"You're still fat"



  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    Kevyn Aucoin (a make up artist) used to say:
    "no amount of make-up can mask an ugly heart"

    You are already beautiful, someday you will be slim too. Those girls, they might be skinny and pretty now, but the ugly on the inside always creeps out. Don't let their nastyness get to you :flowerforyou:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    1) you are doing so well congratulations on your goal! 4 miles is something to be proud of!
    2) they do not sound cute to me they sound ugly with a big ole capital U! and skinny i think not! maybe skinny body but they certainly have fat heads!
    3) just remember you are out there DOING something you're out there working your butt off getting yourself healthy
    4) who cares what they think of you - it's what you think of you that matters most!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Kevyn Aucoin (a make up artist) used to say:
    "no amount of make-up can mask an ugly heart"

    i used to love reading his tips in allure mag!
  • LizzyOnADowner
    LizzyOnADowner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, its so cruel what strangers can do to your mind. Don't let them deter you they have small minds obviously! And your better than that you had the courage (that they obviously don't) to do whats right for you. I only joined yesterday but it looks as though your doing really well, keep up the good work and feel GREAT ABOUT YOURSELF. You know! if you were to do the jog again you'll probably never come across such ignorant people again. It was cruel what they did but don't let them ruin your life........
    Love the quote'

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    How could people that I don’t even know steal my joy? How could people that I don’t even know be so cruel? Why did they even care? Why make the effort to go out of their way to be hurtful?

    Because people, especially teenage skinny girls, can be jerks.

    I've lost almost 100 pounds but I still have 70 to go and I've had some really rude comments thrown my way as well. It always hurts, and it's not easy to "just don't dwell on it." I try to adopt the attitude of: "I may be fat, but I'm losing weight. YOU will always be ugly on the inside."

    You're doing great! Congrats on reaching the 4-mile mark!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    Breaks my heart to hear you had to be exposed to this however I am so proud of you. It is okay to feel the sadness, to vent and to keep moving. Thank you for sharing your painful experience and allowing us to appreciate the tenacity of inner drive.

    Seriously, You rock!


  • Why have you allowed them to get to you? You don't have any control over what other people say to you BUT you do have control over how you react to it. You are a beautiful lady, who wants to lose weight to make herself feel better, your not doing it for them. Ignore them Hun xxx
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Oh sweetie - don't let those girls get in your way!

    I remember trying to lose weight years ago, and I was doing pretty good, moving right along. My boys were small, and one day one of them was riding on a Big Wheels and we started up a hill, so I started pushing him, and running, to get him to the top. I was laughing...it was fun...until some guys in a car drove by and one of them yelled, "Lose some weight!"

    My joy was gone. Unfortunately, my motivation was, too.

    Don't give those girls any power over you. I mean, let's face it, there are hateful people in this world. I don't have time for them.
    So don't give them any more of your time, either.

    Just do what you need to do. For YOU.
    And remember this, you are much more beautiful then they are because of the person you are inside, and that is the beauty that counts the most.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    The key is to not give any, and I mean ANY negative person any power over you.
    Anyone can say anything at any time but it can only hurt you if you let it, you control what hurts and what helps, it's not easy but it's your choice, not an easy choice but a choice non-the-less.
    I refuse to give any negative person or comment any control over my happiness, that is my choice.
  • SkyMaiden007
    SkyMaiden007 Posts: 25 Member
    Wowe- to try and deliberately hurt you like that :/

    Anyway, I have a bit of a mobility disorder, so I walk funny.

    When people say nasty things (which is not often, thankfully) I put on the BIGGEST grin I can, and yell "THANK YOU!! LOVE YOU TOO!!! YOURE BEAUTIFUL!!"

    Seriously, for some reason this response affects them far more than any other.
  • MelissaCalkins83
    MelissaCalkins83 Posts: 2 Member
    Way to go! 15 lbs is huge!! Who cares what those girls say - you are beautiful!! Weight change - an ugly heart can't... so their loss. Get it girl!
  • EplusThree
    EplusThree Posts: 47 Member
    Ugly people are cruel. As Phil Robertson says "makeup can hide a lot of evil".
    That's so sad you were a victim of such hurt.
    I LOVE seeing people running/walking/jogging!! I ALWAYS stick out my hand for a high five when I'm passing and say something nice, because, no matter who you are, you're out there, doing something good for youself.

    Here's a passing high five for you next time you're out there, gettin your sweat on :)
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Just keep walking. People like that will keep being stupid. They sure didn't get out and say it to your face because they know you are kicking *kitten* if you are working out. Four miles? You are a champ.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I am average sized. I get heckled when I run on occasion. It does not matter what you look like. The miserable people in the world will always have something to say. It is a reflection on them, not you. Keep up the good work!
  • morethanthis0
    morethanthis0 Posts: 260 Member
    You are doing a great job! You losing 15 lbs is an inspiration to me!
    I had a similar incident with a car full of young boys, I was just walking accross the street and they yelled "move fat *kitten*". It's crazy how hurtful people can be but...they are the sucky ones...not us! Keep going! You got this!
  • nitau
    nitau Posts: 9 Member
    wow. but it is true, perfect strangers can ruin your whole day. words hurt. you can only chalk it up to stupid people saying stupid things. they have no life experience. Keep up the great work, what a wonderful thing to be able to do 4 miles, wish I could!
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    While you may "still be fat", they're still *kitten*. I know which one I'd rather be, and I suspect you'll finish your transformation before they even start theirs.
  • sunshinealways
    sunshinealways Posts: 15 Member
    There are always going to be hurdles in our way. That is what they were a hurdle, to test your will and determination. They are insignificant and will suffer their own issues at some point. You are doing this for you. You are on the right track, don't let someone, anyone deter you from the person you want to be. No one, no one can steal your happiness. You can give it away, but no one can take it. Let it go or use it for fuel to push you to the next level, whichever works for you. You are amazing and beautiful, continue on girl. Just look at all the support on this blog. We are ALL your cheerleaders, all shapes, sizes.... You've got this!!!!
  • lynnsmilin
    lynnsmilin Posts: 10 Member
    Keep going girl!!! don't let anyone stop you.. some people are just heartless.. I would not let it derail your efforts at all.. you are far more important than what anyone else thinks.. so don't give up on you.. keep going!!!!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    This summer I took my friend hiking. I had recently lost a bunch of weight and she is about 100 pounds overweight. However, she was doing her best to do what she could and it was a big deal for her to get out there and try.

    While we were hiking, a late 50's-early 60's aged couple came a long while we were taking a little break. The lady (skinny) was like "Hurry up, chop chop, no resting." My friend said, "Yeah, she's trying to kill me" and pointed at me. The woman then said, "I don't think she would have chosen the easiest trail on the whole mountain if she was trying to kill you." I could just see how defeated this immediately made my friend.

    In retrospect, I wish I would have said, "Lady, there's just the two of us and the two of you up here. I am pretty sure I could throw you down the mountain and it would just be he said/she said. Now get going while you can and have a nice day.:wink: "

    People suck. My friend has never tried again.

    I hope you won't be deterred by idiots. People always yell at me when I am running no matter what size I am. :grumble: