Silly things that annoy you!



  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    The guy at my gym who wears the 'I heart Fat Chicks' t-shirt. I kinda want to kick him. :tongue:

    Careful....he might 'heart' that too.... 8-o
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I know I might take some heat for this but I was annoyed recently by a woman that sued a "men's only" club because she was denied membership. Really? Why? She didn't really want to join. Just wanted to make a point.

    Almost went down to Curves and pitched a fit.

    That kind of thing annoys me too. I dislike it when anyone does something just to make a point. Either do it because you really want to or don't do it at all. :grumble: Besides, nothing is stopping her from creating an open club that does the same things as the "men's only" one.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    "People who are are intolerant of other people's cultures ... and the Scottish." -- Austin Powers

    My annoyances:

    - Left-turn red light runners ... that's ok, I'll just sit here at this green light and wait for you because your time is obviously much more important than mine.
    - People not using merge ramp to get up to posted highway speed!
    - People too lazy to pick up their towel & shut the locker door at the gym!
    - Not an annoyance, but something I notice all the time...under-inflated tires
    - Lately? The stupid auto-correct on my new android cell foam...especially when I don't notice it changed something.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    - Lately? The stupid auto-correct on my new android cell foam...especially when I don't notice it changed something.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I know a lot of people having that problem.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    - Lately? The stupid auto-correct on my new android cell foam...especially when I don't notice it changed something.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I know a lot of people having that problem.

    :laugh: I just got an iphone and the auto-correct gets me all the time.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I know I might take some heat for this but I was annoyed recently by a woman that sued a "men's only" club because she was denied membership. Really? Why? She didn't really want to join. Just wanted to make a point.

    Almost went down to Curves and pitched a fit.

    I'm a woman and I'm on your side with this one.
  • gypsyjacquelina
    gypsyjacquelina Posts: 19 Member
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Ok, here's one more. I'm originally from Missouri and it irks me when people pronounce Missoui "Missoura". There is no "a" in Missouri. :grumble:

    On this note... I'm from NJ, and can't stand when I tell people that, and pronouce it, "New Joisey." And I'm really starting to get sick of all the Jersey-related tv shows.. The stereotypes were bad enough before.. I for one am Jersey born and bred, and am not Italian, have never gone tanning (why pay for that when the sun is free??), and have never ever done anything resembling a poof in my hair!
  • Nicolletta
    The sound of a ringing telephone. That annoys me to no end.

    Not knowing the difference between your/you're, lose/loose, to/too/two, there/they're/their.

    ppl who rite in chtspk and dont use any punctuation or apostrophes and dont use a capital i and just go on and on and on without stopping i mean writing a LOL is 1 thing writing entire paragraphs of this stuff is another it just drives me nuts doesnt it drive u nuts is it 2 much 2 ask to use proper grammar these days i guess it is b/c i see this all the time i guess using the shift key is 2 much work or something cmon ppl learn to spell 4 crying out loud jeez........
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I can't stand spit-related habits. Chew is the worst. It's beyond gross to me to see people walking around with bottles of tobacco-juice and spit. Ugh. I could claim it's a tobacco thing, but really, people who do this with sunflower seeds skeeve me out as well.


    I love sunflower seeds and when I go to HS games, I spit in a cup rather than spit them out on the floor of the stands. I really don't know what else I could do ith the shells.

    I guess I'd rather skeeve someone out than make the janitor clean up my mess.

    I didn't mean any personal offense...I thought this was and about "silly" stuff (and that we admit it's silly for us to be annoyed by it).
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ugh! a new one for tonight.... the sound of the youth at the centre I work at dropping their pool cues on the ground.... it just grates at every nerve of mine!!!! can't you just hold on to the dang thing and not drop it every 5 min potentially snapping the tips off. yet again??? really is it so hard to hold on to?

    oh and the guy in the apt next to me (who's a really nice guy that I don't mind at all lol) hacking up his lungs every morning and late at night (like now. midnight) when I'm in bed.... just stop smoking already!!! yeesh.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    People that improperly use ellipsis...
    People that answer questions with an answer that leads you to the answer rather than giving you the straight answer.
    People that don't use turn signals.
    People that eat with their mouths open at a movie theater.

