Your calorie sob story



  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I have not had any quite so far, but in general Costco's muffins are very high in calories. Perhaps 600-700, even the blueberry kinds. They are HUGE though, but I wouldn't waste a third of what you're supposed to be eating on those.

    I have been eating hummus the past couple days. I am hoping I it isn't adding up to be too much
  • carazyg
    carazyg Posts: 37 Member
    I shouldn't have been surprised, but my biggest jaw dropper was McDonald's chicken nuggets... 20 nuggets for a day worth of regrets. Haha
  • luvdatbud
    Yea not a surprise any more but chicken wings! Sooooo good but with all the sweet sauces and stuff can easly be 1000 calories a dozen. And I know I've eaten 2 dozen and 2 beer like a 2300 cal lunch. Oh and dont for get the blue chesse dip!!! More like 2500!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    avocados - healthy fats ans such - but dang, they cost me calorie wise at first

    Hubsters almond flour pancakes (he low carbs so I have to beware the low carb high cal stuff he eats sometimes) - I ate 3 cause he put three on my plate - ate up a bunc of my calories for the day

    Sonic milk shakes - I was addicted to them last summer before I started MFP and then realized that there was just no way at my calorie level to "fit them in" reasonably. Have allowed myself other lower calorie "ice cream" things - but those are banished. McD cone comes in much easier with my calorie limits.
  • BriPZ74
    BriPZ74 Posts: 19
    I have not had any quite so far, but in general Costco's muffins are very high in calories. Perhaps 600-700, even the blueberry kinds. They are HUGE though, but I wouldn't waste a third of what you're supposed to be eating on those.

    I have been eating hummus the past couple days. I am hoping I it isn't adding up to be too much

    Might want to look that hummus up, it just may be your sob story.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    edit: In all seriousness, I was appalled to see the caloric values of some stuff at Chilis shortly after I started paying attention to what I was putting in my face.

    Those little chicken tender sandwiches at Chili's...holy crap did they have a ton of calories. Haven't checked recently, of course.
  • AppleGrapeMSTK
    AppleGrapeMSTK Posts: 16 Member
    I took my kid out for her birthday to Village Inn. I promised her dessert, so I looked up the calories before we got there. The carrot cake had something like 1150 cal, 85 carb, and 45 fat. I was so surprised! The best dessert they offered was the cheesecake at 500 cal. We got Orange Julius instead.
  • CaliLizard
    I'm new So I find myself kicking myself daily, ROFL and I swear when ppl hear healthy they bring out all the bad foods at once lol. I was most shocked by cookies! I had a darn good day counting calories and tried to treat myself to 3 cookies, only to discover home made chocolate chips are like 200 each. Then the next day ate a foot long sub as a healthy choice but woops! 6 inch is the better choice, been rough trying to get used to smaller meals and still feeling full. Gonna have to makke it though not complaining. Today ate collards, was shocked how low they were! But more shocked how much they go up just making them southern style! So everyday is bringing me a new shock lol.
  • erin8389
    erin8389 Posts: 16 Member
    mine was a muffin ok it was a big muffin but i never expected 1300 calories I now try and stay clear of them now lol
  • katiestanners
    Perogies! I knew they weren't good for me but in only 4 perogies there is 210 calories... I can eat 20 in one sitting and not to mention the sour cream and butter I added. Ugh. I still love the rogies.. Tonight I had to hide the bowl of them... I only ate 6... Hahaha ugh.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    A fricking SALAD at Outback. It's the Cobb with crispy chicken and ranch dressing, but still - I was shocked when I first looked it up and found out it was over 1,000 calories!

    Oooooo, I've been there before with Applebees. It's appalling what restaurants do to salad.

    That was mine - crispy chicken oriental salad @ Applebees, it's 1290 cal for the whole thing with 1 ramekin of dressing (which really is not enough lol)
    Oh yeah, I used to get that salad at Applebee's too... Always with extra dressing. I used to think it was a "healthier" option than most of their food.

    I had half a club sandwich at a pizza place today... Only 44 grams of protein in it, but 720 calories. For HALF a sandwich. So disappointing. I was still hungry after eating it, and it didn't even taste that great. :cry:
  • katiestanners
    I'm new So I find myself kicking myself daily, ROFL and I swear when ppl hear healthy they bring out all the bad foods at once lol. I was most shocked by cookies! I had a darn good day counting calories and tried to treat myself to 3 cookies, only to discover home made chocolate chips are like 200 each. Then the next day ate a foot long sub as a healthy choice but woops! 6 inch is the better choice, been rough trying to get used to smaller meals and still feeling full. Gonna have to makke it though not complaining. Today ate collards, was shocked how low they were! But more shocked how much they go up just making them southern style! So everyday is bringing me a new shock lol.

    I too just started calorie counting again and I was shocked by subway too. It's easy to get brainwashed in to thinking something is good for you when it's really not. I don't need a footling sub to be full but in my head I always feel like I do. Long sigh.
  • JustineV88
    Aldi's Bratwurst Sausages- 250 kcal and 25g fat each!! Won't buy them now!
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    I was surprised to find there are 115 calories in 1 shot (1.5 fl.oz) of most distilled spirits.

    Not so bad ... but calorie count really goes up in the mixed drinks / cocktails. Best to stick with the Gin and Tonics for a low calorie choice.
  • jeridith
    jeridith Posts: 67 Member
    Milk! I was drinking 8-10 glasses a day (we have a house cow, so it was free and abundant, and delectable). I could not figure out how I kept gaining so much weight, then got MFP and realised the milk was an ENTIRE days plus of calories. Made me sad. ????
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Activia. It's a type greek yogurt, incredibly high on calories and sugars but it's labeled like extremely healthy for weight loss and stuff. I've eaten this almost everyday in the beggining of my diet and I was wondering WHY THE HELL I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT?! Then I discovered MFP, calorie counting and etc. I do love greek yogurt so much, but now I'm kinda avoiding it, or at least when I do eat, it's low fat.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    Fish & chips! I knew it was bad but 1000 odd calories was ridiculous.

    Also once drank a Mars milkshake thinking 'ahh, calories aren't too bad in this' then realised those calories were for 250ml and it was a 500ml bottle. Eeeep!
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I knew they were calorific with butter and sometimes sugar, but I never expected it to be in the 1000s. :(

    Also double cream. My finace got a pot of double cream to make some pasta and turned out it was 1400kcals in a 300ml pot. Managed to convince him (a former chef) to use just 3 tablespoons instead of half the pot. :)
    We use single cream now.
  • Jenninscotland
    Jenninscotland Posts: 97 Member
    I've been eating healthy and maintaining the same weight for a few years now and thought I was making good choices. I am here now on MFP to lose those last stubborn lbs. however and have started counting.

    I *thought* I was making a good choice with low fat houmous - 77 calories for 1/5 of a pot. I'd eat 3/4 in one sitting easily.

    The second big surprise was walnuts - 14 halves, 185 calories. Not sure how many I would eat, but way more than 14 halves over the course of a day!
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    I was upset to see how many calories and how much sugar really is in my fave DQ blizzard of all time- mint oreo (large). That's 1070 calories, 168 g of carbs, 131 g of sugar. Ouch.

    It used to be something I would get bi-weekly and now I haven't had one for at least 2 months; it eats up my macros too much that it's not really worth it anymore. (unless I get really sick, then a blizzard always makes me feel better)