick005.gif Hope you feel better soon.

    Hello everyone else....not much time right now.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Thanks Barb

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks Barb


    You are welcome. It is too bad the website doesn't have a dog pulling a tree behind it--I seem to recall Bodi had an "encounter" with one of your trees a few months ago. :wink: Although I originally had doggie and balloon in my signature, I decided two moving objects was overkill, so I am glad he found a "home" with you. The other image I am using reminds me so much of my Pepper, it is like he modeled for it.

    Is it raining up there yet? We are supposed to get it by later this afternoon, but it is sunny now.

  • Hello my friends. I missed you while I was in Tahoe. The weather in Tahoe changed from sunny to snowy while I was there. I could have done without the rain in-between but even that was beautiful. Tahoe’s hard to beat.

    You know all those happy happy things I was saying about food before I left? How wonderful the fruits and veggies taste, etc.? Well they do taste wonderful but I’m still not up to resisting the temptation of cheese, crackers, wine, blackberry cobbler, etc. I do better when I’m in control of the food. Even though I can relax more about food now, I do best when I’m measuring and logging.

    I had thought about going back up to Tahoe for another week, but I want to keep my momentum going and can’t afford to be lured away by non-stop goodies. (It turns out now that my folks are coming back today. My dad has an infected foot (constant problem for him) and my mom just heard that a good friend had died unexpectedly. Susie was her walking partner. I used to join them on their walks when I was down in the Bay Area and will miss her too.)

    I’ve been doing well on exercise the last week or so. But, aghhh, I’m sore all over!

    Amanda, I just saw the picture with your grandbabies. they're awesome, Grandma! There’s nothing better than being a grand. And you’re doubly blessed with twins. They are gorgeous and your daughter looks beautiful too. Wow. I have a lot of catching up to do today. The progress with your daughter was one of the things I’ve been yearning to know. Woo hoo!

    I’m sorry you need a heart valve replacement. Surgery is never any fun. I know what the surgeons can do nowadays is really amazing. And you will be in such good shape for it, with all the weight you’ve lost and exercise you’ve been getting.

    You are right to focus on your iron deficiency. My dad healed very slowly from his surgery last year. Turns out he needed more iron to heal properly. Iron is harder to get when you’re a vegetarian. I’ve noticed my tallies for iron are low since I’ve been eating less red meat. I’ll look forward to hearing what you're doing to boost your levels.

    Alice, I love reading your posts. They are heart-warming. You have a wonderful, positive attitude – definitely cup half full. I feel inspired to be my best self when I read how much you enjoy all the things (there are a lot of them!) you have going on.

    Robin, your new pic is sweet. BTW, I wrote that before I saw your comment that nobody’d noticed your new pic! I guess I’ve become a narcissist too! No apologies either. It’s nice to look so much better. I have to admit to being photogenic and I DON’T post pics I don’t like! (And, trust me, there are plenty that I’d never let anybody see. Not that they can’t see for themselves in person!) At least the pics are really of me. Some folks on places like match.com post other people’s pictures or ones from when they were much younger. I wonder what they do when they meet their “match” in person. (Maybe they don’t.) Bodi and Keira are both beautiful. BTW, SIZE 4!!!!! You are amazing.

    Welcome to everyone new. I ditto what Barbie says at the beginning of each month…this thread has changed my life. Hang with us, post when you can, it’s amazing how much difference you’ll see. I’m rooting for you (and for myself too!) Hmm. That makes me smile, thinking of the time I asked Kate (then 3) who she loved. She said she loved her mom and her dad, her sister and her brother, and me. Then she said, “And I love myself too.” The wisdom of a 3-year old!

    Mary, your muffin recipe looks delish. I saved it and will give it a try. Lots of yumminess for the calories.

    Kath and Sally, I noticed we started at about same weight. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone – and the pounds. You’ve come to an awesome place for support.

    TLK105, being able to get down on the floor to play with my grandchildren and get back up again was one of my goals. I can do it now. I love that we share/d that goal.

    I’m with Amanda and MacMadame for disliking it when people don’t say anything about the weight I’ve lost. I wonder if they think it would be invading our privacy or something like that. Compliments are wonderful. The more the better!

    Jeannie, I give you a lot of credit for staying on track with eating when money is tight. A lot of cheap food is also high-calorie, so that is a real accomplishment.

    Faye, woo hoo on not needing the glucosamine anymore. Awesome news about the baby boy too.

    Vicki, I was so happy to hear how well your dad was doing. Then worried to see he was having problems. He’s in my thoughts and prayers.

    Congrats Miss Jo. It sounds as though you’ll be getting a thoughtful and warm daughter-in-law.

    Yikes. There are so many posts since I've been gone. I’ve read them all but I can see I won’t be able to post a personal “Hi” to everyone. I am thinking of you though and am so glad to be back.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I read posts and glad to hear what everyone is up to...I don't have too much time to reply, even though I would like, but

    Amanda: Your Babies are ADORABLE:love::love: :love: I know you are in heaven! Enjoy each moment with them.

    Terri: Happy anniversary...we are on the same number! Amazing, isn't it? Sounds like you handled your day very well

    Missjo: How exciting about the engagement! Your son sounds like a thoughtful soul and you are too to want to make her dress!

    Mimi: So glad to hear from you and know what's going on with you!

    Faye: I know you are excited to know about your grandson to be! It is the best to be a Grandmom!

    Barbie: I am so glad that you are getting a colonoscopy...honestly, I have had to have 4 and they are not as bad as the hype. If I had not had mine I would likely have had colon cancer by now.

    Barb: I love your see-saw...you are so clever and I think we all "teeter" between the good and bad!

    Jeannie: Take care...it is not fun to feel stressed with financial decisions. You are making great choices it would seem.

    New Members: I missed a few while I was away last week. I wish you all the best on this journey...you have found a great place for support and friendship and I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Today is my 58th Birthday...DH took me out on the boat for a picnic lunch and then we raked some oyster shells to put down on my garden path. We are headed out to dinner tonight. I did some extra time on my run/walk this morning, so hope to stay under my calories. So far, so good. I am not in the mood for any dessert after our week in the Bahamas when there was just too much "extra" everything sitting around. The new photo is from today on the oyster "rake".

    Have a lovely evening, ladies. You are always in my thoughts. Kackie:heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy Birthday Kackie!!!!!

  • Happy Birthday, Kackie. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 58? No way. :noway: You look wonderful!!!! I'm glad you're back. Hope you had a happy time (despite all those terrorizing treats).

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Still on cloud nine over my beautiful babies. They are truly gorgeous. Teddy has a couple of problems - one being that two of his fingers aren't formed. My darling daughter had a little sob in my arms about it this afternoon while her husband was out of the room, but as I said to her, it doesn't make him any less perfect!

    It's so good to see a few of those that have been MIA back on the boards. We miss you when you're not around!

    Happy birthday Kackie - have a great one!

    I want to write to you all, but really don't have enough time just now. However, I just wanted to say something to Robin ... when I first joined, I was convinced that the little red thing on your ticker was a red clown nose on Bodi as it was slap, bang where you would expect his nose to be. Now look at it! That little ladybird is almost under his ear!

    Anyway, I have a million and one things to do this evening before I go to bed - I've been spending a lot of time on the telephone - calling aunts etc (the babies were born on my favourite aunt's birthday!)

    Oh, one last thing before I go. My DD#1's sister-in-law also has twins (boys of 11) so that's two sets on that side now. This evening my DD#2 called me to tell me that HER sister-in-law has just found out that she's expecting identical twins next year! I can't believe it!

    Anyway, thank you again for all your kind comments and wishes. I will be back in the fold properly once things settle down.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Hello everyone,

    I am old but new. I have been on this site before. Barbiecat, you'll remember me, I think, I was kc. Anyways, I am now 9 months vegan and enjoying. I am down only about 20 pds from before. I struggle with same old things, bites, licks, and more.

    But at least I a still plugging away at eating healthy. I was entering my food at WW but can't afford that so here I am.

    Those twins are so beautiful. I can't imagine all the work and blessings ahead of you. I hope to post encouragement to you all. kc
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Robin - I, too, didn't comment because I thought you looked real nice in the picture. Since you didn't, that's why I didn't comment.

    Congrats Faye on finding out it's a boy! How wonderful!

    Oh, Amanda, big time congrats to you. I was hoping to see a post about the cupcakes, and I did. How beautiful!

    Barb - congrats on the bp going down, you deciding to get a colonoscopy. Really, once you get over the prep, it's no big deal

    Wed. I did an hour of yoga, then we had our Newcomers meeting, came home and did an hour on the treadmill doing incline intervals (2 min @ 3%, 6%, 9% 12%, 3% etc), then did some food shopping, then we had our league bowling. I bowled 3 games. Tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll do a Burn and Firm DVD at home. Then I have an appt. with my MD for him to "discuss my blood test results". I do plan on mentioning about the "nurse". Then I'll do some food shopping because this one store has triple coupons

    Oh, today (Wed) I stopped at Kohl's. Actually, I'd seen an ad for this one shirt that I really liked, but our Kohl's didn't have it. Anyway, I found another shirt on sale 60% off, and I had a coupon for an additional 20% so I got it. Not sure if I really needed it or not. Anyway, then I was looking to see if I could find something for Jessica. Well, I didn't find anything for her but....I saw this one blouse that I sort-of liked. It was on sale, 60% off and I had my coupon for another 20%. Anyway, I tried the XL on and it fit!!! This was in the Juniors department.

    I tell ya, I don't know what it is, but lately I seem to have very little free time. Wonder what's up with that?

    Faye - I hear ya bout those patterns. How annoyed I am that I have everything from my x-stitch EXCEPT a picture of the finished item. And I bought it 5 years ago, so it's no longer online and the company throws out all its old catalogues.

    Vicki - prayers for your dad. We have a plaque on the wall that says "if you want the best seat in the house, move the cat"

    Jeannie - to me, there is nothing like that newborn "smell".

    Do you know that one store around here ALREADY has Christmas cards buy one, get 2 free???? Sad....

    Happy birthday Kackie!

    Did 1-1/2 hr of a Burn & Firm DVD. I should probably only do 45 minutes. Well...next time. Tomorrow...water class.

    I did go to the MD today. That "nurse" didn't say practically anything to me. I mentioned to him how she at first wouldn't give me my bone density numbers, then when she did she didn't give me all the info. How she insisted that she had to do the paperwork the day I went for the follow-up bloodwork, and I assumed the blood had to be sent out. I told him that when I mentioned it to the lab, they told me that they do that work there. Now why couldn't she do the paperwork ahead of time and not put a date on it????? I told him that when I went back, I had decided that if she didn't get the paperwork done by a certain time, I was out of there and not coming back. He said "thank you". Not sure what, if anything, will be done. I don't know if anyone else has said anything to him about her or not. But at least I got it off my chest.

    Everyone...have a great evening.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all. Thank you for the anniversary wishes!

    Have had a whole eight days of good eating and exercise! Feels like I got my "mojo" back!!:bigsmile: And none too soon, I might add!! Getting ready to head out to a meeting soon.

    To everyone with health issues...hope you are better soon. To everyone experiencing "ups and downs"...just hang in there. It always amazes me how just the span of a day or so (or sometimes even minutes) can see such swings in how I am able to cope with making healthy choices and doing the right thing. Sometimes I'm a rock and others just a pile of rubble. I guess that comes from being human. If I could consistently figure out what causes me to mess up and circumvent the disaster I would probably be rich and famous from selling my "secret"!!

    Have a good night all! I enjoy reading your posts.

    KC...I'm remembering something about "KCWriter"...or am I just imagining it? At any rate, welcome back to the site that consistently proves the best things in life are free!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA but I've had a challenging week trying to work while still not feeling well. :ohwell: I just haven't had the energy to be on the computer much:yawn: so I'm very behind.:embarassed: I feel better today and exercised.:happy: I did some visiting today (my uncle who is very ill) as well as make a visit to the cemetary to place a flower at my father's grave.:heart: He was a great man as well as a proud American and Veteran.:bigsmile: I miss him...... but I don't miss seeing him in the condition he was in after his stroke.:cry: Hugs to heaven, dad!!!:love:

    Happy Birthday Kackie!:flowerforyou: You look great and I love your new pic! My new pic was taken on Halloween this year and I am holding my little pirate grandaughter!:laugh: (I was also feeling much perkier than I am today :laugh: ) Mimi has a picture with HER grandaughter pirate who looks like she could be my grandaughter's sister!!!:laugh:

    Robin your new pic is cute with your bodi! I haven't posted on most posts for the past week but am sorry you felt overlooked. Sometimes we all just fall behind on the posting but don't take it personally as I'm sure the pause was unintentional.:flowerforyou:

    Must get ready for bed as I have to work tomorrow.:yawn:

    Know that I carry you all in my heart and prayers even when I'm not posting. :love: You're ALL so special!!!

    We can all do it ....one day at a time!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello my friends. I missed you while I was in Tahoe. The weather in Tahoe changed from sunny to snowy while I was there. I could have done without the rain in-between but even that was beautiful. Tahoe’s hard to beat.


    Mimi .....we missed you too! BTW isn't it nice to find your waist! Great picture! I just was amazed at how I had curves! Who knew!:laugh:

    Okay goodnight....REALLY!

This discussion has been closed.