    I could really do this all day so I'm going to go ahead and stop now :)
  • lefrance12
    When people use improper subject/verb agreement for example: he were going to the store... people was running like crazy:huh:
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    When people use improper subject/verb agreement for example: he were going to the store... people was running like crazy:huh:

    Yes, yes and yes!! That drives me nuts!!!!
    Another one, is when people ask you a question and don't get the answer they're looking for so they ask you again, just rewording the same question....they will do it for like ten tries....uuuggghhh.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    When people use improper subject/verb agreement for example: he were going to the store... people was running like crazy:huh:

    That's called subject/verb DISagreement.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    oh, one more thing....

    Parents that don't make their kids eat food. There is not many things that turn my stomach then parents going..."Oh, you don't like the food? And you want something else? And what would you like? Pizza and chips? OK, I will get you pizza and chips so you don't go hungry"
    LET THEM STARVE> They will learn to like food. I know kids don't like everything. I have 2 so I know. But my daughter (almost 7) will eat most things, so I know that if she says she doesn't like it (AFTER SHE TRIED IT!!!) I won't make her. Same with my son. And they eat most things because we don't make fuss of them when eating and when we say there will not be ........whatever we have for them after dinner......we stick to it.

    Might sound really bad, but then I have my kids that eat even things like gherkins and blue cheese and all the vegetables (even though my son is more picky, but he will still eat it)

    And my sister is the worse offender. Example. My husband, my kids and I spend couple of hours picking blueberries in the summer. Took them to her and she made lunch. My kids had to eat all their lunch to get them, but her son was just saying he doesn't want it and got them straight away.:mad: :mad: :mad: ........the look on my kids faces was so hurtful. But I know that if I let them off once, they might be only small, but they are big enough to start playing on it...again, more my son then my daughter.

    So there....moan over, :laugh:

    We make our kids try everything but I find my hubby annoying as he tries to convince the kids that they like things that they say they don't. I CANNOT be convinced into changing my mind about stuff like that and thus it annoys me that he tries to get my kids to change their minds...IE You like ketchup, it is made of tomatoes so you should love this pasta sauce. Well ketchup and pasta sauce taste different to me. If they weren't different to some degree we would only have one tomato type sauce available right?

    It also bothers me that so many parents think that kids need kid food. Sure we have kid dinners once a week of the chicken strip/macaroni and cheese variety but usually they eat a dinner. It doesn't have to be their favorite for them to make a meal out of it. We have friends who get one meal from one restaurant for the kids while they are going to have Chinese because they assume the kids won't like Chinese. My kids love Chinese especially the baby corn.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Mothers, who drop their kids and after picking up their kids up from school and on a way out, they stand right in front of the small school side gate, that we all use. They form their little big mothers meeting there, with prams and some with their dogs and blok it completely........move your backside somewehre else and at least let us come out.

    And also the lazy parents, who live about 5 mins walk and yet blocked the road picking the kids up in a cars. (We live right opposite the school, it's just lucky we don't have a car and don't need to get it into our drive way)

    Pensioners who think the world owes them a living.

    People who feed their kids junk because they can't be bother to cook and the kids are so fat, that you wonder how long they are going to live. (I know it's harsh, but some of the kids at shcool here are big and I have to feel sorry for them, they don't deserve to go through most of us are going now. They are kids younger then 11 and already probably morbidly obese :frown: )

    my husband sometimes. :laugh:

    And another thing that annoy me, is that I moan too much and don't know when to stop. I do have more, but I think I stop here.
    This boils down to people only thinking about themselves and I find it terribly annoying as well. Recently we heard an announcement at some kids event to the parents "Everyone's kid is as important to them as your's is to you. Watch out people!"
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    People that turn their turn signal wayyyyyyyyy to early.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    My husband pronounces asphalt weird. He says "ash phalt" and it drives me crazy.

    My childrens' need to talk to me urgently the minute I start to rock out in the car to a favorite song.

    My neighbor. She has to say things three times before she can move on. I don't think she knows she does it but it makes me crazy.

    Toppers. People who must top your experience, whether it be that theirs was way better or way worse. Why can't my story be about me?

    Noisy kid toys.

    Being hungry on rest days because I have convinced my foolish self that I will gain 400 pounds if I go over on my calories from time to time.

    People with really overweight kids. Well that makes me sad because the kid has such a battle in front of them but the annoying part is when you watch the parent give the kid a lot of cookies then the parent says the kid usually has a very healthy diet. It just doesn't jive and I wasn't so rude as to comment on your child's weight or diet. If I didn't comment please don't make excuses and tell, um shall we call them untruths, to make yourself feel better. I know 2 people who do this and it makes me so sad for the kid.
  • lefrance12
    People that drag their feet as they walk!! Pick up your feet people D**m!!!:grumble: